~ 2.16 ~
The cold air seeping through the layer of the blanket made Jimin wake up with a little shiver running down his body. The less layers of clothing and the thin walls of the small house wasn't helping them with the rainy season. He blinked few times and opened his eyes, it was not that dark anymore as it was dawn. No wonder it's freaking cold! Jimin sighed softly but he felt well rested after a long time. He slept well knowing that you are next to him.
He turned to see you curled up like a ball because of the cold. The blanket was only half covering you as you whimpered a little. With a smile touching his lips, he reached forward to take your blanket and cover you properly.
Feeling the warmth radiating from him, unconsciously you moved your body towards him, seeking more warmth. Jimin stiffened a little not sure how to react to this. With all his heart he wants to pull you towards him and tuck in his arms but he was scared that you would throw a fit. He didn't want to make a move but you made it hard as you snuggled into his chest.
Jimin's heart kick started and started pounding hard against his chest as you let out a satisfied hum and throw your arm around his waist. He was melting on the inside remembering the familiar feeling of sleeping in your arms. You still smelled the same and felt the same. Suddenly the emotions were overpowering him and he was close to tearing up. But as soon as you shuddered a little, he didn't hesitate to wrap his arm around you and tuck you in his warm embrace.
Resting his chin on top of your head, he held you closer to him. Listening to your soft breathing against his chest, he let his mind wonder as he is unable to sleep again. Sometimes he wonder what the hell is he even doing without grabbing you and running away. Sometimes it's hard for him to play this game of pretend. Sometimes he just wants to tell you the truth and force everything into you but.. The big BUT is that he didn't want to risk your mental condition. He saw the pain you went through at that small trigger, his heart dropped and fear crept through him to see you like that.
The only thing he can be happy about all of this drama is that he gets to be close to you, and now without doubt he knows that you are falling for him. Jimin knows it's not going to be easy because you will be in denial and then you will be stubborn as fuck about it. That's what made him go crazy for you in the beginning. You were never easy and you always put up a fight. So he expects nothing less even now.
You could feel the sun light streaming through the window and the cold air grazing your toes which are slightly out of the blanket. You smiled sleepily as you heard the birds singing. Even though you slept on the floor, you feel like you had the best sleep ever. Specially wrapped in a warm arms with the familiar sweet masculine smell that intoxicates you. Feeling happy you snuggled more and tightened your arms around the comfortable warm man. WAIT!! MAN!!!
You stiffened suddenly as realization hit you. You were squeezing a person to you and very well you knew who it was. Gasping, you quickly removed your hand and shot opened your eyes to see your face just centimeters away from Jimin's chest. Moving back you looked up at Jimin and thankfully he was asleep. You let out a relieved sigh and tried to move further away but you were trapped with his arms around you.
Part of you wanted to just lie there and pretend as if it's not a big deal and another part of you want to run away because your heart was acting out. How can I find this much comfort in his arms? I didn't even have any kind of dreams. This guy really is something. Landing your eyes on Jimin, you admired his handsome face. His plum lips.. perfect jaw.. cute little nose.. and those eyelids hiding away two beautiful night sky like eyes. What are these feelings in my heart that I get because of you Jimmy? Why do you feel like my safe heaven? Why am I so drawn to you and so comfortable and happy around you? And why do I still feel the burn of your kiss deep within my soul?
You silently questioned him as your eyes travelled to his lips. Once again you were tempted to kiss them. Swallowing hard, you slowly got closer and stretched your face up to his. Your lips hovered near his plum ones and you clutched a handful of his shirt in your fist. Feeling yourself wanting to get lost in the moment without any other thoughts, you closed your eyes taking a moment to feel him. Your heart was beating erratically and you could feel his warm breathing brushing your skin.
But you quickly snapped out of it when your phone beeped next to you, breaking you away from the spell and crashing you back to reality. WTF Y/N!! You almost kissed him. What were you thinking? Your brain shouted at you. Mentally groaning you backed away again. Wanting to get away from his closeness and also wanting to use the washroom, you slowly removed his hand from you. You were thankful that he didn't wake up. Grabbing your stuff, you tiptoed around the room and went out to freshen up after giving another look at Jimin.
Once you were out, the corner of Jimin's lip twitched up as he was up the whole time. He felt your frustration.. burning stares and your lips almost on him. He wanted to open his eyes and kiss you but he wanted you to make the move. He was a little disappointed that your damn phone beeped in a time like this, but most of all he was really feeling happy. You are making it hard for me to hold back Princess! Better not tease me. Smiling widely, he rolled around on the mat like an idiot.
After a small meeting Jungkook walked around the exhibition hall with a big smile. There were good feedbacks from the game and they have almost reached the target goal. The team was very happy with Jungkook's work and praised him a lot and also suggested a very tempting good offer to transfer back here. He did say he will think about it but he wasn't sure if he wants to come back to Seoul with you.
Looking around the exhibition hall he spotted June going through the displayed artworks of the characters of the new game. Since it was rude to ignore knowing that she was your friend, Jungkook approached June to have a chat with her.
"Hey.. are you enjoying the exhibit?" He kind of startled June but seeing that it was just Jungkook, she gave a small smile acknowledging him.
"Oh hey.. Yeah.. It's really creative and cool. I was just going through the characters." She said walking to the next one.
"Glad that you think that way. Did you get the chance to play the new game yesterday after the launch?"
"Yes I did. I was playing the whole night to get some practice." June said observing the next character on display. Her eyes widened at how beautiful the anime character looked with hazel brown eyes, pink lips and long brown hair. Normally female game characters in many games are almost the same with just different eye colors and hair. But this character looked so unique but also familiar. June's brows furrowed as she observed the character more.
"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked seeing June's reaction to one of his drawings. Jungkook was in charge of the top five main characters and this one is his favorite.
"I don't know.. This character looks oddly familiar." A knowing smile tugged the corner of his lips as he looked at the drawing.
"That's because you know her." He says softly just for June to hear as he admired it. June looked at Jungkook confused and then back at the drawing. Her eyes travelled down to the plaque that read it was a drawing by Jeon Jungkook. Her mouth fell open a little as she was surprised.
"It's her isn't it? It's Y/n." June smiled widely looking at the piece, finally recognizing who it was.
"The one and only." Jungkook confirmed.
"Wow. It's so beautiful. You are so talented Jungkook. Great job." June genuinely complimented.
"Uh.. Thanks." Jungkook said slightly touching his ear. June kind of felt bad because she saw how he looked at the drawing few seconds ago and how his face changed at the mention of you. Does he really love her? But still.. he can't just steal away anyone.. can he? The method is wrong. June questioned as she got curious.
"So do you like the new game?" He asked snapping June back from her thoughts.
"Yes I did. It's really cool but I found one or two glitches. Nothing major.. It's not even visible but I tend to observe everything. Just to find my way around the game and prepare for the competition. I'm still kind of nervous." June said honestly.
"What? Glitches? Where?" This news alarmed Jungkook.
"Trust me. It's nothing major. You really can't notice it." June says seeing the panic she caused in him.
"If you don't mind can you show me? Please. I need this game to be perfect. We can have a match too so that you can practice more." Jungkook suggested thinking of the win win situation. Knowing that it's her fault that Jungkook looks disturbed, she agreed.
"Fine. But really it's not that noticeable." She says again as she follows Jungkook to the gaming area.
They both settled next to each other and launched the new game. Jungkook was not bothered to look at his as he was looking at June's screen impatiently. His eyes widened and his mouth slightly fell open when her avatar and her profile appeared.
"You gotta be fucking kidding me?"
"Huh?" June looked at him with a brow quirked up.
"You are the freaking MYSTICANTA?" Jungkook stated in a shocked tone as he felt his pride was hurt. He couldn't believe that he was losing to a girl all this time.
"It's An.T.A for Anthea aka goddess of flowers.. not ANTA!" June clears as she gets annoyed when the name is mispronounced.
"Yeah whatever. I can't believe I was competing against you." Jungkook was still dazed. June frowned wondering what's wrong with him and looked at his screen. The shock was widely visible in her big wide eyes.
"Wait!!! You are the GoldenMaknae! Wow.. what a surprise. You sure do give a hell of a good game."
"You know what. Lets have a match first in this new gameplay." Jungkook said in a challenging tone. June smirked seeing that she hurt his ego and accepted.
After two hours of competing with each other June was only able to win two games against Jungkook. She was nervous because the game was unfamiliar to her. The old game she used to practice and analyze it for hours, that's how she was able to beat others and get the top score.
Jungkook was jumping in victory and chuckling unable to hold his happiness. They both argued over some silly tricks and even held a small bet. After gaming, she finally showed the glitches and mentioned how she noticed them to Jungkook. They both were seriously discussing it for a while and after that since June lost ,she had to treat Jungkook with a drink. Outside the building there was a Boba Truck so they both walked out to get each a drink.
"Since we have a lot of time for the competition. Lets just sit here. I need some fresh air." June head over to a bench under a shade next to the truck. Jungkook wanted to go back inside but since she helped and pin pointed their mistakes he just joined her not wanting to be rude.
"So is this your first time in Seoul?" He asked sipping his drink.
"I did come once when I was a kid but I hardly remember anything."
"Oh! When did you get into gaming and all? You seem really good at it and you are very observant. The things you suggested to add earlier are actually amazing. I can't wait to discuss it with my team." He said as he was truly amazed by her skills. June smiled a little feeling shy as she was never good at taking compliments.
"A guy I used to like was into gaming. So I learned to impress him but without me knowing I got addicted to gaming." June answered honestly.
"And what happened to the guy?"
"Well he was swoon away by the famous Hana who thinks it's fine to be a bitch. I don't know how Y/n handles her." June says bitterly making Jungkook chuckle.
"Y/n is something else. She knows how to put up with jerks very well. Does she know that you are here and you are a gamer?"
"No.. actually I was thinking of calling her. I couldn't even check up on her." She pouted.
"Really? Then lets call her.. I want to see her too. and also tell her that my rival was her best friend." Jungkook grinned widely and pulled out his phone to video call you. After few rings you answered looking tired and sweaty with some dirt of the sleeve of your dress.
June watched Jungkook's lit up face turn into worry. "Precious.. where are you? Are you alright?"
"Yeah! I'm perfectly fine. Just helping out to carry coffee bean bags to the barn." You replied with a smile.
"Barn? You are still there?" Jungkook questioned.
"Yeah.. unfortunately the garage people are unable to replace the tyre today so we are stuck here for another day. They said they will have it fixed by morning." You say while looking around.
"Oh ok. Don't overwork yourself. Make sure to call me when you get home."
"Yeah. So how is the exhibit going? Don't you have to be there?" You questioned.
"Yes I do.. it's going well. And guess what Precious?" Jungkook's tone suddenly got excited.
"What?" You ask narrowing your eyes at him.
"I met my rival MysticAnTA. And you know what's more surprising.. You know her well." He says grinning like a happy bunny.
" Oh wow really.. it's a girl that I know! Who?" You ask and Jungkook happily turned the phone to show June.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD! JUNEEEEE! What are you doing there?" The girls squealed together excited to see each other. Jungkook rolled his eyes because they were acting like they haven't seen each other for years.
"Wait.. you are the one who was beating Kookie's ass?" You exclaimed in surprise as the excitement died down.
" Oh please I beat her ass today." Jungkook cut in making June roll her eyes.
"Give me a week. I'll beat your ass once again." June shot back.
"Challenge accepted." He snickers. June ignored and paid her attention to you and answered you.
"Wow! This is amazing. June I never expected you were into these things. And how come you never told me." You frowned playfully making June giggle sheepishly.
"I just know how much you hate it. So I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. Anyways where are you?" She asked unware of what she said just caught Jungkook's attention. But he ignored it not taking it seriously.
"Oh! Mr. Bo sent me and that troublemaker to get some deal signed and we are kind of stuck here." June kind of panicked internally as you mentioned Jimin, she was relieved that you didn't say his name.
"Ohh.. ok." June didn't know what else to say even though she was dying to tease you about being alone with Jimin. But she couldn't do it as your so called boyfriend was next to her. Can a situation be this complicated? She thought.
"Well he was somewhere around here. Wanna talk to him?" You ask out of the blue and stood up looking around.
"NO! Wait!" June quickly stopped you in an alarmed tone with her eyes wide as possible. The last thing she wants is for you to show Jimin while Jungkook was looking at you over June's shoulder.
"I wanted to talk to you something important about the shoot. But I'll do it later. I think we should go inside now. We have a competition starting soon. I'll be coming back tomorrow night. So see you the day after." June went on blabbering.
"Oh ok! All the best girl!!! See you soon." After you waved June gave the phone to Jungkook quickly. Thankfully he didn't notice the panicked behavior of June as he casually went back to smiling and talking to you.
"I'll talk to you later ok Angel. Don't hurt yourself."
"Ok Dad.. Take care." You giggled.
"Take care Precious." Smiling Jungkook ended the call and tucked the phone back into his pocket. June observed Jungkook well with her curious eyes but quickly looked away when he turned.
"I guess she is stuck there for another day. I'm a bit worried because she is in an unknown place with a new comer." Jungkook voiced his concern but June smirked internally.
"Don't worry. She is safe with him. Probably the safest." June stated knowing that it's the truth.
"Hmm.. that's what I want."
"Do you really love her?" June deadpanned unable to hold herself.
"Who? Precious? Of course I do. She is my everything." Jungkook was confused by her sudden question that was directed at him. June noticed the sudden displeased look on his face for her sudden attack so she thought of approaching him in a different way.
"Precious.. such a sweet and a unique nick name for a girlfriend." She commented taking a sip from her drink. Jungkook smiled softly.
"Well it sure is a name filled with lots of love and meaning. I called her that ever since we were young, even before dating. She was going through a rough time and I didn't want her to breakdown and I didn't want to loose her.. So I started calling her Precious to remind her how precious she truly is, specially to me." Jungkook replied playing with the straw.
"So you loved her ever since you were young?" June questioned to see what Jungkook is really up to.
"I always loved her... she always was and always will be my Precious. But I developed stronger feelings later when we got separated because of work. We lived in two different cities at first I was having fun but then after few days I started missing her. I was so used to being around her, and it was just weird without her next to me. And after we were reunited few years later, I realized that I don't want her going anywhere again. My strong feelings and love towards her just grew so much."
June completely understood what Jungkook said. And she could see that Jungkook really cares for you and love you but she doubted if it was the right kind of love. After talking to him some more she even doubted if he has mixed separation, fear of losing you as love. He did say that the separation made the feelings grow stronger. Maybe Jungkook was just so used to you that he thought the loneliness he felt without you is love. She knew for a fact the bond he shared with you is something special and could easily be mistaken as LOVE love.. the romantic kind of love. But whatever it is, what's happening right now was wrong. And June wanted Jungkook to know that.
"You know.. I have a friend who had the similar situation. Best friend to lovers and all... but I feel bad for her. What she is doing is very wrong and she is just hurting herself and the guy she loves." June threw the bait hoping that he would get caught and play along. Luckily it did catch Jungkook's attention.
"And why is that?"
"Because they used to be really really good best friends. They were inseparable and they were always there for each other. But my friend started getting jealous when the guy started dating and started spending less time with her. As time went by she thought she is falling in love with her best friend. But then something happened and that guy and his girl broke up. And my friend took this as an opportunity and made a move and took advantage of his vulnerable state. When he found out her feelings he didn't want to hurt her. My friend is treating him right and shows love and all but I think the guy is still in love with his ex." June put it out in the best way that she could think of without giving out that she was referring to him and you.
"Yeah I get that the situation is kind of messed up. I understand your friend. But that guy will get over his ex, all your friend got to do is love him harder and not give up the fight." Jungkook said shrugging as if it's simple as that.
"But it's wrong Jungkook. He is in love with someone else. No matter how much you fight for it, it's no use because you cannot make someone love you back the way you want. And if you truly love that person you would want that person to be happy even if it's not with you. Now this is obsession.. not love." June tried to say it in a non offensive way.
"It can be love. And if the person is happy with you then that's all that matters. You can love enough for both." Jungkook was being stubborn as he saw himself in the situation. And June knew where these are exactly coming from.
"It can be love. You may be right because we really can't see into a person's heart and judge what they are feeling unless they tell us and show us. But still.. Having one sided love is just too selfish. I'm sure the other one craves love and happiness too. Everyone wants to love to their hearts content. And also.. how sure can you be that your partner is happy with you? Can you guarantee that your love is really enough for them.. like is that what they really want?" June questioned seeing Jungkook's brow furrowing.
"Love shouldn't be selfish. True love is very rare.. and if we are stopping it from happening.. trust me non of the people in the situation will be happy. And love is understanding, accepting and being happy together. It's not deceiving and taking advantages of vulnerable situation by using the bond against them. It will make the other person guilty for wanting the actual happiness and love that they desire. And that's what my friend is doing. She is so blinded by her love for him that she thinks its fine as long as he is with her. And because of the deep connection and the bond they share, the guy just keep it all in not wanting to hurt her while his heart longs for something else. Internally they are both hurting themselves. They say it will hurt less if you just learn to let go and save yourselves and others from misery. And what's the point of having someone physically when they are not emotionally attached to you. What you will have is an empty shell because that person's heart and soul will be with someone else." June didn't care how Jungkook would react to all of this, she just needed to get it out of her chest.
Jungkook was really quiet for a while. He was completely zoned out while nibbling on his bottom lips. It was like he was trying to hold back his emotions. He inhaled a sharp breath and spoke in a heavy cracked voice as he stared at his feet.
"It's easier said than done. Sometimes you are just helpless and compelled to do things against your will but when you are too deep.. it's just hard to let go. Specially when all you want is that person in your life." June felt bad as she could see the pain in his eyes. She realized that he knew that what he is doing was wrong and probably has his own reasons. But unfortunately she couldn't ask that directly.
"I agree.. But there are other ways you can keep a person with you.. you know. If the two of them wants to be together, they would always find a way. No bond should always be romance to have a deep connection. And I believe that if you hold on to the wrong person, you may never find that right person who is actually meant for you. You will miss out the chance of finding actual happiness." June said gently not wanting to hurt him any further. She was just trying to make him understand for his sake and for her friend's sake. June saw what Jimin and you have.. it's worth fighting for because it's fated and it's true love. She sees the way you look at Jimin and she sees how much Jimin loves you. And the only person who can set this mess right is Jungkook.
"Yeah maybe.. But even if you meet that someone. It's hard to unlove or forget what you feel for this person. You would always love this person.. it's not something that will go away if you have a special bond. And I think that will be unfair for that new someone." Jungkook argued in his defense.
"And that would be completely acceptable and alright. look.. all I'm saying is.. we should find someone who would love us, accept us and be happy with us. The respect, understanding and trust should be main key points for happiness. And you can never force a love into someone. A heart will always go for what it wants. Just keep that in mind." June got her point across and secretly prayed that Jungkook would think these over.
Jungkook swallowed the lump which was forming in his throat. His heart was heavy and he didn't like the facts that June spoke about at all.
"Have you been in love?" He asked out of the blue making June blink twice as she was not expecting it. She did date and had major crushes but love was not any of it.
"N-No not really. Never found the right person." June said honestly.
"Then as a person who doesn't know what love actually feels like.. I think you have no right to tell what other person is feeling is wrong." he spoke in a deep hurt voice as he got up avoiding eye contact with June. "I'm sure your friend knows what's best for her. So let her make her own choices. Anyways.. all the best with the competition." After that Jungkook just walks away leaving June dumfounded.
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