hey guys this update credit goes to my cutie @Innocent_soul101 , thanks a lot mehak , i love u so much and guys she is the one who gave me the idea how to proceed my story , thanku so much baby , love u
avni calls swetha to know when they will be back to home
avni : hello mummy ji , where r u ? u r fine right ? i mean is anything serious ? y r u people taking long to come back
swetha : offo avni first u breathe in and stop ur questions , we r fine and we will be back in half an hour , we r just having some fun time thats it
avni smiles in relief
avni : ok mummy ji but did u had ur lunch ?
swetha : yes baba we both had our lunch and now we r heading back to home , we will be there in 15 minutes
avni : ok come fast bye
she cuts the call and look at neil who is on bed looking at her
neil : see i told u to not to take tension
avni : yeah but how can i not call them they went morning and did not return yet i will get worried na then
neil : ok ok now u talked to them right so stop worrying and call kushi
avni glared at neil
neil : what r u glaring at ? call her and talk to her
avni : neil no not now plse dont force me
neil sighs and asks her to sit beside him , avni sits beside him , he puts her hair strands below her ear and cups her cheeks
neil : avni plse dont do this to urself and to her , y being stubborn and crying , go talk to her , when i am not angry y r u ?
avni kisses his cheek
avni : no i wont talk to her , she slapped u , i dont even want a fly to lay on u but look at her dare she slapped u (kissing his cheek) so let me be angry atleast for 2 days , i will talk after that
neil smiles at her concern towards him and makes her sit on his lap
neil : love u wifey (kissing her cheek )
avni smiles and kisses his cheek
avni : love u too neil
neil gets a call and answers the call while avni gets naughty with him , she smirks and bites his ear making his speech stop
neil : i...ii...i will call u later
he cuts the call and glares at avni who is suppressing her laugh
neil : what was that avni
avni (innocently) : what ?
neil : acha ? i will show u what u did
before avni can run he catches her and pushes her on bed hovering over her
avni : neil move mummy ji and maa will come now
neil : no i wont
avni : i am sry neil , i will never do it again , move na plse
neil leans closer to her making her heart beat fast and bites her cheeks making her close her eyes and he moves down to her neck and sucks her neck not leaving an inch while avni suppressing her moans
before he can go further there is a knock on the door making them alert
neil : wifey we will plse live separately in my flat
avni : what ? r u mad ?
neil : i am not , i just want privacy which we dont get here
avni : shut up neil and get off from me right now
neil moves away from her not before pecking her lips making her smile
neil opens the door and finds kk
neil : what ??(irritated tone)
kk : oops looks like i disturbed u people
neil : yes u did , now tell me what u want
avni becomes red while kk smirks at neil
kk : swetha aunty is calling u people so come soon
kk leaves smiling and avni smacks neils shoulder
avni : what was that neil ? u r embarrassing us
neil : this is my revenge for what u did minutes before (winking at her )
avni : haww u disgusting husband
neil smiles and pulls her with him to hall where neela , swetha and kk were present
kk : look aunty they came , ask them what took so much time to come (smirking )
neil glared at kk while avni lowered her head
neela : offo kk dont tease my children and we know what took them time to come down
avni became more red while neil was enjoying her state
swetha : ok ok now u all teasing my daughter , look at her she already became tomato , so stop now
avni runs into kitchen making all of them laugh
after dinner avni walks into neela's room
avni : maa
neela looks at avni
neela : so finally u got time for me ?
avni : maa who was that man with u and swetha maa
neela gets shocked and looks at avni
neela : who ?
avni : maa plse dont try to hide , who was that uncle ?
neela : i dont know what u r talking about avni
anvi : maa i saw u people talking to that uncle and i also saw swetha maa crying hugging him , now tell me who was that uncle and y did u people lie to us that u were going to hospital when u went to meet some unknown person ? tell me maa
swetha : i will tell u
avni and neela look towards swetha who entered the room
swetha : i will tell u beta but tell me one thing y didnt u say all this to neil ?
avni : how do u know mummy ji ?
swetha smiles sadly and looks at avni
swetha : if u had told this to neil he would have created world war 3 by now
avni gets confused
swetha : the man u saw with us today is my husband and neils father
avni gets shocked
avni : whatttt ??
neela : yes beta he is ur father in law
avni : but mummy ji
swetha : neil hates his father avni , he hates him so much that he cant stand him even a minute
avni : but y ?
swetha (crying ) : because 6 years back he left us all alone
avni : why mummy ji ?
swetha : all these years prakash ji was in jail
avni : jail??
swetha : yes prakash ji is accused murderer of his best friend's wife dhruv kapoor
avni : murderer ? u mean kk's mom
swetha : yes beta , everyone believed that prakash ji murdered shanti (dhruv kapoor's wife ) but i didnt , even neil believed that prakash ji killed shanti but the truth is he didnt kill her and i know it
avni : but mummy ji
swetha : i know all the proofs are against him but my heart knows that he is innocent , prakash ji can never even think about it (with tears flowing from her eyes )
neela consoles swetha
swetha : u know avni i was all helpless and didnt know what to do , whenever i try to say , neil gets angry and i also somehow lost hope and started believing that may be prakash ji did kill her , but no i was very very wrong it is the biggest mistake of my life for not to believe my own husband
avni : what made u believe him again
swetha : u know after mithali's marriage i got a letter from a person named sunny , first i thought it is not for me and may be they delivered to wrong address , so i never read it and again next day i got a letter again from the person named sunny and on the letter it is written as " FROM SUNNY TO MADAM MADONNA " , at that instant i got to know that the letter is from my prakash ji , he asked me to meet him at a private place without anyone's notice and i couldnt stop myself from meeting me
flashback :
swetha and prakash hugs each other and swetha cries in his arms
swetha : what is this prakash ji , y did u do that ?
prakash : do u also dont believe me swetha ji (with tears in his eyes )
swetha : but prakash ji all proofs r against u
prakash : i know swetha ji but believe me i did not kill her , i treat her as my own sister then y would i kill her , it is him who killed her
swetha : who (shocked )
prakash : dhruv kapoor
swetha gasped
swetha : what ? dhruv bhai ?
prakash : yes that bastard killed her , he stabbed knife in her stomach and left it and by the time i came back i saw her wincing in pain with blood around her and she said me who did that to her and when i was taking that knife from her body that dhruv took my pics and he labeled me as murderer , but trust me swetha ji i did not kill her
swetha : i trust u prakash ji , but how we will prove it
prakash : my friend "chakri " returned back from abroad and got to know about me being accused as murderer and he knows all the past about dhruv so he believed me and helped me in getting out of jail and his son is a CID officer who promised me to help me to get proofs against dhruv
swetha : prakash ji y dont we tell all this to neil
prakash : he doesnt believe me (lowering his head in disappointment )but its ok how can someone believe when the proofs r against me
swetha : no prakash ji y dont we once talk to neil i am sure he will
prakash interrupts swetha
prakash : no swetha ji i dont want to involve him until i get all the proofs against dhruv , plse try and understand
swetha : where r u staying ?
prakash : at chakri's home , dont worry as of now i am fine and keep my number with u , we will meet at this restaurant as it is far from city so that no one knows about us
swetha nods and bids him bye
flashback completed
swetha : so i meet him once in a week and today was his birthday so i had to meet him , all these years i didnt do anything for him but atleast i could meet him right ?
avni cries and hugs swetha who is a crying mess
avni : am sry mummy ji , am sry once can i meet papa ji
swetha and neela gets happy listening avni calling prakash as papa
swetha smiles nodding and hugs avni once again
i am sooooo very sry for not updating these many days , i am shifting so i was really busy
and what do u think about this update ?
thanks for all ur constant love and support
love u all
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