chapter 13 cafe candy crawl
Ayano's pov
I am a woman of few emotions. Pitty for my father, annoyance of myself, joy and loss for najuru, and squirmness from Yamada. Regret is not one of these things. Its not that this event is regretful. It's just...not what I was expecting.
The cafe gave off to what normal people claim as "calming and full of warmth" despite the very cold air. The air also smelled like sticky syrup. And speaking of people there were at least ten groups here. The ball shaped lights above gave of faint shades of pink and orange. The tables looked like swirly candies. The round booths had red, yellow, and green gummy bears on top of a light pink and blue background. There were various crane games and gumball machines crowd the corners. The counter and basket after basket of unique looking sweets. A record player was spinning on the counter. I think the box was connected to the speakers. A soft foreign language played over head. Don't quote me but I think it was Korean?
I shuffled my feet along the surface of the sugar candy like floor. I sat my hand against the counter. It was ... dusty? Odd. " Hello? " I asked. A voice responded in a different language. With a groan, a man with dark brown hair and thick candy cane like glasses merged from the other side of the counter holding a basket of white chocolate cookies. "Uh, hello?" I repeated. The man smiled and set the basket on the counter. " Have you sat a miss Gurin? " I asked. He didn't change his expression. He may have no idea who that is. " Tallish girl..about mid back" I expanded on my sentance before with motions. He remarked something in a different language while handing me one of the cookies. Now I don't understand.
"Yan-chan! Yan-chan! Over hear! " I hear Gurin shout from behind a wall. I turn to see her throwing her arms around in an elaborate fashion. " Masu'a party of 8. Last spot should be wearing black," the man added. I nodded trying to seem polite. I walk over to the hidden booth. Gurin greated me ecstaticlly practically jumping out of the booth. " I knew you show! See! See! I told you Budo! You owe me your free cookie! " Masuta threw a balled napkin at Gurin as a response sticking out his tongue. She smacked it to him but ended up hitting the light. Higaku stopped the swinging ball with an annoyed tint to his eyes and sunk back next to Ruto, who was more focused on her phone. Gurin recomposed herself. " Come on. Sit! Sit! You're just in time for 'never have I ever: dead freind version' ! It was Oka's turn, right? Or- or was it Juku's?" She continued. " It was mine," a cold voice said.
Oh no. It was Kunin's. That doesn't make-
"Aya-aishi! You're here!" A lighter and a bit more husky voice said.
Oh no... Yamada's here...which actually does make sense considering the circumstance that Najimi was acquainted with him...but still.
I sighed and sat down. Kunin's eyes fallowed me. "Hey," I said lightening the mood. Yamada imeditly clung to my arm whining lightly. His fingered clawed into my flesh. I nudged him. "Um could you not-" Gurin plopped down with a large cheeky grin. "Okay! So, we are all familiar with the rules right? We hold up like five fingers and we say never have I ever ' blah blah blah' and if you did the blah you put a finger down. Last person with fingers up wins. However! Since this is dead freind version, we have to make the things stuff we did with one of the girls. 'Kay?" A brown haired boy sighed. " I still say we should play gay chicken. " ...what...
" We all know you're the only queer person here Juku," Ruto replied not looking up. Higaku shifted his gaze looking uncomfortable. "Nuh-uh! Midori's pan! Right GURINU? ," Juku asked flustered. She snapped and shot him a pare of finger guns. " You know it! But 'never have I ever' won fair and square. So! Let's play! " Gurin responded. Masuta, Yamada, and Kunin chuckled as Juku sunk into the booth's back. A muffled "fuck this" could be heared as he pulled his gold jacket hood shut. " guys she's serious. " Higaku says. The snickering breaks and everyone holds up a hand.
"Ok uh... never have I ever knocked Supana in a pool. " Kunin states. Juku and Masuta close a finger. Silence falls on the table. Gurin speaks up. " Oka-cola this is going clockwise. " Oka sets her phone down. It looks like she was researching some kind of deamon. "Oh sorry. Um. Never have I ever borrowed Osana's homework. " She stated. Masuta folded another finger as fallowed by Yamada. Ruto turned to Higaku. " I suppose you go next. " He nodded and ate a bit of his cookie. Guess it's a thing they do hear... " Never have I ever...," he placed his hand on his chin in thought. He gave a knowing look to me then to Kunin. He brought a finger to the tip of his mouth. I think it was to hide his miniscule smirk. " Never have I ever made Supana so uncomfortable she left school," he finished his thought. Kunin slammed his hand on the booth's table. Ruto's tiny tea cup moved. Kunin tried to shout but Masuta raised his hand. " It's not worth it," he says. He turns and shakes his head at Higaku. I crack a fake smile to him.
The game continued on. Every so often one "never" would spark a conversation about said "never" and they begin to reminisce about the events. Sometimes both girls were involved and I could faintly imagine their shared compassion.
This... this should feel nice... I am surrounded by people who cherished these girls. Not in the same way I did, but they too are harmed by their passing. But... it's not. I feel no different than before. I still feel lost. I am lost without them.
" She did not mean that! " Gurin screeched and accidentally flung her phone. It fell face down and skid away from the table. I turned my head a bit at the phone. Gurin silently screamed and scrambled for her cellular device.
Suddenly I saw Najimi falling on Churu. This time it was slow, furthering my lost feelings. I shook my head trying desperately to visualize something else. Another clack from Gurin's phone arose me from the memory.
" Green green doesn't got the grip she had in middle school, huh?" Kunin said teasingly. Gurin stuck her tounge out at him as she bent over to re-retrieve her phone. It was facing downwards now. I turned my head to the side staring at her device. I envisioned the death of the girls again.Only this time, it was on purpose,while I put more focus on Najimi's position when she fell.
They saw if you knock peice of bread jam side up it will always fall jam side down because the distance from the floor and the table isn't long enough to complete a full rotation. Now imagine this with a person, and instead of a table and a floor, think of a concrete walkway and a roof. If Najimi was going to willingly jump off the school roof she would not be facing up when she fell. In theroy, that is. If only I knew a way I could test this...
"Sorry the wait took so long. The 'school is gone' cookie sale has got us pact," a hush voice said. I leave my thoughts as I peer over to a small I presume to be a high school student. She was short, slightly chubby, had very curly brown hair, with turquoise half lided eyes and a matching turquoise bandana... hat... what ever they're called. " You'll be forgiven if you take or orders," Ruto said quietly. Higaku shook his head, " she means it's okay, Amai. " She gave a small smile to him. " I'm use to her dark behavior," she replied with a light giggle. She clicked her candy like pen. " What shall it be?"
" The unborn with a hit of cinnamon, " Rito replied. The party then turned to the dark matted hair girl. The Amai girl said out loud unfazed, " One scramble surprise with cinnamon, and for the rest of you?" Masuta shook off the shock, " hot chocolate with a pile of whip cream so high it could rival Mt.Fuji!
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