neil : god!!! she is sooo very much annoying
avni : no neil she is not
neil : oh really ? but i dont think so
avni : no neil she is just childish
neil : ok enough now , i dont want to talk about her (in angry tone)
avni hugs him and kisses his chin
avni : dont get angry dear hubby
neil : ok but on one condition
avni : what is that ?
neil : i am hungry plse give me company
avni : what ? u did not eat yet ?
neil : how can i eat when i dont even know whether u ate or not
avni kisses his cheek
avni : u r the bestest husband ever
neil : and u r my life
avni lowers her head and starts crying
neil : avniiii r u mad ? what r u crying for wifey , what happen ?(cupping her cheeks and wiping her tears)
avni : i am bad wife na ? i did not even ask u whether u ate or not
neil : u r really stupid wifey , u know right ?
avni : yeah i am a stupid wife who doent care about her husband , i dont deserve u neil
neil : yeah u r right , ok then i will go and find another wife
avni glares at neil angrily and smacks his shoulder
avni : dont u dare
neil laughs at her
avni : stop laughing neil and remember one thing , i am the only one whom u should loveand be with , otherwise i will kill u
neil pulls her closer and kisses her forehead
neil : love u wifey
avni hugs him and says i love u too
neil : love u more wifey , now go and change ur clothes and i will arrange the food on table
avni nods and goes to change her clothes while neil arranges the food on the table
neil : avni u know what after 2 days mom is coming with kk
avni : who is kk ?
neil : he is my cousin and he will stay with us for few days
avni : oh wow seems like u love him a lot
neil : yes i love him a lot but dont worrry wifey i love u more
avni : shut up neil
after dinner neil goes to their room while avni does her house hold works and goes to room
neil : y so late ?
avni : just cleaned the kitchen
neil : u can do that tomorrow morning na
avni : morning we will get late for office neil
neil sighs and avni gets on the bed after applying lotion
as soon as she gets on the bed neil pulls her closer to him and nuzzles her neck
neil : i missed u a lot (biting her neck)
avni : ouch neillll
neil keeps on sucking her neck and she moans his name
avni : neill plse let us sleep , i am very tired
neil pouts looking at her , she smiles and kisses his pout , before neil can deepen that she moves away
neil : what is that avni ? kiss me already
avni : no , we very well know that it wont stop with a kiss and i am very much tired let us sleep neil , plse
neil sighs and pecks her forehead and pulls her to his chest , cuddling her
avni : love u neil (kissing his heart)
neil : love u too and haan i will resume this tomorrow morning
avni blushes and cuddles into him more , they both sleep cuddling each other
next morning neil wakes up to find empty bed , he gets ready and goes to kitchen to find his wifey
he sees her cooking and hugs her from back and nuzzles into her neck
neil : so what is my beautiful wifey cooking ?
avni : kushi's favourite dish , she likes it very much
neil : oh shit !!
avni turns to him
avni : what happened neil ?
neil : nothing dear wifey , from today i have to bear her in my office too
avni laughs looking at his face
neil : acha u r laughing at me (pulling her closer )
avni : god neil u r looking so funny
neil pulls her more closer making her smile fade away slowly
avni : nnneiiiil i- i hve to make lunch , move
neil : no wifey u laughs na , u r look very sexy when u laugh (he leans into her more )
avni stops him from leaning more by placing her hands on his chest
avni : neil stop not now
neil lifts her by her waist and places her on the counter
avni : neil what r u doing ?
neil keeps his face in her neck and nuzzles there
neil : romancing wifey
he sucks her neck and her breathes become hard , after kissing her neck for few minutes her comes down to her cleavage and pulls her top down so that he can kiss her bare cleavage
while kissing and suking there
neil : u r beautiful wifey , i cant get enough of u
saying this he continues torturing her with his sweet ministrations
avni : neill ww ww we r getting late(gasping for breathe while he is kissing her )
neil ignores her and keeps on kissing her neck , shoulders and cleavage giving few hickeys over there
he pulls her skirt up and pulls her panties down making avni gasp out of fear ,she immediately clutches his arms to stop him but her holds her both hands at back of her with his one hand and kisses her neck biting, sucking and licking it
neil : no wifey , i cant stop myself now
he pulls her panties totally down along with his pants
avni : neil plse not now (breathing heavily )
neil ignores her and kisses her lips and pulls her more closer to show her how much aroused he is while she moans when his ***** comes in contact with hers (ps : he is still having his boxers)
neil is about to remove his boxer but someone rings the calling bell making neil and avni alert
neil : god!!!! who is at this time ?
avni immediately pushes neil away and rushes into her room while neil is very much frustrated and puts his pant up again and goes to open the door
as soon as neil opens the door kushi barges in puching neil
kushi : good morning sir
neil : what the ??
kushi turns to him
kushi : what ??
neil (angry tone) : what r u doing here at this time ?
kushi : sir y r u asking me as if this is odd time , it is 9 in the morning and i came here to meet my best friend , where is she ?
neil pov : oh god somebody plse kill her already
kushi : what r u looking at sir ?
neil : nothing , i am just thinking how to kill u
kushi's jaws open wide
kushi : whattttt??? kill me ?
avni coming form upstairs
avni : shut up neil , kushi he is just kidding
kushi glaring at neil
kushi : yeah i can see that (gritting her teeth )
neil : good for u
saying this he leaves to his room
after neil left
kushi : what happened to him , y is he so angry always
avni : nothing he is just disturbed about his work
kushi : oh ok , but y r u blushing ?
avni : no no i am not blushing , y would i ?
kushi : oh god i am sry , now i got it , i disturbed u people while romancing right ? didnt i ?
avni : whatttt ?? r u mad ? nothing like that (stammering)
kushi : oh plse stop , dont lie when u cant
avni : i am not lying
kushi : yeah i can see that
avni : ok stop it and come we will have our breakfast
kushi : wow diverting topic not bad
avni turns more red in colour
avni : i will go and call neil u stay here
saying this she rushes into her room
kushi : dont worry i will not disturb u both this time (kushi shouts in the background which avni listens and turns into beetroot)
avni reaches their room and sees neil coming out from shower , neil sees her and ignores her
avni sighs and hugs him from back
avni : neilll , r u angry ?
he doesnt say anything and removes her hands from his chest and goes to his wardrobe
she again hugs him from back and kisses his bare back
avni : neilll y r u mad at me ? what did i do ?
neil turns to her and crashes his lips onto hers while she gives in and pats his back in order to calm him
after breaking the kiss she hugs him
neil : i am not mad at u , its just that i am frustrated u know sexual tension
avni blushes
neil : now dont blush , i will take u right now and this time i will not stop even if someone comes
avni looks at him shocked
avni : u shameless
neil smiles and hugs her
neil : acha go i will wear clothes and come
avni nods and goes out to hall
kushi : so , how is he now ? did his anger melt ?
avni : what do u mean ? i said na he is not angry
kushi : am i looking like a child to u ? anyhow so tell me did u kiss him to pacify ?( she asks avni with very much excitation )
avni (blushing ) : shut up and help me with these dishes
kushi smiles at blushing avni and they both go to kitchen
after sometime neil comes and they three have their breakfast and leave to office
so guys did u like this update
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love u all
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