The Dragon Children
As we face to our father, me and Zeref prepare to attack. His hair black as the night sky, his skin, filled with scars and wounds. While steam formed behind me as he crawled out of his old dragon flesh.
"You look no different than you did 8 years ago." Zeref says. I Look into my fathers eyes. emptyness..nothing left but his grey, heartless eyes.
"Ha..So this is Fairy Tail..truley remarkable strength, as well the other guilds!" he roars. It's been so long since I have heard that ugly voice of his.
"What a disgrace! " he says laughing.
"You're a disgrace you worthless piece of shit." I say..I can't believe my voice could sound so...evil...
"Imagine how much mom would love to see me rip you open till nothing but bone is left." I say. "What..did.. You.. SAY?!" he yells.
"Bitch! I DIDN'T STUTTER!" I shout sounds.. deeper! ...What the hell is happening to my body?!
"Its finally begun.." my father says.
"What did you do to her!" I could hear Zeref scream.
"Nothing, son, just when she was little, you as well, I bathed you Dragons blood.
"What the hell!?" I hear Gajeel shout I look and i see everyone looks like ants.
"My beloved kids.." he says. I realize hes has turn to dragon force.
"I loved you both..Loved at least..but you dishonor the name of being my children. Everyone better stay out of this or else this time..I will kill you all. This is our battle. Anbattle to the death. A battle for freedom. But forget..Im a dragon slayer too...And now you get to die by my hands!!-" he was cut off because I made my first move. "Fire dragons Iron Fist!" I yell.
"You talk to much!" Zeref says. Me and my dragon brother fight with our father.
Natsu's POV
"Gramps what hell!?" I ask still not able to believe what I was seeing.
"I heard legends and rumors..but you see, Let me tell you what I know. (y/n) was not sleeping, but hibernating for 8 years. Not to gain magic, but because her father put her to sleep..her good side that is. The same with Zeref. His good side has been put to sleep but both of them have recently awakened. During their evil side causing trouble, I believe they had contact with their father and don't even realize it. Maybe before they were sent to 'sleep' he was making them bathe in..dragons blood.. " Gramps said.
"I remember this was fortold by a psycic back when I was alive. She said something about..beware the 2 children helpless to the dragons born in their souls...could this been what she ment?" Mavis said.
"Correct! Fairy Tail isn't was stupid as I suspected. Yes what she says is true. Not only were my evil children killing and destroying they were slowly becomeing dragons. Unfortuanly the plan was to wait 10 years to permemtly become dragons when they awakened. But their good sides stoped it from happening! Now their evil side is lost forever! but I can change when I defeat you both and kill all these guilds, you'll be sent to sleep and become dragons! Permanently.." he said grinning.
Your POV
"You..mother fucking Animal! YOU PLANNED THIS WHOLE THING! I DONT CARE ANYMORE! EVERYONE KILL THE BASTARD!" I yell but in an instant I was knocked out
"Sweet heart? oh good your awake." I hear a woman with the voice of an angel speak.
"Who- who are you? where? how? what?!" I stutter. The woman had long blonde hair that reahced the floor. Green eyes like Jades and pale soft milky, skin. She really did look like an angel.
"Relax..all I can right now your dead.." she says looking down.
"What.." was all Iwas able to say.
"I talked to the one you called God and I convinced him it's not your time yet. You still need to defeat your father. Besides..the one you love, is waiting. This is the last time we will speak here. Im sending you down to earth and away from Heaven. You'll join me, at least after you've lived your life. Find your happiness..I'll be daughter."
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