I raced on, completing my third and forth lap with minimal trouble. A few times the guy behind me passed into first place, but I always caught up.
My heart beat fast in my chest as I neared the finish line, feeling the sweat drip down my back and stomach.
I was nearing the finish line on my last lap when the guy passed me again, flipping me off through his window.
"Jackass!" I exclaimed, slapping down on the gas. We came up neck and neck, nearing the finish line. I heard the chants and screams of my fans, making me look out the window. Aina usually sat near the finish line if she came, so I scanned the crowd for her familiar red hair.
For mine and this guys safety, I glanced back and forth between the crowds and the track in front of me.
I glanced to the crowd again, seeing a man staring right at me, leaning on the wall and gripping it tight. I glanced away from the man and towards the track before snapping my head back.
"Iida?" The screams of the crowds grew louder and louder, making me look at the track. The wheel started to slip out of my grip, making me panic. The guy swerved, hitting me with the tail end of his car.
"Shit!" I screamed as Mari tried to calm me down. All the while, I was spinning in circles, the wheel out of my control. I tried to stop the car, but I couldn't do anything, it was completely out of my control. I bent my head near the wheel in a panic, trying to curl up, which ended up being a stupid idea.
I felt the car jerk as it hit something, making me fall forward and onto the steering wheel.
I tried to keep my eyes open, but the darkness was too heavy.
I never thought opening my eyes would be painful, but yet here I was, groaning as I tried to peel my eyelids from my eyes.
Once I got them open, I looked around, wincing at the light exposure. I closed my eyes again, sighing as my head sank farther into what I guessed was a pillow.
"You're awake!" A bright voice said from beside me, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.
"Aina?" I groaned out, trying to open my eyes again. I cursed as the light hit my eyes, flinging my free hand over my face.
"Yeah babe, it's me. You had a nasty crash." She informed me, rubbing my hand.
"No shit, I thought I was on a nature hike."
"Shut up smartass, let me tell you what you fucked up this time." She said, slapping the back of my hand softly. I hummed, hand still over my eyes. "You banged your head on the wheel of the car, and you got a minor concussion. No damage to your brain thank god, but you won't be able to drive for about two weeks."
"What? Aina, no, I have to- I have to drive- I've gotta drive! I have that tournament- the tournament's in a week!" I said in a frenzy, trying to sit up and open my eyes. I heard the heart monitor's beeping get faster as I started to freak out.
"(Y/N), (Y/N), babe, calm down. Ok?" Aina put her hand on my chest, slowly pushing me down. "Come on hon, breathe with me, breathe with me." She breathed in slowly and I tried to mimic her actions. She let out her breath just as slowly and I did the same.
"See? Better right?" She asked after a few more deep breaths.
"Two weeks Aina? That's so long!" I exclaimed, disregarding her question.
"I know, I know." She said, kissing the back of my hand and rubbing my arm.
Racing was my life, two weeks away from it was heart wrenching. Pain twisted in my gut and I winced.
"Are you alright, what's happening?" She asked, a bit frantic.
"My stomach just hurts, it's alright." I told her, squeezing my eyes shut. The pain subsided and I sighed, relieved.
"Aina, was the other driver ok?" I asked, looking at her clearly for the first time. Her hair was a mess and she had no makeup on, making her look unusually natural. Usually she had her hair done and a full face of makeup, only because that's what she felt most like herself in, so it was strange to see her look so unhinged while we were in public.
"The other driver? You mean the one that hit you?"
"Yes! Was he ok?!" I exclaimed.
"Yes, he was fine. He was disqualified for hitting you on purpose, so he was upset about that, but he wasn't hurt." She explained.
"Thank god." I sighed, looking back up at the ceiling.
"You know, you're lucky Ingenium was in the crowd, or you would have been left in the car for a while longer." Aina scolded, ready to tell me how stupid I was for letting myself get hit.
"What do you mean?"
"Ingenium. He pulled you from the car, do you not remember?" She asked, concerned.
"No, I don't. I remember seeing him in the crowd before I crashed though." She hummed in thought.
"He ran from the stands to come and help, even rode with you in the ambulance. You need to tell me how the date went by the way, but now isn't the time." She chuckled at her own words.
"He rode with me in the ambulance?! So he's here right now?!" I asked, grasping her arm.
"God damn woman, yes! The paramedics had to practically pry you from him, and even then he was telling them to carry you 'gentler than that!'" She said, using a funny voice as Iida and chopping her arm through the air, making me laugh. "It was kinda cute."
"I'm glad you think so," said a voice from the door. We turned our heads to see Iida in the doorway, looking at us with his hands folded.
"You're awake."
Ohhhhhhh getting close to the end!
Just a reminder that I adore you all! 💞
Over and out.
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