I felt my face heat up as my eyes widened and I buried my face in my hands. I heard his foot steps (somehow over the roaring crowd) as he came around the couch and I stood up when his foot steps stopped in front of me. I held out my hand, shaking his outstretched one.
"(L/N) (Y/N), but I'm sure you already know that." I said, smiling, face still red.
"Iida Tenya, but I'm quite sure you knew that." He said to me, gripping my hand firmly. I knew the crowd and interviewer couldn't hear us, so I took my chance.
"I'm so sorry," I said as we both took a seat, "for anything that has and will come out of my mouth." He gave me a look of confusion, opening his mouth to speak.
"So Ingenium," the interviewer said, cutting him off, "how are you this evening?"
"I'm wonderful, thank you for asking. And yourself?" He said. I almost laughed at how proper he looked.
"I'm very well thank you. Well, let's backtrack a bit and let me ask Ingenium what he thinks of (L/N)." She said, addressing the crowd. "What do you think of her?" I blinked rapidly, throughly embarrassed. I grabbed a pillow from behind me, sinking into my seat a bit and putting my face in the pillow. I felt Iida stare at me.
"I-well," he stuttered. He was flustered as well I realized. "I think she's a lovely, attractive woman with the world at her disposal." He said finally, and the crowd loved it. It was the perfect heartfelt answer they wanted. I lifted my head up and smiled at him, he was blushing lightly, a flashlight compared to my military-grade flood-lights.
"How sweet! This question we have for the both of you," I regained my composure, setting the pillow in my lap and sitting up straight, "when did you find out about each other?"
Iida and I looked at each other, not sure what to say. Did she have to ask that?
"Well, I remember when I first saw you." I said after a moment. The interviewer urged me on.
"I was fifteen, and my family had a tradition of watching the U.A. sports festival," the sound of the crowd faded away and I closed my eyes, leaving me alone on the couch. "So we sat down to watch the first years. It was the first round, and the first years had to find their way across a tightrope. And so I'm watching, enthralled, and this kid starts flying across the rope, I mean he was soaring. And when the cameras got closer Present Mic announces that his name was Iida Tenya, and his quirk was called Engine. And that was amazing to me. All I ever wanted was to go fast, and this kid could whenever he wanted."
I smiled at the memory. "And I think when I saw him, fifteen year old me fell in love with him. I mean it was instant. Somewhere in my hormonal, teenage brain, I thought that, yes, 'this is the guy who I want to spend the rest of my life with.'" I laughed, "I think a part of me is still in love with him." The sound of the crowd rushed back to me, and I opened my eyes.
Oh god. I just announced my love for a pro on live television.
I clamped a hand over my mouth and put my head down in shame and embarrassment. The crowd was going crazy. At least someone was enjoying this. I glanced at Iida, who looked away from me, covering his face.
"I am so sorry." I said, the crowd to preoccupied with my declaration of love to hear. "I blabber when I'm put on the spot."
Iida regained his composure, cheeks still very red. "It's quite alright." He said to me, smiling. I smiled back softly, and we both continued the interview with some sense of dignity.
Iida had first seen me at my racing debut. His friend had dragged him along, and he watched as I won my race. He said he had always adored my car and my gear. My number was 64, and my main color was royal blue. I made the joke that he perfectly fit my racing aesthetic, and everyone loved that.
As soon as the interview was over though, I was gone. I raced to my car as fast and as soon as I could, calling Aina and slowing to a speed walk.
"What have you done?!" She exclaimed when she answered the phone.
"I take it you watched it then?"
"Of course I did, stupid! And you told everyone in Japan that you are in love with Ingenium!" She exclaimed as I sat down in my car, pulling the door closed. I put my key in, turning it. The engines revved and my phone connected to the car via bluetooth.
"I said a part of me, won't people play that off as cute?!" I said in return, running my hands nervously over the wheel.
"Do you have any idea what people in media get paid for?! Blowing things out of proportion, that's what!" She yelled at me over the speaker.
I winced in embarrassment and shame, slumping forward with my head on the wheel.
"Did I at least look nice?" I asked her quietly.
"Hotter than ever, absolutely gorgeous. I think I got a lady boner just by looking at you." She assured me. I sighed.
"Can I come over?" I asked meekly.
"Sure, babe. Come over and we'll eat ice cream and cry."
"Thank you." A loud knock came from my window, making me yelp and jump up.
"What, what is it?" I looked out my window, and Iida looked back at me, giving me a nervous half smile. My eyes widened in shock.
"Mute yourself, stay on the line." I said quickly, pretending to reach something so Iida wouldn't see my mouth move. I rolled down my window, leaning out of it.
"Howdy." I said.
"Hello." He replied. "I- um, well I thought it would be nice to keep in touch. It's not everyday I meet my favorite racer." He said, handing me a business card. I took it and looked at it carefully.
"It'd be nice to keep in touch with my favorite hero." I said, smiling up at him. "We should get together sometime."
"We should." He smiled back. We stayed in place a moment, staring at each other.
"Well," he said after a minute, "I'd better get going, I have a shift soon. Call me."
"I will." He walked away, and I rolled my window back up. I laid back in my seat.
"He's so cute I could scream." I paused.
Please note that this book will be incredibly short, only about five chapters.
I love you all 💞
Over and out.
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