May 1st, 1953
Two lovely boys were born in the early morning of May 1st, 1953. (y/n) passed out from exhaustion and I let the medics take care of her, knowing I would be in their way. Pollux and Castor were tiny little things and so new to the world, so innocent.
"You must be the father," a muggle nurse said. "Don't worry, they'll perfectly healthy."
"And my wife?"
"Asleep but also healthy. Would you like to hold one?" She was about to pick them up, but stopped once she saw my face. "I'll give you three some time alone then. I understand your overprotectiveness."
Once she closed the door, I charmed it so she wouldn't be able to open it, even with a key. The boys cried a little when I first picked them up, but calmed down when I sat near my wife. Pollux was sporting a green blanket and Castor was wearing a blue one, something (y/n) insisted on. She came to about an hour later. I placed the boys back in the incubator and rushed to her side.
"Are they..." she searched my eyes anxiously.
"Perfectly healthy and babbling," I stroked her cheek. "I'm so proud of you, Moony. I hated seeing you in that pain."
She squeezed my hand. "I know, Tom. Thank you for being here. Where are they?"
I picked one up at a time and gave them to her, her immediately knowing which was which. "You passed out, but as your wishes, the oldest is Pollux. This gurgling little thing is Castor."
"Such cute little fingers," she held their hands. "Tom, where is our family?"
"Your mother insisted they give you space. She said to contact her whenever you're ready, there is no rush." I kissed her forehead and sat next to her on the bed, laying a protective arm around her. I lifted the charm I had previously placed to avoid unnecessary questions. I didn't want her to give birth in a muggle hospital since magic hospitals would've ensured she wouldn't have felt an ounce of pain, but she insisted on this hospital and I didn't want to upset her.
To compromise, I had my death eaters crawling the place and surrounding radius in case anyone decided they were going to grow a foolish pair and attack my family. (y/n) thought that I was no longer the leader, and I found it absolutely adorable that she was trying to figure out who this Lord Voldemort the newspapers talked about was. Little did she know she welcomed him into her bed each night and just gave birth to his heirs.
I left (y/n) a bit to go see where the stupid muggles were as my wife was hungry, only to run into her cousin Abraxas.
"My lord," he said quietly. "My wife is expecting. I am humbly requesting that Skyrin to be allowed near (y/n)."
"Granted," I rolled my eyes at him. "Don't act like you don't have power too, Abraxas. We are all friends, are we not? Besides, my wife has been upset that no one is talking to her much these days because we're all so busy with our own lives and the organization."
"Yes, my lord." Abraxas gave a sigh of relief. "Does...does she know now?"
"No," I said quickly. "And I promised her mother I'd shield her especially now. Those boys, though. The death eaters will treat them like their royalty as they are next in line. I know many who follow us are trying for children of their own, all good things. Adolfus' wife, what's her name again? They just had a son, Rodolphus Lestrange. It is good for our followers to have as many children as possible to strengthen our numbers. We will need the support in the future."
A few other death eaters asked me annoying questions but my annoyance was lifted once a follower came back with all of (y/n)'s favorite foods, especially the ones she could not have during pregnancy. She was very pleased at the display of food when I set in front of her.
"Sure took you long enough," she teased me. The boys were back in their own bed. "I heard you talking outside, is everything ok?"
"It was Abraxas," I said with honesty. "He was just making sure you were ok, Skyrin is also pregnant with a boy. They will name him Lucius."
"Good." She looked fondly at me and took my hand. "Now Trixie will have someone to play with." The young Bellatrix Black insisted that everyone close to her called her Bella, but she changed her mind and allowed only my wife to call her Trixie, something my wife was fond of.
I didn't particularly care for her as she annoyed me greatly, but whatever (y/n) wanted, she got. If she wanted her goddaughter to be close to our sons, then so be it. "Just make sure she doesn't make Pollux or Castor her own minions."
"I wouldn't dream of it." She leaned over and kissed me. "I can't wait to introduce them to everyone but I also want to keep them to myself."
I smiled at her words and their familiarity. "They're perfect, but you're my wife. You have no idea how much I want to just lock you up and only have us, but I also want to proudly show you off. You're everything that's wrong with me into perfection, my exact opposite but my greatest love. I'm so happy we met that day."
"I am too." She leaned her head on mine. "But Tom, what are we going to do? The Daily Prophet keeps talking about that Lord Voldemort. You used to be part of the death eaters, who is he?"
"Someone powerful," I responded. "But not someone who will ever harm you. He will never lay a hand on you, especially since your bloodline supports his cause. Even if you didn't, I wouldn't let anyone harm you. Not you, not our sons, not our family."
She seemed to relax in my arms at the response. "I know. I'm just scared that he'll go after my brother, or our boys."
"He won't," I insisted. "Tell you what, why don't you keep that ring on longer? That way I can always tell where you are. I know you wanted to keep it off for now, but I'd feel more comfortable knowing where you are if anything should happen."
"Okay. Thank you, Tom." She kissed my cheek. "Now let me eat, I'm starving!"
"Yes ma'am." As (y/n) dug into the food, I knew it was a matter of time before something happened and our years of happiness would be jeopardized. I just hoped when it was jeopardized, she would stick with me. This was my way of protecting her and slowly picking off those annoying muggles and sympathizers.
I know there are a lot of time skips, but it's intentional. I didn't want to focus on their childhood and teenage years too much as it's cliché. I hope you are enjoying this story so far :)
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