Chapter One
"Come on Ruby! You have to go with me!" Liz pleaded, "You have to come help me find him!"
Ruby sighed. She was laying on Liz's bed, watching her as she looked around for something nice to wear.
"And what makes you think that'll you'll find this Finn guy?" Ruby asked, "What if he doesn't show up at the beach party thing?"
"I'm guaranteed that he will be there, Ruby. He even messaged a few people to say that he was going to the beach! And I can't believe that I was one of them!" Liz exclaimed, "Do you think this will look nice on me?"
Ruby rolled her eyes, "Yes Liz, it looks fine on you. And this Finn guy, didn't you say he lived in the U.K? If you guys were going to be together, wouldn't that be difficult?"
"Long distance relationships are the best though! Your heart wants to be with them and you ache for them. Then when the two lovers meet up again, they passionately kiss each other and never leave each other ever again," Liz said dreamily.
Ruby sighed, "What if you and Finn aren't meant to be?"
"There's always Jack. And I think I'm starting to like Jack more these days. You can have Finn if you want," Liz said, going to the bathroom to get dressed.
"Ha, like I will like someone who you found through the internet, plus I don't even know what they look like anyway. All I know is that they're twins, that's it,"
Liz burst through the door, " What?! After all of this time, you don't know what they look like? I thought I showed you a billion times!"
"Yeah, you have, but I just glance at it, not stare at their picture twenty-four seven like you do," Ruby replied.
"Ummm, I don't stare at them twenty-four seven. Besides, once you see them at the party, you'll drool for both of them,"
"Sure," Ruby said rolling her eyes.
"Are you ready? We're going to leave soon," Liz asked smoothing down her dress.
"Remember? I didn't agree to go with you," Ruby replied.
"But you have to! I don't want to be all alone in a crowd of people!" Liz exclaimed.
Ruby sighed and rolled her eyes, "Fine, but I'm only doing this because I'm your friend. Not because of this Jack and Finn people,"
Liz beamed, "Thank you soooooo much! Plus they're are not just people. They are AMAZING! Let's go, I don't want to miss them!"
Liz pulled her blonde hair to the side and Ruby got up and adjusted her strapless beach dress and fixed her wavy, brunette pigtails. They both walked out the door to the beach. As they walked, Liz giggled and jumped with a wide smile on her face.
"I cannot believe that I, Liz Roberts, is going to see Jack and Finn in person!" Liz exclaimed.
"Yeah, I can't believe that you're going to meet them too," Ruby said sarcastically, "What if they don't even show up?"
"Like I said, they are most definitely going to show up. They even said!" Liz said.
With that remark, they both saw a bunch of girls scattered around and a large group near the ice cream stand. Liz walked a pace faster than Ruby, and Liz told her to hurry.
"Don't you think they're a bit to old for you?" Ruby asked.
Liz snorted, "Too old? They're only two years older than us. They're twenty, which makes it perfect for us because they're not too old or not too young,"
"You know what I mean. OH MY GOSH!!! Jack is sitting right there! He looks soooooo hot!" she said while jumping up and down to see over the crowd, "But where's Finn?"
"Hello ladies!" A voice said over the speakers.
All of the girls shrieked, including Liz, as loud as they could and shouted I love you's to him, which made Ruby cover her ears.
"Finn isn't here right now, he's a bit tired so he's resting somewhere. No clue where though, but he will come here soon," Jack said, "Let the fan meet up begin!"
"Oh my gosh!" Liz said hitting Ruby's arm repeatedly, "I have to get his and Finn's signature! Hurry or else we'll wait here until it's pitch black out," pulling Ruby deeper into the crowd, pushing girls out of the way.
The sky was beginning to set and Ruby decided that she wanted to walk along the shore.
"Hey Liz, I'm going to walk by the shore. Is that okay?"
"Yeah, yeah sure," she said not letting her eyes escape from Jack.
"I'll meet up with you soon," she said and walked towards the ocean.
She took off her sandals and held them. She walked along the shore and stepped into the shallow water. Ruby and Liz were going to go to college this year. They might even get a boyfriend, but not until she was ready. She looked back at the crowd. It was funny how they go crazy over someone they've seen on the internet. She walked along the shore some more and found a blanket on the ground, probably forgotten by someone. She sat on it and thought about her future.
"Ummm, excuse me," A boy with a British accent said, "That's my blanket you're on,"
Ruby blushed, "Oh, I'm sorry," she said as she was getting up.
"Oh no, its okay you can sit there. You wouldn't want your dress to get sand all over it,"
He wore sunglasses and had two ice cream cones.
"Are you waiting for someone?" Ruby asked, gesturing to the two cones.
"No, I just fancied this ice cream, would you like one?" he asked.
"I'm fine, thank you though," Ruby said smiling at his accent. She was quite fond of it.
"I insist, it tastes delicious," he smiled back at her and sat down.
She sighed, "Okay, but what flavor is it?"
"Mmmm, my favorite!" she smiled and took the cone from his hand.
"So," Ruby said, after awhile, "Why are you here in California?"
"A convention," he replied, finishing his cone, "What are you doing here at the beach?"
"Oh, my friend dragged me along here to see this Jack and Finn she was obsessing over,"
He grinned, "Really? And do you like this Jack and Finn?"
"I've honestly never really heard of them before until Liz started going crazy over them. I can't believe she started liking them. They're probably just popular for their looks, I don't know. I couldn't say for sure. Oh and no, I don't think I like them,"
"You don't think you do?" he asked smiling.
Ruby shrugged and looked at the sunset, "Like I told you, don't really know. Plus I came here because she didn't want to be all alone and I like watching the sunset here. I usually go here every evening to watch it,"
"It is quite beautiful," he said, also looking at the sunset, "If you don't mind, may I ask what your name is?"
"Ruby Wells,"
"Ruby," he said with a little smile, "Like the gem stone?"
"Yeah, like that," she replied, "Whats yours?"
"I'm Fi-," his phone rang, "Sorry, got to get this. Hello? Hey Jack. Yeah, I'm at the beach. Okay, I'll be there in a few," he hung up.
"That's weird my friend went to go see a guy name Jack," Ruby said.
The boy stood up, offering a hand to help Ruby up. She took his hand and got up.
"Yeah, I'm going to see him too," he said grinning widely, still holding her hand.
Ruby looked confused, "Why?" she paused, "Wait you're not-,"
He interrupted her, "I believe I didn't finish introducing myself. I'm Finn. Finn Harries,"
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