~ 16 ~
Flashback ( 5 years ago):
Early in the morning as you were heading to your class, you bumped into someone. When you looked up it was Jimin. Your face immediately turned red seeing him up close. Your heart started beating fast as he smiled at you sweetly.
"S-sorry. I-I didn't s-see you." You stuttered like an idiot.
"That's fine. I came to see you anyways." Jimin said casually fixing the strap of his bag on his shoulder.
"M-me?" you asked in confusion. You wondered why would the college hottest guy would come to see a shy loner like you.
"Yes you." he smiled fluttering your heart.
"Why?" you asked this time with little bit of confidence to talk to him properly.
"I was wondering if you would like to go see a movie with me." he was being nervous in front of you and it was the first time you have seen him like that. And you couldn't believe that the famous Park Jimin was asking you out to watcha movie with him. It's true that you have a big crush on this guy but at first you were not sure if you should agree.
"W-why me?" you asked feeling equally nervous.
"Just want to get to know you better. And you are cute." he flashed a big smile which made you blush. He thinks I'm cute! you felt like jumping. You couldn't believe that this was happening. It feels like a dream come true. You smiled at him and gave a shy nod.
"Great. Shall we go see the new movie premiering tonight?" Jimin asked shoving his hands in his pockets as if he is feeling shy too.
"Sounds good." you clutched the books tighter against your chest to hold in the excitement and the happiness you were feeling.
"Good. I'll meet you in front of the theatres at 6. Don't be late." he said getting excited.
"Sure. I'll be there." you smiled at him. Jimin gave a nod and went in the other direction to his class, you watched him go in disbelief. Jimin turned back to look at you and waved at you before heading inside to his class. You blushed and smiled like a silly girl. It was the first time that a guy approached you like this and it's a guy you really like. Thinking that you are finally blessed in your life to have some kind of happiness you went into your class.
Later that day as you head home, your mom was sitting on the couch and watching the TV. You approached her slowly.
"Hey mom how are you today?" you asked.
"I'm good hun. You look like you are in a good mood today." she said after looking at you.
"Yes. I will be going out to the movies with a friend in a while." you said smiling happily.
"With Jungkook?" she asked.
"No. with a college friend." you answered.
"Finally you are hanging out with someone else other than that Jungkook boy." your mom said as if she cared but in reality she didn't give a damn about what you did as long as she gets what she wants. Jungkook is your neighbor and your bestfriend from small days. It was thanks to him that you survive the crazy in your own home.
After your dad passed away, your mom met another man and he settled in at your house with his daughter and his son. His daughter Mina was elder to you and the son Minho was younger. Your mom started neglecting you and favored his children. They would always leave you alone and go out as a family and enjoy family time together. You were heart broken but thanks to Jungkook being your best friends and him being there for you, you didn't care about things happening at home anymore.
"I'll go get ready now." you told your mom and turned to go up to your room.
"Wherever you go just be home by 10 young lady." she said after you.
"Yes mom." you shouted back so she could here.
After getting dressed in the prettiest dress you own, you went down happily. You stopped in your tracks when you saw your mom handing your car keys to Minho.
"Mom what are you doing?" you asked.
"Minho said he wants to go to a party with his friends. So he wanted to borrow the car." your mom said smiling at Minho.
"Mom. I told you that I'm going out tonight." you complained.
"Skip it. It's not like anyone will miss you if you don't show up." her words hurt you but you were not going to miss out your only chance with Jimin.
"Sorry Minho. You can skip it for a night since you always go out partying." you said snatching the keys from him.
"Hey give it back." he came to pick a fight with you and you didn't back out till your mom stepped in pulling you away and staring at you angrily.
"Y/n what's gotten into you. Give those here." she snatched the keys and gave it back to Minho. "Hurry and go darling. Enjoy your night." she quickly said to Minho and sent him away.
"Mom how could you?" you asked, pain hitting you in your chest for the way your mom is treating you.
"Listen up y/n. You are not to behave like this. How many times have I told you to mind your own business and be grateful to the man and his children who is feeding you." her grip on your arm tightened, you winced when you felt her nails digging into your skin as she continued.
"Remember that your father left us with nothing but trouble and you are also nothing but trouble for me. So now be a good girl and go back to your room as you are grounded and let your brother enjoy." she said harshly and tears stung your eyes.
"Why are you like this. Mom I am your own child. Why do you treat me like this. I never ask for anything. And this was the first time that I ever wanted to go out with someone I like. I was feeling happy for the first time in my life. But why are you ruining it for me. Mom I want to be happy too. I want to live too." You started crying but your mothers heart didn't get soft for you.
"You are the one who ruined everything for me. If not for you I would be living in a better place now happily married to this man. So stop talking nonsense and go back to your room." she hissed at you.
"So you would choose them over me?" you asked in pain.
"In a heartbeat. And if you want to stick with me go back to your room now." your mom's reply felt like hundreds of stabs to your heart. You didn't deserve this. You didn't want this anymore. You had enough of being hurt like this over and over again. All your life you have done everything to make your mom happy but if she can easily give you up like that, you didn't want to choose her either. So instead you chose your life, you chose your chance of happiness, you chose Jimin.
"No! I'm going out and you can't stop me here after." You said to her in an angry firm voice. You wiped your tears away and shoved her hand away from your arm. Your mom was taken aback as she was not expecting this from you. She remained quiet as she watched you step out of the house.
You had time and the movie theatre was not far from your house, so you walked there trying to calm yourself down. The pain was real but you held it in. You were not going to let your family who doesn't give a shit about you to step on you again.
You reached the theatre just in time. You got to the entrance and waited for Jimin. You mentally groaned as you pulled your phone out because you forgot to get Jimin's number earlier. You didn't see Jimin the whole day after he walked in to his class in the morning. And you were too busy thinking to what to wear. You looked around and at the people who are passing by as you waited. You noticed some of the girls and couples from your class passing by laughing at you. You couldn't care less because you are easily looked down among the other students.
The movie already started and it was freezing out and your legs were slowly getting numb, but still you waited. Jimin said he would come. He was the one who invited you so why isn't he here. Did I just get stood up? So many things crossed your mind as the time went by. Tears slowly started welling up in your eyes as you started realizing what happened. He didn't show up. It was a lie. He played with you. He fooled you because you were too easy. Deep down you knew that Park Jimin asking you out to a movie was just too good to be true. But you never thought he would be so low to do something like this. But wait, maybe he forgot. Maybe something urgent came up. You stood there arguing with yourself the whole night till the movie was over.
You came to your senses when people started coming out. Your heart was aching and the pain was too much too bare. You came to find your happiness and this is what you got. You went against your mom and everything you have just to face this.
You pulled your phone out and called the only person you trust in this world and asked him to come get you. The girls from earlier walked passing you again, they kept looking at you and giggled as they discussed something. You recognized them, It was Jenny and her gang. The famous pretty mean girls from the college. You turned around not wanting to break down in front of them and luckily Jungkook showed up just in time on his bike. You quickly got on and asked him to take you away fast.
Jungkook stopped in front of your house and you both got down. You stood there like a zombie not knowing what to feel.
"Hey what happened. Y/n talk to me." His caring voice just cracked you up. You hugged him and broke down spilling everything that happened. Jungkook comforted you and convinced you that something must have come up and not to think otherwise till you meet him. And he was happy that you actually stepped up to your mom. When you got in your mom completely ignored you, so you just went up to your room and shut yourself up.
The next day when you entered the hall you felt like everyone was looking at you and laughing at you. Everyone kept giving you weird looks. You ignored as many as you could thinking you were just being paranoid but when you got to your seat, phones of other students started buzzing. Everyone who looked at their phone looked back at you making you uneasy.
Soon after your phone buzzed too and you quickly opened a group chat you had with few students regarding assignments. Your eyes popped out when you saw photos of you standing all alone in front of the theatre. It was edited in funny ways with caption 'Unpopular girl gets stood up by the popular boy.' Your hand started shaking as you scrolled through the comments. You were becoming a joke.
You quickly grabbed your things and stood up to leave wanting to get out. As soon as you exited you were stopped bye a group of girls and few boys. Jenny gave you a sinister smile as she let go of her boyfriend Hoseok's arm and whispered something into his ear. Smiling Hoseok gave her a nod and walked away with his friends leaving you with Jenny and her gang.
"Well isn't it the girl who got stood up by Park Jimin." she said in a sarcastic tone which made you flinch.
"Well what were you thinking. That Jimin would actually be interested in a girl like you when he had a goddess like Sera." she spat pointing at her best friend next to her who had a ugly frown on her face.
"Just look at this ugly duckling. You really thought you could take Jimin away from me. Poor girl, you should have just kept staring at him from afar like you always do, without approaching him." she sneered making everyone around her laugh at you. You felt small and helpless. So it was true! I got played! The girls kept picking on you and making fun of you. You managed to push past them and get away but it was not for long.
Your life kept getting worse everyday. You became a laughing stock at the college and some started making fun of you. You were labeled as Ugly duckling of your class and everyday you felt like a piece of you was getting destroyed. At home no one spoke to you and you were cut off from everything. This continued for a week and one day your mom just packed up everything and left you all alone saying she is getting married and moving away. She had to make a choice and she really chose that man and left you for him. Everything was too much that you mentally broke down.
You were so broken that you started getting panic attacks. You lost everything and you just wanted to die. But Jungkook and his family was there for you. Jungkook made you change your college to his and found you part time jobs at decent places. He helped you start fresh and you changed for the best. But you could never step into a theatre because every time you tried going to one, the pain would come rushing back like trauma and you would get panic attacks instantly.
You clutched your chest as you found it hard to breathe. You tried to take deep breaths as you dragged yourself to a corner and leaned against the wall. You started hearing people laughing in your head. Then images of those bullies who made your life hell kept flashing as they laughed in your face. You dropped the bag you were holding and covered your ears and closed your eyes shut. How could you easily forget this! How could you be so shameless to be nice to the guy who destroyed your life. How dare you forget your past. You heard your own voice scolding you inside your head.
You wanted to get away but you couldn't move. It hurts! Everything hurts! You want to scream but you held back as tears started falling. You squeezed your eyes together more hoping for it to stop. But soon you felt someone holding your arms and shaking you.
"Y/n?" it was his voice. The voice that you want to get away from.
"Y/n open your eyes. What happened? Y/n?" His voice sounded as if he was concerned. You opened your eyes to see a worried Jimin. He pulled your hands away from your ears and cupped your face in his warm soft hands.
"Y/n what is wrong? why are you crying?" he asked wiping away your tears with his thumb. You watched him as tears kept filling your eyes. It's him, Park Jimin. After five years he waltz around you as if nothing happened. He completely disappeared on you. You never saw him after that day, he never approached you or never explained anything. And now he is acting like he cares. Anger burned you up like a spreading fire.
"Get away from me." you pushed him away from you and found your strength to leave. Jimin quickly grabbed your hand.
"Y/n what's wrong with you?" he raised his voice in confusion and fear.
"Let go of me." you shoved his hand away but he caught it the next second and held it tighter as he pulled you forward towards him.
"Y/n!" your name came out harshly from his mouth. His deep husky voice and his piercing gaze made you look at him properly. You couldn't bare to be this close to him. The pain and the hate was eating you out and you just wanted to get away before you did something that you would regret for life. Being weak in front of someone who made your life hell is the last thing you wanted to do. So with all your strength you pulled your hand back and glared at him.
"Stay away from me." you warned him and ran off from there.
Jimin stood there stunned wondering what on earth happened. He could understand that you were having a panic attack but what he didn't get was why. And that hate, he used to see in your eyes had returned. He couldn't stop thinking the way you shoved him and the way you looked at him, so much hate and so much disgust. It hurt Jimin deeply, he wants to know why you hate him so much but he decided to wait till you were ready to open up. He knew now is not the time. He grabbed your things which were on the floor and headed back to the hotel.
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