Chapter 7
Hakyeon did the dishes while humming Park Hyoshin’s “Wild Flower”. Ken was out to do something that he won't tell Hakyeon about, so it was only him and the ghost alone in the house.
Leo sat on one of the counters and stared at the working Hakyeon from side. The blisters were still not healed properly, but he didn't seem to care. And the way Hakyeon walked around in that condition really fascinated him, because Hakyeon was still in pain and Leo could feel the same amount as well, but yet Hakyeon acted as if everything was just fine. Well it was certainly not fine for Leo,but he felt as if he complains too much about pain, so he kept quiet.
“Did you learn how to sing as well?”
Leo said, while looking at Hakyeon's hand that wiped the water off from the recently cleaned plate with a piece of clothe. The bracelet was half soaked and the tiny drops of water on the cheep marble were shining a little because of the sunray peeping through the window, which was situated over the sink and boy did that bracelet suit him or what !
Hakyeon didn't shift his gaze from the plate.
“A little, after I came here.”
“your singing voice is beautiful. You used to live somewhere else?”
Hakyeon put the last plate down as he finished his job. He started to walk away, without answering Leo. Leo also realized that Hakyeon did not want to answer to that question so he stopped himself from asking that again as well.
Hakyeon returned with his bagpack, and Leo followed him to the front door. Hakyeon put on one of his shoes.
“Are you going out in that situation?”
“What situation? “
“Your blisters… “
“Ow that!! It's not a big deal for me you see… it's really common for me to have them,” Hakyeon said cheerfully as he slid the other shoe in.
“Are you going to the studio?”
Leo asked Hakyeon because he couldn't actually say where he was going. And he was quite sure that the studio was not in that way.
“nope… to Hongbin's workplace. They always seemed to be in need of workers. Let's see if I can get something as well.”
Leo just looked at the back of Hakyeon, trying to figure out the problem of that person. Yes, he was in need of money, but his whole body ached, and nobody could knew it better than Leo. Yet, he started to hunt for jobs, hoping he would get something to do….
He really loves to work hard….
Hakyeon stopped before a large shopping complex. It was a huge clothing store, and famous one as well. And Leo very well knew About the price of the clothes sold in there. As he himself once used to wear the same brand’s clothes.
“Are you here to shop?” Leo said in disbelief.
Hakyeon shook his head as he took out his phone to dial Hongbin's number and call it.
“ahh~ Hongbin-ah…. I’m here. Where are you?”
Hongbin told him to enter the shop and ask any worker to show him the way to the photo shoot room. Hakyeon did the same. And soon they were standing in front of Hongbin, who was just striking poses in front of the camera.
They stood there,both shocked. Leo was quite shocked to see Hongbin actually being a model of such a famous brand while Hakyeon was shocked that Hongbin was working in such a huge company and he didn't know that.
The photo shoot finally ended, or so they thought, as the photographer brought down his camera and signaled him to do something. Hongbin bowed his head a little as he made his way to see his hyung.
However he was stopped in the middle of his track, as a tall young boy of 18-19 years tackled him out of nowhere. Hongbin somehow managed to prevent himself from falling.
"Hyuk-ah..... What are you doing here?"
"Came to see you. " The boy replied.
Hongbin sent him a grin as he patted on the boy’s shoulder,before finally moving to Hakyeon again. The boy followed him.
" Hongbin has a new friend... And he didn't tell me that" Hakyeon pouted.
" I think I saw that boy before.. " Leo told Hakyeon without actually caring about Hakyeon's pout.
Hakyeon did not even bother listening to him, he was too sad to not know about his new friend.
" Hyung, you are here. " Hongbin said, standing before Hakyeon,and the young boy just stopped right behind him.
" Hyung, this is Hyuk. Hyuk meet Hakyeon Hyung."
Hyuk bowed a little. Hakyeon returned him a bow as well.
"Hakyeon hyung? " Hyuk said inaudibly but enough for Hongbin to hear.
" I told you about N-hyung.... Didn't I?" Hongbin whispered to Hyuk.
"Ahhhhh~~ umma?!" Hyuk uttered those words real loud, as all the stuffs shifted their gaze to them.
"Nice to meet you, hyung told me so much about his umma that I myself also started considering you as mine; umma," Hyuk said that so playfully and it sounded so real that all the people started whispering to each other.
Hakyeon was somewhat flustered by an unknown boy suddenly calling him umma in front of all these people, also that loud. Hakyeon returned him somewhat a troubled smile, as Leo just choked, trying to stop his laughter.
"Ahh is that so.. Nice to know .. But calling me umma like that.. People are talking now, " Hakyeon said meekly while sending Hongbin a death glare.
" People, which people? " with that Hyuk just casted a glance at a group of workers huddled up together, looking at them, with the corner of their eyes. And that was all that took for the stuffs to get back to their job and soon the whole room became all noisy again.
" Ah.. He is Han Sanghyuk... The one and only oldest son of this company's owner!”
Hakyeon turned to his side, to see the look on Leo's face to understand if he was saying the truth or not. Therefore he saw no lie.
"Is there any problem? " Hyuk said, seeing Hakyeon fixing his eyes at, he dunno where.Hongbin was now again back with the photographer, discussing something.
Hakyeon turned to face him.
" Nope, nothing..... Umm... How do you know Hongbin?"
"Ah... Hyung, I gave him the job here. He has a beautiful face and a smile, you know! "
" Gave him the job? "
" My father is the owner of this company." well, Hakyeon heard it from Leo, but it was still a shock to him.
My Hongbin is friend with such big people...?
Hongbin returned from the photographer,
"I'm all done today. Wanna grab some bite hyung, Hyuk? "
Hyuk nodded.
" Treat's on me!" Hyuk said as he shared glances with Hongbin.
Hakyeon just nodded.
Hakyeon sat at a very rich restaurant, with Hongbin and Hyuk sitting across the table. Leo was just standing behind Hakyeon, and staring at them.
"Three Aloha Berry smoothie please, " Hyuk ordered with the waiter by their table.
" You won't mind having it, would you?" shifting his gaze from the waiter Hyuk asked Hakyeon. And he just shook his head as he kept his eyes down.
Like I even know what that is.....
Leo could tell how bothered Hakyeon was, as he looked at Hakyeon clenching his fist, then again releasing it. Well, he could clearly understand the reason for Hakyeon to do so. It was because Hakyeon felt as if he did not belong here.
The almost worn out jeans that he was wearing with thousand year old shoes, even the janitor must have been wearing better clothes than him.
Leo let out a sigh, perplexed as to why Hongbin would even bring him in such a place.
"Hyuk-ah.... Can't you do something about Hyung? Like give him a small part time job for a while?"
Hyuk rose his eyebrow slightly in confusion as if someone had told him to bring an elephant in the restaurant...
Hakyeon raised his head a little , trying to read Hyuk's expression.
“What type of job can he do at a clothing store? I mean you said he was a dancer..” Hyuk said those words with a smiling face, and, that same face brought dark clouds upon Hakyeon, as he was too sure of how he won't be getting a job in there as well.
“Would you like to have anything else?” The waiter asked as he placed the order before them.
“Cafe au lait…”
Leo whispered into Hakyeon's ear. He sounded as if he ordered Hakyeon to order that.
Hakyeon tried to look at Leo with the corner of his eyes, Leo did the same. Their eyes met.
“He said the treat was on him..”
Hakyeon could clearly understood the mocking expression of Leo.
Like I could even pronounce that correctly.
Hakyeon didn't say it. For two other reasons, one. he didn't know what he was told to order or even looked like and two.since it had the word “Cafe” in it, it was most probably another drink. So instead, he pretended to be preoccupied with the condensed water droplets on the glass of his Aloha berry smoothie……
“plus, wasn't hyung competing in some kind of dance competition?” Hyuk didn't specifically asked anyone as he took the first sip from his drink.
“He had to drop out because of his health issues.”
“Health issue?” and it was the first question that Hyuk uttered about Hakyeon where he actually seemed to be interested.
“Yes, he kinda fainted on the stage. And he was eliminated.”
“That's bad… which one was it? There are a lot of competition going on around here….”
“He was in KBD season 4...and he just misfortunatly could not get into top 10”
Hyuk chocked after hearing Hongbin's word . He looked at Hakyeon,
“Really! You were in the national competition? Wah, Umma! you must be really good!”
“You bet he is! He even had the highest score in all previous rounds. He would still be dancing there if it wasn't for that….” Hongbin started complaining, before Hakyeon could even utter a word.
“Well, I dunno if I’d still be dancing there or not, but at least then I could return to my previous job owners and ask them to take me back.. But now that I had challenged them to participate in the competition and then just got eliminated before even getting a chance in top 10...they will never take me in even if I kiss their shoes. So I really am in need of a job. I am even glad to do deliveries. "
With that foot ? I think I will die again in pain...
“ehh… Hyung, delivery is high school kids jobs. Why would you do that? But Hyuk, you should have seen the screams of girls when he got on the stage. It was almost as if he was some sorts of celebrity ” Hongbin said while taking a sip of his own smoothie.
“Girls screem, you say?” uttering the word in the most childish way as possible, Hyuk gave Hongbin a mysterious look before turning his lips into a cute Curl. And maybe it was because Hongbin was so busy with his drink that he failed to see that sudden spark in Hyuk's eyes. However someone else did notice it, someone unexpected.
Hakyeon now was swirling his finger around the tips of his glass, thinking if he should drink it or not.
“You think you can get into the final if you get another chance?”
Hakyeon's finger paused. Looking up, his eyes caught Hongbin, who also had the same confused look on his face. And they soon looked at Hyuk as they heard the clicking noise of someone unlocking his phone.
Hyuk dialed some numbers, and looked up at Hakyeon with a grin on his face,
“So.. Can you?”
Hakyeon froze at that question as he did not know how to answer him. His eyes were trembling, so was his hands, it was because of excitement, because of only one of Hyuk's questions.
Hyuk never said that he could do anything about it, but yet he saw a sudden ray of hope, and the ray was so mild, yet somehow so much bright to him that, he just got puzzled of what to answer next.
Why the hell isn't he saying yes?
Well there was another being who was confused right now… It was none other than his other half. He just looked at the trembling figure.
Hyuk took the phone to his ears as he stood up from his seat, going to a corner of the restaurant.
“Ya! Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Hakyeon said as he shook Hongbin's hand. Hongbin just nodded as he looked at the back of talking Hyuk.
“I think so… but, “Shifting his gaze back to Hakyeon, “is that possible?”
Hakyeon shuddered. And they both drifted their gaze at the back view of the talking man.
“I never knew he was that much generous….”
Leo said to Hakyeon.
“Yeah, I didn't think that either. I thought he was just a rich brat, who was teasing me by calling me 'Umma' .”
Hakyeon replied Leo, eyes still fixed on Hyuk.
Hongbin drifted his gaze away from Hyuk to look at Hakyeon. Hakyeon also looked at Hongbin to see him giving him 'the look' .
“You know, Hyuk is a nice kid who also gave me a job. You should be grateful towards him.”
“But I never said that he was a bad kid.” Hakyeon answered as if he was dumbfounded.
“You called him a RICH BRAT! “
Oops… he heard it.
Hyuk returned to his seat.
“Sorry for the interrupt…. Misfortunatly, I’ll have to take my leave, I suddenly got an urgent meeting to attend.”
With that he gulped down the rest of his smoothie, finishing by wiping his mouth with a piece of tissue paper.
“Seems like you haven't even touched yours hyung,” Hyuk said smiling while pointed at the glass full of smoothie before Hakyeon, standing up from his seat.
“Oh… I was about to," Saying so Hakyeon hold the glass up to take a sip from it. However did that drink went down his throat or not was hard to tell.
Leo held his right wrist in pain. It was as if his hand was broken, but he tried to work with it. The reason was because Hakyeon was holding a glass. Leo looked up at Hakyeon, but he did not notice any bothered look on his face, let alone painful…
Hyuk was now fixing his blazer with his hand.
“Hongbin hyung, give him my card. I don't have it with me today.”
Looking up at Hakyeon, “Umma, call me if you need any help. And practice harder okay… you might get a call…” Hyuk winked at Hakyeon, as he waved at Hongbin to take his leave.
Hakyeon and Hongbin were both standing now. Before Hongbin could even turn to Hakyeon he felt a strong wrap around him. Hakyeon was hugging him tightly.
“N-hyung, let go…….. You are… Choking… Me… “
Hongbin said as he struggled to take Hakyeon off from him. But Hakyeon hold onto him even tighter, clenching his fist in happiness?
Leo felt as if his right wrist was about to fall down. He bit his lips hard to make sure that he did not scream. The only thing that he did not understand was, how was Hakyeon moving so finely with that injured hand.
He was just fine in the morning doing dishes… then when…
Hakyeon finally let him go, and Hongbin started to breathe heavily.
“You dunno how much happy I am!”
“You think??!! “ Hongbin said while patting on his chest.
Hakyeon sent him a smile as he raised his hand, in a motion to ask something.
Hongbin Slightly raised an eyebrow to his hyung’s action.
“the card!"Hakyeon demanded.
“Owh!" With that Hongbin pulled out his wallet from his pocket and started going through it, finally pulling out a card. But another piece of paper fell down on the ground with it. Hakyeon bent down to pick it up,and when he handed it over to Hongbin, Leo caught a good glance at it.
It was a concert’s ticket that happened in the next town a week ago…..
His own concert.
Surely it was not a problem, Leo was a celebrity, he was having a concert next town , and somebody happened to have a ticket..
But yet it troubled him. The memory of yesterday, where Hongbin and Ravi both could not remember his name , and Ken and Hakyeon screamed his name out loud, flashed right before his eyes.
Will you buy a concert ticket of a singer whom you don't even know the name of?
Hongbin took the ticket back as he placed the card on Hakyeon's palm. Hakyeon grabbed it tightly causing Leo more pain.
“See you later,” Hakyeon turned around to go to the exit.
“Wait, your smoothie?”Hongbin called out from behind.
“You drink it," and he left the restaurant.
Hongbin took the glass in his hand as he took a sip from it.
Hmm…. I’ll just take it home for Ravi.
“Waiter… “
A/N: okay...There's another chapter... Sorry for wasting your time :( but......
And if you want, please check out another neo ff "Beautiful Rain" by me. my sister wrote it and I uploaded it, and its far better than mine... Her English is also better than mine as well... If you get time, make sure to check it ^_^
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