Chapter 25
"You really have beautiful long fingers you know," Hakyeon flatly said, his voice was just flat.
Leo's eyebrow furrowed at Hakyeon's words and he brought his fingers up to his face, perceiving the said object.
"Well, I did get a lot of praise for it... thanks...." Leo murmured.
And then he noticed, looking away from his hand to his forward he couldn't help but to raise his eyebrow. Hakyeon was standing there, waving his hands that went right past him, with a determined look on his face. A drop of sweat formed on Leo's forehead.
"Umm.... What are you doing?" He asked. Hakyeon heard him but didn't stop whatever he was doing.
"Checking if I could hold you or not..." He said, hand still passing through Leo's body.
Leo felt his face twisting in a sick way,
"What?" and he took steps backwards.
Hakyeon stoped, hands in the midair, unsure of what to do.
"You can't...." Leo said, just stating a fact.
Hakyeon didn't seem like Leo's words passed his ears as he soon raised his hand to Leo, showing Leo his palm.
"Then you do it...." Hakyeon demanded.
Leo wanted to protest, but he also felt that was only just a waste of energy. So he rolled his eyes and obeyed the human's order. Leo hesitated a little just before he was about to hold Hakyeon's hand, it was something in Hakyeon's eyes that made him stammer. And Hakyeon held his breath at that moment, he was sure of something.
And then, Leo's hand passed through Hakyeon.
Leo's face didn't change, but Hakyeon's eyes widened. He was really shocked, Leo wondered what got in the mind of Hakyeon suddenly that he had actually was shocked of the outcome.
"What's wrong?" he calmly asked.
Hakyeon remained in that dumb position for quite a while, he seemed as if he had become a statue suddenly. Leo waved his hand at Hakyeon to to break him from his daze, but it didn't happen. Even calling his name didn't work. So he squinted at his partner, to get a closer look. And Hakyeon screamed, making Leo startled. Leo sometimes wondered, who was the ghost here.
"Try to touch my forehead.... Come on!" Hakyeon desperately asked, Leo, looking at Hakyeon's bemused glittering eyes became even more confused.
What is going on in his mind?
Leo again sighed in defeat and followed what he was told. The outcome was exactly what he had expected, well, he didn't know what else the other one was expecting.
"B-but, it felt warm a few moments ago..." Hakyeon snarled, feeling confused, did he just imagine it? But then the finger mark. He was sure that Ravi didn't touch him that day, but Leo tried to, he guessed.
"You felt it as well, didn't you? I mean if I feel it, then you must feel it as well. Here, right here! Didn't you feel it?" Hakyeon was touching the said spot on his forehead. He seemed sincere but Leo couldn't quite decide how to react to that sincerity. His frown deepened. Taking a few steps back he spun on his heel, making his way to the corner.
"Don't you think you just want to touch me?" and he drawled.
The older stomped his way to go and stand before him, trying to block Leo's way. Leo paused, his eyes holding a deflating look.
"well, no- I mean yes.. I mean... wait! In the morning, when you talked to me, leaning over me! Your breath! I felt it over my face!" Hakyeon screeched on Leo's face, then slowly murmured, "I think...."
Leo squinted at his partner, dark orbs looking darker thanks to his confused state, he slowly parted his lips, then again clamped it shut. As if he were thinking of how to sort his words, Hakyeon looked at him with bright eyes. He thought maybe, maybe Leo had felt or remembered something.
"Hakyeon-ah~" His voice was smooth, he locked his eyes with Hakyeon. Hakyeon catching his breath, enthusiastically waited for his answer.
"Are you falling for me?" Leo murmured under his breath.
"So Hakyeon hyung knew about Ken......" Hongbin said pensively, sitting on one of the stools of his working place. After getting out of his house he didn't know where else to go and sit down, where people wouldn't suspect them. Therefore the place was none other than his own workplace. It was Wednesday, and he didn't know why but the customers were always less at this day of the week. Just the workers slacking off in their places, the girl workers themselves checking out the clothes hanging in the shop and of course the higher ups such as the owner and photographers in the upper floor. Hongbin thought today was one of those days when some pretty lady was posing as the model, because he could hardly see any male workers down there. Not that Hongbin had to care about it. Ravi was leaning his back on a wall behind Hongbin. He too was concerned. A look of betrayal on their face.
"SO WHY THE HELL DO WE NOT KNOW?" Hongbin snapped, stomping his left feet on the ground hard he stood up, facing Ravi. Ravi was in some sorts of daze, he didn't notice when Hongbin had stood before him.Only after had Hongbin gave him a slight shook he looked up.
"Huh?" Ravi hummed.
"Did you hear anything that I had said?"
The answer was no. He truly did not hear anything that his friend had said. Ravi had his own thoughts in his mind, which was none the less way more stupid than anything Hongbin could have said. But, he wondered, how far could Ken's power go. If he actually could control ghost, that was.
"Do you think ghosts kill people?" Ravi asked, he seemed to be again lost. He was not looking at Hongbin either, his eyes seemed to falter somewhere in the distance. Hongbin thought how to even answer that silly question. If Ravi wanted some answer that was already told by the millions of people around the whole world that ghosts don't exist, or I wouldn't know because I'd never seen one then he wouldn't have asked that question at a serious time like this. He needed an actual answer, and he was being serious.
Dead serious.
Hongbin scratched the back of his head with his left hand and put the right one in his Jean's pocket.
Then slowly he answered, "Maybe...I mean the movies always showed that they kill...."
"ahh... What if he is a killer, and trying to frame me?" Ravi asked Hongbin.
"He being.....who?" Hongbin perked his eyebrow.
Hongbin could feel his face twisting hearing such a ridiculous accusations but he also knew Ravi was not practically in his sane state. Like, he tried to frame N hyung, there was no way Ravi's brain was working fine. Hongbin moved up his hand from the back of his neck to his hair, ruffling it.
"I don't think that's possible....but then again I haven't seen any ghosts yet." He replied,uncertainty was visible in his tone. He was glad that at least it didn't sound like mockery.
"But... It's obvious that one of us is a murderer!" Ravi said, gesturing expensively around himself. Hongbin's hand stopped moving inside of his hair.
"Ya! How can you be so sure!"
"May be I'm the killer!" Ravi ignored Hongbin.
"Maybe he made me kill them without letting me know that I am doing it..." And then Ravi was panicking.
" are not.... Neither is Ken."
"How can you be so sure?"
Hongbin opened his mouth to say something, but then fell shut, considering the loud bang from somewhere on the first floor of the shop.
Ravi and Hongbin both turned, the bang was loud but the commotion wasn't that loud. That made Hongbin curious and he went to visit.
There he saw Hyuk, as usual wearing his suit and all. Just in a messy way, but what was different is that he had his hair colored dark blue. It snatched the childishness within himself and drew out the manliness, his hawlike feature looked sharper. He wanted to ask when he had the time to dye his hair when he was a blonde only yesterday night. However, considering when Hyuk passed by both Ravi and Hongbin to end up stumbling upon another mannequin on the way, Hongbin decided maybe he shouldn't. Hyuk's eyes seemed lifeless to him for someone so cheerful. If he had to be compared, then he would say Ravi looked more livelier than him yesterday, the difference was that Ravi had been stuck to the ground and Hyuk was moving around. Hyuk didn't even notice the workers that greeted him a good day as he walked out of the shop.
"Is it because of yesterday?" Ravi asked, finally one normal question. Hongbin doubted it was the reason, but that could be the only explanation since they had been only thinking about it, and Hyuk had also been the youngest to meddle in a murder case. It could have taken a toll on him. Normally it would cause Hongbin to sympathize but, he didn't know why, his face twisted in disgust.
For Lord's sake..........they're not even our friends...
Hongbin tucked his both hands in his pocket and walked away.
The car moved smoothly as it perked before a mansion. Actually, it had nothing that could define it as a mention from outside since it just seemed like how a normal villa would look like. And one looking at it from outside would only be able to notice the large front yard that most likely could be called as a half jungle that had only one path connecting the front door and the villa- as its only specialty. It was Hyuk who just called it mansion because of it's large interiors.
Hyuk got down from the car, he could very well drive all the way to the main door of the house, but for some reason he decided to walk to it. The front gate was quite a walk from the main door of his parents' house. Hyuk walked, and his manager followed. The idea was not a welcoming one, if it was yesterday then Hyuk was sure that his manager would have been bickering about how his idea had increased his job thanks to the splatter of mud on his clothes. But today was different, his manager silently followed his steps. The only sound Hyuk could hear was the sound of his foot stepping on the wet concrete path and some creaks from the branches of the trees that was lined up on the both sides of the path. The path was already dark considering the trees letting a very little light passing through their leaves and branches, and the silence added extra effect. It gave an eerie feeling.
The design of his house always had disturbed him, of how there was only one concrete road that connected the main door of their house with the front gate, and the rest of the area was just pure soiled ground that would turn into a mud sea when it rained. He used to complain a lot about this design when he was a child, the memories are vague but some parts still too strong to forget. One of those memories was of his father saying that it meant being close to the nature and he would retort by saying,
It's not being close! It's just you didn't want to waste money to buy an actual plot so you decided to make a house inside of a forest.
He didn't know that buying a forest was much more expensive than buying an actual plot. And the next part would always be the loneliest, where he would look around and see his sister sitting on a metal chair under a tree and looking at its leaves, sometimes searching for bird nests. She would sometimes pick up baby birds that would fall from the trees, and make a fuss about it, cry to everyone to fix it. They mostly died, but if some managed to walk or stay alive, her joy knew no bound. She even had a bird that had one of its wings broken, it never got fixed, so she kept it to herself.
Hyuk didn't like the broken bird, they had a jungle filled with birds around them but she only loved the broken one. That's why Hyuk brought a beautiful perfect bird to her once, she smiled that day. But Hyuk always felt that she liked the broken bird over the pretty beautiful one.
In his childhood, Hyuk didn't understand, Hyuk loathed that idea. But when he became thirteen he realized, maybe she liked it because it reminded of her.
It took him a good ten minute walk to reach the main door. He rang the calling bell, and after thirty seconds the door was opened. Unlike outside, where nature was disturbing to the point that Hyuk called it a jungle the inside was disturbing to the point where he called it a shop. Again, he had to take in a few moments to take in all the faces of the new furniture and curtains. The paint on the wall seemed different as well, before it was light blue, now they changed it to golden. A drastic change if he had to comment. He looked around, the design of the house was, as guessed the same. The staircase to the second floor still at the west. The room number was also still the same.. The extra unnecessarily large living room on the opposite side of the staircase had some new types of furniture in it. He didn't even know what to call those. They never changed the blueprints of this house. He had always wanted a music room, but thanks to lack of room they never gave it to him. because they just wouldn't change the blueprints
"Madam is in the kitchen.." One of the maid that had been following him said. He wasn't practically wondering about where the madam of this house was but he could use that information. He had to meet her either way.
He made his way to the kitchen, surely he didn't expect the said madam to be cooking, come'n that wouldn't make her the queen of Han family. She was merely standing there, instructing everyone on what should be done and what shouldn't. Hyuk slowly walked to her, he wondered how to appear before her since wrapping his hand around her would most likely to seem cheesy to him.
Hyuk just stood there frozen. As if to take in the scenery of her maintaining her household.
He only got noticed when the lady had turned around to call another servant. It was then, when their eyes had met ,Hyuk gave a nervous smile, she on the other hand sent a diligent one. Walking up to him, she grabbed his shoulders gently. She was tall, not as him but her height was daringly tall for any normal lady. She was a model in her early year, so in view of that it never was a shock. What Hyuk didn't understand was why he was tall, when his sister should have been the taller one.
"It has been a while..... I thought you wouldn't come." She drawled in a sweet tone. Her voice always made Hyuk uneasy, he didn't know why but he used to lose his cool whenever he had seen her before. He nervously smiled.
"Now that you are here, why don't you change up? Your condition does not seem like you had slept well, or dressed well in any way. Are you tensed? Have you not been eating well?" This time her voice sounded comforting.
Hyuk casually just shrugged his shoulders and let a childish grin play in his lips.
" I know how to eat..." Hyuk childishly replied, a slow pout forming. The lady replied the pout with another delightful grin of her, hand sliding of the shoulder to halt at his arms.
"Surely you have grown up a lot.." She hummed. Not acknowledging the heavy sigh she projected Hyuk gave her a fine little nod.
"Where is sis?" Hyuk asked, he felt nervous. But he hoped his mother had not quite noticed that tension in his voice.
She was expecting the answer, Hyuk could tell. Pointing at the door of the kitchen with her eyes she eventually replied,
"In her room...."
Hyuk bowed his head a little, to show his gratitude. The upturn of his lips were genuine.
"Thanks aunt, I'll check her.." And he walked away.
His butler was quiet, too quiet, maybe to show of his professionalism at his boss's house, Hyuk couldn't quite think of any other reason. Even when Hyuk passed the hallway to cut a corner where no one was standing, or could hardly come to anyone's view he remained silent. Hyuk always hated how the inside of the house was always this large. That is why all the people inside of this house could never feel the bond tightening between themselves, they always walked distant. Rather than knowing that they are blood bonded, they had no other attraction towards each other that one family would have. And that did no good to Hyuk either, rather than to spoil his values to the point where he himself ended up hating him. He didn't know why he was thinking about all these irrelevant things when he had came here only to meet the guy that his sister would be introduced to.
He could have really liked a companion at this time.
"Won't you talk?"
"I have nothing to report,master." He replied, in a stern voice. He was walking behind him, Hyuk imagined him having an equal stern face as well.
"I didn't ask for you to report. I want you to talk till we reach her room." Hyuk snapped, his voice was louder than usual, his manager remained unflinched.
Perhaps you should walk a bit faster then.
was what his manager wanted to reply. But he didn't. He asked what bugged him,
"Why do you call her aunt, and mr. Cha, umma?" He asked, voice calm. Hyuk flinched by the question but took a moment to reply.
"Well, she never told me to call her..." hesitation laced with every single word that he had uttered, his pace a little slower.He also wondered how he managed to call a guy umma that easily but could never utter it before a woman who practically raised her since he was a year old if not only held him in her wombs. His biological mother had taken money to give birth to him, and then her duty was done. So that lady that was married to his father and whom he called aunt was from every single perspective his mother, yet he found it hard.
"And he did?"
Hyuk was expecting that question. He didn't know the answer of that, there was something about that guy why he felt attached to him so much. He was wondering about it even yesterday, wasn't he? He hated that fact, but then liked it. He was just too confused about what was going on with him when it came to Hakyeon. Hakyeon seemed closer to him than his family ever could.
But he was lucky. He didn't need to answer to that question. He was already standing at the doorstep of his sister. He inhaled a deep breath, knocking once on the door, he turned the doorknob.
By when he opened the door, his elder sister came to view. She was wearing golden laced white skirt, all the way to her knees, her hair tied in a long ponytail. Her skin tone was not that white, she took after father, that is why she had the slightest touch of what could be called a sun burnt skin also a trait that had always brought everyone's attention upon her .
The golden glowed on her skin, normally golden didn't match someone with that skintone, but she just had to prove that theory wrong.
When Hyuk entered she was looking at the door with bemused eyes, her hand holding a little bird over her lap. And as usual she was sitting on her forever fixed silver furniture, the wheelchair.
A smile appeared on his face eventually, he loved to see that face. He always wanted to see that face. His thoughts got the best of him, and before he knew he was there, eyes shut, crushing his sister in his embrace.The bird flew off from her hand, circling around their head, he could hear its chirping. Her tiny feature all crushed in his large arm, he inhaled her scent. He missed it, he missed it way more than he thought he had. She felt like summer, fresh and warm in his hand. He missed it more than he could ever had.
She was shocked, taken by surprise, by the sudden intrusion of her personal space, Hyuk could tell. But The surprise only lasted for a few moments and next, she also had her hands wrapped around him. Not roughly like him, a gentle touch. An odd sensation built inside of him, he started to move away.
"It seems I was not the only one missing your visits now, was it Hyuk-ah~?" She sweetly hummed, her eyes half open, half dazed. An apologetic look flashed on his face, he whispered,
"I always miss you....noona...."
Wait ......what?
"W-What are you talking about!?" Hakyeon cried out, that was a sudden question, too sudden at a wrong time.
" know...." Leo started walking , and sat on the corner.
"You have been acting strange. From yesterday morning...your raise of heartbeat... Then ..."Leo paused but there wasn't even a pause on Hakyeon's side. He quickly rambled out whatever that came to his mouth,
"That's because yesterday you acted all mighty, stood too close and today you were again too close. I don't like being close to someone's body, but you were there, so I had a bit of raise in heartbeat. And then your breath felt warm as well, but soon your touch did too, and then you asked me if I liked you, a-and then, its all your fault that its happening. That doesn't mean I'm falling for you!"
Leo blinked, he wasn't finished though, also he wasn't serious, but Hakyeon became jittery by a simple line of his. Too jittery. Which was fun, for Leo.
"The 'feeling the breath' part is quite erotic....don't you think?" Leo sounded like a mouse,voice barely audible, he smirked shutting his eyes. Hakyeon could feel steams coming out of his ears, he didn't know why his body was acting such ways. Was it embarrassment or was it fury, he had hard time to decide. Failing he started to stomp away,
"Forget it, I was trying to understand something but you just....for your record I aint interested in men! You already know who lives in my heart so don't act so cocky!" Hakyeon yelled, turning the stereo on. He also mumbled some other non verbal sentences that was even harder for Leo to make out and he danced. Leo found it cute, an embarrassed and angry Hakyeon was indeed cute. The cuteness made him smile.
Hakyeon saw from the corner of his eyes how Leo was smirking looking at him. It made his body burn,
How dare he!
But when he turned his eyes to the mirror, his heart sank. As usual Leo's reflection wasn't there, the spot remained empty. The words of Leo how he wanted his last days to be peaceful played inside of his head, like a broken tape recorder. The anger and the embarrassment almost faded away instantly. It was indeed his last few days. Instinctively his eyes again locked onto his. Sadness showered over him and he escaped a silent sigh. He was hating it. He would hate it. It being the constant stare from the man in the corner. He wanted to hate it...but instead his mind kept repeating something else.
I'll really miss it....
"So, what does this new guy do?" Hyuk asked, eyeing the bird cages behind her, placed on a bamboo rack.. She still had the the old two cages. One of the birds were dead.It was her broken bird. She still kept the cage. Hyuk could just tell looking from afar that she haven't quite cleaned it for after its death. Maybe she didn't want to, or maybe she was too busy with the new one. The bird he had gifted her once was still in the cage. Chirping from time to time. And then there was that empty cage, a new one to be more detailed. He hadn't seen it before. Therefore he could only think that it was of the bird she was holding before. It was now sitting on top of her head. He didn't know what the name of the bird was, well he never knew what their name was. The only thing he knew was her sister used to call the broken bird Leo, which is apparently dead just like the owner of the name.
"I haven't met him yet..... " She replied with a smile, and meant it.
"What if you like him?" Hyuk's voice sounded strained. His eyes were scanning around her room. In this huge mansion of his father his sister's room looked rather normal. Something that could very well be compared to a normal school girl with pink walls, pink curtains, and finally who had a crush on a celebrity. There was this one medium sized board stuck on her wall, that was filled with Leo's pictures and posters. Hyuk didn't like the idea, but being stuck in a forest all alone ,all she could ever do was just surf through the internet and play with birds.
But soon not liking turned into hate when Leo started getting involved with their family business, how he came to her birthday. That lively smile that she gave him that day, the blush on her face that he had never noticed before she had met him, it was too ironic for him to accept. And soon he became quite frequent in to their home being invited for dinner, occasions, at work for being their model. He got on his nerves, too much. Too much got Hyuk to keep on thinking that Leo had some ulterior motive, or he was just interested in his sister. And deep down he knew he hated the second option much more than the first one.
Hyuk exhaled a long sigh as he walked up to the board.
"Aren't you thinking a bit ahead of time? How can you say that I would like him without meeting him?" She innocently replied.
"Then why are you meeting him!?" Hyuk yelled, it was sudden. She got startled by the sudden raise of his voice. Hyuk could see the shock in her eyes and how she blankly stared at him He didn't want to scare her, but he lost control, a bit too easily. So he turned around, again focused on the board before him, clearing his throat once he continued.
"You are still 24, I don't see why there's such a rush? You can later find a man that you like...."
He didn't look at her, but he thought he felt her sigh. A soft one that she had been holding for a long time.
"It's not like I'm getting married already."
Hyuk could feel his jaw muscle tightening, his breathing getting frequent.
Already..... Why do you even need .. I don't...
Hyuk huffed.
"You don't seem to be in a well condition..."
"Why is his pictures still in this room?" Without bothering about her words he asked. His back was facing her, but she could tell how he was frowning.
"Well....he was..." She trailed off, Hyuk could sense the forlornness in her voice. His face twisted in a sick spasm.
"He's dead! Why do you keep on....."
Hyuk himself felt the unusual burst of his anger today, it was rare for him to lose his cool. But he didn't know why , his character was just different today. He felt different, anger almost rebelling inside of him to fight its way out. Hyuk's voice broke and he turned around to reach the door. Maybe it was wrong to meet her, maybe he shouldn't have come today. His anger was getting the best of him,and he was not being the best controller out there.
But was it really that different?
As far as he could remember, it was always like this, he thought of giving his sister what she deserved but his sister never cared. Just like the bird he had given her, and she chose the broken one over it, she would choose Leo before him as well. And after that, he would try to reason, she would smile, agree eventually won't do anything. And that would enrage Hyuk for what he would leave the house. The difference was today, he didn't even start his advising part.
Why was Leo so important to her? A crush? Like that could ever mean that much.
Just because he sang her a song once, held her hand, told her she was beautiful and her crush turned into real love. He did that to all his fangirls, that was called fan service, then why was his sister so blind?
He hated Leo for all that. He just had to have everything that Hyuk had dreamed of having. He had wondered thousands of time, why his sister liked him, maybe because he was a singer, maybe because he had so many fans? Would she like Hyuk as much if he were a celebrity? He wouldn't know. He just couldn't know. His thoughts got twisted after that part. Imagination ran wild, and then....
His sister grabbed his hand. This was something that did not happen everyday. Usually he would leave and she would silently watch, but this was different. Something that made his heart skip a beat, he looked around. He could see her eyes, pleading for an unknown answer. Hyuk baffled just blankly stared at her.
"Hyuk-ah~ let's chat together for can leave later...."
She smiled.
Hyuk nodded, he just took a seat on the floor beside him. For some reason he was Sure that this was going to be her mourning session about how Leo had died. She needed someone to talk about it, but there was none. And Hyuk had ignored her from the very day he had died.
"You's not what you think Hyuk..." She started with a broken voice, she was on the verge of crying already, Hyuk didn't know how long could it last.
"Even if I liked him to death, he was a star in the sky where I was a fallen bird. I could never touch why was it wrong that I had admired him? It was simply admirations from my part."
Hyuk pried his hand away from her to hold her palms in his own. She looked at him with curious eyes, but Hyuk's words failed him. He didn't have anything to say. What could he say in that situation,
"Was it only admiration noona?" He whispered. Did he want her to give him an honest reply? No..he didn't. He wanted to hear the answer that he was waiting for. Because he knew the truth will hurt him, it will tear him apart. It did before Leo was dead and it'd again.
She remained silent, one minute turned into two.two turned into four and she finally said,
"Your body Temperature is a bit high you have fever?" Hyuk dropped his eye lids. That was how it was going to be today, how it was going to be for the next years of her life.
One way it was better.
"Noona..." He smiled, his lips protruding like a duck. His sister raised her eyebrows, she seemed less broken now.
"Won't you introduce me to your new bird?" Hyuk asked.
"Ow.. This one? You see it's a magpie..."
"I know what type of bird it is.....I'm asking its name~" Hyuk half whined, half sang. His sister chuckled that automatically made him chuckle as well. It was better this way, he was taking it as an improvement. An improvement between them that was brought together by the death of Leo.
"It's N...."she announced, "I'm currently into that guy's dancing...... He looks just like me right? Even our skin tone matched. I think he would look just like me if he were to put on a wig as well!" And with that Hyuk's smile disappeared. The next words became blurry to him, he was hearing them but his brain had difficulty to process what they were. He could feel his breathing becoming frequent, and he slowly released her hand.
"What's wrong Hyuk?" She asked, worried. Hyuk shook his head, telling her nothing and he went out of the room, closing the door behind him. Was his sister worried or was she shocked, he couldn't really see at that time.
He leaned his back on the door and took in long breathes, her words how he looked exactly like her rang in his mind. What was wrong here, he wondered.
Then he felt a hand, on his torso, he shockingly looked down,only to see his butler fixing his blazer. He had that angelic smile plastered on his face again. It made his heart burn at that time.
"What are you-"
"You just got your answer today, master...." He calmly replied, his eyes holding a dazed look. Hyuk growled,
"What answer?"
And then his manager was looking into his eyes, with a sly look in his.
" Now you know why you hate him so much then adore him in the next second." He said haughtily.
"Get off!" Hyuk replied through his gritted teeth. His manager did as he was told, he stood a bit far.
"It is rather rare for you to find someone who looks like your most beloved sister with the ghost of Leo's personality living within him....isn't it .........master?" And his smile grew wider.
Hakyeon finished his shower and turned his head to the clock. It read 11:45pm. He could go to sleep right away, but he wanted to delay, till it was 12:00am.
The landline of the hotel room started to ring. Ten picked it up.
After a little talk, he was calling Hakyeon's name. It was uncommon for Hakyeon to get a call on the hotel room's land line rather than his cellphone.
He, confused took it either way,
"Hello....." Hakyeon called. No reply, for one moment Hakyeon thought maybe the line got cut off, or maybe it was a prank call, before the voice finally replied.
"Hyung....can you come down at the parking lot?" It was Hyuk's voice, that sounded deep, broken. Just that and the call was disconnected.
Hakyeon put down the phone.
"why?..." Leo asked from behind, he was sitting on the couch. He once thought of not going, maybe it wasn't Hyuk, but then decided to check either way.
When Hakyeon got down, he really did saw Hyuk, his car parked in the parking lot, he was standing,leaning his back against it.
The area was lonely except some expensive cars parked here and there. But it wasn't free of human though, some people was still lurking around, and couples doing their job. It was Seoul, no way it would be empty at 12:00am only, but the night still gave away an enchanting atmosphere and Hyuk's broken condition made it seem more creepy. He seemed as if someone dear to him had died and he had returned from his funeral. He simply just seemed broken.
Hakyeon was wearing a plain tee and blue trousers with it, he didn't change it while coming down. Neither did he take any jacket or sweater with him, because it simply was summer. But standing out of the hotel, when the cold breeze hit him he remembered how it had rained all day today. The weather was still chilly.
Hakyeon strides towards Hyuk's car.
"Ah, Hyuk-ah~ what's wrong?" Hakyeon asked. A bit confused, a bit concerned.
Hyuk lifted his eyes up. He seemed dreamy, his structure resembled some heart broken gangster actors from action film ,Hakyeon couldn't recall the name. For a good ten seconds Hyuk stared at Hakyeon, that made Hakyeon a bit uneasy.
"Um..what's wrong? Why are you in Seoul suddenly?" He meekly asked.
Hyuk took another moment to look at him, then took in a shuddering breath. Hyuk didn't know for how long had he been holding it for.
"Let's go on a drive, okay hyung?" He smiled, and without waiting for any answer he went inside of his car.
"What's wrong with him?" Hakyeon asked, the question sounded like more to himself then to ask Leo. Nonetheless Leo just shrugged his shoulder.
Hakyeon was having a bad feeling about it, he felt shiver ran down his spine, after all he was the guy that N had placed his bet on. He wondered if it was okay to go unarmed like this with him or not, but then one part of him felt guilty to even think of something like that. Because that was just too much ungrateful of him, after everything that Hyuk had done for him.
And the next thing he knew, he was sitting in the back seat of Hyuk's car, with Hyuk.
The car moved on slowly, N had no idea where he was going. He just kept on sneaking glances at Hyuk, and his manager who was driving the car. The silence was suppressing.
"The weather is cold today"Hakyeon softly started. But got no reply in return.
It's annoying.
"Can I just ask where we are going?" That was towards both Hyuk and his manager. Hyuk didn't budge, eyes still fixed on the car windows, absent. While his manager just looked at him through the rear view mirror once, but again he was focused on the road. It was suffocating for Hakyeon. He wanted to say something, but Leo hushed him up. So he remained silent.
Sure, let the other party talk.
They were now quite far from the hotel, Hakyeon yet have no idea where he was going to.
"I really love summer..." Hyuk murmured under his breath, more to himself than to any other being in the car. Hakyeon got that much, so he couldn't really reply to that.
"You are nice, warm, caring like someone who seems closer than a family in a matter of time......but you..." Then Hyuk whispered, his voice mesmerizing. Hakyeon frowned a little thinking if that was directed towards him or not.
"me?" He flatly asked.
"But you feel like if some mysterious curtain of fog hiding your true self...why?" Hyuk's voice sounded like slur. Hakyeon perplexed as to what Hyuk was saying did nothing but raising his eyebrow. Hyuk removed his eyes from the window, to turn to Hakyeon. His eyes locked into his, haze covering his eyes.
"You are mysterious...." He whispered.
"Hyuk, what are you talking about?" Hakyeon asked, a nervous giggle escaped from his lips.
Leo was sitting by the window, beside Hakyeon. He leaned in,
"I'm not liking it...." He whispered. Hakyeon agreed, he wasn't liking it either, maybe a tad more than Leo.
"I had been thinking yesterday night," swiping his hair back with his left fingers he continued,
"Why were you so curious about Leo's death even before the police took Ravi hyung away?"
Hakyeon thought he saw a smirk appear on the corner of Hyuk's lips. But it could only really be just a thought, since his expression remained practically unchanged.
"Well...he was one of my fav" Hakyeon lied.
"So you doubted your friend.... There were thousands of people out there in Yesob's concert, but you doubted Ravi."
"I never doubted Ravi!" Hakyeon protested,
"But yet you questioned...." Hyuk unhooked his seatbelt, leaning forwards to Hakyeon. Hakyeon didn't flinch, but he was certainly not happy about whatever the situation he was in.
" Why?" He hummed, his eyes looked glossy, hypnotized, hazed at the same time.
Hakyeon parted his lips to say something but Hyuk again continued,
"What's the big deal with Leo?
What is it that made you so curious about him?" His voice was plain with sharp edge, eyes overshadowed with hatred. Hakyeon swallowed at his sight, Leo on the other hand looked at Hyuk with mouth a little wide.
"Is it because he was famous? He had good structure? His voice was good?"
Hakyeon wasn't sure where this conversation was even going. He was sure it was about him being interested in Leo's death, but now it sounded like an inquiry to know why he was interested in Leo.. Which made no sense. Hakyeon squinted his eyes at Hyuk. Hakyeon noticed how his manager even had shifted gazes from the front to them for quite a number of times.
Then he closed his eyes, this time it took him a bit more time to open his eye lids, but he didn't open it fully, the hatred got replaced by longings, his gaze soft, his eyes trembled. Hakyeon was eventually sure that he had seen his eyes even glitter when the car passed by some street lamp.
Is he about to cry?
Hakyeon could see Hyuk leaning closer, a great amount of red flushed on his face, Hakyeon tried to move a little away but he was stuck, thanks to the seat belt. So he ended up curling back in his seat even more.
Hyuk's lips quivered,
"Then why do you not see me?"
Okay, what?!
"I had good structure, I had people running after me....then why do you not see me? I was there standing every time, I was waiting, waiting for you to notice me then why can't you? Why do you still have to care even after he is gone?"
Hakyeon blinked, he didn't know what else he could do. He was in a tricky situation, if it was a drama some spooky music would be playing in the background right now. Hakyeon was beyond confused, he didn't even know if this conversation was about him anymore or not. Hell him, the main topic, the person that Hyuk was comparing himself with had no idea about what the hell was the kid talking about, and all Leo could do was to gape at Hyuk.
Hyuk leaned in closer, his one hand went around Hakyeon, resting on the seat's edge and the other one on the headrest. Hakyeon didn't know why but he felt as if he saw want, desire,love and finally....he couldn't quite get the last emotion in Hyuk's eyes. Was it lust in them? Hakyeon's mind ventured on its own which caused nothing for Hakyeon but to feel short of breath. And soon Hyuk's nose was in contact with Hakyeon's long neck.
Hakyeon made a noise, something just short of a gasp and flinched. He didn't want to, but he did. Hyuk's skin felt feverish against his. Hakyeon wondered if Hyuk could feel the uptick of his heartbeat or not. He looked at the front seat, the rearview mirror. And that made Hakyeon sure that whatever Hyuk was doing was not something that even his manager was approving, as his eyes looked like he had seen something unholy at that moment. Hakyeon felt like a mouse that had deliberately ran into its trap, this might be the first time when his mind went this numb during danger.
Hyuk exhaled on his neck, causing a shiver run down his spine again. It was wrong in so many way that Hakyeon didn't even know what else to say anymore. Then Hyuk was moving up, his nose tip brushing on his skin, Hakyeon didn't think of anything but tenaciously he closed his eyes, holding his bottom lips between his teeths. It didn't matter what the hell was going on right now, but Hakyeon couldn't do anything but to pray inside of a moving car. He was stuck, he couldn't even tell if Hyuk was looking at him or not.Hakyeon felt like all his blood went to his toes and now he felt lightheaded. And he didn't know why he kept on repeating Leo's name in his mind when he very well knew Leo's hands were tied behind his back right now.
Hakyeon could feel Hyuk's breath on his earlobe, he felt numb.
"You smell like ....." Hyuk whispered, and paused. Hakyeon could still feel Hyuk there. Hakyeon opened his eyes, slowly but half. Hesitantly he turned his head a little, maybe wanting to see his face, he stooped. Hyuk was close, his lips were jarringly close to his.
And then, Hakyeon's head snapped to the front before snapping back to the centre where it belonged. He also heard a thud, presumably Hyuk had fallen down from the seat, causing the car to shake a bit. And when Hakyeon finally snapped out of the shock to see what happened, he saw car stopped moving and his manager lowering his face.
yeah... My story is.... BUT SHE AINT A NEW ADDITION!!!! I WROTE ABOUT HER ON CHAPTER 5/6!!! And then at the shopping mall!! I aint dragging the story now, it was always dragged from the very beginning!
wow! Have you guys ever tried indian serial?? to me my story seems just like that!! I HATE INDIAN SERIAL and I can't help it... but there's so many secrets to unravel and so many reasons to reveal! I dunno why I even thought of it as this twisting... a simple normal one mystery murder story would have been fine... but T.T
Comments appreciated, even if there is nothing to comment about... >.>
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