Chapter 2
I come up into the room and see terracotta everywhere, like almost everywhere. The walls. The floors. The room is extravagant, and has an air of riches to it. I am filled with anxiety and fear as I look around the opulent room. It's beautiful, yet dangerous. I start to hyperventilate and have a panic attack, breathing heavily and crying. I want my parents, but they hurt me, but I want someone to comfort me, yet no one is there.
I sit down under a table. I pull my knees up to my chest and put my head in my knees. I cry as quietly as I can to not attract any guards. Some guards walk through the room, glancing at me. They look annoyed and some don't even care to look at me. All of them are armed, and look prepared to fight. One of them walks over to me, and grabs me by the arm. They yank me up and pull me into their arms.
"Come on, what are you doing here?"
The guard seems angry as he talks to me. His voice is harsh and loud. The other guards start to walk towards me and circle me. I am surrounded by angry guards. I get frightened and my magic explodes around me and this time, it leaves me unconscious on the ground in a little pained ball.
The guards back away, stunned by the explosion and the sudden attack. After the guards are sure I am unconscious they tie me up, gagging me with a rag, so that I am unable to talk.
They carry me through the room and to a different area. I am taken to an isolated and dark dungeon, with a single guard at watch. The dungeon is cold and damp and the room is small. The light from the moon shines through a small window into my cell, lighting up the room. It seems to be a prison cell. I am tied to a chair, unable to move.
The days pass by. I am lonely and cold and hungry. The guard gives me the bare minimum food and water to stay alive, as if they are annoyed by my existence. They are cold and rough to me, and only talk to me when ordering me to do something, as if they are disgusted by me.
Eventually, two guards come into my cell.
"The King wants to see you."
The two guards drag me out of the cell unceremoniously. They drag me up the stairs and to a large throne room. The throne room is spacious and grand, made of granite with pillars and statues. I am dragged to the middle or the room and forced to my knees before King Joel.
"We have heard you're a demon. Is this true?"
The King's voice is deep and his voice booms. He sounds angry and serious. He is wearing a crown, and his skin is tan. He has scars and lines on his face and his dark eyes seem to pierce your soul.
"I hope your answer to my questions is true. Any lies will not be tolerated or forgiven, so speak the truth."
I shake my head to answer his question because I am still gagged. The King is angered by me shaking my head. The King motions to the guard next to him, who removes the rag from my mouth.
"Answer me now!"
The King yells as he glares at me. The room falls silent, and I can feel the guards standing there, armed and alert, ready to fight if I don't obey.
"I-I not demon..."
"Are you certain?"
The King glares at me. He is still skeptical.
"So you are human?"
He glances at my wings, pointed ears, and small antlers, which give away my species. It isn't very convincing of me to say I'm human. The King's tone is suspicious.
I shake my head again.
"Then what are you?"
The King is slightly irritated, and gestures for the guard to gag me again.
"Answer my question!"
The King yells.
"So you're an elf. And how did you get into our palace?
The King leans forward in his chair, and now looks even darker than before. He seems more angry than suspicious now.
"How did you get in here?"
The King has a sharp tone and it sounds like he doesn't mind torturing me for an answer.
"Did anyone bring you to our palace?"
The King continues to glare at me. The two guards at his side stare in contempt, as if they don't buy my explanation.
"Tell me the story, then."
The King leans forward even more. It is almost as if he is waiting for me to lie.
"You came from the caves, and you were...?"
He pauses, wondering what happened. The King wants to know everything about me, and I don't know what he will do if I reveal too much or too little.
"From what?"
The King raises an eyebrow at me, his eyes peering into my soul. The two guards at his side glance at each other and back up from me. I notice that they are backing up slightly, as to not get in the line of fire. I know King Joel is still unsure about my story and is trying to trick me into slipping up so he can have a good reason to imprison me.
"Dad and Amora."
"And who are they to you?"
The King's tone is a little softer this time, but he still glares at me with suspicion. I notice the guards relax ever so slightly, but still don't completely trust me.
"Tell me what happened."
"Amora is a nice lady. Dad hurt me."
The King leans forward and smiles menacingly.
"And how does your father hurt you?"
The King's smile looks sinister, and the guards at his side glare at me again. The room falls silent again, waiting for my answer. I sign the word for belt in elvish sign language. The king realizes that the reason that I am not speaking in full sentences is because I don't know much English.
"So your father hit you with a belt. Why did he abuse you?"
The King is glaring intensely at me now, not even hiding his contempt for me. The guards on his side seem shocked and a little disgusted at my father's actions. I speak elvish while crying. The King seems irritated by this. He gestures to the guard next to him.
"Get someone who understands this girl's language."
The guard nods and leaves the room to find someone who speaks Elvish. The King glares at me once the guard leaves. He scoots his throne back and leans back.
"Tell me then. Why did your father abuse you? Were you a bad girl?"
I shake my head and put out my arm. Yellow magic starts twirling around it like snakes and I flap my wings. The King and the guards look shocked by the display. They don't know how to react at first, but then the King starts laughing. He laughs mockingly and loudly, and all three of them laugh in their own way.
"Is that all you can do?"
The King laughs loudly and mockingly. I see his eyes fill with disdain and evil, and my heart stops for a second. The guards look at me with hatred in their eyes, as if my display has done something to their psyche.
I glare at them. Suddenly, I double over in pain and scream. Yellow magic goes in and out of my skin. I scream in pain and curl upon the floor, trying to stop the pain.
King Joel and the guards watch me curl up in pain. They are indifferent as they watch me whimper in pain. The guards watch, with a blank expression, but the King has a sinister, mocking smile. After I feel the pain stop, I look up to see the King watching me with eyes filled with evil. He has a sinister smile as he enjoys watching my pain.
"Why don't you show us your true power then?"
The King speaks mockingly to me. He continues to grin, and waits for me to do something. His guards look at me with a cold glare. They have sharp looks in their eyes, and it is clear that they are not impressed with me.
The King clears his throat and waits impatiently. Then, suddenly, I run and jump out of the window, dive into the ocean, use an underwater breathing spell, and swim downwards. I know that there is an ocean kingdom in these waters and I want to see I would be safe there.
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