this update is specially for my cutie pie aanya_mishra
avni comes to the guest room along with the lady , as soon as the lady leaves the room , avni rushes to washroom and cries her heart out
avni : now bebe too hates me , god plse help me in getting my neil back , i know i have hurted him a lot , i shouldnt have done that , but u know na , i was just scared that he might leave me like my pap-- , like ashish mehta left me (crying clutching her knees to her chest )
after sometime avni comes out getting cleaned , she lies on bed and starts thinking about the last 24 hours and dozes into sleep
meanwhile bebe goes to neil and sees him sleeping and his cheeks are stained with tears , her heart breaks seeing him like this
bebe pov : i dont know what mistake u did avni but i wont forgive u until my tillu forgives u , i know u love him a lot but that doesnt mean that u will hurt him , i am so angry at u avni and i will not let tillu get hurt again , i will not allow u near my tillu until he wants (caressing his head )
avni wakes up at 10 am and gets shocked seeing the time
avni pov : god !! what did i do ? i am sure now bebe will never like me in this life
she quickly gets ready and goes down
avni : aunty
lady : good morning avni beta , everyone are in the hall
avni : ok aunty thank u
avni goes to hall and heart beats faster than usual
avni pov : god avni u r not going into any lions den , this is ur family stupid , dont get scared
she sees neil doing something on his mobile , he did not see her yet , her eyes are filled with tears now , she tires to go to him but stops hearing bebe's voice
bebe : finally u woke up ?(with stern tone )
neil now look at avni and gets shocked seeing her , he clenches his fists seeing her
neil : avniiii
avni looks at neil who is now raging with anger
avni : neilll
neil drags her to his room and closes the door
he holds her by shoulders making his grip tight he yells at her
neil : what r u doing here avni ? dont u want me to stay peacefully ?
avni : nei--lll i---a--m sor---ry (sobbing )
neil jerks her away
neil : get the hell out of here right now
avni nods her head in no
avni : never , i will not go without u
neil gets very much angry
neil : avni get out before i lose my control
avni : its ok neil lose ur control , slap me as many times u want , punish me , but plse plse come to me , u r my home neil
neil chuckles sarcastically
neil : home?? thats y u left me right ?
avni : neil i know i did wrong but i i-- wa--s scar--ed th-a-a-t
neil makes her stop by showing his palm and throws her out of his room
neil : i dont want to listen to u anymore , if u dont want to leave ur wish because i am not going to care a damn for u
saying this he closes the door on her face
avni : neil plse for once listen to me (banging the door )
neil doesnt opens the door and avni goes to her room crying
at lunch time
lady : bebe avni ji didnt eat anything since morning
neil looks at her and then at bebe
bebe : so?? she will have her food when she wants to
neil clenches his fists which is noticed by bebe
neil : aunty go call her and make her eat food
aunty : but she is not coming out beta , i called her many times but she isnt responding
neil is controlling his anger and bebe watches his every move
neil is about to leave the lunch but bebe interrupts him
bebe : go and tell her that i am calling her and i want her to be here in 2 minutes
hearing this neil quits his idea
avni comes there with in 2 minutes , she looks at neil first and then bebe
bebe : have ur lunch , i dont want u to get weak
avni nods and sits opposite to neil and fills her plate with lunch and starts having her food , neil resumes his eating
they had their lunch in silence and avneil glancing at each other which didnt go unnoticed by bebe
after lunch avni again tries to talk with neil but neil leaves out
bebe : so ??
avni turns to bebe
bebe : y r u here ?
avni looks confused
bebe : r u here again to hurt him ??
anvi has tears in her eyes and she nods her head in no
avni : i can never think about it even in my dreams bebe
bebe : but u did and u r doing it now and i cant see him hurt again , so leave this place right now
avni gets shocked
anvi : plse bebe i know what ever i did is wrong and i accept my mistake but plse give me one chance bebe i cannot stay without him
bebe was about to say something but gets interrupted by swetha
swetha : avniiii
avni looks at swetha and runs to her and hugs her tightly
prakash and neela gets shocked seeing avni here
neela : avni bacha when did u come here ?
breaking the hug and wiping her tears
anvi : early in the morning maa , u all were sleeping and by the time i woke up u people left for shopping
neela : y r crying bacha (hugging avni )
avni : he is not even listening to me maa
neela wipes her tears
neela : give him time bacha , u know na he cannot be angry at u for long
avni nods and then look at bebe and goes near her , she holds her hands
anvi : bebe i know i did hurt neil and i am really regretting it and i promise i will never hurt him again
bebe removes her hand from avnis hold and goes to her room leaving a crying avni
prakash wipes her tears
avni : papa she doesnt wants me to stay here
prakash : puttar she is just angry , she will be fine once she sees ur love for neil , so dont worry , go now to ur room and take some rest
avni nods and goes to guest room
swetha : avni this is guest room beta , ur room is next one
bebe : id she wants to stay here then she should stay there in guest room and if anyone doesnt like it can leave the house , its my order
swetha : but bebe
bebe : no more argument on this swetha
swetha looks at avni who is crying she gently wipes her tears
swetha : its ok bacha , plse dont mind her , she doesnt tolerate neil being hurt , she doesnt know how much he loves u and when she comes to know she will regret and for now u take rest , i can see u were crying for long time , no more crying now , now its time for irritating neil and making him realize ur love for him and i am there na for u , i too will see how much more neil will ignore u
neela : ha bacha we all r there for u , dont cry , u r my strong bacha ,and more over u should have strength to fight with neil right ?
avni nods her head chuckling and wiping her tears
neela hugs her and takes her to the room
avni places her head on neelas lap
avni : maa will neil forgive me ?
neela : y did u do that bacha ?
avni tears flows out from her eyes
avni : maa
neela : shh , stop crying , i just wanted to ask u one thing , dont u trust neil ?
anvi : i trust him more than myself maa
neela : then y ?
avni : i dont know i just got scared at the time and i took most worst decision in my life
neela : shh ok now dont cry sleep
anvi : will he forgive me ?
neela : he will but not by ur reason , he will forgive u by ur love , so make him trust u that u love him and will never leave him again and then no one can stop him being urs again
avni nods and slowly closes her eyes falling into sleep
i just hope the update went well
i know , its very boring and sry if u dont like this one but i promise next one will be interesting
love u all
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