Chapter Two
Ruby stood there shocked.
"Are you really him?" she whispered.
He grinned and took off his sunglasses. She gasped. His eyes were the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. A mix of blue, green, and brown.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry what I said before! I didn't know," she said quickly.
He chuckled, "It's fine, but at least I know how some people feel about me,"
Ruby smiled and looked down. He was still holding her hand. She hesitated and pulled her hand away.
"You better go now, your screaming fans are waiting for you," Ruby said.
"Okay, lets go,"
"No, if we go together it'll attract to much attention. You head off first and I'll come a bit later,"
He nodded and headed off towards the crowd. Ruby smiled and looked back at the fading sunset. She was about to leave, but she noticed that Finn forgot his blanket. She folded it up and carried it with her along with her sandals. She got a text from Liz saying that Finn was there and to hurry up because she was almost to the front of the line. Ruby walked back to the crowd and found that Liz was in the front. She struggled her way up to her, pushing crazy fans to get through.
"Hey," Ruby said to Liz, who was jumping up and down with excitement.
"OH MY GOSH!!!" Liz screamed with joy, "Where'd you get the blanket?"
Luckily, Ruby didn't have to answer since they were up next for the signing. Finn saw Ruby and smiled at her. She smiled back.
"Oh my gosh, its Jack and Finn!!!!!" Liz said.
"Yep," Jack replied with a nice smile, "Thats us lads,"
Liz shrieked and Ruby laughed at her excitement.
"I have this for you, Finn," Ruby said giving him his blanket.
"Thank you," he said smiling even wider.
"Isn't that the blanket that you brought here?" Jack whispered to Finn, but Ruby could hear him.
He nudged him and gave me both of their signatures.
"Thanks for coming," Finn said, "It was a pleasure talking to you girls,"
"No, thank you guys, for being alive and for me to finally meet you!" Liz exclaimed.
Ruby shook her head and smiled. The boys laughed at Liz's remark. They waved the boys bye and walked back to Liz's house.
"Aren't they so hot? And cute? They're hot and cute at the same time! The feels!"
"Yeah I guess so," Ruby said smiling at herself. She thought of how nice Finn was and his eyes.
They walked into Liz's house and went into her bedroom. Liz laid on her bed and sighed, looking at their signatures.
"How sweet of them," she said, "Keep on smiling, Liz. Thats from Jack. From Finn, it says stay sweet. All of the girls got a similar saying because every girl shrieked the same thing over and over again. They also gave me a cute little smiley face,"
Ruby looked at hers, "Mine doesn't say that from Finn,"
Liz shot up from her bed going over to Ruby, "It doesn't?"
"No, it says something else. Stay beautiful and he drew a heart,"
Liz gasped, "No way! What does it mean?" she gasped again, "He likes you! Wait, that can't be. He only has met and seen you at the signing,"
"Actually...." Ruby said hesitantly.
"Actually what, Ruby?" Liz asked.
"I actually met him by the shore and we talked,"
"YOU WHAT?!?!?!?" Liz exclaimed, "I can't believe you didn't tell me!"
"Well, I just told you, didn't I?
"Wait, so that blanket was actually his?" Liz asked.
Ruby nodded.
"WHAT!?!? And you didn't let me touch it?" Liz sighed, "Wait, let me see yours,"
Ruby gave her signatures to Liz and she studied it.
"I think he likes you, Ruby," Liz remarked.
"What? How could he like me? He probably has a girlfriend already that looks like a super model or something. I'm not even that pretty,"
"First of all, he doesn't have a girlfriend. Second, he chooses personality over looks. And third, its true that your not pretty, your beautiful, like he said," Liz waved Ruby's signatures around.
"But how could he like me? We just met," Ruby said.
"You made his heart flutter, sweetie, and if you think I'm wrong, you're wrong," Liz said smiling.
"Don't call me sweetie, you're not my mother. How would I make his heart flutter by talking to him?"
Liz sighed, "I don't know. Maybe its something you said that made him like you even more,"
"Liz, he probably wrote the same thing to other girls too, not just me," Ruby said, sitting on a couch by the window.
"Ruby, I am for sure that he didn't write that down to any other girl. Someone would have probably shouted it out over the crowd," Liz said laying back down on her bed.
"Whatever," Ruby sighed, "I'm going to take a shower,"
"Okay, don't take forever, I'm about to pass out from screaming my head off,"
Ruby took a shower and then laid down on the couch. How could Finn like her right away like that? No, he probably doesn't. He could of wrote that down to a bunch of girls. But that smile he gave her, it didn't look like he smiled like that to anyone else. Ruby sighed and pondered about it. Liz came out from the shower and looked at Ruby.
"Ooooh, looks like someone is daydreaming about Finn. Wait, I mean night-dreaming, whatever you want to call it," Liz smiled.
Ruby threw a pillow at her, "Yeah, right!"
"I can see the way your eyes look, Ruby, and I know that you are daydreaming about him. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about," Liz explained.
"Good night Liz,"
"Okay ignore me, but I take that as a you're right so I'm just going to stay quiet and pretend that I didn't day/night dream about him," Liz said and turned off the lights.
Ruby woke up to a loud scream. She moaned and saw Liz jumping up and down.
"No way, no way, no way!!!!!" Liz exclaimed.
"What are you screaming about now?" Ruby said, sitting up.
"Oh my gosh, Ruby. We just got invited to go to the YouTuber convention!!!! And not only that we got V.I.P passes!!!!" she screamed even more, looking at her phone.
"Stop screaming, Liz! Let me see," Ruby said and Liz gave her her phone.
Ruby read the message. Ruby Wells and Liz Roberts, you have been invited to the YouTuber convention today at 9 'o clock A.M. You have been invited by one of the YouTubers, but he wishes to remain anonymous. You will be given V.I.P passes once you arrive and give the guards your names. You may pass to the entry if there is a long line at the door. Please arrive at approximately 8 'o clock at this location. There was a link to the convention.
"It says that we got invited by a YouTuber! Do you know what that means Ruby?"
"What?" Ruby asked staring at the phone with shock.
"Ruby you are so stupid sometimes. It means that Finn invited you and tagged me along! He obviously likes you!"
"You don't know that for sure, Liz," Ruby said, giving back Liz's phone.
"Oh, whatever. The convention is only thirty minutes away. It's seven right now. We have thirty minutes to get ready!" Liz panicked.
"Just wear something nice, it's not going to be too fancy," Ruby said, pulling out clothes from her bag.
Liz opened up her window and a wave of heat came in.
"Woah, its warm out today," Liz said, looking out the window, "And its beautiful,"
They both got dressed and fixed their hair. Ruby was wearing shorts and a cute, light pink tank top with a shawl over it. Liz also wore shorts but with a t-shirt. It was about 7:20 when they heard a knock on the door. They both stared at each other and went down to see who it was. Liz opened the door.
"Are you Liz and Ruby?" a chauffeur said.
"Ummm, yep that's us," Liz said unsure.
"We are here to escort you to the YouTuber convention," he said and motioned to the limo in front of the house.
Liz's eyes widened and she shut the door and screamed.
"Oh my gosh, Ruby!!! We're going to be riding in a limo," Liz exclaimed.
"Yeah Liz, I saw. And you know you just shut the door right in the chauffeurs face,"
"Oh!" Liz said and opened the door, "I'm sorry, I just got excited. Could you wait a minute? We have to go get a few items before we leave,"
"No problem, take your time," the man said and went off to the limo.
"Hurry and get your wallet and stuff!" Liz exclaimed, "Oh here's your sunglasses!"
Liz threw Ruby's sunglasses at her and luckily, she caught it.
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! I can't believe this is happening! I'm going to see all the YouTubers! Eeekkk!!" Liz jumped with joy, "Okay, are you ready?"
"Yes, I'm ready, but are you ready?" Ruby asked, watching Liz jump up and down.
"Never been this ready in my whole entire life! Let's go!" Liz said and dragged her out the door.
The chauffeur smiled as they walked towards the limo and opened the door for them. He shut the door for them and their jaws dropped opened. The seats were leather and had a black and white theme. There were lights above them with a sun/moon roof. A T.V. was over a mini fridge with water and different sorts of pop.
"Oh my gosh! This is unbelievable!" Liz said, taking pictures with her phone.
Ruby nodded to amazed to even speak. They scrolled through the T.V shows, but found nothing that interested them, so they looked at the scenery out of their windows. The limo pulled up in front of a nice five star hotel. The chauffeur opened the door for them and they said their thank you's.
He nodded and smiled, "No problem, don't forget that you can go straight to the front. Just give them your names and someone will be in there to escort you around,"
He went back into the limo and drove off. There was a long line that seemed endless. The girls looked at each other and smiled. They walked to the front of the hotel and gave the guards their names.
"Ruby Wells and Liz Roberts?" the guards asked to make sure.
They both nodded and smiled. The guards said something in the walkie talkie.
"Just wait in the lobby and someone will come and get you," he said and opened the doors for them.
"Thank you," Ruby said, and they walked into the hotel.
The hotel sure looked like a five star hotel. It looked like a mansion. There was a chandelier in the center of the lobby with two beautiful curved staircases on the side of the reception desk. Ruby and Liz sat down on a white couch.
"It's so amazing here!" Liz whispered, "It would be awesome to be a YouTuber and go to different places around the world,"
"Remember Liz, we're kind of like YouTubers, not as big as them," Ruby remarked.
"Please, we only sing and play an instrument, they're way out of our league on making videos,"Liz said, while rolling her eyes.
They saw someone walk down the staircase. Liz clutched Ruby's arm.
"No way! Thats Caspar Lee!" Liz whispered, her breathing getting harder.
"Who's that? Never heard of him," Ruby said.
"What!?!?!? I've talked about him millions of times, and you've never heard of him?" Liz whispered and hit Ruby's arm.
"Yeah, like I listen to you rant about some person," Ruby said.
"Ruby?" a British voice came from behind them.
They looked behind them and saw Finn standing near them.
"Hey," Ruby said smiling.
Liz didn't say anything, just looking back and forth and Finn and Ruby.
"I see that you ladies got here safe. Was the chauffeur nice?"
"Yeah, he was all right," Liz replied.
"Follow me, I'll show you around," Finn smiled and started walking away.
Ruby and Liz followed him, but a pace behind him.
"I told you that Finn invited us!" Liz whispered.
"You don't know that for sure," Ruby said looking around at the beautiful setting.
"Ummm, I'm pretty sure he did. He asked us if we got here safe, and he asked us if the chauffeur was nice. That's enough to say that he did invite us," Liz explained.
"Hey, Finn!" another boy with a British accent said.
"Hi, Joe. Where are you off to?" Finn asked.
As the boy's talked Liz clutched Ruby's arm again.
"Jeez, could you stop clutching my arm?" Ruby complained.
"Sorry," Liz said, her eyes wide, "I can't help it, that's Joe Sugg! Its really him!"
Ruby rolled her eyes and Liz started ranting on about him. Joe asked about the girls, and Finn said they were just a couple of friends. They said their goodbyes and Joe left.
"Sorry about that," Finn said and his phone rang, "Oh, got to get this,"
"Ruby, this is my dream come true!" Liz exclaimed quietly, so that Finn couldn't hear them.
"Sorry girls, but I have to go to rehearsal and no guests are allowed," Finn apologized, "Oh and here is a room for you girls, everything is on the house. Room service too!" he gave them the key to the room.
"See you later!" Finn said and started heading off.
"Wait!" Liz said.
He looked at her, curious.
"Do you mind if I can hug you?" she said shyly.
He laughed, "I don't mind,"
Liz jumped with joy and gave him a hug.
"What about you, Ruby?" Finn said, with a mischievous grin on his face, "It would make me sad if you didn't give me a hug. Its a once in a life time hug,"
She rolled her eyes and gave him a hug.
"5:30," Finn whispered in her ear so Liz couldn't hear, "In the garden,"
He released her and said goodbye once more to them. As he turned, he mouthed the words "You better be there" and walked away.
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