~ 19 ~
When you woke up, you had an utter headache from all the wine you had last night and also for crying your eyes out. Letting out a painful groan you went to the bathroom to wash up and change for work.
As you stared at yourself in the mirror everything from last night rushed back. You should be thinking about Taehyungs betrayal but instead you were thinking about Jimin. The kisses.. his touches and how you almost slept with him. It's crazy! I'm crazy! Why the fuck did I do that? You didn't know how to face Jimin anymore. You were drunk, hurt and stupid. Maybe he will understand. All you needed to do was just go in and apologize for your behavior. It was not a big deal after all. He sleeps with so many girls so you thought he wouldn't mind it at all.
You entered the office confidently like you planned. You thought of coming with many excuses as possible while apologizing to Jimin. You were getting uneasy as you got closer to the door. You started panicking a little and your hand trembled as if you committed a great crime. You took deep breaths and entered the room.
As expected Jimin was already in his seat working. He looked up at you when you walked in and he smiled brightly at you while he was on a call. Your heart knotted as the kiss you shared with him flashed in your head. You have never felt a kiss so good like that before. You gulped and quickly went to your seat ignoring him. You feel his eyes on you and it was making you more awkward.
Few hours passed and you avoided him as much as possible but you couldn't do it anymore because you had some files from yesterday that required his signature, so you took out your sticky notes and pasted a note asking him to sign them. You took the files in your hand and walked up to him. His eyes immediately lit up and was about to end another call. You panicked again and heat rushed through your body. Your legs grew weak and his eyes made your heart pound harder against your chest. You quickly kept the files in front of him and turned to leave.
But Jimin quickly came from behind and wrapped his strong arms around you from behind making you gasp loudly in surprise. "W-what a-are yyou doing?" you ask stuttering. His lips hovered closely above the nape of your neck. You shivered to his warm sweet breath that was fanning over your skin. He felt so good that you wanted to close your eyes and sink in to him. Then he whispered in a low seductive voice. "What are.. you doing?"
"W-what do you mean? Jimin let me go." you demanded trying to break free from his hold but he just tightened it. His lips pressed to your neck making you gasp as your body tenses. "Jimin please stop. I need to explain."
"Explain what?" he asked with a hint of confusion to his tone. His grip around you loosened and you took this chance to break free and turned to look at him. You had to clear things between you and him. You really couldn't look him in the eye so you avoided them.
"Jimin I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday. I didn't mean it. I was not in my right mind, I shouldn't have jump on you like that." you apologized.
"Don't feel sorry y/n. You did nothing wrong." he said bringing his hand up to cup your face but you quickly took a step back.
"Everything we did was wrong Jimin. We cannot happen. It cannot happen. And I'm thankful to you for stopping me or else I would have killed myself out of regret." you don't know what came over you to say those words in a hurtful way but you did, and Jimin flinched a bit.
"What do you mean by we cannot happen?" he asked a bit hurt. You didn't know why he is looking at you like that but you didn't care because you wanted to stay away from Jimin. "Y/n why are you acting like this. I know that you feel something for me like you always had." what he said made you flinch this time. He brought back college memories again. With all the pain and betrayals from both past and present took over you and something inside of you snapped.
"Feelings for you?" you scoffed. "Dream on Jimin. I don't know what you are talking about." you crossed your hands over your chest in defense.
"Oh yeah. Then look me in the eye and say that you don't know me. Look at me and tell me that you don't feel anything for me. Tell me that last night was a mistake that you would have done with any other man as well. Tell me y/n... Tell me." Jimin snapped and asked all these things as he held on to both your arms and stared at you.
Your insides turned and you couldn't look at him because deep down you knew that you never forgot him and also you knew you acted that way because it was Jimin. You wouldn't have done that with any other man, He was right about that but that doesn't mean you have feelings for him. He was being absurd. And how dare he ask about feelings when he played with yours. So as anger riled up in you looked at him and spat harsh words on to his face.
"Yes I would have done it and No I don't feel anything for you. Just let it go Jimin. It's not a big deal. I just lost my mind and got carried away. But now I'm in my right senses so please don't let your imagination run wild and create unnecessary bond between us." You tried to shake his hands off but his grip got tighter as he was being stubborn. What is wrong with him? Why is he acting like this? You are so confused by his actions and he was not letting you go which pissed you off more.
"Lies. You are lying. It's not true." Jimin's voice shook as sadness echoed in them. But your anger was too much and the fact that he was accusing you of lying and trying to uncover your true feelings just made you more angry.
"Yes Jimin it's not, but it's true that I used you to get away from my embarrassing moment and I got carried away." you glared wanting him to stop whatever he was doing right now because it was confusing you and you hated it. You hated the way he was talking to you, you hate the way he is looking at you and you hate the way he makes you feel.
"So you were j-just using me?" he asked in a heavy uncertain voice as his painful memories of his own past came crashing down on him.
"Yes I just used you. I didn't think it would be a big deal because you don't value women anyways. You just see us women as toys which you liked to use. So I didn't think you would mind being used for someone else's benefit for a change. Because the truth is you are nothing but a fuckboy. And for a person who doesn't care about other peoples feelings, I don't think you have the right to call me a liar about my own feelings." your words sliced through Jimin harshly. He was taken aback by hate and your coldness. You watched him take a step back removing his hands from you. His eyes glistened with hurt so you quickly looked away.
"Now if you can excuse me. I have work to do. Please let me know if you need anything work related to be done. And I'm sorry once again for my behavior. I'll make sure not to mix my personal life with work matters anymore." you said calming yourself and hurried out to the washroom to get a hold of yourself.
You wanted to trash everything and scream but instead you held your breath and counted backwards trying to calm yourself down. Your eyes were red as tears were gathered in them. You thought you will feel better by letting out half of the anger you had in you but it only hurt you more. You don't even know why you snapped at Jimin and why you are feeling this way. Everything is a mess and everything is crazy and you were going crazy. You wanted the earth to swallow you up but even for that you felt like you are not lucky enough.
After what felt like ages, you fixed yourself and went back inside. You were relieved but also bit bothered when you saw the office empty. Jimin was not there and according to his schedule he had no meetings today. Why do you care? you asked yourself. Letting out a sigh you got back to work.
The whole day Jimin was missing and that bothered you way too much. After being heartless towards him you didn't know how to face him. You cursed yourself for bringing problems upon yourself. After work you went to see Jungkook straightaway. Your best friend is the only source of peace to you. You wanted to vent out your anger and confusion.
You stabbed the center of the chocolate ice cream tub with a spoon and scooped out a mouthful to swallow up. Jungkook knows you too well that he got you your favorite ice cream to make you feel better after venting out your anger. You told him everything what your jerk ex boyfriend did but whatever happened between Jimin, you kept that to yourself. You couldn't bring yourself to tell Jungkook about him because he would think that you are crazy.
"You know, if I ever come across that fucker, he is going to get it from me for what he did. What kind of a bitch is he. Only if you told me yesterday I wouldn't have let him leave Busan in one piece." Jungkook said still pissed off while digging into the ice cream tub which you kept stabbing. He was more mad at Taehyung than you.
"Trust me he is not worth it. Big headed selfish jerks are better left off without any attention. And this break up was bound to happen because it was not working out." you said thinking about the wasteful year you had with him.
"So you are not hurt about him breaking your heart?" Jungkook asked as he was confused because he thought you were tolerating Taehyung because you truly loved him.
"To be honest I'm not hurt by the fact that we broke up because our relationship was not that strong. I'm just angry at the fact that he approached me for his benefits and played me while sleeping around with his real girlfriend. How sick is that. This is why you shouldn't commit to relationships if you both are not really in love. Lesson learnt." you ranted feeling more at ease since you let out that part out of your chest.
"Now that's my strong little precious." he said messing your hair to annoy you like always.
"Yahh! don't mess with me today. Lets just curse like the old times." you said making Jungkook chuckle.
"Sounds good. golden way of stress relief." he got excited and started off. Just like the old times You and Jungkook ended up laughing while bad mouthing and cursing Taehyung and his blondie together which made you feel so much more better.
As the days passed working for Jimin became horrible after that fight. You got nothing but death glares and coldness from him. After that day he became a total rude jerk with a temper. He would always find some kind of a mistake and make your life hell. You hated him more. And never the less he makes you run his personal errands and once he asked you to step out when a girl visited him during a really busy time.
You never thought things would turn out like this. At first you felt better avoiding each other and anger was burning through you for what he is making you go through. But then you couldn't shake off the feelings you got when you were in his arms. Softness of his lips still lingers on your skin and no matter how hard you try to forget. And the way he held your hand, the way he treated your wound and the way he used to look at you with a soft smile was burning your heart. You should be hating him but those memories are etched in your heart deeply. Was Jimin right? Do I really have some kind of feelings towards him?
While you were questioning yourself Jimin walked in laughing with a girl next to him. They straight away went to the sitting area without even acknowledging you. You were practically invisible to them. You looked up at the girl who was busy laughing at god knows what while sitting next to Jimin. She had sharp features with light color eyes, she looked like one of those girls from mean girl movies. Long high pony, heavy make up and nails that could stab someone to death. With a frown on your face, you looked back at your screen to continue your work.
"Oh my god Jimin, you have no idea how happy I am to have this opportunity to work with you." your ears perked up to what that girl said and you listened in as you got curious.
"Pleasure is all mine Haneri. I'm sure you will come up with a great creation to our selected models. The shoot will take place in two weeks. Can you manage?" even though they were talking business, Jimin's tone was extremely flirty and that irritated you a little.
"Of course I can. I bet you have heard about me just like I have heard about you." she was being equally flirty.
"Oh yeah. What is it that you heard about me." Jimin asked amused. Obviously that he is a fucking pervert who plays with girls and breaks their hearts! you screamed inside of your head.
"A lot of good things, things that I like." you heard her voice getting seductive so you peeked up to see her hand resting on his thigh. You watched as Jimin's eyes travel from her hand on his thigh to her face.
"Well then that's good news I guess." he replied with a dirty smirk.
"It is. By the way are there any colors that you prefer for this project?" she asked.
"Hmm... I prefer having some vibrant colors and some dark colors as well for this project." Jimin answered after thinking for a while.
"Great and one more thing. What is the color that has the most impact on you personally?" you heard her question him again.
"White." Jimin answered without any hesitation.
"Nice. Well then I'll get going now. Hope we can see each other often." she said standing up.
"Me too. We are having a small company dinner tomorrow. Why don't you join us. Hoseok will be there too." Jimin invited her to the company dinner which is supposed to be a treat for you and few other employees who worked their ass off for the event.
"That will be great. I'll see you tomorrow then." Your eyes grew wide as she leaned in as if to kiss his cheek but she was stopped when your desk phone ran. A soft relief sigh escaped your lips when she quickly turned to you, noticing you sitting there for the first time. You cleared your throat and answered the call. It was a call to Jimin from the finance department.
"Mr. Park it's a call for you." you announced looking up at them showing no emotions.
"Transfer it to my phone." He said in a cold voice without even looking at you. Still you gave a nod and transferred.
"I'm sorry I have to take that. But see you tomorrow." Jimin shook her hand and feeling a little bit embarrassed she smiled and waved goodbye before leaving. Jimin went to his desk to answer his call and after that he returned being a jerk to you.
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