Chapter 2: Acquaintances Part 2
Taro's pov:
After the bell rang I walked (more like jogged) up the stairs to my class. I quickly sat in the front seat on the row closest to the door. Maybe I did bit to quickly. I started to rub my knee where I hit the desk. My teacher must have heard my grunt when I did since she gave me a conserned look. "Yamada are you ok?" I nodded. "I recommend you don't run in the classroom again,"My teacher stated. She returned to looking through her lesson plans as more students poured in. I grabbed one of my note books and started doodling a picture of my darling Ayano.
" Good morning class. I am your homeroom teacher. In this class you will be tested on your abilities in grammar and your understanding of our language. I have seen some of your faces before, some I have not, but I would like you all to write your name, last name preferably, on a sheet of paper and pass in to the front of the class. This way I may call on you instead of pointing, " The teacher instructed. I flipped to the next page and did as I was instructed. I felt a tug at the back of my shirt collar. "Everyone's done in the back," a girl with blonde hair and tan skin said as she jabbed the papers in my face. I took the papers from her hand and handed them to the teacher as she walked by.
"Now before we go over the rules, I have to inform you that you have a group project due at the beginning of next month," she said returning to her podium. The class then filled with groans. "Yes its sucks, but there are some terms to this project. You and your group of five people must write a three paged essay on what you did during the your past summer and winter vacations from middle school to this year, and tell how you could change your behavior for a more successful future. Every person in the group have to turn in their own paper. You are aloud to work with other classes in the same year, and this year you are aloud to work with first years or second years. I don't recommend this; their requirements are different from yours. " she responded. I didn't hear the rest of her instructions. We could work with the second year class. My lovely Ayano is in second year. We could do a project together with three other people and after that we'll be together forever! " Dude in front, pass the rules back," the girl behind me poked my head. "What rulers?" I asked looking at my desk. I then realised what she said then passes the class rules back. The other classes didn't held as much useful information as homeroom so I won't bore you with details.
Eventually the bell rang for lunch. I started to look for Ayano, but Osana stopped me before I could get a foot away from the door. "Why are you wondering the halls? We're having lunch on the roof. Budo insisted and I can't get rid of him!" Quit interrupting my search for my love. " You say that like he's a disease,"I replied. "He is a disease! A really annoying disease in a girly white head band. " Budo noticed Osana and me on the way up to the roof. "Its bandana and its VERY manly!" He said catching up to us. I snorted, " Yes. Its a very manly bandana. " " See? Taro gets it, bin Laden, " Budo said patting my shoulder. "My name isn't bin Laden MORON!" Osana yelled stepping onto the roof. She and Budo went at it about her last name and I looked around for my Ayano until she brought the project up.
" Honestly you're as stupid as this language project we have to do!" " You got that too?" Budo asked. "No sh!t Sherlock. All the years have to do it,"Osana replied. "F*ck you Watson, you doing it with anyone?" Budo asked. "Yeah, me and four other third years. There's no way I'm working with first years or second years. Their so childish," Osana responded. "Weren't we second years just a month or so ago?" Budo joked. "No! Taro and I were mature, idiot!" "Aw, but not me?" Budo asked with large puppy eyes. "You're worst than the first years," Osana responded cold heartedly. " Lame. Me and Shin are doing one. Taro, in or out?" Budo asked me. "Uhh, I'll join you guys," I responded still trying to find my Ayano. "Kick n'. If you got any other people you know don't have partners, feel free to ask them. " "Why don't you ask your club to do this with you?" Osana asked. Budo made a face," Don't you think I thought about that? Mina's in your group and so is Oka. And-"
"Hey how'd you know that?" Osana asked. "I asked them during class. "
"WHY WOULD YOU ASK ME IF YOU ALREADY KNEW I WAS IN A GROUP?" Osana yelled. "Okay, first: Calm your tits. And second: Mina-" "THERE SHE IS!" I yelled interrupting Budo. I saw my darling Ayano walking out on the roof with her grey and black bento box. "JEsus, you're worst than her!" Budo said covering his ears as Osana flicked his forehead. "Moron!" My Ayano looked at us with her beautiful grey eyes.
Ayano's pov:
I returned to the roof of the school at lunch time. I noticed some manga books laying around the place and wondered if they were still there. Before my surching could start, I heard a very loud " THERE SHE IS!" I looked over and saw Yamada and Najimi with another person. Yamada rushed over to me.
" Afternoon Ayano. H-how's it going? " he asked. "I prefer you call me Aishi. Its been fine, Yamada. " I responded. He smiled, " Well I guess I could if you call me Taro." "Man are you trying to flirt cause that was terrible," a boy with a white headband said slinging his arm around Yamada's sholder. "Can I help you sir?" I said to the boy. "Yes, do you wish to talk about our lord and Savior 50% off! Nagisa?" The boy said as Yamada pushed him off. " Pardon? " I asked. "Ignore this moron. He was thrown against the wall as a child," Najimi said walking over. " Who hasn't bin Lade?" The boy asked Najimi. "MY NAME IS OSANA NAJIMI BUDO!" Najimi shouted. So this is budo? " Why aren't you with the martial arts club right now, matsuda?" I asked. "How'd you know his last name?" Osana asked before Budo could speak. "Who doesn't know me?" Budo awnsered. The two of them started to bicker very loudly. I looked to the side about to leave when Yamada poked my sholder.
" Hey Ay-Aishi. Do you have a group for that project yet?" I shook my head. "Oh good, would you like to work with me, Budo and one of his freinds?" He asked. I shrugged, " Sure. " He smiled more," You can invite one of your freinds to join us too if you like." I raised a brow," Osana's not with you?" Osana turned her head. " No. I'm doing mine with Oka, Mina, that dumb blonde chick, and Supana." I felt the emotion and smiled. "So you could invite your freind, that is, if you have any,"Budo joked. Yamada punched his arm. " Of course she has freinds! Don't you Aishi?" I froze. I forgot teenagers like to be social. " I uh, am acquainted with Gurin. " I half lied. "midori GURINU?" Budo asked. I nodded. He turned his back to the group, " Hey GURINU!" Midori looked up. He motioned towards the group, " You wanna join us for the language project? " she yelled an 'ok' in response. He turned back," Well that's settled-HEY why'd you hit me?" Osana scoffed, " Do you realise everyone can hear you if you yell across the roof? ITS EMBARRASSING!" Budo rubbed his sholder," hypocrite. " I better get going. I thought as I slipped away from the group. "Aya-Aishi why are you leaving? " Yamada asked fallowing me. "I..have to use the rest room," I lied. He frowned, "oh, okay. You will come back right?" "Sure," I lied again. He hesitantly went back to his freinds. I sighed, to many eyes up here. I'll come back later.
I walked down the stairs. I kept looking down as I walked and ran into a boy. He knocked me down on the stairs. "My apologies, " the boy said. He stuck his hand," Are you new here? I'm Shin." I grabbed his hand, " Not technically,... shin. Do you have a last name? " He continued to walk up the stairs, " I'm afraid you'll find more people here are on a first name basis, miss." I shook my head. Students are strange.
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