1 // Psycho
Today, I admitted silently to myself that it was finally growing "colder" than all the other days this week. Not hot, because each singular summer morning, afternoon and evening, had been blazing. But the familiar pleasurable softness of the breeze that I'd been lacking for so long, had yet to return. Eyes closed, I let rarely gentle sun and wind kiss my face as I enjoyed the late silence at the beach. I'd spreaded a small pillow and two thick layered blankets on the worn sand that lied under me, and took in the fortunate quietness.
I listened in closely to both the near sounds, and indistinguishable from afar. The gentle waves running towards the shore and scurrying away just as quickly as it got there. The wispy air rang in my ears, but not painfully; instead softly.
A couple miles away, I heard the seagull flock's tone rising as they flew in the closer. Flapping tree branches and large leaves were nearly inaudible in the background of this setting.
It almost seemed perfect in a sense, you know; having bought a beach house out of any type of home in the city. And I say almost because ever since I moved in here, it's felt quite empty. Not lonely or "emo", nothing near the sorts. But it always felt as if it was lacking someone/thing. Like if you try sketching out a star, but you find one corner is a bit off from it's opposite, so you restart the entire thing, but then you find after that it was missing something more than it was ever "wrong", or incorrect. That's what if felt like. Trying to fix something that preferably just needs some extra(s) to make it they way it should be.
Wow..never knew trying to be poetic not only worked, but also defined what I've been doing wrong with my life.
Tossing pessimistic and even moderately sensitive thoughts in the garbage for the moment, I inhaled the salty air, quickly releasing a few seconds after. I pulled my sweater from my backpack and fractically shoved my arms into the sleeves, as it somehow, was absolutely freezing today. This sweater had luckily been stuffed with something in it's pockets.
Mentally praising myself for not being dumber than to not think to do something like this, I slid the gloves on just as quickly as I did with the sweater. My nude, but also not-so-light woven tights that I decided to wear under my black frayed jeans, also saved me once again.
As I felt the coldness bothering my more sensitive skin, I realized what it was, and didn't hesitate to pull my necklace out from under my sweaters.
(Pick one ↓)
I rubbed my face for no particular reason, but stopped myself, realizing I could be rubbing away my eyemakeup.
Getting up from the blankets, I heard a few footsteps behind me approaching in the cold distance, anf when I turned, my eyes met my boyfriend BamBam His smiled back beautifully, as well as his lips, which formed a soft toothless grin. I turned my head back to face the constant erruptions of waves crashing together in sync, then it calmed for a moment as I felt arms slide around my torso warmly. I melted into the comfort and heat from BamBam's body as he back hugged me, smiling intently. I allowed my head to fall back against his chest and looked up at him upside-down. His smile screamed a humorous "What the fuck" as he giggled. He went to my lips, which I'd been longing for for almost a week now. He pressed his own over mine, the kiss soft and injected with love. When it ended, he pulled me closer against him and rested his chin in my neck.
"I miss you, you know that?" he confessed, and I felt his lip brush my ear slightly with each couple words.
I could only blush before thinking of what I wanted to say in return. It should be east, explaining that I too, have missed his presence as well. But why did nothing get said? Why did the words come out? Was I upset sith him? Or did he just make me as flustered and embarrassed as always with his sweet and perfectly romantic gestures? I hadn't known. When he'd realized I was too nervous to even say a single thing, he smiled to himself again as he trailed off gentle kisses along my neck; it felt so tender and hot against my skin.
"Yes?" he instantly answered to my voice.
"Do you love me?" I asked, hoping his reply would be what I'd been hoping for, "Or am I-".
"No. I don't, never did and never can nor will again".
I awoke, screaming bloody murder, past the stage of bawling in my hands. More horrible and terrified ear piercing screeches had somehow found their way to have slipped from between my lips. Cries of heartbreak filled my room, echoing through the open door and out into the empty drafted hallway. I hadn't noticed at first, but sooner or later, I'd observed that the window had been left wife open, and considering neighbouring homes and my own are squished literally right beside the one(s) next to it, the new people who just moved in have just gotten their bitter first taste of what it's like living next to a low-key psychopath.
Eyes still wet, they shifted their gaze to the open window where the voice had come from.
A male c- No. A very tall, masculine, cool and vEry attractive male came into viee before he intervened my words again.
"Are you okay?" he asked softly.
"Yeah.." I lied, rubbing my eyes roughly and forcing a slight smile.
"Oh. Well, if you need me, scream again" he chuckled.
Now a genuine smile had appeared on my tear-covered face.
"Oh, and by the way", he stopped and resumed just as quickly, "The names Jackson".
"Jackson Wang".
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