~ 10 ~
"What are you thinking so much?" Jungkook asked breaking you from your train of thoughts. You turned to look at him and he kept taking glances at you as he drove. Since last night Jimin took you home and your car was still at work, you asked Jungkook to drop you off in the morning.
"Nothing." you replied with a smile.
"Oh precious, it can't be nothing. I know you too well. You are awfully quiet today." he pointed out and he was right. You were thinking about someone you are not suppose to think of, someone you are suppose to forget, someone that you should hate.
"It's just work stuff." you lied to your best friend not wanting to worry him.
"Sure it's got nothing to do with that Jimin guy?" he asked knowing you way too well.
"Well everything at work has got something to do with him since he is my boss." you joked trying to get out of the Jimin talk.
"He is not trying anything on you right? He has a very bad reputation with girls. I just don't want you to become his next prey." Jungkook looked genuinely concerned about you.
"Don't worry kook, I'll not fall for him again. I just want to keep my job and aim for my goal. I worked too hard to get here after everything that happened. My job is the only thing that I've got." you tried to assure him.
"Hey what about me." he complained trying to be cute. But his cuteness is long gone because all I see now is a really hot, sexy, grown man.
"And you of course. I know that you got my back no matter what." you said tugging on his man bun.
"Yahhh..it took me hours to tie it, don't touch it." he chuckled while complaining.
"I bet you let someone else to tug on it though." you giggled teasing him. Jungkook blushed a little feeling shy. No matter how manly he is, sometimes he is just a shy baby on the inside.
"Since we are talking about all of this. Just don't let that one time bastard to get into your pants. He will treat you like trash once he gets what he wants." Jungkook warned seriously.
"One time bastard?" you asked.
"Jimin. Once he fucks a girl, then that's it. He is done with her for good." his words made a weird twist in your heart. It's like a part of you didn't want to believe that he is that bad, but you have seen with your own eyes, girls running away in tears. Besides he did play with your feelings once. You may no longer feel angry at him like you used to but you will never forgive him for that.
While working your phone buzzed, it was Taehyung. You totally forgot that he called you yesterday and said he had something important to say. You looked up towards Jimin's empty seat. It's already past 10 am and he has still not come to work. Normally he would be here before you sometimes. Anyways you didn't want him to walk in on you while you were on the phone with Taehyung. So you quickly went to the wash room and locked yourself up.
"Hey Tae. I'm so sorry about yesterday. I forgot to get back to you." you said as soon as you answered.
"No babe that's fine. I felt bad when you got scolded because of me." he said making you feel embarrassed that he heard it.
"It's alright. Anyways what is that you wanted to say to me." you asked impatiently because you had to get back to work.
"Oh yeah. So babe did you know that your company is going to hold a grand fashion show in few weeks?" he asked voice getting excited.
"Yes I do. We are working on it these days and my boss will be playing a major role on that day." you said thinking of his reveal.
"Really that's great then. So I'm chosen as one of the models for that event. And I heard that they will be choosing some at the runaway to sign contracts with PJ modeling agency. So I was wondering if you could help me out, putting the good word for me." Taehyung trailed off trying to sound cute.
"Of course Tae, if there is anything I can do. I'll definitely do it. Don't worry about it." you assured him.
"That's my girl. I know that I can always count on you." he said making you smile a bit.
"And also can you like find out more details of the selection process." he asked sweetly. That you couldn't promise him because it's not something you could easily do. Plus it was against the rules. You didn't want your boyfriend to cheat his way in, putting a good word is another thing but sharing confidential stuff was against your ways.
"I'll see what I can do Tae. I'm not so sure about that though." you replied not wanting to get his hopes up. "Wait. Does that mean you are coming to Busan?" you asked happily.
"Yes babe I'll be coming there to see you." he said.
"That's great. Oh my god I've been missing you so much. So will you be staying over?" you asked.
"I'm not sure of the schedule still. But if I don't have any rehearsal I'll come for sure. I really hope that I get selected. It's always been my dream." he said happily.
"Yes babe. I know that. Don't worry, no one can resist your amazing looks. And you will outshine the rest for sure." you made him feel good about himself.
"Thanks babe. Well I have to go now. I'll call you later. Please keep an eye out ok." he reminded you again.
"I will. bye, take care." you ended the call and headed back inside. Thankfully Jimin was not in yet.
It was past lunch time and Jimin was still not in. It was kind of bothering you for a bit. You wondered if he is okay or not. You stared at your phone thinking of calling him but you didn't want him to think that you cared. You thought of making an excuse regarding work and dialed his number. You nervously bit down on to your lip, getting a weird feeling in your stomach but a little disappointment hit in when he didn't answer.
You jumped on your seat when the door burst open and Jimin rushed in. You got up to greet him but he gave you an annoyed look as he walked pass you without stopping. Dickhead!
You regretted being worried about that ass immediately. You didn't even do anything but he looks super annoyed. It didn't even take a minute Hoseok burst in growling in anger which startled you.
"Jimin what the fuck was that? why didn't you take the action that was required. You are the bloody CEO of this company so start acting like one." Hoseok barked at Jimin angrily making you flinch. You have never seen him this angry before.
" That's the bloody fucking reason I just walked away. You people were being absurd. How the fuck do you all expect me to make a decision immediately. I'll take care of it my way." Jimin yelled back without holding in.
" Are you fucking dumb? What do you mean your way? He is a head manager and he made the complain to us higherups directly." Hoseok glared at him and Jimin glared back. For some reason Jimin looked more scarier to you.
"I don't care who the fuck makes complaints. I'll do things the way I want as long as the company is under me. I'll take care of it so please leave now." Jimin turned his back towards Hoseok to show that he is done talking.
"Fine. Don't come to me after messing up And for fucks says grow up Jimin. You are not a brat anymore." Hoseok threw a file on to Jimin's desk harshly and walked away flaring in anger.
As soon as the door closed, Jimin let out a huff and flopped on his seat. You were literally frozen. You didn't know what to do or say. It was not your place to get involved and Jimin looked angry as hell so you slowly sat back and opened a file to go through. You didn't understand what was going on but you were sure that Jimin must have done something stupid, or else Hoseok would never get this worked up. He is one of the reputed directors in the company and been in the company for a while now.
You saw Jimin calling someone angrily. He ran his fingers through his soft looking long hair as he impatiently waited for the person he was calling to pick up.
"Hello. This is Park Jimin. Am I speaking to Mr. Son Woo?" he spoke trying to calm his anger.
"No that's fine. As you may know what happened at the meeting earlier, I want you to send that employee Ji Hoon home. Ask him to collect his things from his department and leave." he ordered cold heartedly. Your eyes widened at his tone and to the order he gave.
"No Ifs or Buts. Do as I say." he scolded Mr. Son Woo, the head of HR department and tossed the phone to aside. He turned to his laptop and started working.
You slowly returned to your work feeling uncomfortable. You knew that Jimin is a jerk but you never expected him to be this merciless. How could he so easily take away someone's job like that. Everyone deserves a second chance.
It didn't even take 15 minutes your desk phone rang and you quickly answered it. It was Yuna and she informed that there was employee at the lobby to meet Jimin. Once you kept the phone you got up from your seat and walked up to Jimin nervously. His angry mood was making you uncomfortable but you had to do your job properly.
"Uh-h excuse me Jimin." you voice came out low and unsteady.
"What?" he snapped looking at you annoyed, and you flinched a little.
"Uhh. One of the staff is here to see you." you said not meeting his eyes. You were kind of scared to look at him.
"Who?" he asked getting annoyed.
"It's Mr. Ji Hoon." you replied and Jimin sighed furrowing his brows.
" I'm not seeing anyone. Go take care of him and send him home." he ordered you.
"How ca-"
"Don't start with me Y/n. Go and do your job as I say." he glared at you. Without another word you gave a nod and hurried out. You wanted to yell at that dickhead asking how can you take care of a situation that you had no idea about.
You stomped your way to the front lobby where Yuna was. She showed you a stressed out man sitting in the corner with her eyes. You let out a deep sigh and walked up to him. It was clear that he was very upset so you wanted to sound nice.
"Excuse me Mr. Ji Hoon." he looked up at you with sad eyes. The man seemed around mid age and he didn't look well.
"Yes." he answered.
"Hello. I'm Mr. Park's PA. I was informed that you are here to see him." you continued smoothly once he gave a nod.
"Well I'm really sorry, He is in an important meeting right now so he is not free to see you. And I'm afraid that you will have to do as Mr. Park says. He said he will not change his decision." You said hoping he would understand and leave. But when he got down on his knees in front of you, you froze.
"Please Miss let me explain this to him. I didn't do it, I really didn't do it. I swear upon my family please let me explain this to him." he started sobbing.
"Mr. Ji Hoon, please get up." you said in a pleading voice as you quickly helped him up back on the chair. You really didn't know what to do. You have never faced a situation like this. You didn't want to be heartless like that jerk and kick him out.
"Mr. Ji Hoon please calm down. I really don't know what happened but I'm sorry, I can't help you with anything." you said trying to sound nice as possible.
"Yes I understand Miss but I can't take the blame for something I didn't do. I beg of you, please help me make Mr. Park understand. I know my head manager is involved and I'm just a mere employee with a small post who can easily be replaced but please I really need this job. I have my daughter and my grandma to take care of. Please! Help me. I'm being falsely accused." he went on and on crying. You started feeling terrible, no matter what you are also a soft person from inside. You can barely take people's pain.
" I understand Mr. Ji Hoon, I will talk to Mr. Park about this. But for now just do as you are told. He is not in his best mood right now, so please try to understand." You told to calm him down.
"Really. You will?" he asked with little bit of hope in his eyes and that broke your heart for him because you knew that Jimin will not change his mind. He is so coldhearted. How can he treat his employees like this. You looked down at the man and gave a small warm smile.
"Yes. I will talk to him and tell him everything that you said to me." you assured him. Then he wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt and got up. He really looks like a decent, innocent man, so you wanted to try and help him.
"Then I'll leave for now. Thank you so much. Please tell Mr. Park that it wasn't me." he bowed his head to you and you bowed back before he walked away.
You felt really bad for him and his family. According to him, he is wrongly accused for misplacing an important document for the upcoming project and leaking the concept that they worked hard with a famous New York fashion event dealer. After hearing it you were finally able to understand why Jimin and Hoseok looked so mad.
And it was the event that Taehyung is going to model and reach for his dreams. You started worrying if the event will get cancelled. You wanted to find out more details, so as you entered yours and Jimin's office room, you slowly walked up to him.
" What took you so long?" he asked in an irritated voice without even looking up.
"I-I was trying to make Mr. Ji Hoon understand and leave." you said watching him fiddle with a pen between his fingers as he read a file. He was quiet and you had to tell what that man told you like you promised him.
"Jimin I don't think he did it. Why don't yo-"
"Are you trying to teach me how to do my job?" he cut you off and looked up at you with intense eyes.
"N-No I.. I was just-"
"Good. Then get back to work." you got cut off again and it kind of irritated you. You wanted to snap back but you held in because you didn't want to loose your job as well. You gave him a nod and he looked back at the file completely ignoring you.
Cold hearted Jerk!
You shot imaginary fireballs at him with your eyes and turned to walk back to your seat. You couldn't help but think if you were dreaming of Jimin being nice to you last night. You felt a tingle and mindlessly you touched your cheek where he kissed you last night. Suddenly the feeling of his soft plum lips on your cheek came to your mind. Y/N What the heck is wrong with you! Why the hell are you thinking about it. It didn't even take a second you quickly snapped out of it and continued your work in silence till it was the time for you to go home.
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