The Basement
Buckle up, this is the official end of the fluff chapters as we dive into his real personality.
I watched as Abraxas brought in a witch from Philip Livingston's group, my group of loyal death eaters sneering at her. "So this is the woman that's been staring at my wife in such a way. I remember you from our Hogwarts days."
Serena Lestrange couldn't get a word out, probably due to the long hours of torture.
"You're still jealous of my wife, despite having been married to Adolfus Lestrange and having a son?" I looked at her with disgust. "You're a disgrace to the name of magic. You dare join Philip's group as your family and husband devote themselves to my cause?"
"I apologize, my lord-" Adolfus started.
"SILENCE!" I pointed my wand at him. "You will be the one to kill her, not me. Show me your loyalty, Adolfus. Your wife is a traitor."
Cygnus Malfoy-Livintston stared at the man with hatred. "We trusted you, Adolfus. Your negligence almost killed my daughter, you knew Serena hated her. Unrequited love is a sad thing, until it drives someone to kill another. But everyone knows not to mess with the dark lord's wife, my own daughter." Cygnus looked at me. "My lord, please. Let me kill her."
I looked at my mother-in-law with approval. "I admire your bloodlust, Cygnus, but your son leads our enemies. Your task is to kill him. But with Adolfus, you two may punish Serena until I give word to kill her. I might just kill her myself."
Nagini hissed at my side and I noticed a shadow in the doorway of the basement where we held the meeting. I gave Abraxas a look and he vanished.
I pointed my wand to Serena who was floating and turned her. "Speak."
She must've sensed the danger in the situation. "She is weak! Your wife has done nothing for your cause, my lord! I only joined Philip Livingston's group to kill her so you'd have the chance to be with me! I've loved you since I saw you, all she does is bitch."
"So you married Adolfus without loving him?" I gave Adolfus a look of pity. "And even sired a child with him. Yet your heart wavers to me, your true love?"
"Yes!" She looked relieved when I let her down and got on her knees, pleading her case. "When she's gone, I'll be your perfect wife, or I don't even have to kill her! I know she makes you annoyed, please use me as you see fit!"
Cygnus looked as if she was about to murder Serena but was held back by her brother who was watching in amusement but with disgust towards Serena.
"Then you should see how much I love my wife and family," I waved my wand. "Watch through my memories as I fuck her. How I love her, how I gave her our two boys. My thoughts about her."
I knew the quickest way to kill someone without killing them is to show them their worst fears, which was evident in this case. No one but Serena saw my memories, but they saw her screaming and thrashing around. I nodded to Adolfus and he placed the crucitus curse on her, inflicting more pain and her screams.
"No! TOM, STOP!"
My stomach dropped as I knew exactly who that was without turning around to face them. I lifted the memory spell off Serena and Adolfus lifted the curse.
(y/n) ran to Serena's side and helped the witch up, only for Serena to twist her body and pin (y/n) down on the ground, holding a piece of a broken mirror in her hand.
"Choose me, my lord!" Serena looked at me with a desperate face. "Otherwise she dies!"
I lifted my wand. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" (y/n) let out a scream as Serena's dead body plopped onto hers and I used my wand to lift it up and toss it around, eventually mounting it on a spear for all to witness, blood splattering everywhere including (y/n)'s face.
I rushed over to her side as Cygnus cleared everyone out of the room aside from Abraxas and Scorpius. "(y/n), are you alright?!"
"Stay away from me!" Her eyes darted wildly to her family who looked at her with pity. "Mum, how could you?! How could you just sit there and let her die?! I heard what he said, are you really going to kill Philip?"
Cygnus looked right at her daughter with a straight face. "He's a traitor to our family, darling. Your father was a wise man and was killed by those disgusting muggles. And your brother only sides with them, he didn't care that you dad was mercilessly slaughtered."
"Do you even love him?" She whispered. "You saw how he was being treated and you stood by."
"I know where my allegiance lies," Cygnus snapped. "I've relished the day I can kill as many muggles and their sympathizers to avenge him. Your brother? I lost all affection for him the moment he started sending his people after you. Blood traitors too."
Hearing enough, (y/n) looked up at Serena's body and apparated out of the basement. Cygnus and Scorpius looked at each other.
"I will tell her everything," Cygnus started. "At first I only wanted her to live a peaceful life, but now it is time for her and her sons to know where their loyalties lie."
"You will do nothing." I knew she had gone back to our home. "Standby for my word. And for fucks sake, get rid of that body."
I apparated right outside the garden's gate, waving my wand so the blood was no longer on me.
"Daddy!" Pollux instantly greeted me with worry. "Mommy's not answering us, she just came back and went right to your room. She won't answer Castor either."
I gave a look to their governess who was one of my loyal death eaters. "Mommy's feeling a bit sick right now. Grandma will take care of you." I walked into the house and placed a silencing charm on our bedroom in case anyone was eavesdropping.
(y/n) was standing by the window that overlooked the garden, most likely watching the boys play.
"Look at me," I said with a gentle face. "Darling, please."
But she refused to. "Please don't tell me it's true..." (y/n) sounded as if her whole entire world had come crashing down. "Please tell me that what I saw wasn't you."
"I won't lie to you, not anymore. It's what I've been doing. Your brother's group has been threatening our very lives, you and the boys. I had no choice!" I pleaded with her, not liking how she was flinching at my very voice.
You're about to loose her.
"You had every choice!" She yelled as tears fell from her face, finally looking at me. "I told you back at Hogwarts that I never liked that group. Myrtle was right, you're a monster!"
"Myrtle, Myrtle, Myrtle." I rolled my eyes. "That girl was an annoying insect, I'm glad to have killed her." But that's when I realized how badly I messed up, more than I already was.
"No..." she stood up suddenly and felt a sharp pain, her leaning over and groaning. "Tom, you're breaking my heart. You promised you and your group didn't kill her!"
I shrugged. "I didn't lie, the Basalisk killed her."
"It all makes sense now." She backed up and held her marriage ring, shaking in fright. "All those times I thought you were just being cute and liking snakes. You actually spoke Parseltongue, the weird hissing noises I heard the night she died!"
Do it, you fool. If you don't do it, you'll loose her forever.
"Yes, (y/n)." I stood up and held out my wand, wishing desperately that I didn't have to do it again. "Every single time you poke your little head into something you shouldn't, I have to keep removing memories. It's really annoying, but I'd do anything you keep you right next to me where you belong."
Her face looked at me as if I was her biggest threat, which I was. "You've been removing my memories?"
"Yes, my darling. You made the unbreakable vow to love me forever, don't you remember? I didn't break you, I saved you."
"For how long?" Her face grew more pale by the second. "How long, Tom!!"
"It's none of your business. I did it for us-"
"NO!" She backed away and picked up her wand. "You destroyed me! Who knows what memories you've taken from me! Who knows what I've seen!"
I easily disarmed her as her hands were unable to keep still, picking up her wand and snapping it in half. "You foolish woman. I did it all for our sake, don't you understand?! You would've died if you fell out of love with me. We made an unbreakable vow, I don't want you to die, don't you understand?!"
"You should've let me die!" She slunk to the floor, clutching her stomach. "Tom, you've broken my heart."
I felt a searing tug in mine at the way she looked at me like I was a monster. But what she said broke it completely.
"I should've never married you, I should've never loved you! He was right, you're the monster everyone thought you were."
Though she didn't speak loudly, her voice tore like daggers through me. "So that's it, Moony-"
"Don't you dare call me that!" She stood immediately and slapped me hard. "The man who called me that no longer exists-did he even exist to begin with?! You don't love me, you just want heirs to continue your bloodline."
"Don't put words into my mouth!" I screamed. "I've only done the things I do to protect you and our children! I've loved you for so long, how dare you doubt me?! Have I not protected you, fed you, loved you? Been devoted to you like a fucking dog??"
(y/n) said nothing but I could see her eyes darting to the closed door. I blasted the wall right beside her as she let out a scream. "Don't you fucking think about escaping, darling. You are stuck with me forever."
However, something halted my thoughts. I looked down to see liquid pooling on the carpet and could only watch in horror as (y/n) started falling. I quickly caught her and apparated right to a hospital I controlled.
"Keep a close eye on her," I instructed Orion Black. "If anything happens to her, it's your neck. I'm going to go bring the boys to a secure place, no one does anything unless its to save her life, got it? The baby is coming!"
"Yes, my lord."
I took one last look at my wife, wishing desperately to go back in time and tell her in a different way, or even oblivate her memories like I had done so many times before. But another part of me was tired of hiding the truth from her, I wanted her to know just how powerful I was and that she'd stand proudly beside me when the final battle between me and her brother's group (which now merged with Albus Dumbledore's loyal followers). She would have no other choice.
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