chapter 16 warrning
Taro's Pov
Imouto clung to my arm and cried as we walked today. I'd like to say our walk was pleasant. It should be, right? Just like when my sister and I would walk to the elementary school. But today was different... I mean it was very different. If I didn't acknowledge that, I'd appear cruel and heartless. And I like to think I am neither of those things.
So why was today so different?
" I can't believe she jumped! Why would she do that? She seemed so happy beforehand! , " my sister wailed.
My childhood friend committed suicide on Friday.
Yes. That is what happened. Osana Najimi jumped off the roof and fell onto an unsuspecting student. Nothing else happened. Nothing else could have happened.
I pat her head. " Sometimes these things happen. You can never tell what someone is truly feeling on the inside, " I coo to her. " And when bad things do happen, they happen for a reason. " She nuzzled her damp face into my shoulder. " 's not fair," she muttered. I sighed. I thread a finger through one of her pigtails. " It never is... it never is..." I sigh.
We came to the block we normally split before going to our separate schools. Today my sister clung tighter and refused to let go. " M-maybe it isn't too late to transfer schools! You don't think mom would-"
I lightly cup her cheek. " Transferring would put way to much stress on you and, if I may, you're all ready to snap in half. " Imouto sighed sadly and hesitantly let go. " Have a good day big brother! " she said trying to sound cheerful. " Please... for both of us..." I didn't ask who she meant by both of us but I thought it better not to ask. I nodded my head and turned down the street.
I start to run my fingers through my hair. Okay taro, you got this. Just breathe lightly, slip 'Osana's note' into her locker, don't recall those events, find Ayano and things will be fine! No one will have to suspect a thing. They shouldn't anyway. It was a suicide.
I just need to give Osana's reason be more public. I move my hand down to my shirt pocket feeling for the envelope. I sighed in relief of the fact that it was where I remember. " Everything is going to be okay, " I sighed out loud to calm myself. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my back pants pocket.
I casually pulled it out.
Do you have any idea what you've done?
I took a sharp take of breath.
Who-who could have found out? No one-
That's Info-chan's number. Okay, play it cool.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
I wouldn't be playing dumb here with me, Yamada.
Especially since I'm acquainted with Aishi.
Oh please. She wouldn't do anything to harm my Ayano... would she?
I thought you didn't care what I do?
No. I don't care what she does.
You, on the other hand, I would be wary.
You really don't know?
I gulped as I waited for her to type back. It took a while. I was almost near the school's gate when I felt it buzz again.
Consider this your first warning.
Don't do it again.
I sighed heavily as I walked through the gates. I returned my phone back to its pocket. Okay, taro deep breaths.
I walked into the building to the lockers.
Okay, all I need to do is leave her note and everything will be okay. I walked down the various names. I dragged my left index finger along the metal doors until it came to Osana's locker. However, once I was there, I saw something very unusual for our school.
" A lock? " I stated in shock. They locked her locker?! I felt a hand press against my shoulder. I jump into the lockers. I through my head to my side. I see a very surprised Budo holding a can of some sort. " Hey, man are you feeling any better? " He said in a concerned tone. I sighed heavily. " Oh..Oh it's just you..." I respond trying to regain my composure. I took a deep breath.
" Yes. I'm fine Budo. Just paying my respect, " I replied. He frowned. he slung his arm further over my shoulder. " hey, you don't gotta lie to me, man, " he replied. I turned my body away from the lockers to face him. I show him a calmer face to make him hope I am very much okay. He sighed. His misty grey eyes peered into my own. " You positive? Imouto called me saying you kept repeating she killed herself last night... she's worried about you taro... I am too, " he asked. I give him a light chuckle. " Aw that's sweet. You care about me, " Budo gave a tiny grin. He paused to tussle my hair. " course man. you're like a lil' bro to me." he replied. I push his hand away. " one is enough for me thanks," I replied jokingly. " oh yeah. definitely," he replied in his usual upbeat manner. He pulled away from me. He lightly shook the can he had in his other hand.
" Hey, do you know if this stuff stains clothes?" he asked examining the bright neon outside decals. I squinted. " what is that stuff?" " Silly string," he replied calmly. I cocked a brow. He undid the cap on the can. " Juku said sho really likes silly string hats. So to cheer him up, Shima and Juku bought loads of the stuff," budo replied. I gave him a light chuckle. " So are they like your siblings too?" I ask.
He shook his head smiling. " Nah. My pupils are like my kids. Their achievements make my joy soar and their victories are a treasure to be a part of, but they do the stupidest things sometimes... except Mina. Mina is like that one quiet kid in a family. " He seemed to be very happy about his club. That was nice to see in a club leader. Unlike the drama club leader...
" I wish I could think that about our president. That guy has a poker rod up his spine...wouldn't even tell me where to find a rose pendant, " I replied with a light laugh. Budo put the cap back on the can. " You know he's not the leader right?" He stuffed the cylinder in his back pocket. I widen my eyes. " What do you mean?! Who is then? " I asked slightly miffed. budo began walking away. " a rose obsessed nutcase named Kizana. you know that blonde chick in at school musical? well, she's like that only instead of pink; it's purple," he explained. I shook my head as I followed him. " there are several of those kinds of movies," I replied, thankful he moved on from our last topic of conversation.
Budo trailed on to explain his comparisons of the true drama club president and a girl named sharpie something or other. He wasn't too specific in his parallels but I got the gist of a snobby bratty person. I guide my hand into the pocket of my pants to make sure the note was still tucked away out of view. ooooh boy. where else could I drop this note for Osana's suicide to be complete? well... I saw her wear an apron when she was still alive... maybe the cooking club? that's funny. I thought she hated cooking... oh well. maybe I could slip the note into a cupboard and let a member find it. yeah. that's a plan. not a good plan, but still a plan.
I break away from Budo. " I'm gonna go look for Ayano... gotta make sure she's not freaked out by this really bad," I state pulling away from my friend. budo nodded and processed in his direction. I turn away towards the cooking club. I'm not really lying per say here. I do want to see my Ayano. I just have an objective to full fill before being graced by her beauty. But my darling pal fate has decided to combine my goals by having my dearest Ayano in the cooking club's doorway.
I rushed over to my dearly beloved. maybe a tiny bit too rushed as I bumped into her. " Oh-sorry there Yan-chan!" I say to her. she gazed her hazy dark grey towards my own. a very warming site indeed if I say so myself. I pretended to dust some dust off her shoulder where our bodies graced each other. "I didn't see you at first, or at all really. I was starting to get worried," I replied rush from the thrill of our contact. she sighed sounding annoyed for some strange reason. " No. No! It's my fault I didn't see you charge in here," Midori began to apologize for my dear. huh, maybe that's wh- WAIT! Why are you here with Ayano?!You're not in this club! You're supposed to be on a rooftop, far, FAR away from my darling angel!!!
I suddenly heard a very sharp sound from inside the club.
I shuddered at those words for some reason. When I glanced up I saw to third-year students at the other end. A brown haired girl is known as Amai, sweet kid, kinda a little too sweet for her own good and a girl with twin drills; I don't know too much about her except for the fact she was in my club. both girls wore a face of pure ecstasy. Amai shook her head to rid the look, straightened her tray of-I guess to be cookies- and slowly walked towards me.
" Senpai, we were making cookies," she stated sounding very huffy. She snatched a cookie and pulled up to my face. " Would you like one?" She asked. odd way to ask for someone to taste test something. I pull a tad bit back. " Are you sure? I wouldn't want to impose, "I replied. amai gave a very light sort of giggle. " Oh, you're never unwanted here, Senpai," she sighed. okay... that seemed kinda creepy...BUT free food is free food. I'm sure it's fine. I gave a tiny nod and took the treat in my mouth. it felt like I just took a bite out of heaven! so light! so fluffy! Probably not as good as Ayano's cooking I bet, but still good! " Wow, this tastes amazing! " I told her. " Glad you like them," she smiled. I don't think she'd mind if I take a few more. I snatch a few from the silvery trey and shamelessly shove them in my mouth. " Did you make this," I asked in an undignified manner. " Yep! A special family recipe of mine~ of course..." Amai nodded then motioned to the girl with drills. " I had some help with preparation," she remarked. She looked down with a faint shade of pink on her face. " H-hey? " the girl managed squeaked out.
I couldn't help but notice she had a rose pendant. hey, maybe she knows a better " Hey aren't you in my drama club?" I asked taking another bite of a cookie. Her head frantically began to nod like a child. " S-so glad you remembered me senpai, " she muttered shyly. " So do you know how I can get one of those rose pendants, I can't stand our vice president so I can't ask them,"I replied, stepping forward to the purple girl, pushing past Amai.
I also notice a good place to hide that note from Osana behind the girl.
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