Blood is Thicker Than Water
Reader POV
I woke up in a hospital and judging by the floating candles, I knew it must've been St. Mugo's. The last thing I remember is Tom blasting the wall near me and me passing out, though I assumed he was the one who bought me here.
"You're awake." I turned my head and saw Tom sitting on the chair next to me, looking like hell. "You were under for over six hours. I thought...I thought you drank a potion to..."
I didn't dare to meet his eyes, taking note at how my wrist was chained to the hospital bed. "I should've. That way I'd be free of you."
"How can you say something like that?!" Tom's face looked as if it were heartbroken just at the thought.
I looked at him directly, glaring at him with all the hatred I felt. "I'm sure it's nothing to you, you've killed other people. I'd probably be another boring, nameless, insignificant person dead."
"(y/n). I love you."
"You don't. Everything you ever did was a lie! I knew something felt off, I've been feeling it since Myrtle died." I looked down, but then noticed. "Tom...where is my baby? Didn't I go into early labor?"
Tom looked down and grabbed my hand, forcefully holding it. "Perseus didn't survive. I'm so sorry. We did everything we could to see him."
"I see." I looked up at the ceiling, appreciating the way it was enchanted to show the meadow outside the manor. "And the boys?"
"Safe at Malfoy Manor."
"Safe? You mean the same place that you killed Serena!? Who knows how many people..." but then it dawned me. "No...please tell me you're..."
"Say it." He grabbed my jaw, forcing me to look at him. "Say the name. Say the name of the man you willingly married and let fuck his heirs into you. Say the name of the man who devoted his entire life to you. Say the name of the man who would kill for you."
"The man I fell in love would never!"
"Darling, I murdered someone before we had our first kiss. This is who I've always been, I didn't show you at first because I knew you wouldn't understand." He searched my eyes, almost afraid of what he would find but relaxed. "I know you still love me. Darling, let me take away your pain. Just like everything else, hm? Just like every other time."
I closed my eyes. "How much of my memory did you take? What exactly did I see?"
"You saw me kill someone before. You saw me kill some muggles when we were in Hogwarts and you begged me to make you forget. Every single time you've seen death or stumbled upon anything bad, you've asked me to make you forget." He pulled out his wand. "Say the word and I do it again. We can go back to the way we were in our domestic bliss. Hell, I can even take away the memories of you having magic."
"No!" I tried to get up, but was restricted by the chains. "If it's true that I begged you before to make me forget, that was then. Tom, I can't forget and I most certainly cannot forgive you."
"But you still love me." He leaned over and pressed a kiss forcefully. "Otherwise right now, you'd be writhing in pain and crying out of agony. The unbreakable vow we took was for this reason, so I know that you still love me. All of this?" He motioned to everything. "All of it is for you. I'm avenging our parents and creating a safe world for our boys."
I lashed out and slapped his face. "But you don't even fucking care Perseus died-"
"I do care!" He glared at me. " But he's just an unborn child. We can always make more. We have eternity to do so."
"Never! I'll never let you touch me, never ever! I hate you, you stole my life!" I tried to slap him again, but he grabbed it and pinned it down onto the bed, his usually warm brown eyes tainted with red. "Let me go!"
"You have no idea just how far I'd go to keep you with me." Tom climbed onto the bed, looking at me as if I was nothing but a piece of meat. "I'd put you under the imperius curse, but taking your memories is so much easier and less stressful for your body. I would love to give you the choice to let you keep your memories, but I see you still don't understand. Nothing time won't fix."
He waved his wand and the chain disappeared, allowing me to lunge forward until I was halted. My body couldn't move and I saw Abraxas holding up his own wand. "I enjoy our petty little fights every time you stick your clever little nose into the wrong area, it's truly adorable. But this is who I am, whether you like it or not. I love you, Moony."
"Please don't take away my memory again!" Now I was much more frightened as I had no clue how far he'd wipe. "Please don't let me forget our sons! Tom, you can't!"
"I won't," he smiled as he pushed me back onto the bed and kissed me. "I do this for us, Moony. It would be a curse for a mother to forget her own family, especially one as perfect as ours. When you wake up, everything will be perfect again, just you wait."
I couldn't move as hard as I tried, the tears running down my face as I cried loudly and begged him not to do it.
"I love you, (y/n). My (y/n) Voldemort. Though you'll still know yourself as Riddle to avoid confusion and suspicion from others." He stood at the end of the bed and raised his wand, giving me a look of obsession, possession, and love. "OBLIVIATE!"
Voldemort POV
(y/n)'s eyes immediately closed and she fell back asleep. I walked back over and removed Abraxas' hex that stopped her from moving, tucking her under the covers and presenting her with a kiss.
"My Lord, Cygnus Malfoy located Philip Livingston. He's at Malfoy Manor right now."
I stared for a moment longer at her then moved out of the room, placing it with a heavy protection spell. "Good. Make sure the boys cannot stumble upon the torture and give them an excuse that (y/n) was attacked by Philip and she lost their brother. I'll explain it to all of them to make it believable and implant false memories into her head."
"Yes, my lord." Abraxas hesitated. "My lord, you do love my cousin, right?"
I glared at him as if he was the stupidest creature. "Of course I do, what kind of question is that? I only do this to ease the pain. When she's ready, I will reveal anything she asks. Don't forget she's one of the strongest witches in the country, she's a descendant of Merlin through the Livingston line. She will be so hateful against muggles I might have to stop her myself from killing them all. She will be our most loyal and most powerful ally."
"Yes, my lord." Abraxas apparated out and I looked at (y/n) once more, wishing that at least the child survived. Though she might've questioned my methods, she was the only one who gave a fuck about me and I loved her so much. She was the only who didn't fear me and I would never let her go, even if that meant physically chaining her to my side.
It was only a matter of time before I would start teaching our sons about what was going on in the world as they lived in peace and they were already starting to manifest their magic, much to my delight. My perfect family would be one to fear and I would kill anyone who dared to threaten them.
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