~ 2.18 ~
Clutching your throbbing head, you groaned in pain as you woke up from your uncomfortable sleep. Your dried out throat was making it hard for you to swallow and you really needed some water. Holding on to your aching head, you sat up straight trying to remember why your head was paining so much in the first place.
You sat their grimacing and blinking while staring into nothing. The last thing you clearly remember was sitting on the porch and drinking. Your eyes widened when you saw the clothes from last night was lying next to your feet in a pile. You quickly looked down at yourself and noticed that you were only wearing a big T-shirt. What the fuck happened last night? Panicking a bit, You turned to see the mat next to you empty. There was no one in the room but you.
Your headache got worser as you closed your eyes and forced to remember last night incidents out of fear that you did something stupid. Suddenly few flashes of playing in the rain, hugging, giggling and dancing with Jimin flashed. You quickly opened your eyes and looked at the half dried clothes. Ok Ok! We were just playing in the rain.. that's it. You convinced yourself that maybe you changed clothes lazily inside the room after playing in the rain.
Slowly getting up, you dragged yourself to the other corner of the room to take a water bottle. With no patience you force opened the bottle cap and chugged down the water in one go. Your throat was still rasp, you could feel it.
"Ahh!" A sharp pain pierced through your brain and you quickly held your head letting go of the bottle. Sudden flashes of being kissed, groped and loved in the dark emerged, you slide down to the floor with your mouth hanging wide open. Shock and confusion both was registered within you as your brain kept pounding against the skull. Then you remembered moaning the name 'Jimin' and having an intimate moment with... Jimmy? Your eyes almost popped out and then your heart jumped as you felt someone leaning against the door frame.
"Your up finally. How are you feeling?" You winced at the sudden booming voice and looked up to see Jimin walking in fully dressed in his own clothes.
"Terrible. What happened last night? How am I wearing this Tee?" You ask in a rough voice.
"This is why you should have gone easy on drinking. And last night we just had fun in the rain and then I changed your clothes because you were too drunk to do it."
"WHAT!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" You asked in an alarmed tone covering yourself with your hands feeling ashamed. Jimin instantly realized that you don't remember a thing and seeing you freaking out, it was better to act cool.
"Y/n.. We were soaked and it was freezing. I didn't want you to get sick ok. Besides I changed everything in the dark I swear. I'm not a pervert." He says seriously. You didn't know how to feel about this, if it was someone else you would have thrown a fit and given a good beating but because it's Jimin, you trusted him besides he admitted that he did change the clothes. So you just gave a nod.
" Ok.. Get ready now. The car is fixed. We can leave once you are done." Jimin says and turn to walk out.
"Jimmy.." You called out of the burning curiosity. When he looked at you, you nervously bit your lip for a second. "Umm.. did something happen between us last night? I mean nothing happened right?" You could swear that you saw his face changing into something sad as he tried to give a teasing smile.
"Why? Did you dream of me again?"
"I'm serious. Please tell me." You asked looking desperate. Jimin could see a hint of guilt in your eyes.
"Like I said, we just had a moment. Nothing that you should be concerned about." Jimin gives you the sad smile which tugged your heart and walked out giving you space to change. Was it all a dream then? Wait!! I didn't have my medicine last night.. Shit!! On top of that.. I drank like an idiot. Way to go Y/n. No wonder everything is so fucking confusing.
Thinking that you mixed up reality and your dreams because your brain was not functioning properly, you let out a heavy sigh. Yeah.. must be it.. why would Jimmy even kiss me like that when I kept calling a different name. But who is this Jimin? why am I calling that name in my memories? But then your cheeks heated up remembering those luscious lips that were on you. Dream or not it felt so real, you closed your eyes to remember it again. But your moment was disturbed when your phone beeped with a message. You crawled to grab your phone to check it.
Troublemaker - Hurry up Princess. I'm starving.
You - 15 mins!
Shit! Did I really go overboard?
Should I just go? What am I even doing here?
June paced the entrance of the gaming company as she contemplated with herself if she should go inside or not. After seeing Jungkook walk away yesterday, she didn't see him through out the day. Even though she found his words harsh, she kind of felt bad after seeing his hurt face.
She didn't hurt him intentionally, she thought that he would just think them over and understand it. June never wanted to offend him. She was trying to do the right thing by helping her friend who is dear to her. No June! You should have considered his feelings.. no matter what, for him.. it's love. One way or another he do love Y/n a lot and you provoked him by tapping into something really sensitive. So better apologize.
Making up her mind, June took a deep breath and hesitantly entered the building. She walked up to the reception and asked for Jeon Jungkook.
Meanwhile going through the errors with the team, Jungkook thought about June. It was because of her that they were able to fix it. And also he felt bad for being a jerk to her. He had no right to say such mean things to a person who was giving her opinion on love. Even though she was talking about her friends, Jungkook took it too personally and he felt like June was attacking him.
But come to think of it, the situation was very relatable and it had Jungkook up thinking about the things she said for a while.
"Ok. It's done." Nate sighed in relief next to Jungkook.
"Man.. whoever your friend was.. really saved our ass. If a competitor spotted it, then we would have been done for." Sobin slumped on the the chair next to them.
"Yeah.. Lets invite your friend for lunch and make it our treat." Nate says playing with the spinner on his hand. Jungkook frowned a bit, even though it sounded right, he didn't have her contact number. If he did, then he would have apologized for what he said earlier. When Jungkook was about to answer, Nate's desk phone rang and he answered it. After taking the message he turned to Jungkook.
"Someone named June is here to see you." Jungkook's eyes widened as he was not expecting her visit but he quickly gathered himself and head down to meet her.
June was seated in the lobby, looking at the avatar displayed in the corner like an art piece. Jungkook slowly walked and cleared his throat nervously scratching his ear. She turned and stood up when she saw that it was him. Suddenly she felt uneasy and gave an awkward smile.
" I didn't expect to see you here." Jungkook spoke first and that relieved June a bit.
"Yeah I know. Look.. I'm sorry about yesterday. I just got carried away because normally when I start talking, I have a habit of not stopping and I just keep on blabbering about the things I think and feel. And I'm sorry for barging in like this unannounced." June said everything in one go without a breather because she wanted to get it off of her chest quickly. Jungkook chuckled covering his mouth, finding the way she spoke funny. But quickly covered it up with another throat clearing.
"It's ok. You were just stating your opinion. To be honest, I'm glad that you came." Jungkook says making June look up at him in surprise. "Actually, I want to apologize too. I know what I said was offending and I'm sorry about it. I just took it way too seriously. I shouldn't have said that." Jungkook apologized sincerely.
June gave a nod accepting it and smiled appreciating his sincerity. " Well then.. I guess I will see you back in Singapore." June said as she finished what she came to do.
"You are going to the airport now?"
"No. My flight is at night. So I thought of walking around and enjoy the city a bit." She answered with a smile.
"Oh well in that case.. would you mind joining me and my friends for lunch. We were actually talking about you earlier and they wanted to treat you." Jungkook suggests.
"Treat me? For what?"
"Actually you saved us from the error. And our boss was impressed by your suggestions. So the next upgrade we will be including them. We really wanted to thank you." Jungkook said honestly.
"Gosh it's nothing really. But yeah.. I would love to have lunch with you all." June said being friendly and accepting as always.
"Great let me call them up."
Jungkook's friends laughed hysterically hitting the table while making fun of Jungkook who looked like an annoyed bunny. June couldn't help but giggle covering her mouth in secret.
"Shut up! Enough already." Jungkook stabbed the meat on his plate with a fork.
"It's too funny. June you have no idea the bitchy tantrums he threw every time he lost a match to you. Can't believe a girl was beating his ego ass." Nate puffed out another laughter looking red from laughing too much.
"This bitch almost broke my joystick as well." Sobin pitched in.
"Uhh!! I regret calling these jerks here." Jungkook muttered.
"Wow.. I didn't know you take defeat that seriously. Next time I'll go easy on you. But still.. I doubt that you could beat me." June joined his friends to tease.
"Huh.. You wish. Don't forget the rematch you challenged in a week." Jungkook scoffs.
"I won't." June says in a challenging tone.
"Woah.. we better place our bets then." Nate said for fun but Sobin made it official between the two.
After the fun entertaining lunch June bid farewell to Nate and Sobin with a huge smile on her face. After waving and seeing them off she turned to Jungkook who offered to show around some nice places near his office since he still felt bad. At first June thought it would be awkward but surprisingly it was not. They were like good old friends as they chatted and laugh about things they saw while strolling. Also they spoke a lot about games and characters.
"Want some Ice cream? My treat." June says pointing at a famous Ice cream stall. It was your favorite place to have ice cream. Smiling Jungkook gave a nod.
"What flavor?" June asks eyeing the vast variety of flavors on display.
"Mint choco." Jungkook simply answered and as expected June made a face like any other would making Jungkook chuckle. Suddenly he missed you because you would always complain and argue it's like eating toothpaste.
His face saddened a bit as he really missed the fun times he used to have with you. You would always play around and make it chaotic when you two go out together. You would complain and be so talkative. But now you are so reserved. It feels like you grew up without him.
"I miss her." the words came out of his mouth automatically.
"Who? Y/n?" June asks handing him the ice cream. Jungkook gave a nod and took a bite as they continued to walk back to the office.
"Why? Will you be staying here longer? The project is over right. " She asked.
"That's not what I meant. What I miss is the old times. Y/n and I used to be crazy. After the accident everything changed drastically. Sometimes.. I just wished if I could go back and fix things. But sometimes I'm just too selfish." Jungkook spilled it from his heart being honest. June looked up at him and felt sad for him. She completely understood what he means even though she pretended not to.
As Jungkook continued to talk about you and the old times, June realized that Jungkook was not a bad person. She could see why he is so special to you and why the bond between you two are so strong. But from some things that Jungkook said, June doubted if he is really in love or just confused. But she didn't go to say anything that would trigger him. Instead she gave a open answer. " Well.. I believe that everything happens for a reason. We just have to figure it out if it was for the best or the worst." June wanted to say more but she refrained from doing it because she didn't want another bitter moment.
They walked in silence enjoying the ice cream. June booked an Uber as she neared the office.
"I hope your friend found a solution and made her choice." Jungkook sheepishly brings the topic out of nowhere just to feed his curiosity.
"Hmm.. I don't know about her choice but I did say something to think over. Hopefully it would help her to make a choice." June says carefully.
"What did you say? Did you give another lecture on love like you did with me?" He asks trying not to sound serious as his curiosity peaked more.
"No... just few lines like a text." June smirks knowing that he was definitely thinking about the things she told him.
"Oh.. and what's that?" Jungkook asks just as her uber comes and stops in front of them.
"My ride is here.. Thanks for today Jungkook. I'll see you in Singapore then." June thanked Jungkook and opened the door to get in.
"You didn't tell me what you said." He states.
"Bye, Jungkook. I'll be late." June just smiled and got in without another word. Jungkook sighed as he watched the car drive off. He didn't know why he was after it but he felt like he needed to know. As he turned to go in, his phone vibrated and he pulled it out to read the text he received. Jungkook swallowed hard and his heart stung. The words he kept reading were too sharp, but he knew he got to admit to it because they were true.
June - If that love was meant to be yours, then it's yours. Nothing in this world will stop that. But if it isn't yours.. Then no matter how much you fight for it.. It will never be yours!
Jimin took a glance at you to see if your ok when he heard a light whimper. You had been sleeping through out the whole drive right after lunch. You didn't seem well and that worried Jimin. When he offered to take you to see a doctor you refused saying you will anyways be meeting the doctor tomorrow for the checkup.
Jimin's brows furrowed and he slowed down changing lanes on the road as you continued to whimper. He could see that you were uncomfortable in your sleep. You looked scared as sweat was formed on your forehead.
"N-no.. p-plea.."
"N-no don't d-do this." You spoke in your sleep in a begging voice as if you are choking on your words. Jimin couldn't take it anymore as he felt that something was definitely not right. But before even Jimin could pull over you jerked and woke up with a loud gasp while clutching your neck.
"Y/n are you ok?"
You jumped getting more scared and panicked. "Stop the car... please stop!" You shouted. Jimin quickly pulled over and you hurriedly opened the door and got out of the car as if you needed to catch your breath. Jimin hurried after you and stopped as you held on to a tree and patted your chest while breathing heavily.
"Y/n?" Jimin voiced your name gently not to scare you. His heart dropped when you looked up at him with a painful expression. You looked so scared, so vulnerable with eyes filled with tears. You had a terrible nightmare. Someone was choking you in your dreams and you begged to let go as you cried. Then the next thing you saw made you shiver as you found yourself lying on a pool of blood. It was horrible and it felt real.
You wanted nothing more than to feel safe now. As if Jimin heard your thoughts, without waiting for your real response, he took your hand and slowly pulled you to him. You stood still as he wrapped his arms around you in a protective way.
"It's ok.. It's ok. I'm here. I'm here. You are safe." Jimin chanted in a soft soothing voice. Without saying anything, you buried your face on to his chest and started crying feeling overwhelmed. He stroked your head and kept placing soft kisses on your head while calming you down.
"Don't be scared Princess.. I will not let anyone hurt you. You're gonna be safe with me. Trust me." You didn't know if he was just saying them to you or if he meant them. But in that moment, you were very thankful to hear them.
You didn't know how long you were in Jimin's arms but you didn't care, you didn't want to let go. You kept holding on to him and he felt that you were in need of him. He did ask what happened but you just kept saying it's just a nightmare.
"Y/N?" You felt a burn by the way he called your name as his lips brushed against your head.
"Hm." You hummed in response.
"Lets go home now. It might rain and it's getting dark." He spoke softly. You clutched on to the back of his shoulders not wanting to go. Jimin didn't fail to notice the insecurity you were feeling so he held you tighter.
"Take your time." He whispered giving you more time to calm down and let out a soft sigh. Your heart swelled because you could feel that he was really tired. Yet he is here consoling you. Past two days were tough and you knew both of you needed proper rest, specially him. So not wanting to be selfish, you let go of him.
"It's fine. Lets go home. I'm tired." You say and he walks you back to the car.
The drive was short from there and you didn't want it to end. You felt things that you have hardly felt before and your uneasiness were fading away. Mostly because you knew Jimin was there for you. He kept looking at you time to time to see if your ok and what gave you comfort the most was the way he kept holding your hand till you reached home.
He got out before you and opened the door for you. He helped you out with so much care and walked you to the door.
"Are you going to be alright all alone?" He asked genuinely worried. You smiled softly at him.
"I'll be fine. Just need to take my meds and sleep it off."
"Ok. Get some rest then. Call me if there is anything.. I'll come to you right away." He says being serious and you gave a nod knowing that he will.
"Go and get some rest. You look awfully tired." You say to him after seeing his worn out face. Jimin gave a small nod. He really was tired and his head was also slightly paining but he ignored all of that because for him, you come first.
"I'll pick you up tomorrow. We can go see your doctor together." He says surprising you.
"You're gonna come with me?"
"Yes. You did say that you are scared of the test and you had no one to go with. So I'll come with you. Actually I really want to come with you and be there for you." He says making you smile more.
"Ok. I'll see you in the morning." You say. he gives a nod and looked at you with soft caring eyes. Feeling your heart acting out. You stepped forward and hugged him again to feel his warmth one last time for the day. "Thank you for every ounce of comfort and care that you keep offering me. I wish I could do something for you to show how grateful I am for everything." You say to him.
Jimin buries his face into the crook of your neck wanting to ask you to come with him as he didn't want to let go. But he really wanted something else, something more from you.
"There is something that you can do for me in return." He says and you slowly step back to look at him.
"What is it?"
"Be happy always. That's all I want and that's all you can give me." Your insides tugged again and your heart twitched. You didn't know why your happiness was so important to him but knowing that he cares makes you happy anyways.
"I'll do my best then. Good night Jimmy." You place a light kiss to his cheek.
"Good night Princess." to your surprise he kiss your forehead in return making your heart jump. You really liked it and you did blush a little. But you acted cool and smiled at him.
After seeing him drive away, the first thing you did was having your medicine. After that you left a text to Jungkook informing that you just got home and then head to have a long hot shower. While the water streamed down you instantly felt better. Closing your eyes you let your thoughts clear out, but suddenly images of playing in the rain flashed. You smiled at the memory feeling happy that they are coming back. Little by little you remembered few things making your smile broader. You realized how happy you are when you are with Jimin. You really like how he makes you forget everything and makes you want to live without worries. Deep down your heart had started wishing that you could spend every passing second with him.
'I missed you Princess.' The words rang in your head and memories of kissing in the rain and then in a dark room flashed. Your eyes opened and your hand went to your neck as the feeling of soft lips nibbling on your neck burned. "What was that?" You asked yourself. It was the same as before. Was it an old memory? but that man sounded and felt like the Jimin you know.
"You are just tired Y/n. Lets go to bed." You tell yourself and get out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around your body and your hair, you head towards the mirror to go through your night routine. Still feeling the tingling sensation on your neck, you look up to find a light pink mark on it. Wait! Is that what I think it it? Your eyes widened as you got closer to the mirror and inspected it more.
It was not big or dark, so you thought maybe it's an insect bite. There is no way you can get a hickey on your neck. Not unless Jimin gave it to you, your mind started running wild. So are those flashes are real memories? Did Jimmy and I cross the line? You questioned but then you remembered him saying nothing happened. Probably it's nothing! Let's sleep now.. you are not in your right mind today. Just like before, even though you convinced yourself and even though you couldn't remember properly, deep down you could feel everything you felt that night. Every kiss, every touch, every burning breath that made you feel alive and loved. With a confused heart and thoughts of Jimin, you went to sleep.
As promised next morning Jimin came to pick you and took you to the hospital. Jimin sat in the other room with the doctor as you laid down to proceed with the MRI scan. Before going in, you saw Jimin mouthing 'You are gonna be alright.' and smiled lovingly at you. Your heart skipped a beat and your mind felt relaxed.
When everything was done, Jimin walked over to you and helped you up and waited for you to change. Carefully placing his hand on your small of the back, he led you to the doctor's office. As usual you started getting nervous when the doctor opened your report. You bit your bottom lip and started fiddling with your fingers just like any other visits when it comes to the main check up days. Last time you did hear good news and got your hopes little bit up and now it scared you to hear anything negative.
Your heart stopped for a second and you stopped nervously moving your fingers as you felt a warm soft hand covering yours. You looked down to see Jimin holding it in a comforting way which made you so soft on the inside. You looked up at him and he gave you an encouraging smile which you returned. You never knew a small gesture like this was all you needed to get through the nervous wreck you have when meeting the doctor.
"Miss. Y/N. I'm happy to say that there is a huge improvement compared to your last visit. Your brain is functioning without any problems and here as you can see. These two parts are completely responsive the way it's supposed to be." The doctor showed the screen to you. Feeling happy you squeezed Jimin's hand and he caressed it with his thumb in return.
"But I still can't remember anything properly." You say in a low concerned voice.
"It's just a matter of time. Soon it will come back to you. Don't worry and stress over it. I'll be stopping all your medicines and prescribing only one to take on emergencies. So just stay relaxed all the time." He advised. But the questions didn't end there. More concerns and explanations were voiced as Jimin was eager to know more about your condition than you. He paid attention to every detail as if he was your guardian.. as if he was your boyfriend. You looked at him in awe as you watched him discussing things with the doctor like a well educated powerful gentleman. The sight was weirdly fascinating. You didn't even understand half of the things they were talking about but still you felt happy.
After the visit, you both head to the café straightaway. Mr. Bo was so pleased with the deal as the old couple didn't make any demands and accepted every condition. It was so good to be back at the café. Jay went on about the things that you missed and joked around a bit, where as Hana kept frowning at you.
"What's up with her? Did a guy ditch her or something?" You ask Jay wondering why she is showing you attitude.
"Nah! She was like that ever since You and Jimmy went on to get the deal signed. I bet she was dying to go with Jimmy and probably was planning to seduce him and get into his pants. When you guys called up and said you are stuck there. she literally threw a fit." Jay snickered and this time it was you who frowned. After knowing this, You didn't want her anywhere near Jimin and you were glad that it was you who went with him.
Speaking of Jimin, you looked around for him with worried eyes. He didn't show up to the counter ever since you both returned to the café. It's been more than two hours now. Wondering where he is, you excused yourself and head to the kitchen but he was not there. Next you tried the resting room, it was empty too. Did he leave? He did look tired earlier. You went up to Lee and cleared your throat to get his attention.
"Hey.. did you see Jimmy by any chance? I can't find him."
"He is resting in the store room. He is not feeling well." Lee replied.
"What? He was fine just this morning." You say mentally cursing yourself for not noticing it. Not waiting for Lee to reply, you head towards the storeroom. Your heart softened and your lips curved down to see him sleeping on the table.
Closing the door behind, you went over and sat opposite to him. You couldn't believe that he came with you and went through all that trouble when he was not feeling well. This man always keeps doing weird things to your heart and you really didn't know how to take them. Gently you placed your hand on his forehead to see if he have fever but thankfully he didn't.
Not wanting to leave his side, you rested your head next to his on the table. He was facing the other side so you slowly placed your hand on his head and caressed it to give him some kind of comfort. His light breathing, the softness of his hair on your palm, body rising and falling made your heart heavy. Without thinking much, you got closer to his head and placed a deep kiss on his head.
When you pulled back and rested your head back on the desk, Jimin turned his head to your side surprising you as your faces were so close to each other. He was awake! Both of you had your eyes wide, staring at each other but soon your eyes softened along with his. He smiled at you softly and reached for the hand on his head and lifted it off to straighten himself up. He laced his fingers with yours and pulled you closer to him once you sat up.
"How are you feeling?" You ask softly.
"Better since you are here." You rolled your eyes but that didn't fail to make you blush a little.
"Why didn't you tell me that you were not feeling well. Just go home and rest. You look terrible." You say to him but it was a lie. He looked good as always even at his worn out state. Jimin smiled and leaned in closer to your face making your heart thump faster.
"It's just a headache. It will go away but I'm sad that you are trying to chase me just because I look terrible." He teases in a low husky voice that sent chills down your spine. Your breath almost hitched but you remained still as if you were unfazed by his closeness.
"I-I didn't mean it like that. You look..."
"Handsome?... Tempting?" He asked biting his own lip for a second and then smirking seeing you staring at them. You gulped lightly seeing his soft lips up close. Your neck and your lips tingled and you felt a burning sensation in the pit of your stomach. Kiss Them! Your inner self voiced but coming to your senses, you snapped out of your trans and smacked Jimin's forehead.
"OUCH!!! What was that for?" Jimin complained leaning back while rubbing his forehead. You couldn't help but burst into fits of giggles seeing his pouty face.
"That's for trying to be cocky." You say.
"That hurt. Can't believe that you hit a sick person." He narrowed his eyes at you in a playful way.
"If you are sick.. then go home." You shake your head at him and stand to go back and ask Mr. Bo to send him home because you care for him. But Jimin held your hand and made you sit back.
"Stay with me here. Just for ten minutes. I'll be fine once I nap for another ten minutes." His tone was serious and his gaze on you looked pleading. The flirty and the playfulness he had earlier was long gone. Without any hesitation you give a nod.
What he did next confused you. Jimin picked up his chair and came around the table to sit next to you, kind of trapping you in between him and the wall. You raised a brow at him and he just smiles which warmed your heart.
"Just incase you decide to leave me."
"I'm not gonna leave you. I'll be here as long as you want if it makes you better." You sigh and say honestly.
"Good. Then stay close to me. It makes me feel better." He folds his arms on the table and hide his face away as he rest his forehead on his arm to take a nap. "Specially whenever you hold my hand or hug me." he murmurs to himself tiredly but you heard it loud and clear.
Your heart was beating in a weird pace as it was heavy for this man next to you. You remembered all the times he held you to give a piece of him to comfort you. And now you want to give a piece of you in return. You looked at his hand that was out towards you under his arm. You slowly reached to hold his hand but as soon as your fingers grazed his, Jimin got a bit startled and he moved his fingers back. But realizing it was just you, Without lifting his head, he held your hand and brought it under him to rest his chin on it. The gesture gave you thousands of butterflies. Wanting to be more closer to him, you placed your other hand on his shoulder and hugged him as you buried your face against the nape of his neck.
Jimin smiled to himself feeling you on him. His heart felt happy in the moment and he really did feel better because of you. But just to be with you like this for little longer. He decided to nap for few more minutes.
Later in the evening after getting off work, you met up with June as promised. You both decided to go have dinner together to catch up on all the things that you both missed. "Ok.. lets go." June and you happily locked arms and giggled feeling silly.
As you both were passing June's neighbor shop which belonged to Mr. Chan. A good looking handsome man in a suit walked out of the shop. "Oh my god. Are you seeing that?" June whisper spoke with her big eyes wide opened seeing the man.
"I know... I'm seeing it." You say as you both slowed your pace purposely. It's something that you and June do when you see a hot guy but not with any bad intentions. Just to appreciate a good looking man. But sometimes they are a curse in your opinion. In real, you are already stuck with two handsome men in your life and yet things are so complicated.
The man in the suit looked up making you both stop walking for a second and he smiled before turning away. Being playful June nudged you and you nudged back. But that man suddenly snapped his head back up and looked directly at you with big surprised eyes.
"Y/n?" He exclaimed and this time you froze wondering how did this stranger know your name.
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