~ 18 ~
Lost in deep thoughts you sat quietly next to Jimin as the show had already started. You didn't dare to look up when the models started the runaway. You were so thankful that you were wearing a mask and you had your hair down so that no one could see your face clearly.
You really wanted to go home as anger was eating you up. You are sad and angry because Taehyung played you for a whole damn year. You always had your head high and you promised not to let anyone to get to you but you were blinded by Taehyung. You failed to know that he was a fake. Part of you want to scream and slap him and part of you want to just let go because he is not worth it. All you got was disappointment from that fucking jerk. The things he said about you to that girl was running wild in your head. How dare he! Such a big lie just to get into the company. Your ego is hurt and you are unable to process this.
Soon it was time for Jimin's reveal and it went well but unfortunately you couldn't focus on what he was saying. The other person you couldn't face was Jimin. He heard everything and he knows what happened to you. You could literally drown in your embarrassment. Thankfully Jimin didn't utter a word to you after the incident, he was giving you space which you needed a lot.
After party started and almost everyone gathered. Your eyes wondered the crowd and you easily spotted Taehyung and the blonde girl acting around like a couple. How shameless and fearless are they? You have been glaring at them too long that she looked up almost catching you. As you were on your fifth glass of wine you couldn't do it anymore. You were tipsy and you got scared that you would cause a scene. So you turned to Jimin who was talking to some people and excused yourself and leaned closer to Jimin's ear. The music was too loud and you wanted to give a proper explanation and leave. You needed to get out.
"Jimin I need to talk to you." you said desperately with pleading eyes. You thought he might tell you to wait for later but to your surprise he gave a nod.
"Wait outside, I'll be right out after seeing Mr. Chan off." he said over the loud music for you to hear. You gave a thankful nod and hurried out.
As soon as you stepped out of the hall and got to the lobby, you got held back as a large hand gripped your arm. You turned to see Taehyung with a smirk on his face. You wanted to smack that smirk out of his face and kick his balls but you held it in. You saw his blondie lurking around at the back and a disgusting smile tugged your lips.
"Hey where were you. I was looking for you through out the event." he lied to your face which irritated you. You didn't want to deal with him right now when your emotions were all over the place but then why drag this piece of shit! you thought.
"Oh really. I thought you were just too busy." you replied in a sarcastic tone without showing any real emotions. The one thing you are good at and learned well for the past few years was to fake your emotions. Taehyung never paid attention to you so he couldn't tell what you were feeling at all. He just let out a sigh to show that he was tired and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Y/n. I think we should talk. I need to tell you something." he said looking at you with no hint of guilt at all. Anger was boiling inside of you as you held yourself up.
"Oh yeah. Me too but you go first." you said cocking up an eyebrow to see what excuses he is going to give.
"Y/n listen. Things are really hard these days. We were having a hard time being together back in Seoul and now you being here in Busan is more hard. We can't even talk to each other properly or even meet. I'm not capable of giving the love and attention you deserve. You deserve way better. So why don't we just go our separate ways." shamelessly he said faking a sad look. For some reason you couldn't help but scoff at his face. You were not going to let him step on you. You are not going to get looked down upon so you lied as well.
"Really. That's great then. This is what I've been trying to tell you past few days. You just made things easier for me. And yes Tae I do deserve better and that's why I found someone better." the corner of your lip stretched up feeling satisfied a little to see his surprised face. Did he really think that I would cling on to him and beg him not to break up! You were not going to give the satisfaction he was looking for while breaking up with you.
"W-what?" he was not sure if you said it correct.
"I like the idea Tae. It never worked out and I found my worth which is not you." your sarcastic reply made him give out a grim expression. "Now since that's been cleared out, please excuse me and enjoy the party while you're here." You gave him a dirty look one last time and turned to go but the blondie who was eavesdropping stopped you. So you turned back to Taehyung who was staring at the floor with a confused expression. It must have hurt his ego because you dumped him back and that satisfied you a little. "And also feel free to fuck her anytime you want to relieve your stress." you said pointing towards her making her stumble back. Taehyung's eyes grew wide in shock as he looked at you. You just gave him your dirties sly smile and walked into the washroom to get away.
As you got inside, You took off the mask and angrily let out a scream that was stuck inside your chest. It didn't feel any better but made it worse. You took deep breaths to calm yourself down as you stared at yourself in the mirror.
"So you knew." an annoying high pitched voice chimed behind you. You snapped your eyes up already knowing who it was. It was that cheating bastard's blondie. She had a huge smirk on her face as she was leaning against the wall with arms crossed over her chest. You just remained silent as you glared up at her.
"Poor you. Must be so hurt and embarrassed to get dumped by a god like Tae." she said in an annoying voice trying to rub it on your face while enjoying.
"Oh please. There are better men out there than a lying incompetent bastard like him." you replied in a sarcastic tone.
"Tsk..Tsk..Tsk.. look at you looking down on others when you can't even keep a man happy and please him properly." her evil eyes were laughing at you, she was clearly enjoying it but you were not going to give in.
"Excuse me." you turned and crossed your arms as well. There was so much anger that you could bash her head against the wall if you were a violent person.
"Oh hunny! That's fine. You should be happy that an incompetent man put up with you for a year. No man will want you with your inexperienced skills. But you know what's more embarrassing... Pretending that you have found someone better." she just crossed the line and a scowl appeared on your face.
"You think I'm lying?" your tone gave out your irritation.
"Obviously you are. Who could be dumb enough to date a controlling freak like you who shows no emotions at all." her words were slicing you up but you being you didn't back down.
"Oh poor you. I don't have to lie about having a man because I'm here with him. And you should be embarrassed of yourself for giving your man for another woman for benefits." you spat it out like venom and she just chuckled annoying you more.
"Oh really who is this man. I would like to se-" Your phone rang cutting her off and you quickly answered when you saw that it was Jimin calling.
"Y/n where are you? Are you back in the hall?" he asked. The music was loud and you could he that here was inside the hall.
"No I came to the wash room. I'm on my way to the lobby now." You answered and hung up. You gave the blonde bitch 'I'm done with you' look and stepped out to head towards the lobby. You waved at Jimin who was in the other end.
"Wait are you telling me that Mr. Park is your new boyfriend." she said in a laughable tone making you look at her. Taehyung joined her shamelessly putting an arm around her in front of you.
"Baby she is so shameless than I thought. To cover up she is pretending to be Mr. Park's girlfriend." she giggled. What the fuck is her problem! Why is she trying to annoy me!
"What? really." Taehyung laughed making you snap your head up at him.
Jimin must have noticed the annoyed expression because he quickly walked towards you and held you by your arm. Did they think that I'm beneath them? That I'm beneath Jimin? Because I'm fucking not! Does she think I can't have a man who is competent in life? Am I that low in their eyes? As these enraging thoughts crossed your mind, without thinking ahead you wrapped your arms around Jimin's neck.
Jimin looked startled for a second but said nothing as you gave him a smile and pulled him closer to you. You could feel Taehyung and his bitch staring at you and you did something that you were probably going to regret. Without warning you pressed your lips against Jimin's. At first he was frozen and his lips didn't move as he stayed still in shock. Not wanting to be embarrassed you pulled him closer and gently bit on his thick bottom lip.
To your surprise his lips parted and his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer up against his chest. A wave of current passed through your body as he kissed you back. It was not a long kiss nor a passionate one. It was simple enough to show someone that you are in a relationship with him. You pulled back and locked eyes with Jimin. His eyes were dilated and confused, you smiled softly at him and spoke. "I want to go home." he nodded his head and held your hand to go. Your eyes went up to the direction of the cheaters, Blondie had her jaw dropped and Taehyung had his eyes wide. You gave a sinister smirk as you passed by them.
As soon as you got out of the building, you felt the need to apologize. "I'm sorry. You can go back to the party. I can go by myself." you said unable to meet his eyes after what you did.
"It's alright. Get in. I'll drop you." he said as he got in. You let out a sigh and followed. Jimin's started up his car and began to drive away. The whole ride was awkwardly silent. You didn't know what to say to him. Jimin was not even looking at you. Is he mad? Why isn't he saying anything. You couldn't help but feel bad because you kissed him without permission and it was wrong of you.
Jimin stopped in front of your apartment and you got down without a word. The sound of other side of the door opening made you look up. Jimin got down and locked his car. You remained silent as he walked you up to the door.
"Are you ok?" he asked in a very caring tone that made you want to melt into him and cry. But you didn't, you held in strong because you didn't want to cry over a worthless piece of shit. You looked up at him meeting his eyes and gave a nod. Jimin licked his lip mindlessly and lowered his eyes trying to hold himself back. He nodded his head and spoke gently. "Good night then."
As he looked up again, his eyes tore your soul apart. His dark shining eyes which were on you gave you chills all over your body. You licked your bottom lip as something snapped inside of you. Not wanting to be alone, not wanting him gone you let your confused and hurt emotions take over you.
Seeing the need in his eyes as well you pulled Jimin inside and crashed your lips against his. You could feel his smile on your lips as his hands gripped your waist tightly. You didn't know what came over you or how you were this bold to do something like this but right now you didn't want to think. You wanted to forget everything and get lost in Jimin and in his amazingly plum soft sweet lips.
Your hands find its way up to his silky soft hair and tugged on it as his smooth lips moved against yours gently. Your heart started pounding so hard as you felt his hand move up against your back, his fingers tangled themselves in your hair. A blush spread across your face when a soft moan escaped your lips. He felt so good, his lips felt so good that you didn't want to stop. You felt yourself burning for him. No one has kiss you this passionately before. Jimin knew what he was doing and it was working on you like magic.
Jimin pushed you up against the wall and his hand came down to cup your face, while the other hand gripped your waist. Your hands travelled down to his chest as the kiss got heated. He was desperate as you. His lips hungrily moved in sync with yours. Your hands roamed his chiseled torso, feeling his perfectly fit body. Getting out of control you grab onto his coat and gently tried to tug it away. But Jimin frees his hands from your body and hold your hands by the wrists to bring it up against the wall. He held your hands tight on either sides as he leaned in deepening the kiss. He groans into the kiss as you pressed your body into his and you shudder under him.
Suddenly Jimin pulls back, softly panting to catch his breath. As you were catching your own breath, he examined your face with a serious look. You could see that he wants you as much as you want him now. His eyes were filled with desire and some other emotion that you couldn't read. Right now you didn't care about his emotions or your emotions. You just wanted a distraction and a rebound for the night.
So you freed your hands from his grip and undid the first two buttons as Jimin stared at your face. Not wanting to meet his eyes, you kept going to the third button, but Jimin stopped your hand again and flipped you towards the wall. His left hand which was holding yours came around your waist, both yours and his hand rested on your stomach as he moved your hair away from the back with his other hand. A shock wave travelled down as your back was now exposed to him.
Jimin kissed the nape of your neck making you close your eyes to the feeling he was giving you. His lips travelled down your skin leaving traces of kisses as his lips reached the bow that was tied back of your dress. Your breath hitched when he tugged on the tied ribbon with his mouth and pulled it out, making the knot come undone. Your heart hammered against your chest by the way he was seducing you. He had full access to the bare skin of your back. You shivered when he ran his fingers down tracing your skin. This is it! It's happening! Just live in the moment. You closed your eyes shut and told yourself. But what happened next confused you.
Jimin pressed a long tender kiss to the center of your back making your skin burn and then whispered. "Good night Princess." He stepped back freeing you from him. You turned with wide confused eyes to look at him. His eyes had a hint of happiness and sadness as he was controlling himself.
"I'll go now. Get some rest." Jimin said running a hand through his hair. No matter how bad he wants you right now. His heart is not allowing him to go any further because it was not right. He could see the pain in your eyes and also the stubbornness. You are vulnerable and Jimin didn't want to take advantages of you now even though he knows that you have some kind of true affection towards him. There is a bond between you and him and Jimin could feel it. You were different and special to him. He saw your confusion as you stepped closer to him.
"But -" you opened your mouth to speak, but stopped yourself not knowing what to say. The pain was blinding you and making you desperate. You didn't know what you were doing till Jimin touched your face softly and ran a thumb over your skin in a caring manner that hurt your heart.
"Trust me Princess. You don't want to do anything that you would regret in the morning." with that said, Jimin gave a kiss to your cheek and left you alone so that you could come to your senses.
What did I do?
It didn't have to wait till the morning because as soon Jimin closed the door and walked out, it hit you hard. You slumped down to the floor in disgust and hated yourself for what you tried to do. You couldn't believe that you were going to use Park Jimin, your boss as your rebound. You blamed yourself for everything that happened and hated yourself for it. And over all you jumped on the very man that you should hate to your core.
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