Chapter 2: Acquaintances Part 1
Taro's pov:
The next day before school started, I sat at the water fountain trying to read one of my favorite books while Osana complained that I wasn't paying attention to her. " Why'd do you keep reading that stupid book? You all ready know what happens in the story, idiot," she asked placing her hands on her hips. I smiled. "Because after I read the book multiple times, I can find little nods to other books or future plot points. Its fun you should try it Osana. That is if you like reading, " I replied. "Its not like I don't enjoy reading ,idiot! It just becomes boring the first time around," she yelled at me. "Its only boring if you make it boring, " I replied.
"You sound like nerd,"she said. "And you sound like you wanna get thrown in the fountain !" A voice called. I looked up and I saw my freind and leader of the martial arts club, budo, running up to us. "Budo, what are you doing here? I thought you had to oversee practice at the martial arts club, " I asked. "I thought that too. Mina just told me that we won't be doing anything 'til monday. So members could show up on time if they're new, ya' know?" He replied. I nodded a bit. " I guess that makes sense this is our first day of classes. " Osana scoffed, " That sounds fake. I bet you're skipping so you could bother us." Budo smirked, "you wouldn't be a hundred percent wrong, bin Laden. " Osana punched him in the shoulder. "My last name's Najimi, moron! Not Laden. Najimi!" She whined. "Hmm, I heard bin Laden. Taro, what you hear?" Budo asked with a playful grin on his mouth. "Oh, I heard bin Najimi," I replied with a light chuckle. Osana groaned, "I swear, you two are utter children! " "oh yeah?" Budo responded, "well this big kid's gonna dunk you in the fountain!" He picked Osana and pretend he was dropping her in as she protested. I smiled again. Despite Osana's complaints, I could tell she enjoyed the dark haired boy's actions.
Speaking of dark hair, I wonder where my darling Ayano is? I didn't see her walking to school or here in the garden like most of the girls here at school. But then again, Ayano isn't like most girls here at school. Just then I noticed her cute little ponytail from the open doors too the hallway. She's in the school building, at least I know she's okay for now. I returned to my book listening to Osana call Budo an idiot until the bell dismissed us to class.
Ayano's pov:
I decided to use "info-chan's" information to my advantage. I arrived at the school early and hid behind the bushes near the entrance. I reread the texts from yesterday. To gain personal information, I just need churu blossom' s face. I waited there until I saw her and took the picture without her knowing. I clicked send, but it didn't go through. I tried a few more times and it still didn't go through. No service available. I looked at roof. That is closer to the severs... maybe I should try the roof. I headed into the building, changed my shoes, and walked up the stairs to the roof top. When I got there I was very light headed.
Note to self: try to exercise more.
It was very quiet up here. ( I noticed it immediately. ) There was a very expansive veiw of the school here. I can use that. I pulled my phone out and sent the picture. Info-chan said her real name was Supana Churu, she is a member of the occult club, and she was a cowardly type. I didn't understand why info-chan put she's a coward, nor do I understand why Osana called her churu-blossom.
♡Why can't I see a person's nickname?
-it's not considered personal information. If you want to know why a person is called that, you need to send me a panty shot.
I sighed. I doubt anyone needs to change on the first day of school, so I don't need to go to the bath houses. (To many steps down too.) I also don't want to wait until physical education either. ( Najimi may actually like Yamada, so I need to do this quickly. ) There is also no way am I taking a picture of my own underwear for some horny teenager I don't even know. That leaves one place to take one: the roof. I scanned around for a girl. Thankfully everyone on the room is a girl, however, a pink haired girl is walking around who'd probably notice me taking her picture, and a blue haired girl was sitting down so I couldn't get a shot without getting caught or one at all. That left a green haired girl and a dark purple/black haired girl.
I walked towards them and examined my options closer. The green haired girl was standing straight up typing something on her phone. The other girl was slightly bent over, and appeared to be watching something. I walked closer with my phone to the purple/black haired girl, having chosen her for my 'subject'. I quickly took the underwear photo and sent it to info-chan.
-what do you need?
♡I need to know why najimi calls churu , churu-blossom.
- Budo masuta and Osana Najimi call her that because of a character she played called "cherry blossom" in her 2nd year of middle school. Its a pun on cherry blossom.
Well, I guess this shows that they have a small amount of histor-wait. Did I just read that a budo masuta called churu bye the same nickname? Strange. I wonder if its the same budo from the martial arts club. I looked up from my phone and saw that the girl was listening in two other girls' conversation. " That's considered rude you know," I said. I must have startled her. She made a surprised squeak and turned around. Her voice was very soft.
"O-oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to seem strange. Err-can I help you?" She asked. "If I may, could you explain why you're here?" I asked pocketing my phone. "Oka's probably spying on the batsu sisters like always!" The green haired girl said to us a few feet away. Oka put a finger to her mouth. "Midori, please don't be so loud! You might blow my cover." She turned to me and said," I have reason to believe the batsu sister's are higher powered beings and I'm trying to gather more evidence to prove I'm right." She turned to watch the batsu sisters more.
"Don't mind oka," Midori said walking over to me. "She thinks they're different 'cause she claims they have dragon eyes. " "Well their eyes' are pretty strange," I replied. Midori giggled and looked back at her phone and continued typing.
"What are you doing on there?" I asked. She perked up with more pep, " I'm emailing a game developer in America with alot of questions about the game he's working on! I know he posted a video about how he wanted to stop getting spammed with emails, but I can't help myself! I just have to get my valued question awnsered! " "like what?" I asked. "Like what's his favorite character so far, why isn't the game a multiplayer game, what's his favorite elimination method so far, what's his least favorite, you know things like that!" She ranted. "Yes, those are very valued questions," I said faking sarcasm. She smiled at me," Say you really remind me of the protagonist in the game." "Does this character have no emotions what so ever too?" I said faking a joking tone. Her eyes widened,"Yeah! Hey maybe you two are related some way! I should ask him if he knows there's a real life yandere-chan now! " Midori then returned to her original spot and continued typing. I check the time on my phone. I should be heading down soon; class will start soon. "Good luck with that, m-wait. What's your last name?" I asked. "Gurin, Have a good rest of the day, yandere-chan! " She replied. I knodded, " enjoy your... research Oka. " Oka gave a small thumbs up. Not a talker huh? I knodded to her too then left for my fist class.
A/n : I think I'm goinging to turn the next chapter into a part 2. Since I didn't let a character appear yet and this is long enough. Thank you for reading!
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