How To Love
"TO (Y/N)!!" The whole giulds shouts and swallows down glasses of beer in one gulp. "He-*hiccup* Fire b-breath!" Gray shouts "What, you drunk ice princess?" Natsu says. "Sh-shut up!" hey says
"This*hiccup* Is about. Who get-gets*hicup* (y/n)!"
"A fight for (y/n)? Hah! you're on. Wait why for (y/n)? Never mind, Let's fight!" Natsu looked like my prince defending me. I couldn't hide my blushing, I never had 2 guys fight over me! Wait what the hell? Natsu doesn't like me like that.
"Enough! (y/n) is mine!" Erza says and slams Gray's and Natsu's heads together.
"OWWW" They both said groaning.
I'm quite embarresed. I never thought a girl would like me. Or shes just drunk... Yup. But I never thought about having a girl as a lover? Is it a thing? Being asleep for 8 years, I don't what my sexuality is?!! All my life I have been asleep... Should I experiment!?! I should give everything a try to test it out... I never even knew what love is! I still don't!
While those 3 fight I head to Lucy about.. well, what love is. I find out she's with Cana ,Mira, Lisanna and Levy.
"Um..Hi girls.." I say shyfully.
"Hey! (y/n)" Levy says, in a drunken voice. "Little Levy can't stay sober huh." Cana says while laughing.
"Lucy I wanted to ask about.."
"About what? I'm here for you!" she smiles with glee.
"Love?! I can help you there!" Cana states "Lucy hasn't been in a relationship her whole life" Mirajane tells me.
"G-Guys!." Lucy says embarresed.
"Well..I have been asleep for 8 years. I don't know if love is normal. And I never thought about love when I was little..Not with anyone. Or what is my sexuality.. How do I know if I love a person or not!?" I say loud but low enough so only they could hear. I slump in my seat confused.
"Well..Love is when you feel different with him than any other person...or her" Lisanna says. "When you can't stop thinking about him or her. It's like you always wonder what he's thinking about, who he's thinking about and how he feels about you." Mirajane says.
"Love is kinda like a game. Waiting to see who makes the first move, or who makes a bad move, Game over" Cana says next. "Lo*Hiccup* Love is w-when the-the desire for *Hiccup* for her or him grows." Levy states staring at Gajeel. I look at Lucy next
"Love is when all you want for the person is happiness. You would do anything just for him to be safe. You feel a connection unlike no other, and you know he loves you back when he does the same." Lucy says and finishes with a wink
"Lucy..Thank you" I say and hug her.
"Thank you all"
"But uh..What if I wanna" Then Cana Kisses my neck.
"If you felt like a sensation that you don't feel with a boy, your either are in love with me or, just...ya know." she says. I stare wide eyed.
"C-Cana! thats embarrasing!" I shout. I knew it. I like I just love..N-Natsu...
Natsu's POV
Being a dragon slayer I could hear everything. Why would she ask about love? Funny, the day (y/n) showed up at our guild I asked the same thing to those girls. Beside the sexuality part. Doesn't matter to me if its a girl or guy.
"Natsu. Go get her, and make her yours." Erza whispers in my ear.
"I know she feels the same." she adds. My face turns red
"Wha-what!?" I turn around and she was gone.
Lucy's POV
I'm glad (y/n) is finally going to tell Natsu how she feels. I can't wait for the wedding! I giggle
Your POV
I walk up to Natsu and the girls just give me a thumbs up and wink. Lisanna mouths, 'Go get him tiger, make him yours.'
Natsu's POV
She's walking up to me!
Your POV
"Natsu.." I start off.
"Yss.?." he says scratching the back of his neck. "Um I know you probably don't feel the same..but these few weeks with you.. have been the best-" I was cut off because Natsu cupped my face leaned in and kissed me. His lips were so soft against mine. I closed my eyes but were quickly opened when I felt his tounge begging to be let into my mouth. Our tounges danced around each others and I put my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist. I could hear the cheering of the guild as they shouted out our names and made 'Oooh" sounds. It was so funny I could laugh! but I didn't because Natsu is all I wanted right now. Our kiss broke and we stared into each others eyes. The whole guild got quiet wanting to hear what were gonna say.
"I love you" we both said in sync.
"Wanna go home?" he said in his normal voice but it, sounded seducing.
"Yes please.." I say softly and winked at him. He then carried me and put me over him so I was on top of his strong shoulders and he walked out the guild as the whole guild cheered while we left. What we were about to do next I thought wasn't possible.
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