Chapter Four
I collapsed on my bed, letting out a sigh. So many things were happening at once. I just met my idols, and they show me their dorm because my bias is sick...
I'm waiting for the part where I wake up and it is all a dream.
I shivered slightly. It has been getting colder recently. I took a blanket when I heard a knock on my door.
" Valerie~~" Wait. That voice. HOLY GOD IT'S JIN!
" Um...yes?" I asked, my head still spinning.
" Valerie, dinner is ready."
What is going on...?
" Valerie?" Oh. It was my mom. Oops. I opened the door quietly and went out to the dining table. As I ate my food quietly, my head was filled with thoughts.
No. I should not think so much. I am just going to relax and deal with it when it comes.
Wow, I'm so proud of myself. Note the sarcasm. Seriously though. What do I do now?
Having lost my appetite that never existed in the first place, I quietly left the table. Closing the door to my room, and flopping onto my bed. I let out a sigh, before feeling a vibration. Oh, my phone.
It was a message from Jimin. He texted me a 'hi~'. I replied back with a 'Hai'. Yup, we can't even use hi normally.
ChimChim: Hi~
Valerie: Hai
ChimChim: How are you? Taehyungie is getting better.
Valerie: I'm good.
ChimChim: He misses you a lot.
Valerie: Tell him I miss him too :')
ChimChim: I smell something...
Valerie: ?
ChimChim: Love!
Valerie: Bye.
Okay, Taehyung may be my bias and all, but he does not love me at all! Gosh I'm getting flustered due to Jimin. This world is getting weirder and weirder. Still waiting for the part where I wake up and it is all a dream.
Sleep should help. I will just think about it tomorrow. Making a huge fuss about things will not help. Yup, sleep is what I need.
" Ssak da bultaewora, BOW WOW WOW!"
Damn my alarm.
What time is it anyways...? It's still 7.....
Wait what 7?!
I rushed out of my room and brushed my teeth and combed my hair at the same time. With the toothbrush still in my mouth, I tied my hair in my usual ponytail. I wore my uniform, and rushes to the dining table for breakfast.
Bacon and eggs!
I see heaven right there.
Gobbling down the food on my plate, I wore my shoes and rushed out of the house.
" I'm leaving!" I shouted to no one in particular.
I jogged towards a bus stop, rushing to take the bus. The bus was approaching me, but it seemed to take forever. I quickly got on, and could barely find a space to even stand comfortably. It was stuffy and the air smelt of sweat. I took out my phone to check the time, but I guess the world hates me.
I dropped it and it somehow flew to a spot under a seat. I struggled to get there, almost tripping at least three times. I picked up my phone, though a few people were giving me glares. I checked the time.
The bus stopped near my school. I scanned my card and literally jumped off. I ran as quick as possible, not caring how I looked. The security guard gave me a death glare as I entered, knowing I was very late.
I went to class immediately, to see only one person.
" Taehyung oppa, where is everyone else?"
" I don't know," He shrugged. " I came here alone in the van. Yoongi hyung and Jungkookie came earlier."
I nodded, and went to my seat. The class seemed so quiet without the annoying people around. And without Stephanie and Jamila.
I awkwardly took out a book to read, while Taehyung just stared at me. He suddenly sat beside me, before lying down on my table.
" Do you wanna play a game?" He asked like a puppy.
My poor heart.
I nodded, and he took out his phone. We began playing countless numbers of games, most of the time was him winning. He smiled his cutest smile ever whenever he won, and soon I did not put in too much effort to win.
All of a sudden, the class door opened, to reveal Jamila and Angelina, who were both the class captain or something like that.
" There were you! The teacher was looking for you everywhere!" Angelina exclaimed in her sweet and soothing voice. I could only give them a puzzled look.
" We're having gym now, and we were suppose to head to the basketball court." Jamila explained. I quickly packed my bag and rushed out, Taehyung following me.
We ran for the basketball court. I saw everyone there, including Jungkook and Suga.
Jungkookie smiled a bit, giving off a weird vibe. Suga made a soft noise, before showing off a small smirk.
The teacher glared at me, and asked sternly," Did you not know what lesson was it?" I blushed in embarrassment, and slowly shook my head. Too many things were happening at once, I had no idea what was going on.
" It wasn't her fault," Taehyung suddenly said, causing me to look up.
" She was looking for me, I didn't know where to go." My eyes widened slightly. He had this innocent look on his face, like a child. A small child. The teacher raised an eyebrow, and stayed quiet for a while. He told us to sit down, and I was saved from detention.
As he began to tell us what we were doing for the day, I glanced at Taehyung. He noticed my glance, and grinned at me. I looked down, blushing furiously.
" ...Now, I will form you into groups." The teacher suddenly said.
EXCUSE ME WHAT NOW? Shit. I wasn't paying attention.
He began calling our names and forming us into 4 groups. I prayed hard for me to be in the same group as one of the BTS members or my friends.
" Valerie!" He called out. He pointed at the group that included Berald. Stephanie was in another group with Aron, and Jamila was in another group. Taehyung and Suga were in the same group, and Jungkook was in the same group as Stephanie.
Life is just cruel.
My team was against the team with Taehyung and Suga.
They. Have. Suga. And. Why are we even playing basketball? I know nothing about the game. I only know you shoot the ball into the hoop. Pretty sure they are more rules then that.
Berald had the ball. My team members began running towards the hoop. He threw the ball to a guy I am not close with. Brian. He caught the ball and began dribbling. Suga snatched the ball, and managed to score a 3-pointer or something like that. I don't know.
We began playing again. Berald threw the ball towards me, and I caught it. I 'dribbled' the ball, and Berald suddenly shouted at me. A signal to throw it to him. He caught the ball with two hands, and attempted to score without warning. It was a perfect shot. He ran around, and began shouting my name.
" Valerie!" He exclaimed.
Damn him.
If you didn't know, he was slightly like a playboy. He had a crush on a girl named Nicole, then Riko, then Emma, then now me. He would always write my name on the whiteboard, or scratch my name on his desk.
I hated it.
Stephanie and Jamila are my bodyguards to 'protect' me from him. One time, Stephanie wanted to say," Don't worry Valerie! I'll protect you from Berald." Instead?
" Don't worry Berald! I'll protect you from Valerie!"
That right there is my friend.
Berald began dancing and doing childish things. I felt a gaze on me, and saw Taehyung looking sad and mad at the same time. A mix.
I turned to Jamila and Stephanie for help, but they were to absorbed in their game.
Jamila was standing there watching everyone. Stephanie kept shouting, and Aron kept telling her to shut up. Stephanie refused. Their team was winning.
The game started again, and my team kept scoring. Until Suga stole the ball again. He threw it to Taehyung, and he tricked us by looking like he wanted to go left. He threw it to Suga who was wide open, and they scored. Their team cheered loudly. The game continued, and their team won.
" Valerie, don't cry," Berald said, making fun of me.
Jamila popped out of nowhere and said," I think you're the one that's going to cry due to rejection."
Taehyung skipped towards me, Jungkook and Suga following behind. " Good game Stephanie," He said. Stephanie replied the same, and nodded.
" Who's that Bald guy?" Taehyung suddenly asked.
" Bald?"
" His name sounds like bald."
" You mean Berald?"
" Yeah, I don't like him."
" I don't too."
He smiled brightly, and giggled cutely. We returned back to the classroom. As we waited for the next teacher, I felt Taehyung playing with my hair again.
" Taehyung oppa, do you want to learn how to braid Valerie's hair?" Jamila suddenly asked. He sat with his mouth agape for a while, before nodding. Jamila moved her chair to his table, which was between Suga and Adon. She began explaining in detail, as I felt my hair getting pulled back and being braided. I felt Jamila let go, and I guessed she let Taehyung try. I did not know what happened, but afterwards, I felt my hair being tied.
" Taehyung oppa just did a braid for you Valerie!" Stephanie exclaimed. I felt blush creeping up onto my face. Jamila then came back beside me. My hand reached out for my braid. I felt more blush creeping up. I turned to Taehyung, and thanked him quietly.
He grinned adorably.
Wait. Shouldn't my 'love' for him be more of infatuation? So why...?
Why am I feeling so weird?
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