~ 2.21 ~
It was almost seven and you looked yourself at the mirror once again. The dark dress was hugging your body perfectly and the deep slit made your thigh visible with every step you made. June asked you to dress sexy so you did because you wanted to be wild and carefree tonight. You wanted to let go of everything because you were mad at yourself and you were mad at Jungkook.
He promised you many times and yet at the end he cancelled saying he had made previous arrangements with his team mates to treat them dinner and he forgot. You didn't make a fuss because it showed where you and your relationship stood in his life. You didn't want to think about this and get hurt, luckily June called and asked for a night out. When you told Jungkook that you would be going out he sounded relieved. All he said was 'that's good and enjoy'. So that's exactly what you are going to do.. you are going to enjoy and forget all about him.
Soon June came to pick you up in a cab and you both head to the club. You were kind of excited and also worried because the last memory you have of a club was during college and that's also very vague. June noticed that you were a bit nervous as you both entered.
"Hey.. chill ok. You look bomb tonight. I'm sure that little chick will loose his mind." June boosted up your confidence but also confused you as well.
"Huh? What chick?"
"Uhh.. nothing.. I mean.. you look like a hot chick." She gave you a sly smirk and you rolled your eyes at her.
"Shut up... you look way hotter.. and I'm worried that a guy might snatch you away and I will be left alone." You say as June led you to an empty booth.
"Please.. I'm sure you will have equal fun. Just remember we are here to enjoy ok. No questions asked.. just drink.. dance.. live in the moment and do some harmless flirting and we go back to our normal boring lives tomorrow. So who ever you meet.. just have fun ok?" June was kind of serious even though she was using a fun tone, but what she said was the truth. You were there to have fun.
"Ok.. To a fun night then." You say taking a seat.
"I'll go get us some drinks." June says looking around.
"I'll come too."
"No.. stay here.. or else we will miss the booth." June makes you sit back.
"Ok.. get me something light. Don't want to get drunk."
"Sure.. I'll get you a cocktail then." She says and you give a nod.
Once she disappears to the crowd, you looked around nodding your head slightly to the beat. Some were making out, some were getting drunk and some were just chatting and laughing while most of then danced to the jumpy beats. You looked at the people who were dancing happily lost in the music. Most of them were in pairs and even though you wanted to go dance, you thought of waiting for June since you didn't want to feel awkward dancing alone.
After few minutes you looked back and tried to get a glimpse of June at the bar but it was too crowded. She was late but you could understand why after seeing the people trying to order drinks.
"Y/n?" You looked up when you heard someone called your name over the loud music. Your eyes widened a little seeing the man standing in front of you.
"Jimmy? What are you doing here?" You ask immediately with your mouth slightly hanging open because he looked so hot or maybe sexy was the right choice of word. You almost didn't recognize him.
"Uh.. The same reason you are here.. To have some fun. Besides it's Lee's treat since he is in a good mood. I couldn't say no." Jimin says coolly.
"Oh.. So he is here too?"
"Yup.. he went to get drinks. I was looking for an empty booth and that's how I saw you here."
"Oh.. You can sit here if you like.. It's just me and June here." You offered and Jimin broke out into a big smile because he didn't expect it.
"Really? Thanks Y/n." He takes a seat beside you and you don't say anything.
"So do you come here often?" He asks to make conversation.
"No.. this is my first time here. I just wanted to have some fun. Been too stressed lately." You answer honestly.
"Is that why you have been avoiding me?" He flat out ask you directly making your throat dry. You didn't want to agree but also you didn't want to lie. You couldn't believe that he noticed it and you felt terrible. He was there for you and keeping you company and yet you ended up ignoring him.
"I-I.. was just going through some hard time. I needed some space.. Sorry. I didn't mean to ignore you like that or offend you." You say sincerely.
"Nah! That's fine. Lets not talk about those now." Jimin says and just in time June walks in with Lee next to her.
"Look who I found... oh Jimmy is here too." June acted surprise and set the drinks. Without finding anything suspicious you sipped on the drink and greeted Lee. Once all four of you settled, like always you all started chatting.
After few minutes Jimin casually turned to you and spoke to you like nothing happened.. like you never ignored him. Like you were never awkward around him the past few days. He treated you like how you and him used to be a week back. His sudden eye smile made your heart flutter. You liked how he gave all of his attention to you.. it was like nothing else mattered but you.
You really missed this.. You missed him and the attention he gives you. It's not 24/7 obsessive attention.. its that kind of attention where he gives it sincerely and solely to you even if it's for a minute because you mattered. Smiling you relaxed into the conversation as your mood lifted up. Like always Jimin joked and teased you making you laugh. June was equally funny and you saw Lee laughing loud for the first time too.
You were on the second drink and June suggested to go dance. You agreed but to your surprise she went to the dance floor with Lee instead of you. You pouted but Jimin got up and lend you his hand. "Come on.. time to show what you got." He says and you smile widely taking his hand.
The last time you danced with him was just for fun in the rain but today it's different. And you liked the fact that you are being pulled to the dance floor by Jimin and not a stranger. You thought ignoring him was the right choice but you were wrong. You couldn't stay away from him. Jimin's eyes widened when he saw you properly when you got out and stood in front of him. He looked a bit flustered but then he quickly came back to his normal self as he took you to the middle of the dance floor.
Without wasting anytime you both started swaying to the music. At first you both were jumping and moving to the high beats but slowly as the music changed you both started getting more closer and as your moves slowed. You noticed how beautifully Jimin moved his body. You were in awe as you watched him. The way he controlled his body was so captivating.
With no words spoken you both were getting lost into the music, he placed his hands on your waist and pulled you closer to him. Feeling addicted to him, you placed your hands on his shoulder as you both moved your bodies together. The blue and red lights and the mood of the music was making things steamy. Jimin looked so good under these neon lights and your insides were twirling with weird feelings.
He was looking at you with the same intensity in his eyes. It was like only you and him and the rest is gone once again. It was crazy what his gaze could make you feel. His lip curled up as you stared at his beautiful plum lips and he leaned in making your heart jump. For a second you thought he was going to kiss you but he went pass your lips, His nose almost brushing along your cheek as his lips stopped on your ears. "You are so beautiful, Princess." his husky voice sent shivers down your spine and you clutched the material of his shirt as he pulled back to look at you with a smirk. Seeing his playfulness you got excited a little and got carried away with the surrounding.
"You look.. not too bad yourself." You smirk back teasing a little as you ran your hand down his chest. You bit your lip and looked up at him, you could swear that you heard a low growl escaping his lips but the music was just too loud to confirm. The song suddenly changed to something more sensual with low beats.
"Let's see if you could keep up with the teasing now." He gives you an evil smile and swiftly turns you around making you gasp. In a second Jimin pressed his body against your back and sinfully moved his hands along the sides of your body. Smiling to yourself, you accepted his challenge. You moved your hair to the side and brought them to the front as You exposed your skin to him. Jimin didn't hesitate to press the side of his face against yours as he completely embraced you from the back.
Your hand automatically went up to wrap around his neck as you both sensually danced to the music. Grinding, teasing and touching.. you were getting lost in him. The music vibrated through you and It felt so good. His movements ignited a desire in you that you were willing to put aside what's right and wrong and chase it till you are satisfied.
Soon another gasp escaped your lips when you felt his soft lips dragging down along your neck to your collarbone. Your head fell back resting on his shoulder. His hand played down your ribcage to your hips. A sudden familiarity took over you. It was like you have done this before with him. It was strange but also it felt so good.
Your breath hitched again as you were turned back around to face him. Feeling the heat and the tension you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your body against him. Jimin's hooded eyes were filled with desire, mindlessly he wet his lips making you gulp a little. You wanted to taste him so bad. As if he read your mind, Jimin leaned closer to you and brushed his nose against yours as if he was testing the waters.
You tilted your head up giving him the sign he was waiting for. Smiling a little he lowered his head and grazed his lips over yours making you shiver. It felt so good that you instantly parted your lips for him. Pulling you closer to him, he pressed his lips to yours. His hands glided up your back as he sensually moved his lips on yours. You melted into his hot wet kisses with crazy desires taking over you.
He was such an amazing kisser, you felt like he was not kissing only you but your soul as well. He was making you feel things that you can't even describe. You gasp when he bit your bottom lip and he took the chance to taste your mouth a bit before going back to gently nibbling and sucking your lip.
"Come with me." Jimin says against your lips. Completely fallen in his trance you give a nod. Pecking your lips he grabbed your waist and pulled you out of the dance floor. One minute you were pushing through heavily dancing couples and the next minute you were out in an almost empty corridor.
Then suddenly you were pressed against the wall by the man who was determined to take your breath away tonight. Jimin cupped one side of the face while the other hand wrapped around your hip. This time without waiting for him, you clutched his collar and pulled him to you. His lips smashed against yours and you hungrily devoured those plum soft lips that were making you loose your mind. Jimin groaned when you pressed yourself hard onto him and it's the most sexiest thing you have heard. With the sudden adrenaline rush he almost slammed you against the wall with his body against yours.
You let out a tiny moan into his mouth when he squeezed your hip and ran his hand down to lift your leg up so that he could stroke your thigh up through the slit. Every inch of your body tingled and you longed for more. You have not been sexually frustrated in a long time till today. The tension in your stomach was building and your head was blank.
But something about the way Jimin was kissing you grabbed your attention. It was like he was desperate and scared. He was kissing you like you are his everything. You felt his kisses to your core. There was definitely pain, happiness, longing and love. You thought he was just acting out on lust but his eyes and his touches screamed otherwise.
"J-Jimmy." You say taking deep breaths as you broke off the kiss to look at him properly. Your heart twitched because his hooded eyes looked dark and glassy. You both were panting but he didn't seem to care. He just wanted you in everyway possible knowing that you are doing all of this in your right mind. Tonight you wanted him without being drunk and he was just so overwhelmed, specially after you ignored him for a week.
"Please don't.." He whispered.
"Don't what?" You ask with his forehead pressed to yours.
"Don't say anything.. and just let me kiss you as if the world is going to disappear. I can't get through anything without you anymore." He says and leans in to take your lips between his once again. And then slowly he started trailing kisses along your jaw. You were lost between the feelings he was giving right now and the words he said seconds ago. Your sanity was slowly coming back to you and you slightly pushed Jimin back so you could look at him.
"W-what do you mean by that?" You ask in an unsure voice. He looked at you seriously and dragged his thumb along your jaw line. You both stared at each other in silence for few seconds. His gaze was deep and it was making your heavily beating heart thump faster.
"Take a chance with me. I'm ready to take a fall, a shot for you." He confessed having you dumbstruck and completely flabbergasted. Your entire body felt like it was twisting inside out and you almost felt light headed. Everything felt surreal in the moment as your eyes darted across his face.
"W-What?" was all you managed to say in that moment.
"Y/n.. I really need you like a heart needs its beat. I know you might find this selfish and wrong but can you just come to me, please?"
His question brought you back to reality in a snap with a feeling of a slap across your face. Your eyes widened and you quickly took your hands away from him. Shit!! What the fuck did I do? Oh my god.. did I just shamelessly kiss Jimmy without thinking far?
"Jimmy? Is that you?" A well known female voice came behind Jimin. When he slightly turned you got a glimpse of her over his shoulder. Your eyes widened and your heart started pounding hard recognizing the girl. You quickly jumped forward and buried your face in Jimin's chest, hiding away from Hana. Realizing the situation Jimin covered you and tucked you to him before turning slightly.
"Oh hey.. Hana." Jimin acknowledges her presence.
"I knew it was you.." She said coming closer but stopped seeing a girl in his arms. "Oh.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt anything." She quickly says. Jimin just gives a tight smile hinting her that he is not in a mood to talk to her. Realizing it Hana just gives an awkward smile and walks away.
"She is gone." as soon as he informs you, you step away from him with teary eyes. You looked confused and unstable. Jimin's heart clenched and he tried to reach to you but you stepped back.
"I-I need to go." You say and without a word you bolted out leaving Jimin behind. He wanted to run after you but he knew after the bomb he dropped, you just need to figure out what you want. Jimin really couldn't hold back, he wished he did.. but he knew he had to come out one way or another. And now he just prayed that he didn't fuck it all up.
Jungkook was lost deep in his thoughts when one of his friends came and snapped him out of it. "Hey man.. are you ok? You have been in another world through out the whole dinner." His friend Nate stated.
" It's nothing. Lets go. I'll drop you off." Jungkook says opening the door to get in.
"Are you sure? Earlier you were eager to go home."
"Yeah.. that's because I promised to take my girl on a date. She is not home now." Jungkook sighed feeling bad for breaking the first promise he made right after their fight.
"Woah.. did you just miss your date to hang out with us?" Nate ask in a surprised tone as he turned to look at Jungkook.
"Well.. I promised you guys first and I forgot about it when I made the plans with her. I remembered it when that tech guy asked about it. He was looking forward to this gathering a lot so yeah.. I had to cancel the date." Jungkook said thinking that he made the rational decision.
"You did what? Bro.. are you crazy? didn't you say that you just reconciled after a fight earlier?"
"Yeah but we made up.. kind of." Jungkook frowned questioning his decision now.
"Man.. either you are seriously dumb when it comes to dating or your just ignorant... or.. you don't actually love her." Nate deadpanned.
"Hey watch it. I do love her ok. It's just.. I don't know... we are just complicated. What we have is not an ordinary relationship. Nothing is easy between us." Jungkook sighs as he started the car to drive.
"I don't know man. Sometimes even Sobin and I wonder if you are really dating or not. No hard feelings.. but you don't seem to take what you have seriously and as far as I know, you spend most of your time at work or gaming with us. It's like you are fully committed to this game world than the relationship you have. Maybe that's why you both are finding it hard." Nate says carefully knowing that his friend needed to hear it.
Jungkook clutched the steering wheel hard as his throat tightened. It was the exact reason why you fought with him the first place. Now hearing it from someone else was like a stab to him but he got to admit to it.
"I know. I realized it.. but gaming is the only get away when I have so much going on and so many problems in reality." Jungkook tries to justify himself.
"Gaming is good for fun.. and this is our work so it's natural to get addicted. But don't try to use it to escape your reality. If you have problems then face it like a man. When you get busy losing yourself in this virtual world.. you may loose real things in life that could make you happy for real." Nate said these things sincerely because Jungkook was a nice guy and a good friend.
"Yeah I understand. I'm working on it."
"You better. I think shifting to Seoul will be a good change after all." Nate stated making Jungkook look guilty.
"Don't tell me you didn't tell her." He says in a high tone seeing Jungkook's reaction.
"I'm still thinking about it. I didn't accept the offer and I don't think Y/n needs to know this." Jungkook replies seriously.
"I don't know man. Seems like you are not even true and open to the person you claim that you love. I really don't know how your girl put up with you all this time. If it was mine. She would have just slapped me and asked me to get lost long time back. So if you really do love her make sure she is happy with you. Don't let your complicated relationship turn into something toxic where you both will end up hurt and hating each other."
Jungkook gulped as fear crept over him. What Nate just said hit him really hard. For a fact he knew that no matter what, he would never be able to bare your hate towards him. His heart started acting out slowly and he desperately begged for something like that to never happen.
After getting home and washing up, Jungkook slumped on his bed and looked at the time. It was close to 11pm and you were not home yet. Jungkook didn't go to bother you so he rested his back against the headboard and closed his eyes.
Sighing he thought over everything that happened. Everything that June and Nate said were finally working on him. And then last night you crying because of him made what he is feeling worse. He realized that either he should just tell you the truth and let you decide what you want or just keep pretending. But for how long? one day the truth will come out.. and when it does.. will you hate me, My Precious? Jungkook questioned in his head. Maybe I should tell the truth before it's too late. But how? I'm so scared. I'm scared that you will hate me.. I'm scared that I will lose you forever.
A loud noise made Jungkook snap out of his thoughts and look towards his door with furrowed brows. Soon you entered his room as if you have been desperately looking for him. You looked confused and desperate. Your eyes were holding so many emotions and something told Jungkook that you were not alright and you were overwhelmed.
"Y/n? Are you ok angel?" He asked a bit worried. Instead of answering you rushed in and lunged at him as if you were in need to touch him. You threw your arms around his neck and started kissing him as you settled on top and straddled him.
Jungkook was taken aback in surprise but he did return the kiss, resting his hands on your hips. This is the very first time that you are kissing him so desperately with so much need and Jungkook couldn't refuse it even though he was not expecting this from you.
You cupped his jaw and pressed yourself desperately on him and nibbled on his bottom lip. Jungkook didn't know how or what to feel. Part of him was relieved and happy.. another part of him was confused and sensed something was definitely not right.
"Babe wait.. are you ok? What happened? " Jungkook asked pulling away from you and holding you still by cupping your face.
"Nothing.. Please keep on kissing me.. please." You pleaded softly and tried to pull him back to you. But he didn't budge.
"Tell me what's wrong.. why are you crying?" You didn't realize that you were crying till he wiped away a tear from your cheek. You were just too emotional and it was a big chaotic mess inside your head.
"Just kiss me Jungkook. please make me remember. Please." You begged as you pressed your forehead against his. "I can't take this anymore.. Please show me how much you love me.. remind me once again who I belong to... touch me like you used to and take me head on just like in my memories. I want to feel all of them. Actually I want you to overwrite those memories and the feelings so that I'm full with you and our present. I want to know that I'm not mistaken and this is right. So please consume me like never before."
Jungkook didn't wait till you spoke more as he crashed you to him and started kissing you roughly. His heart was clenching.. this was so wrong but he couldn't help but think this as his second chance that he was looking for. You wanted him to consume you and make you his and he was more than willing to do it.
He didn't understand what triggered and what made you act like this. He doubted if you had a flashback of the time you spent with Jimin. Because from what you said he knew that you were conflicted with your feelings. At first he was feeling guilty and he almost moved away but once you asked him to overwrite everything and make you forget the past and hold you in the present.. he knew he had to.
The kisses were desperate and messy but you didn't care. You just wanted him to make you feel the same way that Jimin made you feel. You just wanted to convince yourself that it was all in your head and Jimin was a mistake. You wanted to remind yourself that you are Jungkook's girlfriend and it's him who could make you feel things just like in your memories. So here you are trying to prove it to yourself.
"Y/n.." Jungkook groaned when you accidently bit his lip harshly wanting to feel something. You thought he would pull away but he attacked your neck making you move slowly on his lap as you tugged on to his hair.
You let out a slight moan when he bit your neck. His big hands reached the back of your dress and eagerly pulled the zipper down. Your dress came loose as your straps fell off your shoulders.
Your hands reached down to the hem of his shirt and with his help you tugged it off of him. You swallowed seeing his ripped body and tattoo covered arm. Jungkook didn't waste any time as he helped you take your hands out the dress making it fall to your waist, exposing your black strapless lace bra.
Jungkook's lips latched onto your collar bone and you ran your hands down his back feeling him. Closing your eyes you tried to concentrate on Jungkook and on his lips as they were dragged down to your breast where he could nibble on your skin. Your breath hitched when Jungkook flipped you to the bed and got on top of you.
He looked at you with deep desires as his thumb caressed your cheek. You wanted to look away as you were unable to meet his eyes. Maybe because of the guilt or maybe because you weren't feeling anything. However since you led this on, you didn't want to upset him. So you gently pulled him to you and this time he kissed you gently as his hand travelled up your skin. It felt warm and you did get shivers but the excitement and those tingles were missing.
When Jimin touched you, it was like magic and that's what you are craving. But now suddenly remembering him, his confession, his kisses his touches, the way he looks at you and the way he makes you feel comes crashing down. Just thinking of them itself made you feel good and kick started your heart. Even though it was wrong, this time you couldn't even shake it off. Guilt took over like a bitch and you wanted to get rid of it immediately.
Suddenly you deepened the kiss and kissed Jungkook harder as your finger dug onto his back making him groan. You closed your eyes to overcome your thoughts as Jungkook moved his lips to your neck. Kissing and sucking to mark you as his. But in that moment all you could think of thick plum lips doing all of these to you. No matter how much you tried to shake the intruder out, he kept coming back.
Giving in, you pretended that it was Jimin doing all of these to you. You lost your sanity now for sure. When Jungkook started grinding on you slowly and out of nowhere, you finally remembered that rainy night. You realized it was not a dream. Jimin really did things to drive you crazy. The forgotten feelings took over you and you heard his voice in your head calling for you. 'Princess!'
"J-Jim-" You shot open your eyes as you realized that you almost moaned Jimin's name. Fuck! Was I really going to moan Jimmy!
Jungkook froze and quickly removed himself to look at you with big shocked eyes. Pang of guilt, embarrassment and disgust came over you and you quickly looked away unable to look into your boyfriend's eyes. I'm so screwed! Tears sprung up your eyes in seconds.
"W-what did you call me?" Jungkook stuttered not sure if he heard it right.
"I'm s-sorry. I didn't mean to. I-I don't know what's wrong with me." You quickly covered your face and started crying unable to hold things in anymore.
You fucked up big time and now all you could do was cry trying to hide yourself as you felt Jungkook getting down and walking away. You couldn't even imagine the things going in his head. After all the things he had done for you and going through so much with you for years, this is how you repaid him. Curling up on his bed you cried more not knowing what to do or what you want. All you knew was that you are a mess.
Jungkook was dumbstruck at the moment, he wanted to console you as you started crying but he needed sometime for himself to wrap his head around to what just happened. He couldn't just be with you in the same room anymore and he knew you wanted space as well. He couldn't believe that things are getting worse day by day. And now instead of forgetting, you are remembering your past. Jungkook panicked a little thinking how you almost called him Jimin's name. He wondered if you remembered more than what he said to you.
He was deeply flustered and he didn't know if he could continue this act up anymore. He could see that you keep going back to Jimin knowingly or unknowingly. Jungkook rubbed his face and sat on the sofa out in the living room. He knew that he couldn't go back to you so he stayed there lost in his thoughts with a heavy burdened heart.
Few minutes later he felt a phone vibrating non stop somewhere near him. He looked around and saw your purse on the floor with your phone half out. He took it out to see and you have got a lot of missed calls and messages from someone named 'Troublemaker'.
Getting curious Jungkook unlocked your phone to see who is it and why he is spamming your phone in middle of the night.
Troublemaker - Y/n please answer the phone.
Troublemaker - Lets talk this over.. I need to clear things up.
Troublemaker - Can we meet? Please.
Jungkook frowned reading the last few messages. He was slightly getting angry thinking who this was and why he is after you. He scrolled up to see more of the conversation and suddenly his heart stopped for a second and his eyes budged out. His fingers shook as he tapped on the photo to view it on full. PARK JIMIN! His inside riled up like a thunderstorm seeing a picture of you and Jimin at a farm. It was very recently sent. Panicking Jungkook scrolled through the shared media and found pictures of you and him here in Singapore.
What the fuck? How did this happen? What's going on? Jungkook stood freaking out. He almost dropped the phone when it started ringing again on his hand. It was Jimin who was calling. Anger and fear taking over, he immediately answered wanting to know everything what's going on.
"Oh god finally you answered." The worried voice spoke making Jungkook clench his jaw.
"Y/N?" Jimin spoke again. Clutching the phone hard to his ear, Jungkook took a deep breath deciding what he wants to do next.
"This is Jungkook.. Lets meet."
Fifteen minutes later Jungkook stood in front of a door ringing the bell like a maniac. As soon as the door swung open, Jimin came into the view. Letting the emotions take control, Jungkook grabbed Jimin's shirt and pushed him against the wall.
"What the fuck are you doing here? I told you to stay away from Y/n." He roared angrily at Jimin.
Seeing the worked up Jungkook, Jimin just gave an unbothered smirk and forcefully removed Jungkook's grip on him. Even though Jimin wanted to punch Jungkook for the things he had done, Jimin refrained from doing so.
"Let's not get physical shall we? I bet neither one of us would want to explain to Y/n what happened." Jimin said in a dark calm voice as he walked into the living room. Jungkook stood there fuming as his eyes followed the lean built man who was gracefully walking ahead of him.
"Don't just stand there if you came to talk." Jimin says giving Jungkook a side way glance.
"I didn't come here to have a pep talk with you. I want to know what you are doing here lingering around Y/n?" Jungkook asked in a rough tone walking in to face Jimin.
"Isn't it obvious? I came to take my Y/n back. You thought that you could easily take her away from me and I would just sit back and do nothing.. Well you are wrong if you thought that." Jimin's stare turned icy cold as his intimidating self took over him.
"I told you she don't want you. She is with me now. So leave us alone." Jungkook gritted his teeth.
"Why? Are you scared that I will tell Y/n the truth? And also are you sure that she don't want me?" Jimin asked in a mocking tone making Jungkook tense.
"What nonsense are you sputtering?"
"Oh please.. drop the act. You think I didn't do my homework. I know everything that happened. Nice game that you played with our lives Jungkook. You had no right to take matters into your hand like that and make our lives miserable. Specially Y/n's." Jimin said his words becoming venomous by the second as he was losing his cool.
"She is not miserable. She don't remember her painful past anymore. She is free from those and she is free from you. You have no idea how much pain you put her through. It was me who was there for her when you tossed her away after using her."
"Shut your damn mouth up.. I never fucking used her nor did I toss her away. You took her from me." Jimin snapped angrily. "You.. took my life.. my love away from me. You played dirty." Jimin clenched his teeth with his eyes fixed dead on Jungkook.
"I didn't play any damn games. I love her too. She is my everything.. even before you came into our lives. I was just helpless. And if you did your homework like you said.. you should know the risk you are putting her in right now being here." Jungkook yelled back.
"She is perfectly fine now. If you are her guardian you should have known that. There are no more threats. You are just using it as an excuse to cowardly keep y/n with you.. Even after knowing that she will never love you the way you want her to."
Jungkook swallowed hard at the dead straight fact that Jimin pointed out. He was always hiding behind your condition to lessen his guilt but that never worked. Day by day when he saw you getting better the guilt ate him up so much that he really did start to distant himself from you. But that didn't mean that he gave up on you.
Jimin saw the guilt and the hesitant in Jungkook's eyes. He could see that the tall buff man was vulnerable. Jimin believed that when it came to you Jungkook just got selfish and desperate. He could tell that the man in front of him never meant any harm to you. And also he was your family, that's the only reason Jimin was holding himself back. For you. But Jimin wanted Jungkook to know what he did was wrong. As a man he shouldn't have done that. So Jimin just sighed a little calming down.
"Look man.. I get it. You love her and you did all of this for her. But.. you can't just lie to her and pretend to be her boyfriend from the past. This is wrong. She is not in love with you.. she is in love with the person in her memories. You and I both know it's me."
"You don't deserve her." Jungkook mumbled but Jimin heard it well.
"I really don't know what's you problem is with me. I know you don't like me from the day we met. And I really don't know why you are so against me being with Y/n. Why are you so triggered by me.. I'm not going to hurt Y/n ever." Jungkook just scoffed at the statement in a mocking way.
"You already hurt her good. And don't think I don't know who you are and what you did when you were in America. You ruined people's lives. You destroyed one of my friend's relationship. You never valued women nor did you respect them." Jungkook glared clenching his fist.
"Look.. I know I did some bad things in the past. Yes I just randomly hooked up with girls who threw themselves at me. But I never made promises or what ever. Besides it's not my problem that your friend or whoever didn't want to be faithful. I just took what I got. But I'm no longer like that. I'm not proud of who I was.. I have my own mistakes but I never lied to Y/n. She knew everything about me.. in fact she is the one who saved me from my dark past. And my love for her is real. Do you think if it was all a lie and I was just using her..then I would be here right now chasing after her for two months now? I searched for her everywhere when you disappeared with her. I was not even in my right mind. I was ready to give everything up in a heartbeat for her and come back. My love is purer than yours because I have been honest with her from day one." Jimin tried to explain himself.
"It doesn't matter. She is with me now. I'll make it work between us.. So stay out of it and go back." Jungkook said feeling threatened by Jimin's presence. He didn't want to accept that there was someone else other than him that could love you and care for you this much.
"You already had your chance. You got a clean slate with her memories gone but still you were unable to hold her heart. I know that for a fact because that's why you are here right now doing your best to send me away. This maybe a game or a joke to you. But this is Y/n's life Jungkook. You and I both can't own her just like that. I know that she loves you and she would do absolutely anything for you because she has told me many times how much you mean to her and how much she trust you with her life. You are her only family. If you really care for her then don't betray her. I'm not telling you to tell about me or send her to me or anything. Just be honest with her so she is not confused." Jimin pushed back his hair with his hand and met Jungkook's gaze head on as he continued.
"She deserves the truth. Open your eyes and look at her properly.. she is not happy right now. Just tell her the truth and let her decide. I will back away immediately if she chooses you or anything else. But if you lie and take her away to another corner of this earth.. Trust me I will find my way to her again. I will not let you hurt her." Every word that left Jimin's mouth was sharp as a stab of a needle to Jungkook.
"Y-you maybe right. But this is between Me and Y/n. You being here is getting in our way. And I'm not dumb to see that you have been lying to her too. You are approaching her using a fake identity. Don't you think it's too much?" Jungkook fired back making Jimin sigh.
"I know. I was helpless like you. I just wanted her back somehow and I wanted to see how she was doing. I knew she was unstable.. I was aware of everything. So I didn't want to risk anything. I get your point. We both are at fault.. we both have been playing with her like selfish fools. But now it's time to come clean before it's too late. She is already remembering so many things if you haven't noticed. It's just a matter of time till it's all out." Jimin was dead serious. He had enough of running around and lying. Jimin saw how much you wanted him just like how much he wanted you. But the only thing that was in between you and him was Jungkook and these lies.
Jungkook could no longer just stand there and hear these things. He didn't come here for this. The more Jimin spoke, the more Jungkook felt guilty. With everything going on and what happened earlier, Jungkook was loosing it. He needed to get out and set his mind free. So he looked back up at Jimin to meet his gaze.
"I will deal it in my way. Unless she comes to you.. do not approach her. Whatever it is she is my girlfriend and you are just her past. Even if she loves me like a lover or not, I don't care as long as she chooses me." Jungkook said the last few words in a warning tone and stormed out of Jimin's place.
Jimin stood there as the words 'My girlfriend' echoed in his head. He never got the privilege to openly call you his girlfriend. The biggest mistake he did was that he never made things official between you and him, even after knowing how both of you felt about each other. The deep regrets always ate him up. And something else what Jungkook said deeply troubled Jimin.
'I don't care as long as she chooses me.' What if you really choose him. I will loose you forever. Jimin was so confident till now that you would come to him no matter what. But now after everything and seeing how Jungkook is ready to fight back, Jimin was a bit worried. After all.. like Jungkook said, He was just your past and Jungkook is your present.
But suddenly remembering all the moments he spent with you after coming here. And knowing very well that he was in your heart as Jimin and as Jimmy both, something inside Jimin snapped. His eyes hardened as he slowly walked toward the counter and poured himself a glass of hard liquor.
Your fight back game better be stronger Jeon. I don't take orders from anyone and nor do I back down easily!
Hi guys check out this upcoming Jeon Jungkook book by @PurpleV_cuddles ! ❤❤ I'll link the book trailer here as well... strictly for hard stans out there! 😉
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