~ 2.14 ~
"What the fuck! Dammit!" Jungkook cursed out loud throwing the controller away and groans tugging at his air. The two of his friends who were seated next to him cracked up laughing seeing Jungkook loose for the third time in a row to get the highest score and beating the current top player.
"Just give up already. That player is way too good." Sobin says passing the chip bag to Nate.
"Arg! I was this close." Jungkook shows pinching his fingers together. "And I was ranking first all these time. Who is this freaking MysticAnTA or whatever... I'm not gonna rest until I bring him down."
"It could be one of the programming department players since they always compete with us to show that they know around the game better than us." Nate says biting into a chip.
"Anyways we can show them who we are when the new game drops. This one is old school now." Sobin says to calm down Jungkook before he goes for another round.
"Whatever let me just play again." Jungkook goes to grab the controller.
"Just chill man. Let it go now and play tomorrow. You have been at this for more than five hours now. It's enough and go answer your damn phone.. it was blasting off with calls and messages." Nate informs snapping Jungkook from his game mood.
"What? Why didn't you tell me?" Jungkook asked in a raised voice getting more mad.
"Calm down bitch. Sobin did tell you but you just ignored."
"Fuck off.. none of you did as you both were just laughing and gobbling down the food like pigs."
"Fuck you. I literally said My Precious is looking for you." Sobin says grabbing the phone to hold it up in front of his annoyed friend. Jungkook quickly snatched it from his friend's hand and checked the screen. There were three missed calls and six messages from you.
My Precious - Hey Kookie.. I just got home. What time are you calling me?
My Precious - I think you might be still busy
My Precious - It's ok take your time.
Crap! I promised to call her today. Jungkook rubbed his forehead realizing that he lost track of time because of the game and forgot to call you. Hoping you are still up, he hurried to the room and closed the door behind him as he dialed you up.
Please don't be mad.. and please be up. Jungkook paced the room with the phone pressed to his ear.
"Hello?" You answered groggily.
"Precious, I'm so so sorry. I know I promised to talk with you today but I just lost track of time and I didn't hear my phone ringing." Jungkook apologized in one go as soon as he heard your voice. But soon he stopped pacing the room as the line was silent, You didn't respond to him and that worried him.
"Angel?" His voice was low with concern. He wondered if you fell asleep again, but then he heard you sigh.
"It's ok Jungkook. I'm sure you might have been busy with work." Guilt hit him hard in that second, he knew nothing he could say to justify his actions but he couldn't lie to you.
"Actually I lost track of time while playing a game." Jungkook winced at the sound of it. You were silent for a second again and Jungkook didn't know what to tell you.
"It's ok Kook. It's not the first time. Must be an important game." Your nonchalant reply made him feel more bad.
"Angel it's not like that. I'm sorry. I'll listen to everything that you have to say now. Talk to me."
"Jungkook it's ok. You don't have to make time to listen to me. You are not my therapist. I don't want that." Jungkook shut his eyes cursing himself for putting it out like that.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. Please don't be mad at me."
"I'm not mad at you." You say it but your tone indicates otherwise.
"Yes you are."
"No I'm not."
"Then show me your cute little angry face." Jungkook settles on the bed and requests for video. For a second he thought you would decline but his heart twitched when you accepted.
You really did look mad and also sleepy with a cute pout snuggled up with pillows around. His lips stretched into a big cute bunny smile seeing you.
"See.. you are mad at me." Jungkook exclaimed in a sweet tone trying to lighten up the mood, but you just frowned.
"Oh come on babe.." Jungkook pouted knowing that it would always make you react and like he assumed you did.
"Your cute pouts are not gonna work today. I literally cancelled going out for dinner with the gang just because you promised that you will spend time talking to me." You frowned feeling hurt. You wanted to tell him so many things including the progress of your condition but Jungkook never made time for you. Jungkook let out a sigh and watched you for a while. Your heart was already giving in to him and you knew you couldn't stay mad at him longer.
"Look.. I'm sorry. I know words are not enough and now it's pretty late. If you want to sleep I will understand. But I would really like to talk to my beautiful angry angel and see her smile before I go to sleep tonight." He gave his best cute bunny face and like a sucker you gave in and smiled making him smile wider.
"Idiot" You scolded trying to hide your smile.
"I'm your idiot." He replied as always. Even though you both smiled and spoke that night, the distant felt real. You didn't even share what the doctor said as Jungkook was not interested to know. He was just talking about his new project and how someone beat him to the old games. And for the first time you fell asleep while he was talking and you didn't even feel bad for it.
The next few days passed in a flash and it was finally Saturday. It's the day to fulfil Jimin's wish and if you are being honest to yourself, you have been looking forward to this day a lot. There were some beautiful places you wanted to really go see and you hoped Jimin wouldn't complain because it could be pretty boring for a guy.
Knowing that the day will be spent walking around, you wore comfortable shoes that would go with your jeans and the pretty top that June made you buy the other day. You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time and grabbed your bag to head out.
Your heart skipped a beat and a big smile appeared on your lips when you saw Jimin already waiting for you leaning against the car. He looked like a model dressed in black jeans and black long sleeved with top two buttons undone.
A sudden white light flashed and you quickly blinked your eyes as an image of Jimin wearing a tux leaning against a luxury car flashed before your eyes. Weird! You thought for a second, but as you were slowly getting used to these flashes, you ignored it and skipped towards Jimin after shaking it off.
Jimin's heart was fluttering with thousands of butterflies as you were skipping towards him with a big smile on your face. You were looking really beautiful and only his heart knew, how he wished to lift you up in his arms and kiss you with all the love he have for you.
"Good morning." You greeted excitedly.
"Good morning Princess." He greeted back and opened the door for you. Once you got in, he carefully closed the door and jogged over to his side.
"Did Lee get the car fixed?" You asked in surprise because till last night Jimin had been taking the bus and walking you home.
"Uh.. yeah. When I got home last nigh it was there.. so I borrowed it for our date."
"Date? Who said it's a date.. I'm just fulfilling my promise." You say jokingly.
"Oh trust me.. this is a date for me. That's what I meant when I asked you out." Jimin said in a joking tone and as expected you rolled your eyes at him, not taking it seriously.
"Ok then get ready for the most boring and girly date ever." You smirk at him as he starts the engine.
"I don't care as long as I'm with you. Besides.. dates with me are never boring." He winks making you blush. Such a flirt! You thought smiling to yourself.
"So you want to see something cool first.. or you wanna go for a boring yet calming walk with me while enjoying the nature.. or... do you want to see the dancing flowers first?" You ask turning to look at his face to see his reaction as you mentioned the things you want to do today.
"Dancing flowers?" Jimin asks with a raised brow as he smoothly turned the wheel making a right turn. Your eyes shined watching him. You never knew a guy behind a wheel could look this good.
"Yup.. there is a place called floral fantasy.. it's a beautiful place with flowers and stuff.. and there is an area where flowers dance hanging from the ceiling. I have seen some videos it's so pretty." You thought Jimin would just make a face but to your surprise he didn't. Instead he just gave a nod.
"Hmm.. Interesting. But first lets go have breakfast." Jimin says knowing very well you don't make breakfast for yourself. You give a nod and leaned back smiling.
Jimin really have no idea where you are going to take him but like he said, he didn't care. All he wants is to spend time with you and talk with you. Back in Tokyo you made him go to exhibitions and look at paintings for hours. Yet he never complained because he enjoyed it with you. So he won't mind even if you make him sit in front of flowers and make him stare at them all day.
After a hearty yummy breakfast, you decided to go to the Art Science Museum in Marina Bay sands. You have heard a lot of things of this place from Hana and Jay. They said it's worth a visit and it's really cool, so here you are standing at the entrance with Jimin behind you.
"Shall we?" Jimin asked with a smile after he got the tickets cleared.
"Lets go." You say smiling and entered the halls to go to the digital art rooms.
Once you stepped inside a dark room you were completely awestruck as it was only lit by beautiful digital flowers on screens and colorful butterflies flying around the room in 3D. The sounds of water flowing, wings fluttering with touch of magical sounds filled your ears. Every step you took, a flower bloomed under your foot. And you felt like the butterflies were flying around you.
"Woah!" You heard Jimin whisper next to you as he was also amazed by the view. You walked towards one of the large screen walls to observe the falling flower petals and the butterflies.
Jimin watched you under the screen lights and the butterflies were moving around you. The sight was so breathtaking with you in it. He couldn't take his eyes off of you in that moment.
"It's so beautiful." You say in a low mesmerized voice as you turned to look at Jimin. Your heart tugged when you noticed the way he was looking at you. It was just like how you were watching the surrounding few minutes ago.
"W-why are you looking at me like that?"
"Because you look beautiful." He says honestly making you turn into a tomato. You were glad that it was dark in the room and he couldn't see you blush. Not sure how to react to that you cleared your throat and turned to the other side.
"Lets go to the next one." You say and walked faster. Knowing that you got shy, Jimin chuckled to himself and hurried after you. "Hey.. wait up."
The next room had cute drawings all over the screen walls. And there was a plaque that read 'Touch the drawing for the painting to come alive.' Your eyes widened and you immediately touched a dinosaur figure near you and it immediately grew big coming alive and ran away from the place.
"Oh wow Jimmy look. This is so cool." You say touching the bird next. Jimin joined you and you both started touching almost every animal, tree and other figures that was in your reach while giggling and pushing each other away to get to the next drawing first.
"The next one is mine." You announce in a high voice and moved fast to reach it but to your damn luck it was kind of out of your reach.
"Dammit!" You cursed and jumped up to touch it but still it was too high. Jimin broke into fits of laughter behind you and came over to touch it but you shrieked and pushed him away.
"No.. get away, this one is mine."
"Move it shorty. You will never reach it." Jimin teased while laughing.
"Excuse me.. speak for yourself. You are not that tall either mister. And I'm not moving till I get this." You jumped again.
"Oh please I'm so much more taller than you. And let me help you with that since you are so determined to touch it." Jimin suddenly lifts you up in his strong arms making you yelp. But he didn't flinch one bit. You looked down at him with wide eyes and he just nudged his head upwards to the drawing.
"We don't have all day princess.. go ahead and finish it off." He teases you more and you quickly touched the screen for him to put you down. Once he set you down, he stepped closer looking down at you with a smirk to make a point that he is taller than you.
"Since we are done.. shall we get to the next." He says holding back a big smile seeing your face. You just roll your eyes at him and pushed him back playfully to get to the next place.
"What's this? A giant slide?" You asked seeing people sliding down a huge screen cutting through fruits and flowers, turning them into a firework.
"Looks like a giant fruit ninja to me." Jimin commented making you snort.
"It looks fun. Lets go together." not waiting for a response, excitedly you pulled Jimin and got to the top of the slide.
"You are so impatient." Jimin shook his head and stood closer next to you. He was feeling like a kid but he was loving it. He couldn't remember the last time he was this silly and playful. And what made him more happy was that he could see that you are really enjoying it too.
"Yes.. I am. Now lets go." You said getting ready to sit down and slide. But your heart skipped a beat and your smile got wider when Jimin took your hand in his to slide down together.
Giggling on the count of three you both went down sliding through the fruits and flowers turning the screen into fireworks. Once you got down and walked further, you both realized that you have entered a digital play area. It looked more fun. Without wasting time you both rushed into it and started playing around like kids finding the lost innocent childhood again.
You both drew funny stuff on the writing boards, played a game of catching the running drawings. Then crossed to the other side while jumping on colored shapes and skipped through them. Finally you both ran around while rolling big colored light balls trying to knock each other out. It was the most fun you ever had from what you remembered. And seeing Jimin laugh, playing around like a kid fluttered your heart even more.
"Ok what's next?" Jimin asked in an enthusiastic tone.
"I think this." You say pointing at two big screens on the sides with a long table in the middle filled with blank papers and chalk. One screen looked like an aquarium and the other looked like a city.
"Drawing?" Jimin questioned as you both stepped closer curiously.
"I think we have to draw a building or a vehicle and feed it to that machine there... and it will appear on the screen and your car will move around." You say pointing at the city screen figuring it out and then turned to the aquarium.
"And here.. we can draw sea creatures with names on them and feed it here." You say seeing people feeding their drawn fishes with a message to the machine and it swim away after appearing on the screen.
"I see.. I'm down for this." Jimin takes a seat and starts drawing after grabbing a paper. You sat opposite to him and grabbed a paper. Taking your own sweet time, you started coloring a fish and wrote 'J+(Y/I) was here.' on it's body.
"I'm done." You say keeping away the chalks.
"I'm done too." Jimin announces taking the paper in his hand.
"Mine first." You say and happily went over to the aquarium side and entered your drawing.
"It's here." You clapped your hands together feeling silly and smiled widely watching it swim around with Jimin next to you.
"Your turn." You say to him. He just smirks and takes his drawing and go to the city screen.
"Show me." You say following him as he was hiding it.
"Why don't you try search it on the screen." Jimin refused to show it and entered his drawing to the machine. You and Jimin both walked in front of the screen and looked through the appearing cars, buildings, houses and space ships.
"There it is." Jimin says with a smile staring at the screen. You looked carefully as many drawing appeared with different names and messages. There was no way you are going to find whatever he drew. But one drawing caught your attention. It was a pretty castle with a banner message that read 'Come back HOME Princess. Your Prince is waiting!' Your heart swelled when you read those words. It felt like they were meant for you.
"I-Is this the one?" You ask pointing at the castle, feeling your heart getting heavy a little bit.
"Maybe.. Maybe not." Jimin just shrugged and walked away from the screen to go to the final highlight spot of the museum.
"Hey.. That's unfair ok. You clearly saw mine while drawing. I wanted to see yours too." You pouted as you complained. But Jimin just chuckled and tried to defend himself.
Both of your bickering stopped when you entered the space called the Crystal Universe which had so many LED lights filling the room making it look like stars moving in space. Your eyes were wide and you naturally held Jimin's hand feeling spellbound by the breathtaking beauty of the place.
"I feel like I'm in a different universe." Jimin says entangling his fingers with yours.
"Me too." You whisper in awe as you walked through the changing lights. The moment was so surreal and it made both of you feel different kinds of emotions.
"Y/n." Jimin called out to you in a low deep voice and you respond in a hum as you turned to look at him. It's strange how you could get lost in him in matter of seconds whenever he looks at you with his deep soul searching gaze.
"Can I capture this moment?" Jimin asked turning his phone camera into the video mode. He had been taking photos of you a lot since you asked him to, but now he was requesting to capture this moment of you probably with him in it.
"Of course." You smile and get closer to him. After taking few clips and pictures you both hesitantly walked towards the exit. You really didn't want to leave the place. It's way too beautiful and way too magical. But the crowd was getting bigger and you both had to leave.
*(Incase u guys are wondering... and if my crappy writing is not clear... This is where they went and what they did... 😊)
After exposing yourselves in so many lights and tech, Jimin agreed to take a walk with you in the cloud forest. You always wanted to go there but Jungkook never took you saying it's boring. But right now watching the world tallest inbuilt water fall and walking through the natural tree arches surrounded by trees, your mind was at peace.
With Jimin beside you, you feel like you are the happiest for some reason. You don't know what's it about, but you realized that when you are with him, the void in your heart always disappears. You can only see him, feel him and hear him. Everything else doesn't matter to you.
"Do you prefer to live in countryside or City?" Jimin asks snapping you out of your thoughts as he touched one of the leaves.
"Hmm.. no matter how beautiful and calming the countryside is.. I prefer to live in a city where I can access everything easily. Besides moments like this are precious because we hardly enjoy nature." You say looking around pointing at the greens.
"Good to know that." Jimin gives a nod.
"Ok my turn. If you could go to the most desired place anywhere in this world.. where would it be?" You ask wanting to know what type of place Jimin prefers to visit.
"Home." Jimin answers in a low voice, looking deeply at you with a heart warming sad smile tugged on his lips. Your heart twitched.
"Yes. Home. It's my only happy place that will make me feel complete and loved." Jimin's heart swelled knowing that he cannot be home anytime soon. To him, his home is you and he didn't know how long he had to wait. Sometimes he feared that you might never return home to him.
"That's really nice." You say and wanting to change the topic seeing that he was getting emotional, you ask a simple question.
"What is the heaviest thing to carry?" Jimin being Jimin, he didn't give a light answer.
"The pain of being misunderstood by someone you love the most and never being given the chance to explain yourself.. and tell them about your true feelings, even if they are standing right in front of you." He looks at you and you could see his eyes glaze. But before you could say anything he cleared his throat and walked ahead of you to slowly control his heavy heart.
Things he says and does always makes you more curious. And spending time with him, you definitely understood that he is someone who has been through a lot. Sometimes he talks like he is madly in love and sometimes he talks like he is deeply hurt by love. But for a fact you know that he didn't have a girlfriend so you wanted to know more.
"Jimmy.. I know this is personal.. you don't have to answer if you are uncomfortable." You pause for a second as you got next to him. "Did someone break your heart?"
Once you ask that question, you both got silent. You thought he would just ignore the question but to your surprise he answered.
"It was me who broke her heart."
"Oh!" was all you could say in that second. You found it hard to believe that such an amazing guy broke someone's heart. You wondered what happened but you didn't go to pry.
"I didn't mean to do it. It was just a misunderstanding." Jimin answers as if he heard your thoughts.
"Then why didn't you try to explain?"
"I wanted to.. but things got complicated. And now things are harder than ever. She is so far away from me now." His voice cracks but still he managed to smile sadly.
"But if she ever loved you.. she should have given you a chance to explain."
"It's not her fault. We both suffered a lot and things just got out of hand making it more complicated. But now what's done is done. I cannot change that. All I really want is for her to be happy." You could hear the sincerity in his voice. You felt bad for the girl because she was missing out a love like this in her life.
"Sometimes love is so unfair. I don't understand why love should be so hard." You say honestly.
"Well I think a love must suffer hardship to burn hotter. If you can get through these, your love becomes stronger and it also proves that you never want to let that person go. So you can expect a lasting love without doubt."
You couldn't agree more with Jimin in that moment. He started asking more things from you and so did you. During that whole walk you got to know him better and got ever more closer to him. Also.. you felt bad that he didn't complain one bit and enjoyed everything with you with a heart warming smile on his lips.
"Thank you for putting up with my boring tour. If you have a place in mind then just tell me. We can go there." You sincerely say giving him the chance to take the lead for the rest of the day.
"Y/n.. it's not boring. How many times should I tell you this. We did have fun didn't we. So stop over thinking. And now I'm really hungry.. so lets go eat first and then I'll decide where to go." Jimin says taking your hand in his as if it's the most natural thing to do.
After lunch when you got to the next place you were dying to go, your face fell when you saw that it was temporarily closed. You pouted like a sad baby that you were not able to see the dancing flowers. Jimin couldn't help but laugh finding your actions cute when you huffed and puffed. But soon your mood came back to normal when Jimin promised to bring you back when the place opens up again.
After that the day went in a flash. You both strolled the streets, went to a game arcade and tried different snacks and sweets while joking around. You cracked bad jokes that made Jimin laugh so hard, that his eyes even turned into two beautiful crescents. What's more funnier was how he clumsily kept almost falling while laughing and also telling you dad jokes he learnt from a friend.
As it got dark, you both wanted to try the flyer and watch the colorful city lights but plans changed when June called you. She said she had something important to say and she couldn't wait. So she invited you along with Jimin over to her place. June lives in a very beautiful small apartment room on a rooftop of a small city building. So it was close by and you both arrived quicker than she thought.
"That was fast." She said as she was setting up some food and benches in the open area of the rooftop.
"Yeah. We were close by." You say as you looked at the view from her place. It was beautiful and you could even see a small park and the river close by.
"So what is it that you wanted to tell?" Jimin asks taking a seat on the small bench as you took the chair next to him.
"Well I will be flying out tomorrow afternoon for a competition and will be back in three days. So I just wanted to relax and spend the night with my friends."
"What? Suddenly? What about the shoot?" You questioned, eyes widening to her sudden announcement.
"It's actually my fault. I was so busy with the shoot that I didn't open my emails and check the invitation that they have sent three days ago. I don't have much time and the earliest flight is in the afternoon...And as for the shoot we will have to do it tomorrow morning if that's ok with you." June says the last part sheepishly batting her big eyes at you.
"As if I have a choice." You say shaking your head at her trying not to fall for your friend's charms.
"Well we can do it after I return as well. But it would be awesome if we could do this tomorrow. All you have to do is wake your ass up and come early. We are getting sponsored for your dress so it's a collab shoot." June was over excited about the whole thing.
"Wait.. how early?" You ask narrowing your eyes at her.
"Hmm.. 6.30 am should be fine. There will be no customers as well." She says casually placing cups in front of you all.
"What? how am I going to come that early? I can't even drive myself." You exclaim.
"I'll give you a ride." Jimin interrupts making you and June look at him.
"Really? You are an angel. Thanks.. problem solved." June clapped her hands cheerfully and jumped up looking around. Jimin beamed giving you a goofy smile and strangely it fluttered your heart.
"Are you sure?" You asked in a hush tone to make sure that he really was ok with it.
"Anything for you." He mouthed locking eyes with you for a brief moment. You shy away looking at the table. June saw that you both were having a moment so she decided to leave.
"I wonder where this Lee went." She voiced.
"Lee? He is here too?" You ask in surprise.
"Yeah I invited him too. He went to get some drinks but he is late. You guys help yourself.. I'll go check on him." June says and quickly hurries down the stairs. She was only able to take three steps down Lee was already up the stairs with a bag full of drinks and chips in his hand. Darn it! June cursed inside her head. When Lee looked up June quickly pressed a finger to her lips signaling him to be quiet.
Lee cocked a brow and gave a confused look at June. She rolled her eyes and mouthed 'Be quiet' and pointed towards the roof. Getting curious Lee took the rest of the steps up quietly and peeked his head up to see what's going on. His mouth quickly turned into an 'Oh' as he spotted the couple.
He gave June a sly grin and both of them secretly spied getting curious. Lee's bag rustled lightly, June freaked out and quickly dipped Lee's head down along with hers.
"Yah! don't make noises. We will get caught." she whisper scolded him.
"Ok Ok." Lee hushed and then they both slowly peeked up carefully this time.
Not knowing any of this you and Jimin were having a casual conversation. Thinking of June's sudden outbursts time to time, you voiced out what you were feeling. "Sometimes I just don't understand her." You say shaking your head.
"But she is a good friend. She cares for you a lot." Jimin says grabbing a chocolate covered bun to take a bite.
"I know. she is one of the people I care about deeply too."
"What about me? Do.. you care for me too?" Jimin ask half serious looking up at you. Your breath got caught in your throat when his eyes met yours. You couldn't even lie to yourself because you do care for him deeply. And after today, you know something changed in your heart towards him.
"I do." You say staring back at his beautiful dark eyes.
"You do?" He leans in closer making your heart jump start to pound hard against your rib cage. What is with the look in his eyes? It's making me feel weird. Your cheeks flushed with a tint of pink as you sucked in a breath. His inky depth eyes reflected under the night light. The moonless skies in his gaze drew you to him like a siren's song. When your eyes travelled down to his lips, something in you twitched when you noticed the smeared chocolate on the corner of his lips.
You felt a wave of current passing down your brain and you had a sudden flashback of another version of Jimin sitting in front of you and you kiss some sauce away from his lips. Feeling the moment deep in your heart, you let your thoughts go wild and allowed your body to take control.
Jimin noticed a sudden shift in your eyes and to his utmost surprise you suddenly leaned in and pressed your lips half on his while kissing away the chocolate. Jimin's heart hammered hard against his chest making it hard for him to breathe easily. Your lips felt like a touch of rose petal against his lips. Like a softest brush of the wind that would enveloped the body and penetrate deep into the soul.
Suddenly coming to senses you quickly moved back and hurriedly stood up. "Oh my god. I-I'm so sorry." You stuttered with your emotions everywhere, unable to think straight. You quickly turned to run away but unable to hold back Jimin quickly caught you by your arm and pulled you towards him. Cupping the back of your neck firmly he pressed his lips onto yours properly this time. And kissed you with his all trying to make up for lost two years that went by without tasting your cherry lips on him.
Your eyes flutter closed as you stood frozen with your mind suddenly going blank. Soon all you could think of was Jimin and his lips as you magically got lost in him in the moment. His lips felt so soft and so gentle moving against yours. It was impossible for you to not to kiss him back. Tears stung your eyes while you felt a burn in your heart and in your soul as your lips collided together.
Your heart felt like exploding as if it was trying to tell you that how right this was feeling. Like these are the lips you belong to. The only lips that could give you the sparks and the butterflies you were currently feeling. The lips that could give you a kiss that is so tantalizing and so pure. But.. this is wrong. This shouldn't happen. Oh god what am I doing?
Coming to your senses again, you quickly broke off the kiss and took few steps back while breathing heavily. Unable to wrap around the things you were feeling and unable to look at Jimin you stuttered. "I-I n-need.. some air." and turned to walk out for real this time.
"Oh shit.. she is coming. Hurry up." June and Lee panicked closing their widely opened mouths from the previous shock and almost stumbled down the stairs.
"Get behind the stairs. quick." June commanded and they both hid behind just in time as you ran down the steps. Soon Jimin followed calling out your name. Lee and June looked at each other with worry visible on their faces.
"I think he fucked up." Lee says staring at the back of the running Jimin.
"I don't think so. They will be alright. I have a feeling." June says secretly praying. "Lets just go up and wait for them." She says and Lee gives a nod as they both came out of the hiding spot to go up.
Cursing and mumbling to yourself, you wrapped up your arms around you and walked ahead not knowing where to go. You just needed some air to clear your head and get away from the embarrassing situation as you were really mad at yourself.
"Why the fuck are tears falling?" You say angrily wiping them away as you were confused about them.
"Y/n.. wait!" you heard Jimin calling but you ignored and walked faster. You had so many emotions bundled up inside you and you didn't know when and how it will explode.
"Y/n!" Jimin quickly caught up and grabbed your hand but you harshly shook it away.
"Go away Jimmy. I want to be alone."
"Y/n.. don't runaway. Lets talk." Jimin says walking in the same pace as you.
"There is nothing to talk. It was a mistake." You mumbled angrily.
"Are you mad?" Jimin asks trying to think of a way to fix this. He didn't want you to close up to him and push him away. He blamed himself for not controlling earlier.
"Yes Jimmy.. I am mad... why the hell did you kiss me?" You stopped and yelled at him.
"Hey.. You are the one who kissed me first." Jimin acted cool defending himself to show that he didn't take it serious.
"ARG!!! I KNOW!!! But why did you kiss me back!" You were becoming read like a beet.
"I just got lost in the moment ok.. and why are you getting mad at me?"
"I'm not mad at you.. I'm mad at myself!" You let out a frustrated scream and continued walking as you pulled your hair.
"Look.. just chill ok. I can see that you got lost in the moment too. That's fine.. It happens sometimes." Jimin said to calm you down.
"But it's wrong. And I'm so sorry for doing that.. it's just I don't know what happened to me. Suddenly I got a flash of you with sauce on your lips and I kissed it away. So my body just acted out on it." You rambled trying to explain yourself.
"You had a memory of me?" Jimin asked in surprise as his heartbeat sped up to the info. Your eyes widened realizing that what you said might have sounded weird to him.
"No.. Yes.. I mean no.. gosh!!! This is complicated." You groaned not knowing what to do. You feel like a mess.
"Hey look at me.. Look at me." Jimin got in front of you and held you in place. You had your eyes glued to the ground as you tried to avoid his gaze.
"Y/n.. please calm down first.. and look at me.. please!" Jimin's voice sounded desperate and you just couldn't ignore it anymore. You slowly looked at him and saw a smiling face but his eyes said something else. You could see longing and pain in them even though he tried to hide them.
"I'm sorry." The words came out from your heavy heart not knowing what else to say.
"Hey.. don't be. ok? Why don't you just tell me what happened. You know that you can talk to me about anything right?" He paused to see if he has your attention before continuing. "Y/n.. I know what you are going through is not easy. And you may feel like running away would help.. but it will not. Trust me when I say that I'm here for you. I really want to know what's happening with you. And trust me.. I will not judge and I will accept and understand whatever that happened. So please don't push me away and don't be uncomfortable with me."
You could say that he really meant what he said and he really do look worried. You never intended to push him away.. never. What happened was not his fault and strangely you do trust him. And hearing these words from him, you wanted to open up to him. You wanted him to be a part of your life.
Gulping the heavy lump in your throat. You tried to calm your heavy beating heart as you thought that he deserves an explanation. After spending the whole day with him, feeling happy and free, you didn't want it to go to waste. Sighing out loud you lent out your hand to him.
At first he just looked at your hand and then back at you with furrowed brows along with a confused pout on his soft plum lips. It made you smile a little and you waved your hand in air for him to take it. Finally understanding, his face turned soft as relief crossed over. A smile tugged his lips as he took your hand in his firmly and started walking ahead.
It was dark as you both were sitting by the river near the small park which was near by. You finally explained it to Jimin the best way you could, and also about your dreams here and there. Jimin took it really well and to your surprised he paid attention and assured you that everything will be alright. Also he said so many comforting things that your heart eased in many ways and hoped built up within you.
Jimin didn't make you feel guilty or awkward about what happened between you and him. In fact he acted like it never happened and you were really thankful about it. To make your mood even better.. he cracked those lame dad jokes and kept nudging on your shoulder making you giggle.
"Look.. the stars are so bright today. I think they are happy too." Jimin says pointing up at the sky.
"hmm... the dark clouds are not here to hide them away so they must be happy to shine so bright for us." You say humming a random tune you heard from somewhere feeling light at heart as the night breeze touched your face.
Jimin looked at you with a soft smile and then took out his phone and ear buds. He plugged one in his ear and gave the other to you. Without saying anything you just took it and plugged it in. Smiles touched both yours and his lips as music started flowing. Relaxing back on your hands, you watched the night sky shine with stars. And for the first time, it didn't hurt to see them.
In this moment.. your heart sure was heavy, but not because you were sad.. but because you were happy. You felt alive.. you felt hope and you felt full.. so you couldn't stop smiling. And it was all thanks to the guy who was sitting next to you.
Hi guys.. sorry for the late update... I made this update long to make up for the delay.. And also you guys must be finding it boring now since I'm kind of dragging the chapters. The thing is I need to mention some things before I get to the main part. Plz bear it with me! and thnx for the love and support as always!!! 💜💜💜
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