~ 2.23 ~
Whimpering you moved your head to the right in your sleep. You were half awake as you saw yourself tracing a man's torso with your fingers. There were some letters tattooed on his rib. You kissed each letter on him tenderly with so much love and pulled back to look at it. 'NEVERMIND' you read the word in a whisper. When you looked up at the man and saw him smiling at you with so much love, you jerked open your eyes and sucked in a breath.
Jimmy! You sat up on your bed with a hand on your chest. You didn't know if what you saw was a memory or a dream but you keep seeing him a lot ever since he left you.
Jimmy.. No matter how much I think about it, the answer is you. But still I'm writing the wrong answer in my heart. I try pushing you out but you're still there. And now you're inside my dreams. Even though I'm miles away now, why do I feel like I will never escape you? You spoke to him in your head like the past couple of days. It's a way you found to cope up with the fact that he is gone.
It's been almost a week since you moved to Seoul. Leaving your friends and memories behind in Singapore was really hard, specially June. At one point you almost fought with Jungkook for deciding to move back here. But you knew it was not his fault and you were happy that Jungkook has come this far and was on his top level of his career. So you didn't make a big of a fuzz.
Everything felt so foreign and different here. So many things had changed compared to what you remembered. Jungkook showed you around the first two days a little and some places were still the same. You wanted to go see your house here in Seoul but you didn't have time. Jungkook promised to take you there on the weekend so you waited. You felt lonely stuck in this apartment that Jungkook's company offered him. But it was bearable because June would video call you and speak to you for hours daily.
"Precious?" You heard Jungkook calling you.
"Coming." Groaning you stretched yourself and got out of the bed. Normally Jungkook would let you sleep and make breakfast for you before going to work. But today he was expecting some delivery sent by his brother in Busan. So he wanted you to be awake to accept them.
Things were slowly getting back to normal with you and Jungkook. He was more responsible and attentive now. But you are still not ready to start over just yet. The move to Seoul and the events that happened in the past still had you all tied up.
When you got outside of your room, Jungkook was looking at two different ties in his hand, trying to decide which one to wear. Now since he is holding a higher post, he had been dressing up formally in suits. He looks matured now, specially with a new haircut. And that made you happy.
"Which one?" He asks showing you the two ties when he sees you approaching him.
"Hmm.. This one looks better." You say taking the dark blue one which had tiny white dots on it. You lift his collar and bring the tie around his neck to fix it for him. You looked up and he gave you his soft bunny smile which you returned. But then you had a sudden whiplash of Jimin standing in front of you and you are fixing his tie. Once again when Jungkook's face came into the view, you stumbled back a little in shock.
"Woah. Are you ok?" Jungkook quickly grabbed you and held you by your arms.
"Uh.. Yeah. I guess I was still sleepy." You lie.
"Just get some more sleep after the boxes come. They will be here in fifteen. I would stay but I really have an important meeting today. And then I have a magazine interview." Jungkook says with a slight pout.
"It's ok Kookie. I can do that much. Anyways.. you better get going now." You say finishing up the knot and fixing his collar.
"Yes ma'am. I made some pancakes for you. Don't forget to eat them. I'll see you after work." Jungkook says and grabs his stuff for work. You give a nod and walk with him to the door.
As he was about to leave, he suddenly turned back to look at you. "Did you forget something?" You ask tilting your head. He just gives you a simple smile and pulled you into a hug. You were surprised as you were not expecting it but you didn't fail to return it. "Just wanted to warm my heart a bit." He murmured.
You couldn't help but feel soft and smile as You hugged him tighter and patted his back. "Come early today if you can. We can watch a movie and relax. You have been working too much and you look too stressed lately." You say to him.
"I'll try." He says and release you from his hug. "But I'll take you out this weekend. I have to tell you something important." He says again for the fifth time since you both came back to Seoul.
"Yeah Yeah I know. And you will only tell it when it's time. Got it. Now go.. It's not nice when the new boss arrives to work late." You made a face and Jungkook chuckled a bit.
"I'll go now. Rest some more." He caresses your cheek gently and leaves once you give a nod. Smiling a little you walked back into the apartment. Since you had few more minutes, you went to the bathroom to freshen up and change into something decent.
Just like Jungkook said you received the delivery on time. The two men moved four to five boxes into the apartment and left them in the middle. They were some stuff of Jungkook that he wanted shifted. Once everything was moved you went to have the breakfast that Jungkook made for you.
While getting yourself a cup of coffee, you couldn't help but miss the goofy guy with two beautiful night sky like eyes and a bright smile that could light up the whole sky. Your heart clenched at the memory of Jimin but you were helpless, You did try to find him even after that day. You looked him up on social accounts but nothing ever came up. It was as if he was non existent. Eventually you gave up because it was useless. Also you tried to make up your mind thinking that this is what you wanted.
Sighing out you finished your breakfast and decided to move the boxes to a corner since they are lying right in the middle of the living room. First you pushed the two big boxes along the floor as they were heavy to carry. The next medium sized one was not heavy so you carried it to place with the two big boxes. Then you looked at the remaining two which were smaller compared to others. Since you were lazy to go back and forth, you placed one on top of the other and tried to lift them both at once. But because of your clumsiness you accidently tripped and dropped both boxes. One of the boxes opened and half of the things in it was out on the floor.
"Shit!" You cursed and straightened up the box to put back the stuff in. You lazily picked up some notes and small items near you to put back first. Then you noticed that there was another flat rectangle gift box on the floor. As you picked it up the lid fell and you jumped back with a yelp as a phone fell to your foot along with a photo frame.
You cursed holding your foot for a second and then picked up the phone to inspect it. Luckily there were no cracks. The phone looked bit old but for some reason it felt very familiar. You tried to ON it but the battery was dead. What are you doing? These are Jungkook's stuff. You scolded yourself and then picked up the frame. As you turned the frame, you froze with wide eyes when you saw that it was a photo of you.
Your heart did weird twists when you saw it. You looked very happy and peaceful. Your lips had a pure smile and your eyes was filled with warmth and love as if you are looking at the person you love with your all. Did Jungkook take this picture? A small smile tugged your lips but you quickly pouted with furrowed brows when you noticed the back of the frame was broken. When you turned it back to see if you could fix it, you noticed some letters on the white surface of the photo. Getting curious, you took out the photo to read what's written on it.
' Insatiable is my desire for you,
Limitless are my boundaries for you.
True are my feelings for you,
Intense is my passion for you,
The soul is my offering for you,
Commitment is my promise to you.
~ Tokyo April 6th~
Love. Your Perv J.
Reading it your heart started pounding and your head started paining once again. Your headaches have been coming and going for the past few days. And strangely you have started to remember little things like some places you have been to. Some moments with Jungkook. Some office space along with unknown faces. But what confused you was that you saw the playful sweet man in your heart in a different light. It was like he was fused with the mystery man of your past dreams.
Wanting to take a small nap, you put everything back to how they were and laid down on the sofa. You closed your eyes and started massaging your temples while thinking why Jungkook kept that photo away along with a phone that looked and felt familiar. And those words, they weren't simply just words. You felt the sincerity of them and it was a deep promise along with a confession of one's love. You got tingles thinking about how someone wrote such a beautiful promise on your photo. Your perv J.. J as in Jungkook? You wondered and slowly drifted off to sleep.
Once Jungkook was done with the meeting he went back to his new office. Moving back was not easy and he felt so many things in his life changed drastically. But he isn't complaining because he finally feels grown up. He finally understood what others kept nagging about. And most of all he was relieved that things are getting better between you and him.
But no matter what every passing day his heart keeps getting tighter and tighter. He had decided to tell you everything and break down the truth slowly to you. He was terrified on the inside but Jungkook knew that this is the only way you both could start over. He didn't know after knowing the truth how you would react but he hoped that you would forgive him and understand why he did it.
The knock on the door made Jungkook look up and it was his newly appointed secretary. "Mr. Jeon the interview set up is done in the gaming room and the people from the magazine are here." She informs.
"I'll head there now, Thank you Miss. Kim. And please ask Nate and Sobin to join as well." Jungkook orders and grabs his blazer to leave.
As he entered the area he almost halted in his tracks when he saw the girl seated with a tab on her hand. The photographer next to her greeted Jungkook seeing immediately noticing his presence and then the girl looked up at him and smiled.
"Hi Jungkook. How have you been?"
"Joy.. I've been good. How are you?" He asks smiling back at the girl he once dated.
"I'm good too. It's been a while. I heard you just moved back to Korea." She spoke much more elegantly than she used to. Not only that, Jungkook didn't fail to notice how much of a lady she looks now. She was different and less flashy.
"Yeah it's been couple of days now. I see that you have changed the magazine company." He says.
"Hm.. got a better offer." She answers and stares at Jungkook with a soft smile tugged on her lips. Jungkook returned the smile staring back at her.
"Excuse me Miss. Joy, should I start taking some photos till the others come?" Her assistant asks interrupting them.
"Yeah sounds good." She says and steps away to let Jungkook take his seat.
Once the session was done Jungkook walked up to Joy. He kind of felt bad that he was ignorant towards her in the past. Not that she made things easy but still Jungkook felt like he needed to apologize.
"Hey Joy.." He trailed off and she turned to face him.
"Um.. I know it's all in the past and it's too late. But I want to apologize for my past behavior towards you. I never took anything seriously and I was kind of a jerk." Jungkook says nervously.
"That you were." Joy chuckles making Jungkook smile.
"I know. But I'm responsible enough to apologize now for my actions. Sorry if I hurt you in any ways." He says sincerely.
"It's ok Jungkook. We both were just.. immature I guess. I know I was a bitch too. So we are equal." She shakes her head.
"That I agree too." Jungkook points. "Heyy.." Joy swats his arm playfully and both of them chuckles.
"Want to hang out sometime later?" She asks suddenly and Jungkook spaced out for a second.
"Don't take it too seriously. I meant as friends.. just to make up for the past." She states.
"Sure. Sounds good. I'll let you know when I get a free time." He smiles mentally taking a note of it.
"Ok. Well.. It was nice seeing you again Jungkook. I'll see you around then." She gathers her things to go. " And give my regards to Y/n." She smiles knowingly. Joy didn't have to ask if he was in touch with you because she knew you two are like glue, inseparable.
Jungkook's smile almost curled down because he knew that he couldn't pass Joy's regards to you because you don't remember. But still he didn't want to mention that to Joy. So he just gave a nod and watched Joy leave with her assistant.
Feeling light at heart he pulled out his phone to call you. It was already noon and he wondered what you were doing. Jungkook couldn't help but smile when you answered in a sleepy voice.
"Are you sleeping?"
"No.. not anymore. Just got up five minutes ago. How did the interview go? " You ask.
"Hmm.. It was good. I knew the girl who came to interview today so it was not nerve wrecking." He says.
"Oh that's nice. Did you have lunch?"
"No not yet. Just wanted to check on you before that." He says and the line got quiet for a seconds. Then out of curiosity you spoke again.
"Kook.. Have we been to Tokyo before?"
"Tokyo? Hmm.. nope. So far the only country we went to was Singapore. Why? Do you want to go there someday?" He asks jokingly. You were confused in that moment but then you just played along.
"I wouldn't mind." You say.
"Ok. We'll talk about that later. I have some work to do. I'll see you at home."
"Ok. Take care Kook."
"You too Precious."
Once Jungkook hung up, you sat straight and thought about the picture. It was definitely signed Tokyo April 6th. If we have never been to Tokyo then why was it mention there? Should I just show Jungkook and ask about it when he gets home? Yeah maybe I should do that. You said to yourself and got to the kitchen. Opening the fridge you scanned it. A satisfied smile spread when your eyes landed on a piece of ice cream cake that was leftover from last night. You took it out along with a spoon and went back to the living room to watch something on the tv.
You hummed in bliss when you took a bite first. As you were flipping through the local channels your phone rang again. Keeping the remote aside you answered the call because it was from June and put her on speaker.
"I'm surprised you made a normal call instead of a video call. Sick of my face already?" You teased.
"Gosh this girl.. Well I'm not at the shop. I came to the studio to collect the pictures from the shoot. And oh my god. You look absolutely stunning." June sounded excited.
"Where? Show me." You demanded while taking another bite from your desert.
"I'm just waiting in the lobby for them to hand me the pictures. I'll go home and email you some."
"Oh ok. So what's the progress of the competition?" You ask and June went on explaining about number of rounds that she needs to win and other stuff. As you were listening to her, your ears perked at a certain name mentioned on the TV. Your head snapped up to the screen and the channel was showing some business news.
Your eyes widened at the name 'Park Jimin' displayed on the red banner on the bottom. You grabbed the remote and increased the volume to listen to what the news presenter was saying.
'Mr. Park Jimin, the heir to the PJ Corporations was announced as the new chairman of the group this morning. The event was held in the PJ Co. main building located in Seoul along with the press conference.'
Then clips of the event started playing. Your mouth fell open and the spoon on your hand fell to the floor as a well known man walked up to the podium to give a speech.
"Jimmy?" you whispered in shock.
But that can't be. This man.. this man looks very different. Very elegant and also very intimidating. The Jimmy I know is very kind and humble but this man screams power and luxury. But wait? Park Jimin? Jimmy is Park Jimin? No No No... why are they calling him Park Jimin? Wait.. is that really Jimmy? Is it really My Jimmy?
All of a sudden you started panicking. Then you heard June's worried voice calling your name over and over. You quickly grabbed the phone.
"June.. Oh my god June." You spoke in a high voice as unknown feelings started taking over you.
"Y/n.. what's going on? Why are you panicking?"
"June.. it's him. I found him. I found Jimmy.. but I don't know if it's him. June they are saying it's Park Jimin. Oh my god. what is this? What is happening?" You went on unable to calm down.
"Y/n.. what are you saying?" June ask.
"June. Jimmy is on TV. I found him. He looks... he looks like the man in my dreams June. And.." You suddenly stopped your ranting when you saw Lee standing behind Jimin like he was guarding him.
"LEE?" You exclaimed in a loud voice.
"Oh my god Y/n.. what's going on?"
"June it is JIMMY!!!! Lee is there too. How on earth are they here." You were going crazy in this moment. Your heart was pounding and your ears were throbbing. You couldn't wrap anything around your head.
"June.. I.. I have to go." You say abruptly getting up.
"What? Where?" June asked equally panicking as you.
"To see him. To his office." You say and quickly hung up. You didn't care about anything else than seeing him once again. You grabbed your side bag and quickly head out to get a taxi.
Surprisingly your destination was closer than you expected. You didn't feel completely lost because you kind of remembered Jungkook showing around these places. After paying the driver, you stood in front of a massive building. Your heart was drumming, your hands were trembling and you felt like your legs were numb as you were a nervous wreck. Come on Y/n! You got to do this. Jimmy is in there. He will have all the answers. Go find him.
Mustering up all your courage you walked in. You immediately felt out of place but strangely it kind of felt familiar too. You walked up to the reception to excused yourself. The girl behind the desk did smile at you but not a very friendly one.
"How can I help you?" She asked.
"C-can I meet Jimmy.. I mean Mr. Park Jimin." You stuttered a bit like an idiot. The girl looked at you weirdly, specially at your clothing since you were dressed plainly since you were at home.
"Do you have an appointment?" She asked next.
"No.. I don't have an appointment but I need to meet him." You say to her.
"I'm really sorry. You cannot meet anyone here without an appointment. Specially the new chairman." She said too firmly.
" Look.. it's important. Just tell him that Y/n is here to see him." You say desperately. She gave you an annoyed look but still she made a call. After speaking for a minute she hung up.
"I'm sorry Mr. Park is not available right now. Please make an appointment and visit again." She says and quickly went back to attend someone else ignoring you completely. You sighed and turned to walk out. You looked around thinking of a way as you were not ready to give up. You needed to see him.
"Y/n?" You heard a female voice and you turned to see who it was. Your brows furrowed when a beautiful girl walked up to you with a big smile.
"It is you." She giggled and hugged you. You were taken aback so you quickly stepped back.
"I'm sorry.. who? Do I know you?" You ask and she looked offended.
"Y/n.. it's me Sola. Don't tell me you forgot me." She pouted.
"Sola?" You repeated and she gave a questioning look. Then it hit you that maybe you knew her before the accident.
"I-I'm really sorry. I really don't remember you. I didn't mean to offend you or something.. It's just I got into an accident few years ago and I really don't remember a lot of things." You say honestly.
"What? Oh my god. Y/n. I'm so sorry to hear that." She hugged you again. She looked genuinely concerned.
"I'm sorry but can I know how you know me?" You ask out of curiosity.
"Y/n you worked here. We worked together for few years and we were friends."
"What? I worked here?" You were beyond shocked now.
"Yeah you worked here and then you transferred to the Busan office." She said.
"I-I went to Busan?" Your confusions and questions kept piling up and getting tangled like a messy yarn. Your head was hurting but you had to stay focused.
"Yes. I thought you are here for some work. What are you doing here?"
"I-I came to meet someone named Park Jimin. Do you know how I can meet him. Please help me." You sounded desperate but you didn't care.
"I don't think you can meet him like that Y/n. He is the chairman now. You used to be his PA so you should know." She dropped another bomb.
"PA? What?" You ask with eyes getting wide as possible.
"Oh I'm sorry, I guess you can't remember that as well." She went on saying something else but you just couldn't hear her. You were spacing out and all these information were too much for you to process. You eyes landed on a man who looked like a guard and then suddenly something hit you.
"Lee" You say to Sola and then rushed back to the receptionist. She sighed seeing you.
"I'm sorry if you are here to-"
"Lee. Can I meet Mr. Lee. The person who is with Mr. Park Jimin." You say cutting her off. She was going to refuse again but Sola stepped in.
"Lee as in the assistant of Mr. Park?" She asked, you didn't even know who he was to Jimin but since he was with him you just quickly nodded.
"Ring him up." Sola tells the girl at the reception.
"But Miss Sola she don't have an appointment."
"It's ok. She is Mr. Park's previous PA." Sola says and the girl obeyed.
"He will be here. Please stay seated." The girl informed after speaking on the phone. You let out a relieved sigh and prayed that it's the same Lee. You turned and thanked Sola. She walked you to the seating area and gave you her number. She said she had to get back to work and left you there.
It only took few minutes you saw Lee rushing to you. "Lee!" You say standing up. A rush of happiness came over you to see him.
"Y/n.. What are you doing here? How did you find us?" Was the first thing he said and that brought you back to why you were there.
"Lee.. Where is Jimmy? Please take me to him. I want to see him. Please. I saw the news earlier.. what's going on?" you started getting worked up again as you held onto his hands. Lee looked shocked but also happy to see you. He smiled sweetly making you furrow your brows.
"Lets go see him. He will answer your questions."
Your palms were sweating but you still gave a nod. Instead of going inside the building, Lee took you out to the parking lot.
"Where are we going?" You ask as he opened the door for you.
"Mr. Park is not here. He is home. I'll take you there." He says.
Lee was feeling really happy. He couldn't wait to take you to Jimin. He was upset because ever since they came back Jimin was so silent and broken. Even though June informed them that you are back in Seoul Jimin didn't make a move because you didn't want him in your life.
But now seeing that you are here searching for him will change everything. Lee got an earful from June earlier. He didn't know that you were here till the reception called him. And when he saw so many missed calls and messages from June he knew something was not right so he dialed June up and came running down.
After few minutes you entered a Luxurious looking apartment complex. You felt like your head was going to explode as you felt like you stepped into another world. These guys who worked with you at a café. The ones who you bossed around lives here. You gulped nervously as Lee pressed the floor to the Penthouse.
PENTHOUSE! Your eyes popped but you tried to remain calm. You were thankful that Lee didn't try to make conversation as he was silent the whole time like always. Soon you arrived to the floor and Lee walked you in. Your insides were too worked up to look around and your head was filled with so many things.
"Follow me." Lee says and you followed him with your head down. He walked you to a room which looked like an office space. "Stay here. I'll go and inform Mr. Park." Lee says and then disappears from the room.
Your breathing was deep and your heartbeat was erratic. You couldn't stay in one place as you were getting impatient. You looked around and started pacing the place near the desk. But suddenly you halted as your gaze fell on the expensive looking desk. A rush of gut twisting emotions wrapped you up in that swift second.
You hear faint footsteps trailing from behind. However, your legs refuse to move against the will of your mind. You blink your eyes to get rid of the blur as tears sting the corner of your eyes making it hard to concentrate on the object that has now captured your undivided attention. You let a tear roll down your cheek as your eyes fixate on the photo frame in front of you. There it was, the picture of you wearing your most precious jewelry. Your smile. It looked like an alluring accessory on your bare face.
B-but how is this picture here? It's the same picture that I saw earlier in that box. Even though you saw it earlier, seeing it now, here.. out on a desk felt different.
The portrait was carefully placed in a spot where it got access to just the right amount of sunlight, making it hard for any passerby to miss its breathtakingly beautiful view. The portrait outlined your sparkling teeth as it cut through your lower lip, anybody could've mistaken it thinking that it was your everyday smile. Anybody but you. You knew. Just like before you could tell that it wasn't merely a smile brought out by your glistening teeth, nor one that came from your cherry lips. This was a smile drawn out right from the depths of your soul and you have wanted answers to this since the first time you eyed it at your place.
However, witnessing it at Jimin's house under a different light has stirred up so many more emotions inside of you. You had a cobweb of questions, clouded by unexplained tears. Everything felt nostalgically familiar, like you were almost one with where your legs stood it's ground. Yet you couldn't quite put your finger on it.
"What is this picture? Why is it here?" You spoke out your thoughts loud and with shaky hands you took the frame into your hands. Wanting to find answers you turned to it's back to remove it to see if it had the same wordings but before that you heard his voice.
" Insatiable is my desire for you.. Limitless are my boundaries for you." You snapped your head up to see the man who you had been longing to see ever since he left you. Your heart clenched and tears came out more. He looked different but also very familiar. It was like this is who he is but still you are failing to recognize him. His eyes glistened. His face was nonchalant. He spoke each line with every step he took towards you.
"True are my feelings for you"
"Intense is my passion for you."
" The soul is my offering for you." By this he was right in front of you with his beautiful eyes gazing into yours. His hair was damp and his white T-shirt was clung to his body. His hand came up to wipe off a tear and caress your cheek gently with his thumb as he finished what he was saying. "And commitment is my promise to you that I made on April 6th in Tokyo."
Your heart almost stopped to his confession. It was him! He wrote it. It was him that everything belonged to. Your insides were going crazy and you felt overwhelmed.
"J-Jimmy?" The name came out in a questionable whisper. A small smile tugged the corner of his lips and he slowly shakes his head.
"T-Then.. Who are you?" You asks. He pressed his forehead against yours and brushed his nose against yours with his eyes tightly closed. It was as if he missed you like crazy.
"I'm the person who has always been in your heart. The one who always waited for you to return Home. The one who you always felt complete with." He pauses as he takes a soft deep breath. " I'm Park Jimin. Yours only Park Jimin." With that said he lifted your jaw and pressed his lips against yours.
The lost tingles returned bringing back every part of you back to life as you got lost into the lips of the man claiming to be Park Jimin. You felt like crying all over again feeling his lips on you again. You never thought you would feel this again, you thought you would forever be a dead soul because the one that could make you feel alive was this man. The painful memory of him leaving you flashed and then series of memories him in suit, him on bed with you, him kissing you and many more flashed.
With a gasp you break away from his kiss and take a quick step back. You look at him with wide confused eyes. How can he be the guy in my dreams? Park Jimin. Is this really the one I loved and longed for? Wanting to clarify your doubts further, with trembling fingers and wavering eyes you reached the hem of his shirt. He looked at you worried but his eyes quickly travelled down when he felt your fingers grazing his stomach.
Little by little as you were lifting his shirt up, your heart pounded hard against your ribcage as if it was trying to jump out and run. You swallowed hard and then your breath hitched when your doubt got confirmed. You gaped at his 'NEVERMIND' tattoo. It was just like in your dreams. How is this possible? It's him.. it's really him. But how come I didn't know anything about it. Why did he pretend to be someone else. Why did he act like he didn't know me... And Jungkook.. why didn't he tell me this. Wait! But I'm with Jungkook. I've been dating Jungkook.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!" You suddenly screamed holding your head. Everything was hurting. Your head, your chest, your stomach and even the blood running through your veins. Your brain was throbbing and your breathing got heavy.
"Y/n.." Jimin quickly held you by your upper arms getting scared.
"Baby calm down please." He says seeing you panicking.
"No!! Go away!" You screamed and pushed him away from you. No this can't be! This can't be! You turned your body from left to right taking unsteady steps unable to stay put. You felt like you are caught in a storm that you couldn't get out of. It was scary, confusing and painful.
"Y/n.. you need to calm down. Let me explain." Jimin tried to approach you again but you quickly stepped back.
"Princess Please.." His voice trailed off in a pleading manner and you closed your eyes to the name he called. Your heart twitched at it and you managed to look at him again. You could clearly see that he was scared and concerned about you. His eyes held deep worries for you.
" What the hell is going on?" You ask strictly while glaring at him.
"I'll tell you everything but please calm down. You are not in a good condition."
"I know baby. I know. But trust me on this." He says but you just scoffed.
"Trust you! I don't think so. Why should I trust an imposter who pretended to be someone else and disappeared without a trace. I don't even fucking know you. You could be lying to me." You spat.
"Y/n I'm not lying to you. I never lied about my feelings. Maybe I used a different name but it was all for you. I just wanted you back and I wanted to stay close to you. I was scared because you didn't remember me. And you thought you were with Jungkook and you believed everything that he said, so I was helpless." Jimin said panicking.
"I am with Jungkook! I don't know what you are trying to say.. But I do believe Jungkook more than anything even more than myself or you. I shouldn't be here. I need to go." You say all of a sudden and tried to leave. You didn't understand what this man was saying and you didn't want to listen to him either.
"No wait. You can't go like this. Just listen to me once." Jimin tried to stop.
"No! I need to go home. Let me be." You say honestly. You just want to cool down and get away from everything. You pushed passed him and ran out. To your relief he didn't stop you this time.
Jimin watched you leave, he knew that you wouldn't accept anything that he would say now because you are in denial. He understood that you found out about him and he really didn't think ahead before speaking. Now he is really worried. He didn't expect you to react like this. No matter how much he wants to run behind you, he knew that it will not do any good. The only person who can get through you was Jungkook. But still he couldn't just sit back and wait without doing anything. So he quickly dialed up Lee's number and waited for him to answer.
"Lee, Y/n just left my place. Keep an eye on her for the rest of the day. I don't feel good about this." Jimin says feeling something strange in his heart.
"Yes Sir, I'm on it." Lee answered and hung up.
You don't know how but somehow you managed to get to the apartment that you shared with Jungkook. You felt hot as your body was burning up, your head was spinning and your throat felt super dry. You grabbed a cold water bottle from the fridge and chugged it down. You thought about everything that happened earlier. As you were slowly calming down you repeated what that Sola girl and Jimin said.
According to Sola I used to work as a PA to Jimin. Park Jimin. So that makes sense how I knew him. But why did Jungkook said that he was a college crush.. Did he lie to me? No way.. there is no way Jungkook would lie to me. But then why did Jimin suggests things as if Jungkook did lie. And what did he mean by he is my Jimin? Why did he speak to me as if he was my lover all this time. And those dreams.. what if they are not dreams but really memories? What if I was really with Jimin? But that can't be.. Jungkook is the one.
As your thoughts ran wild, your eyes landed on the boxes from earlier. Feeling something in your gut you reached for it and took out the box from which held your photo. Your heart trembled seeing the picture of you again. These words.. they were from Jimin not Jungkook. You thought as another set of tears stung your eyes.
You looked at the phone next to it. Finding it suspicious you took it out and went to your room. You plugged the charger in and sank to the floor as you waited for it to turn on. Crap! You cursed when you saw that it was locked and you needed the passcode or the fingerprint to unlock it.
Eyeing it suspiciously and wondering if the phone was yours, you tried your print and to your surprise it unlocked. So this is mine! But what shocked you the more was the picture in your Homescreen. It was a picture of you in Jimin's arms. You couldn't believe it. Without wasting any time you quickly went to the gallery and you scrolled through the photos. Most of them were pictures of you and Jimin. It was so obvious that you both were involved with each other. You looked happy and in love.
With shaking fingers you played a video that was there and it was a video of Jimin sleeping with a puffy face. You recognized your own giggles as you were the one recording it. Jimin peeked through one eye and groaned. 'Baby stop it. Let me sleep in peace.' he complained. 'You've been sleeping for hours now. Plus you look like a cute baby with your puffy face today.' you giggled. He groaned again but this time playfully and then he suddenly grabs you making you yelp. 'Then let me wake up kissing you with my cute puffy face.' After that the video was unstable but you could here the happy giggles and kisses and then the video stopped as you ended it.
Without you knowing tears were streaming down your cheeks. So it's true! Next you checked the messages. On top was 'My Kookie' but after that was 'My Perv'. You immediately went through the My Perv knowing it was Jimin. You could see that the last messages that were exchanged were painful. It looked like you two had a fight but Jimin was pleading to let him explain. You scrolled more and you saw that how much in love you both were in. Was I really dating him? Then what about Jungkook. You quickly went back and checked his messages. You could see that you were fighting with Jungkook too. What happened? You didn't know what happened but you realized that you never dated Jungkook. You both were only friends.
He lied! Jungkook lied! He really fooled me? hurt, betrayal and anger took over you instantly. It felt like someone had somehow grabbed your heart and squeezed it painfully tight, constricting your lungs from breathing.
"Y-Y/n.." You heard Jungkook's shocked unsteady voice followed by a thud. Jungkook had dropped the bag he was holding seeing you going through your old phone. When you met your teary gaze with his, you felt like a punch to the gut as hurt flashed through you. You got up to face him wanting answers but you were at loss of words.
You could see the horror in Jungkook's eyes which was starting to fill up with tears as he knew that there was no escape now. He saw how deeply hurt you are and he felt so ashamed of himself. His lips quivered and his heart raced as you spoke.
"Did you lie to me?" You asked through gritted teeth. Jungkook felt your anger and he felt needles pricking his heart seeing you looking at him like this.
"Y/n.. Let me explain." His voice was painfully low.
"I asked did you lie to me." You repeated.
"Y/n I didn't completely lie to you.. I-I just hid the truth. But please hear me out." He begged. But you stood there glaring at him. Your body was burning up on the outside but you were cold as the roaring storm on the inside. A wave of fury filled your body and you started buzzing with anger. I trusted him with my all but how could he betray me and play me!
"D-did you have fun? Playing me like this." You asked swallowing a lump that was stuck in your throat as you struggled to keep your tears away. Jungkook felt like his heart got ripped when you put it out like that. Tears which he was holding back broke through as he shook his head lightly in pain staring at you with pleading eyes.
"Tell me Jungkook. Was it fun?" You asked again but he just stood there breaking down just like you. It was torture to see him cry because you never let him but today it was different. Even though it was killing you, you wanted to know. "Answer me Jungkook." You asked more firmly.
"It was painful." He choked as he continued with his tears. "Every time when you looked at me differently.. when you smiled at me as if you are mine.. when you were there with me in my arms thinking that's where you belong, it tore me apart." His breath hitched along with a deep breath. He looked at you guiltily with pain eating him up as he continued. "Knowing that no matter how much I tried.. I knew I didn't fully deserve you. And knowing those moments were not for me just.. broke me everyday." Jungkook cried out as his heart was paining.
"I just wanted to be the person you wanted. the person you loved..." He spoke through his miserable cries holding his chest which was painful to watch. "But.. I couldn't.. and It was so damn hard to bear."
"The person I wanted.." You repeated in a whisper just loud enough for him to hear because you were feeling numb. "The person I wanted was an honest one. I never thought out of all the people that you would do this to me."
"I.. I was having a hard time. I was going through so much at one point I was going crazy and I just wanted to die. You have no idea of what I went through and how vulnerable I felt. I felt lost and clueless. I was scared Jungkook. It was so painful what I was going through and I trusted you to take care of me. I trusted you more than anything and I always relied on you blindly." Jungkook was hearing what you were saying but he just couldn't make a sound. He knew what he did was so wrong that not even an apology could come close to make up for it.
"I-I was scared too." he mumbled, sniffling, feeling weak and defeated.
"Scared? What were you so scared of that you couldn't tell me the truth?" You yelled but Jungkook remained frozen.
"Why Jungkook? why?" Unable to bear it anymore you started hitting his chest with balled fists one after another. Even though they were very weak punches he felt like they were hot iron balls burning holes in his body. He couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't bear to see the disgust and hate in your eyes. He couldn't bear to see this pain that he caused.
"Tell me what scared you." You shouted. Jungkook suddenly grabbed both your wrists to prevent you from hitting him and to get your attention. Once you looked at his face he spoke the truth.
"You want to know what I was scared of? " His voice was rough and serious. He was about to explode with all the built up emotions he was carrying for the past two years. "Then listen. I was scared of everything Y/n." His grip on your wrists tightened.
"I was scared to move.. I was scared to breathe, I was scared to touch you, I was scared of everything because I didn't want to freaking lose you again. I won't survive! I almost died when I saw you lying on top of your own blood. I was terrified when you didn't wake up each passing day. I almost lost my mind when you finally woke up with no memories and started having attacks. I was scared too Y/n. The mere thought of losing you just scared the hell out of me. So yes I hid the truth from you because in that situation that was the best. You went through hell and with your state I didn't want to risk anything. And even if I had to go through this again.. I will do it in a heartbeat if it means to save you again."
Your lips quivered and your soul burned. The stinging sensation was unbearable. His confession, his pain, your pain, Jimin's pain, lies and everything started attacking your head. Because of Jungkook's choices you suffered a lot and now you felt like you were shutting down. You didn't want to hear any of it anymore. But you wanted him to know what he did.
"You had no right to do that." Your voice was turning icy.
"You have no idea.. how much pain you put me through as I struggled to remember us. Thanks to you.. I just found out that my everyday misery and guilt I put up through the past one year was for an non existent relationship. Thanks for saving me physically and killing me emotionally Jungkook." your sharp emotionless words pierced through him.
You move away from him and walked towards your drawer to take a set of keys. You put them into your bag and pushed passed Jungkook to leave.
"Where are you going?" He asked panicking as he grabbed your arm.
"Away from here and away from you. I don't want to see you anymore." You retorted, twisting your arm viciously and freeing yourself from his grasp.
"Precious please don't do th-"
"Shut the hell up. I don't want to hear it. Leave me the fuck alone if you have least bit of care for me." You shout at him and then storm out the apartment leaving him shattered.
Tears streaming down like a hot stream you just walked along the side walk. You felt really numb on the inside. You wanted to get away from everything and right now there was only one place you could find peace, and that was your own home. Getting into a taxi you gave the address that you remembered. You didn't know what to expect, even though you are visiting your house after two to three years it feels like your going there after seven years.
After twenty minutes you finally arrived. You stood there on the road and stared at the house for few minutes. Nothing had changed. You felt relieved in that moment because finally something was just the same. As you were overwhelmed by everything, you took the small steps up holding on to the railing. Your eyes caught a sight of a dark dried stain on the wooden floor but you just walked passed it as your head was heavy.
You coughed a little when the dust hit you as you opened the door with the keys you had with you. Your eyes widened when you saw a mess inside the house. There was a broken vase near the door and many things scattered on the floor. It seemed like there had been a fight in here.
You were exhausted but still you crouched down to collect the pieces of the vase. Looking at it and trying to remember what happened, a sharp pain pierced through your brain with a loud ringing in your ears.
"Ahhhh." You screamed and clutched your head as you felt your brain throbbing harshly. Your heart started to race and a memory of you crying and screaming flashed. You saw someone choking you here in this house. And then you saw two figures fighting. You looked around as you felt like you were running out of breath.
So many memories started coming back at once. Your body started heating up and you shook violently as you were getting suffocated. Stumbling backwards you dragged yourself to the door wanting to get out there for some air. The whole day had been too much for you and now finally it was affecting your body.
The pain that was taking over you was just too excruciating. And in this moment you wanted nothing else but to die with this heart break you were feeling. With that thought you just fell to the ground and everything blacked out into a dark void.
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