𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 17
English is underlined.
Japanese is normal.
All thoughts are normal.
A/N: btw this is b4 tanjiro n shinobu talk on the roof 😛😱😱 also there is a paniky attack scene so ill put ⚠️😘 but it's kinda long so i recommend not rlly skipping.. dw 😖😖 daddy's home 😔😔
You walked down the hallway, managing to make your way to the main entrance.
It took a few minutes though, because your sense of direction is basically equivalent to Sanemi's love for Giyuu. (Nonexistent.)
You opened the shoji door as quietly as possible, not wanting to disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the Ubiyashiki mansion.
You glanced down, expecting to see Kiriya and Kanata, but they were no where to be found.
You frowned, missing their presence already while you closed the door behind you.
Your eyes trailed back up to in front of you, being met with ocean blue.
You flinch, not having heard him approach you at all. "Ah! H-hello, you are Giyuu Tomioka right?" You trembled, taking a small step backwards.
He seemed to realize the close proximity of you two and took a step backwards as well. "Yes."
"Well let's get going shall we! Lead the way! Oh, it's nice to formally meet you by the way.." You gave him a shaky smile, trying to be enthusiastic and not make things awkward.
He just nodded, turning around and jumping down from the engawa, to which you followed suit.
'I wish I could hear more of his voice dude it's so hotttt..'
The silence was pretty comfortable, you were kinda nervous but you didn't want to break the somewhat okay aura of you two so you kept quiet.
'Holy fuck this dude is so fucking fine.. the way I would let this man-'
It was now dark out, only the moonlight illuminated the pathway to the butterfly mansion.
You stayed close to Giyuu, terrified of what laid inside the blanket of darkness.
You heard a twig snap to your right, you both flinched. You grabbed onto the edge of his haori, seeking some form of comfort.
You didn't seem to notice but he did. He thought it was.. sweet. He was glad it was to dark to see his pink cheeks.
You both eventually saw the entrance of the butterfly estate, you let his haori go to enter but paused.
You turned around to meet his eyes for the first time since the beginning of your journey.
"U-um, thankyousomuchyourreallyreallyniceandimreallysorryforkickingyouintheballsihopewecanstillhavechildrentogetherokbye!" You waved and ran inside.
Giyuu stood there, trying to decipher your extremely fast and broken Japanese with a mix of English.
He got what you were trying to say for the most part.
You released a tense breath, closing the shoji sliding door behind you and leaning against it.
You took another deep breath before fully standing up. You were pretty tired, stumbling slightly into walls and stuff.
"FUCK- ow ow ow ow my fucking toe you fucking bitch!!" You whisper yelled, if you hadn't guessed then yeah, ya stubbed yur toe..
You slid down a wall, holding your foot in pain.
You sat there for awhile, you eventually released your throbbing foot. You rested your arms on your knees.
Your eyes watered while your nose scrunched, your eyebrows knit together.
'No.. don't cry. You can't cry like a baby.' You lifted your head up, taking deep breaths as you stared at the ceiling.
Nothing helped, tears streamed down your face. You just decided to put your head down again.
Just what the hell had you gotten yourself into? Your with the fucking hashira.. your becoming a motherfucking demon slayer..
Your going to be in real danger for the rest of your life not-life.
You miss your old life, you miss $$&#%>..
Wait.. who?
Who.. who do you miss..
"Oh my! What are you doing here in the hallway Y/N dear!" Shinobu suddenly appeared, kneeling in front of you.
You gasped, lifting your head up. You wiped your eyes of any remaining tears that hadn't fell into your lap.
That didn't stop the stains on your cheeks, as well as your red eyes and slightly puffy face.
Shinobu's eyes softened, sitting down next to you.
"I didn't- I didn't see you there! Um I dunno.." You had to clear your throat as it cracked mid-sentence.
"What's wrong, Y/N. You can talk to me.." Shinobu spoke quieter than before, easing you to open up.
"Shinobu, it's nothing. I can't.. I can't talk about it. Nobody would understand.." You didn't have to worry about being accidentally pick me because it was literally 1912..
"I would understand Y/N. And if I don't I will try to." She grabbed your hand.
"Well then tell me, why are you so angry?" You looked at her straight in the eye.
She recoiled back slightly in surprise, eyes widening. "I.. excuse me?"
You sadness turned to anger,"See? I can't understand you because I wasn't there." You stood up, causing her to stand up with you. "And you can't understand me so just leave me alone.."
You stormed past her, leaving her to bite her tongue while you slammed the door behind you.
Zenitsu jumped from his sleeping place, being easily disturbed due to his heightened hearing.
"AYEE- MONSTO- oh Y/N! Why did- why did you slam the door so loudly.." Zenitsu asked, still slightly half asleep.
You didn't answer, choosing to just jump onto your hospital bed between Tanjiro and Zenitsu. You laid on your side, facing away from Zenitsu.
"Y/N? Y/NNN-"
You turned around to face him, your face contorted into a glare. "Can you just be quiet and leave me alone? Your so annoying just shut up."
You turned back around, not looking at his face any longer.
Zenitsu stared at you wide eyed, never having experienced this much anger and hostility from you.
Your sound was so irritated and pissed off, but there was a hidden feeling of pain and agony in it as well.
He laid back down, he pursed his lips while his eyes watered with salty tears.
You woke up, your head pounding with an irritating headache. All the memories of what happened last night rushed back to your mind.
"Agh, fuck me." You groaned, guilt overtaking your body. You glanced over to Zenitsu sympathetically, seeing he was turned away from you, asleep.
You very quietly crept over to look at him, spotting the faint stain of tears on his face and pillow. Your eyebrows creased, feeling incredibly bad about yourself.
'Fuck what about Shinobu..' You dragged your hand across your face, glancing around the room and seeing Tanjiro's bed empty.
You stealthily snuck out of the room into the hallway, spotting Kanao. Your eyes lightened up, walking over to her.
"Hey! Kanao! Do you know where Shinobu is?" You asked softly, hoping she'd answer you.
She flipped her coin, it landing on tails. She smiled at you sweetly.
"Ughhhhh.. it's fine, it's fine. Can you tell me where she is not?" You smiled stupidly while she just smiled back.
You sighed in defeat, "It's fine Kanao, I hope we talk again soon!" You smiled genuinely, patting her shoulder before walking off.
You walked into a random room, finding the butterfly girls sitting in a circle on the floor talking. They all turned to you curiously.
"Hello girls! Do you happen to know where Shinobu is?" You smiled as kindly as you could, letting the girls relax.
"Ms. Shinobu is in her office! She's doing some experiments today!" Sumi answered enthusiastically.
"Do you mind telling me where her office is?" You tilt your head.
"Take a left down the hall and it's the second door on the right!" Kiyo smiled.
"Thank you girls so much!" You patted each of their heads softly, making their smiles impossibly wider.
You closed the door gently behind you, following the girls directions.
Before you took the left, you heard, or well, thought something.
'Hide your presence.' You squeaked, jumping slightly. 'GIVE ME A FUCKING WARNING?? WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN??'
'I've been.. busy.'
'Just do as I said darling.' The voice said sternly yet gently.
Your face color was somewhat on par with Tanjiro's hair, taking deep breaths to focus and calm your face down.
'You can't use those fucking words on me..'
The voice chuckled inside your head, 'LORDDD..'
'Nothing!! Anyway, have I done it yet?' Your face color was back to normal and you felt incredibly calm.
Your muscles relaxed and you felt as light as air. It felt like you were melting into the floor under you.
The voice sighed, 'Yes..'
'COOL 😘🤞!!'
You slid the shoji door open as quietly as possible, apparently not alerting Shinobu due to her being turned away from you.
Her hands shook while she injected herself with a purple liquid. She sucked in a breath through her teeth, scrunching her face.
You instantaneously understand what she was doing, your face contorting into a frown. "That'll kill you yknow.." You voiced your thoughts, barely above a whisper.
Shinobu gasped, dropping the syringe and swiftly turning around. "Y/N what the fuck!? What are you doing in here?!" She asked angrily as she grit her teeth.
'Wait did you make me do allat to look cool..'
'Man okay fuck you too.'
"Sorry." You weren't sorry.
She rubbed her temple with her hand, sighing. "Whatever."
"Hey I just wanted to say.. I'm sorry Shinobu." You stared into her purple eyes. "I wasn't thinking straight.. it was late and-"
"Y/N just don't." She looked to her feet, "What you said.. was wrong. You had no right to treat me like that when I was just trying to help you." She turned back to her desk.
You stared at her, mouth open. "What- what so you don't forgive me?! I could have just not apologized and said nothing!! And- and you don't appreciate what I've done for you?!" You yelled, anger blooming from your chest, reaching down to your toes and up to your head.
She snapped her head to you, "Don't speak to me that way!! I am older than you, don't treat me like that!" She yelled back.
"Yknow what, fuck you!! Fuck you Shino-!" You coughed out when Shinobu pinned you to the wall.
Despite being you being (taller/the same height/shorter) she managed to do it. You stared at her wide-eyed.
"Yknow L/N, sometimes you have to think about somebody other than yourself. Just because you managed to get those two things to like you doesn't mean your special. You have no right." Her eyes welled up with tears, taking her hands off of you.
"Now get the hell out of my office." She turned away from you, not letting you see the stray tear that fell from her eye.
You stared at her, tears streaming down your face with your lips parted. You left in a rush, slamming the door behind you.
You ran to the front door of the estate, walking outside. You were hyperventilating, you couldn't breathe.
You were dizzy, wobbling around the ground you walked on.
Hot. It was so fucking hot. Why was that? Right you were outside. Where were you?
You wiped the sweat from you forehead and cheeks. Wait was that sweat or tears?
You fell on your knees, there was no oxygen in your lungs. Your legs felt numb.
'Y/N, please calm down. It's okay-'
"Shut up." You whispered.
'Please Y/N I need you to calm-'
"SHUT UP!! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!! I DONT NEED YOUR FUCKING HELP!!" You screamed, (knotting/scrunching) your fingers in your (hair/hijab). You cried.
Your chest hurt, so did your stomach. Your ears rang.
You felt a hand on your back. Who's was that? A face came into view, it was a boy.
He had maroon hair and matching eyes. He had rectangle earrings with a design. You couldn't remember what they were called. Hanafuda was it?
He looked sweaty, like he just came back from training.
His eyebrows creased- he was saying something. You couldn't hear anything. He looked worried.
Tanjiro. Right. That's Tanjiro Kamado, from Demon Slayer.
Your now in your favorite TV show. It's been so long you've begun to forget. These are now real people with feelings, not just drawings on a screen anymore.
Tanjiro placed his hands on yours, letting you loosen your grip on your (hair/hijab). Both of them dropped to your side while you stared at Tanjiro.
"/N- Y/N breathe okay? Are you- oof!" You tackled him in a hug, sobbing into his warm shoulder.
After the initial surprise wore off, he wrapped his hands around you. He stroked your hair, whispering comforting words to you.
Your eyelashes fluttered, a sudden sleepiness taking over your mind. You close your eyes, drifting to sleep.
You opened your eyes instantly, in a pitch black room with no furniture.
Wait- it wasn't a room. It was boundless. You were in your mind.
In the corner of your eye you spotted a man, he had long, reddish hair tied up in a ponytail.
He was facing away from you, but you could clearly see he was a lean, tall man. He had a sword attached to his hip as well.
"Yorichii." You whispered, in disbelief.
"I- I didn't think I would see you.. again. At least in real life."
"This isn't real life. Your are sleeping. This is your mind."
There was a brief silence, thick with tension.
"I'm.. I'm so sorry Yorichii."
The man turned to look at you, revealing his sharp, blank eyes. Despite the blank look, there was a hidden hurt behind them.
He remained quiet, not letting his eyes land on you once.
"I.. I was so fucked up for saying that to you. You were just trying to calm me down, and I- I.. I.." You stumbled over your words, choking in your throat while tears welled up in your eyes.
You let out a sob, dropping to your knees. You heard him walk over to you, expecting him to kick you, hit you, yell.
But he picked you up and hugged you. "I- I didn't mean it Yorichii! I was just- I was just-" You cried into his shirt.
"I know, Y/N. It's okay."
★ When Zenitsu woke up he immediately started crying again.
★ Kanao and Aoi could hear yelling, but couldn't hear exactly what you were saying.
★ Tanjiro was strolling back in from early morning training he did by himself, when he saw you on your knees in the grass having a panic attack.
★ Shinobu cracked a glass later that day, thinking of you.
A/N: pls yall don't complain abt this chapter.. ik it's shitty but school just started 😥😥
also pls don't complain abt how y/n was bein selfish n shit.. she's kinda mentally ill yall.. like i said in the desc.. and also she has MAJOR trauma so that fucked her up royally 🤞🤞🤞
but other than that pls enjoy this chapter and srry 4 not updating 4 a month 🥰🥰👨🏻🦲😻😻😛😛
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