~ 2.1~
'Jimin, do you think I can have one more kiss?
I'll find closure on your lips, and then I'll go. Maybe also one more breakfast, one more lunch, and one more dinner. I'll be full and happy, and we can part.
But in between meals, maybe we can lie in bed one more time? One more prolonged moment where time suspends indefinitely as I rest my head on your chest.
My hope is if we add up the 'One Mores'.. they will equal a lifetime, and I'll never have to get to the part where I let you go. But that's not real. is it?
There are no more, 'one mores.'
I met you again after 5 years in an unimaginable way. We had our fair shares of fights and also fair shares of happiness. Past 1 year with you is the best I have ever lived. But now we are falling apart.
Did you know? When something breaks, if the pieces are large enough, you can fix it even though it will never be perfect. Unfortunately, sometimes things don't break, they shatter.
But when you let the light in, shattered glass will glitter. And in those moments, when the pieces of what we were catch the sun, I'll remember just how beautiful it was. Just how beautiful it'll always be. Because it was us. And we were magic. Forever!
I love you Jimin. I always did and I always will. The only regret I have is that I was never able to tell you this. But now it's just too late. I hope you have a happy life with the one you love. Thanks for everything.
I wish you happiness and success with all my heart. Please Take Care!'
Jimin read the last entry of your diary again. He couldn't remember how many times he have read it for the past one and a half years but still it hurts like hell. It's like you left your last entry for him like your goodbye message. The pain of loosing you is still fresh in his heart. He still can't get over the dreadful things that happened back then.
"What the hell was all that?" Jimin yelled angrily at his parents who followed him to the waiting room.
"Jimin what's the matter?" His mom asked shocked to see him shouting at his parents. It was the same hurt and anger they saw when his grandmother died.
"What's the matter? Are you kidding me? Who the hell told you all to announce some bullshit like that?" He asked pointing a finger at his dad now. His dad was taken aback and soon Hoseok, Aera and her dad walked in to see if everything was ok.
" What do you mean. We thought it's the best since you already proposed to her." His dad said. Aera's eyes widened and quickly looked away from Jimin.
"WHAT? Proposed to her? When the fuck did I propose to you?" He yelled at Aera this time. She flinched to his snarl but didn't look up at all.
"What are you saying Jimin. My daughter came home last night and told us about the proposal. Didn't you give her this ring? why are you acting like this." Her dad said annoyed by Jimin's actions.
Jimin's eyes widened as soon as he sees the ring in her hand. Anger passed his limit as he growled through gritted teeth to control himself. "TAKE. IT. OFF. NOW!"
"No. The announcement is already made, there is no going back." Aera quickly covered her hand refusing to give it back. Jimin let out an angry laugh looking at her finally realizing that she had been up to no good all these days. She thinks she can trap me!
"Son what is happening?" his mom asked getting more worried.
"I don't know how this bitch got this ring but I never proposed to her." he glares at her wanting to grab her and rip the ring out of her finger. Jimin went through so much to find the right ring and Aera had to lay her filthy hands on it.
"Watch your mouth young man. This is my daughter you are speaking to."
"Daughter who is shameless enough to steal and lie." Jimin snickered.
"Aera, what is he saying. Tell me the truth now." Her dad asked in a warning tone. Aera looked down unable to meet anyone's eyes. It was obvious she was scared of her dad.
"I-I... He.." She stuttered.
"Well the truth is that ring is not hers. I never proposed to her nor I will marry her. I don't know when, how and why she stole that ring from me knowing very well it belonged to the woman I love, which is not her." He raised his voice taking few steps closer but Hoseok quickly came and held him back not sure of what he is capable of doing looking at the state he was at.
Everyone got quiet trying to register what Jimin said while Hoseok tried to calm Jimin down. Aera started crying and her dad looked mad as well.
"I just wanted you back. I thought after spending time with me you wanted me back too. I knew you never got over me. Wang always kept me updated and told me how much you still love me." she blurted out surprising everyone. Jimin just scoffed still trying to wrap his head around to all the crap that's going on and to what she just said.
"Aera it was all in the past. I don't love you anymore. You were just a friend to me and I was nice to you and spent time with you because I felt bad about the baby and the pain you went through because of me. I love Y/n she is the one for me and you very well know that." Jimin spat trying to move Hoseok's grip away from his arm but Hoseok didn't budge. He heard his mom gasp and saw Aera's face turn pale as she froze on her spot.
"Baby? What baby?" Aera's dad ask narrowing his eyes.
"Oh I'm sure you remember the baby you aborted against your own daughters will and threatened her to leave me when we were in University."
"JIMIN" Aera snapped her head up raising her voice like a warning.
"What? What nonsense are you talking about? Aera what baby?" He asked looking at her daughter stunned. Jimin wasn't dumb, he immediately realized what what was happening.
"Oh my god! I can't believe you! You are more pathetic and disgusting than I thought. Did you just lie about being pregnant and dumping me so that you could have another chance now. How sick are you?" Jimin was furious.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it. I just want you back." she says shamelessly.
"Aera! I don't know what the hell is going on here but we will talk about this later. Right now the media is outside and like Aera said, announcement is already made. It's not like you have never been together before. So try to work it out. This is matter of business and politics as well." Her dad says in a warning tone.
"There is nothing to work out here. Our partnership will strictly be business. And My Y/n is the only woman I love and the only woman I will marry. So fix this misleading announcement now." Jimin says firmly.
"I think you might want to consider it again Mr. Park. If not this deal is off." Aera's dad tried to blackmail him because he cares about his business and the reputation a lot.
"Son" His dad spoke worry crowding his face and his mom tried to calm him down too.
"Jimin.." Hoseok was equally worried as everyone worked their ass off for this partnership and they were not going to risk it. But Jimin cared less about it.
"Go ahead take it back. We don't want it." Jimin smirks shocking everyone in the room with his response.
"Son." His dad warned and turned to Aera's dad. "He is not in his right mind now. He will think clearly when he cools off." Jimin's dad tells them.
"No dad. I'm in my right mind. I'm not going to let anyone control my life." he says.
"Don't be stupid. Your life is not for yours to live. You are a heir to the Park Corporations. You have to think about the business and the employees. This is not a small matter. As the heir you have to agree to this till we sort things out." His dad yelled.
"If my life is not for me to live then I don't want this life you are offering dad. I thought you believed in love and happiness more than anything but I can see that the money and power has blinded you too. Who am I kidding, you are the father that sent his heart broken kid to an unknown country all alone without letting him grieve the death of the only person who cared about me and loved me. After years of suffering I found my happiness and my love again. You are trying to take it away from me again! Never. I won't allow it. So you all keep everything to yourself because I'm leaving. I don't want any of this shit." Jimin says loud and clear for everyone hear and look at Aera with disgust and hate.
"You! Don't show your fucking face to me ever again. And throw that fucking ring away if there is a little bit of shame left in you. I will not take back stained things." With that said Jimin shrugged off Hoseok and turned to leave.
"Jimina wait." Hoseok tried to stop him but he didn't listen.
"OH MY GOD! YEOBO!" His mom suddenly screamed. Jimin and Hoseok quickly turned back to see Jimin's dad on the ground clutching his chest.
"DAD!" Jimin quickly got to him and helped him up. "Quick call an ambulance."
As his dad collapsed with another heart attack Jimin got really scared. He immediately felt guilty for yelling at his father. Once he was taken inside Jimin and Hoseok pace in front of the emergency unit as they were scared for Jimin's dad's life. His mom was crying hard and no one spoke. Jimin was told when his dad was getting discharged not to stress him out because he could be at risk if another attack comes. And Jimin miserably failed to take care of his dad.
Because of everything that happened, Jimin just lost control. He was scared and prayed for his dad. It took hours but the nurses who kept stepping out just said he is in a critical condition. Time went by and Jimin tried his best to stay calm. His dad's hurt face kept on flashing tormenting him.
After another hour or two the doctors came out. They said they did everything they could but they needed to wait till his dad to regain his consciousness to say anything about his condition. Once his dad was transferred to a room he was able to take a small breather to call you.
Jimin was already so stressed as he tried contacting you but you never answered. It hurt Jimin a lot to see himself in a situation like this. Jimin knew that you must be mad but he believed that you would understand once he explained. The next day Jimin's heart almost stopped when he received a message from you saying ' If you ever cared for me then leave me alone. I need some time for myself.'
He knew you were hurt and you were in pain. He wanted to go to you. He wanted you to come to him since he needed you the most. He was scared and helpless. He didn't want to loose anyone anymore. Jimin was loosing his mind. He sent a long message trying his best to make you understand but those messages were never seen by you.
Even Hoseok had no way of contacting you and told Jimin to give you some time. Once his dad was ok Jimin was determined to come fix things between you and him.
Days passed and finally Jimin's dad woke up and got out of the critical condition. Jimin felt so relieved and less guilty. He was so scared and had been blaming himself the past few days.
"Dad I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to stress you out." Jimin apologized as he wiped his dad's hand with a wet towel. "I just lost my temper dad. I was scared. I'm so sorry dad."
Jimin's dad looked at his sad son. He could see the pain in Jimin's face and the desperateness in his eyes. Jimin reminded his dad of his younger self as he smiled a little.
"Never thought my arrogant eldest son will love a girl so much to leave everything behind." He says making Jimin's ears turn red.
" She is my life now dad. And everything is worth leaving for her." He says not to be dramatic but that's how Jimin really feels. No matter what he has, without you it's meaningless.
"Then go get your life son and you don't have to leave anything because your mom and I built everything for you and your brother. I was blinded for a while but you made me realize that nothing is important than family and loved ones. And I'm sorry for never understanding your feelings and never being there for you when you needed me. If it's not too late I will be a better father to you now." He says making Jimin's heart soft. The tears he had been holding back burst out making him hug his dad finally feeling accepted by him.
End of Flashback.
After that Jimin left the right next day letting Hoseok handle the partnership matters. But when he got back to Busan he was shocked to find out that you were gone. He was given your resignation letter and told that you left Busan as well. He was so heartbroken and confused. He didn't want to let you go, he searched for you every possible place he could think of but he never found you.
After few months the matters with the American partnership solved. After all the deal was so huge that Aera's dad let everything slip by because he was power hungry. Even though that matter was solved Jimin didn't care about it. He didn't care about anything anymore. He was numb and dead on the inside without you. And when he found your diary stuck inside the desk by chance, your notes and your feelings were the only thing that kept him going.
Seeing that you loved him so much pains his heart and he regrets not telling you that he loves you sooner. This was a living misery for him. He managed to keep himself going for the sake of his family and for the sake of the promises he made to you and his grandmother and Hoseok.
At first he didn't understand why you left such painful notes as if you were loosing him. But then the more he read, he found some entries mentioning Yuna and Nari saying hurtful things about him and Aera. He immediately questioned them and Nari broke out and spilled everything. He was furious and wanted them fired immediately. Even though they begged and cried, his heart didn't soften. He didn't care about them because all he cared was the pain that they caused you and the damage they did to the relationship you had with him.
Jimin hated himself for letting Aera have her way right under his nose and hurt the woman he loves deeply. He promised to protect you and never hurt you but he failed at it. Now he got nothing left but regret, pain, longing and your memories.
Where are you My love?
I'm so sorry baby.
Please come back to me!
Jimin silently pleaded as he closes his eyes and rest his head against the couch. He spent most of the time on it because it held the memory of you cuddling with him for the last time. It's not just here, he sees your shadows everywhere in his house and even at work. Having your memories around him gave him some kind of comfort even though it hurt like hell because he could still feel you.
Oh, love please tell me there's a river I can swim that will bring you back to me. God, I miss you every single day and now you're so far away. Baby, I'm in the dark, please show me where you are. Every day is a heartache and every night I lie awake touching the empty space next to me on the bed we shared making lots of memories. Missing you is a slow burn. Even when I'm hurting I know that this is worth it. Hope I could hear you tell me it'll be alright and give me something to get me through this one more night.
Ringing of his phone snapped him out of his thoughts. He quickly grabbed the phone to see the caller name hoping it was you as he was till waiting and hoping you would call him. His face fell when he saw that it was Lee, his new assistant/Bodyguard. Hoseok made a fuss and made Jimin accept Lee to work for him after receiving some immature threats ever since the company grew more. He was a smart and talented young guy and Jimin got comfortable working with him. But he never let Lee touch your desk and anything there.
"Yes Lee." Jimin answered.
"Sir, Mr. Hoseok asked me to pick you up before heading to the airport. So I'm on my way now."
"Aish.. I forgot. Ok I'll get ready now."Jimin grumbled and hung up to go get ready.
It was raining hard outside and Jimin stares at the drops of rain hitting hard on the closed window as he leaned his head against it. Everything around him reminds him of you and the rain makes him emotional all the time. Images of you smiling at him and making faces at him flashed bringing a tear to his eyes. Without thinking much he lifted his hand and drew a heart on the misted glass.
"My Love, I miss you!" he mumbles painfully to himself.
After another few minutes the car came to a stop. Jimin got down and Lee helped to get their luggage as they will be flying to Singapore for a meeting. He took out his phone to call Hoseok.
"I'm here. Where are you?" He asks in a rough tone as soon as Hoseok answers.
"Aish.. this rude punk. I'm here too. Oh I can see you." Hoseok says. Jimin just hangs up unbothered. After losing you Jimin has changed a lot. He was more intimidating and rude. The charming fun side had totally disappeared. He really was dead on the inside.
He looked up to spot Hoseok but suddenly his heart almost stops when a figure of a girl catches his attention. His eyes widens as he sees her walking out to the main road under a red umbrella. Without wasting anytime Jimin hurries and run past Hoseok.
"Yahhh.. Where are you going?" Hoseok yells looking confused.
Jimin couldn't hear him as he was focused on the girl. He didn't care that it was raining and he was getting wet he just needed to get to her. Fast he reaches her and stops her by grabbing her shoulder.
"Y/n?" he says with hope rushing his heart. But as soon as the girl turns his heart and hope shatters once again.
"Sorry. I thought you were someone I know." Jimin bows to apologize.
"Sir!" Lee came running behind and quickly held an umberella over Jimin. The girl was shocked but she just gave a nod before turning to go. Jimin let out a heavy sigh and stood there in silence.
"Sir we need to hurry to catch the flight." Lee says carefully not to piss Jimin off. One thing Jimin liked about Lee was that he notices everything but doesn't question. He was pretty sure that Lee understood everything and he hears everything but he keeps them all private. Jimin gives a nod and walks back.
"Yahhhh are you crazy? Look at you all wet. Get inside and change your shirt. You are a freaking public image so act like one." Hoseok scolds Jimin and he just glares at him. But still he gets inside a washroom and gets changed.
When Jimin comes out, he goes to sit next to Hoseok and Lee follows. At first Jimin was annoyed with Lee following him around but that was his job and Jimin got used to it. As they waited to announce the boarding Hoseok turns to Jimin with an annoyed expression.
"Jimina.. You got to stop this. At this rate you are going to get hit by one of those girls. How many more girls are you going to follow thinking it's Y/n... She is gone Jimin. Get over it. It's been a year already."
"One year.. five months and 21 days." Jimin murmurs.
"What?" Hoseok asks confused by the numbers.
"It's been One year.. five months and 21 days Hobi. And still I won't stop." Jimin replies firmly.
"Jimin enough is enough. She is not here anymore."
"She is here Hobi.. She is in my heart.. in my dreams.. in my thoughts and even in my prayers. I'm always worried about her and I miss her so much that I feel like dying." Jimin says turning to look at his friend. He knows that as friend Hoseok is just concerned. But Jimin wanted let Hoseok to know what you mean to him.
"But she left you. Just like that.. without a word.. without letting anyone to explain." Hoseok tried everything he could to help his friend move on because it pained him to see Jimin like this. This pain was something Hoseok could never understand but he is glad that it didn't take a bad toll on him like the last time. And that was because Jimin knew that he is loved and what he had with you was real.
"I know that and that's fine because I don't blame her. She was pushed to do that and that's why I have to make this right." Jimin rakes his hair with his hand letting out a sigh and leans back on the chair. "That's why I have to find her Hobi..even if it takes forever."
Jimin got quiet has a memory of you flashed. He remembered you asking what he would do if you run away. Small painful smile tugged his lip at the memory.
You really did runaway, didn't you Princess. But it's ok baby. I'll come for you because you are mine. You are my only life.. my only peace to my pain. .but above all, You are My Love.
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