𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 16
English is underlined
Japanese is normal
All thoughts are normal
You finally calmed down and pinky promised you wouldn't attack Inosuke. Little did they know you crossed your fingers behind your back.
You were slightly panicking internally however, you had already changed the plot so much.
First of all.. your trial? That was not supposed to happen.. at all.
And you and Rui? And the wisteria house? Uh.. well it already happens! Shouldn't dwell on it now right? (Yes you should, you just want to avoid your problems.)
You also weren't allowed to see Koku or Rui.. LIKE BITCH??
Oh well.. you'll hopefully see them soon.
You were now braiding Tanjiro's hair, very tightly. He didn't complain though, it didn't hurt.. that much..
He was just happy you were spending time together, however there were some others that weren't as happy with that fact..
Zenitsu had steam blowing from his ears and nose, and wicked frown on his face.
You just hummed a made up tune, oblivious. "Yknow Tanjiro, your hair is very soft." You mumbled.
Tanjiro's face turned red at the simple compliment, "O-oh! Thank you Y/N! That's very kind of you!" He smiled, his heart warm.
Zenitsu started yanking his hair, mumbling things like "ehh why is a goddess like Y/N stooping to his level?" "why does he get to spend personal time with an angel?" "a deity like her deserves better.."
You finally noticed Zenitsu's babbling and turned towards him, "Do you want me to.. braid your hair too?" Your eyes became dotted.
Zenitsu practically leapt off the bed with joy, "Yes please!" He waited patiently like a puppy dog with an idiot smile on his face.
Tanjiro felt a slight swirling in his stomach, his eyebrows furrowed but he decided to brush off the feeling.
"Aaanddd, done!" You clapped your hands, touching the tiny braids that littered Tanjiro's head. They looked completely crazy.
You turned to Zenitsu, "Your tur-!" You were, quite rudely, interrupted by a crow.
'Ohhh shittt..'
"WHAT? NOOO Y/N HAS TO BRAID MY HAIR FIRSTTTT!!" Zenitsu sobbed, grabbing onto the butterfly estate's hospital uniform you were wearing.
You jumped, not expecting him to clutch onto you. "S-sorry Zenitsu! I have to go!" You tried to quickly pry him off, not wanting to keep the extraordinarily hot hashira waiting.
You looked at Tanjiro for help, he nodded making his braids bounce like crazy.
Much like the first scene the two demon slayers met, Tanjiro tore Zenitsu away from you.
You thanked Tanjiro, "Bye bye now!" You called out to the boys, blowing a kiss for them.
"Y/NNNNN!!" Zenitsu called for you, while Tanjiro just turned slightly red.
You quickly closed the door behind you, not knowing if you could take seeing Zenitsu begging for you to stay.
You quickly ran down the hallway, not really knowing where you were going.
You were about to turn a corner before Shinobu jumped out at you, "Boo!"
"AHHH-!" You fell backwards, heart racing.
She giggled, almost evilly. "Oh my! I must have given you quite the scare! Where are you off to in such a hurry?" She smiled, offering her hand to help you up.
You gladly took her hand in return, calming down from the unexpected scare she gave you. "I was called down to the Ubiyashiki estate.. Kyo-"
'Wait people go by last names here right.. HAVE I BEEN ACCIDENTALLY CALLING EVERYONE BY THEIR FIRST NAME!?'
You brushed off the thought, not wanting to seem weird for pausing in the middle of your sentence. "Rengoku is escorting me there."
Her smile slightly tightening, "Ah! I see.. well have a safe trip."
"Sorry to be a bother Kocho.. but do you know where the front door is?" You sweatdropped nervously.
"Oh my! You poor thing, of course I'll show you!" She smiled widely, taking your hand and started pulling you down the hallway.
You sighed in relief, not wanting to get lost in the massive mansion. You unconsciously squeezed Shinobu's hand.
You finally arrived at a door, assuming it was the front door you slipped your hand out of Shinobu's grip. She already missed the warmth.
"Thank you Kocho, I would have totally gotten lost if it weren't for you." You smiled gratefully.
"Of course darling! If you ever have any issues then just come to my office! Kanao or Aoi will show you." She turned around and started walking away.
You took a deep breath, turning towards the front door as you built up the courage to face the intense flame hashira.
You released your breath before sliding open the door.
You opened the door, squinting your eyes from the sudden bright sunlight that partially came from the hashira.
He stood with his hands on his hips, smiling brightly.
"Ah! You are Y/N L/N correct?" He turned his head towards you.
You squeaked, "Uh.. yes.. that's me." You we're a little shy around the extremely confident and positive hashira.
"Come with me! I shall lead you to the master's estate!" He started walking away, not looking to see if you were following him.
You quickly stumbled after him, not being able to match his quick walking pace.
"Th-thank you for taking the time to lead me here Rengoku." You thanked him.
"Ah! Call me Kyojuro! And of course! It was a simple favor for the master!"
"Oh! Please call me Y/N then!" You smiled (up/down) at him. The tips of his ears turned ever so slightly red.
You continued walking and talking until you arrived at the mansion. By the time you got there you had 'learned' about his brother, Senjuro, and his father that was a former hashira.
You had also 'learned' of his mother. As well as him training Mitsuri!
"Again! Thank you so so much for leading me here!" You bowed in gratuity. cough cough suck up cough..
"Of course! I do hope we meet again soon!" He smiled even wider if possible.
You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck, (having to go on your tippy toes/having to bend down), to bring him into a hug.
"See ya later!" You ran off to the engawa shown in the hashira trail, boosting yourself up onto it.
Kyojuro turned around, his smile immediately melting into a flustered mess. His mouth was pressed into a fine line with red cheeks, his stomach hurt and his chest felt fuzzy.
As you boosted yourself up onto the engawa you were met with two children, you recognizing them from the final selection arc.
"Kiriya and Kanata, right?" You smiled, crouching down to their level.
They both seemed to flinch, breaking their normally stoic and emotionless expression.
"Y-yes! That's right." Kanata answered.
"Ah! It's nice to formally meet you, I'm Y/N, as you might know. I hope we can be good friends!"
They both stared at you, probably not expecting the person who captured two of the twelve kizuki to be so nice.
"Th-the master said you may come in when you a-arrive.." Kiriya spoke somewhat shyly.
They both opened the door for you to enter. "Just go and take two lefts.." Kanata mumbled.
"Thank you very much you two!" You gave them both soft head pats before standing up from your crouching position, walking forward through the door.
Their chest's both felt fuzzy at your sisterly act, both smiling to themselves.
You heard the doors close behind you, your eyes look over the hallway put in front of you, going forward and following their directions.
All the hallways looked the same with sets of shoji doors.
You saw the next left turn some ways away, speeding up your pace.
To your luck, just as you turn the corner you bump into someone.
"Agh! Fuck bitch!" While you stumbled down onto your ass, the person you bumped into held his ground.
You looked up to meet turquoise, misted over eyes. "Watch where your going next time.." he mumbled.
"Ah! Wait! Your the mist pillar right?" You quickly stood yourself up, not wanting to miss an interaction with the pretty, yet mean, boy named Muichiro.
He turned his head to stare at you, studying your face.
"I.. I don't remember."
Your eyes became dotted, knowing of his dementia but not thinking it would be this bad at that moment.
You shook your head, pointing to a little card specially tucking into a pocket of his uniform. "Oh! Here it says, 'My name is Muichiro Tokito, mist hashira of the Demon Slayer Corp.'"
You straighten your posture, looking (up/down) at him with a smile. "So you are the mist hashira! Nice to meet you, uh- Tokito! My name is Y/N L/N!" You place your hands on your hips.
His eyes widen slightly, "You.. your that.. that girl. The girl that was like.. she was like a raccoon.. yeah." He slowly brought up his hand to weakly point at you.
You squeaked, freezing in your spot. "Wha- what do you mean by that?"
He stared at your for a second. "I think.. she was really.. loud and annoying.."
'First of all.. why is he talking about me like I'm not here? And REALLY? A RACCOON!?'
"And she seemed like she could fight if she needed too."
"A-ah! How.. fitting? Bitch how the fuck do I respond to that.."
"Oh I was just complimenting you!"
"So I should probably go.. the master is waiting for-"
"Oh also she was really cute."
"WHAT?!" You yelled, eyes practically popping out of their sockets.
"Wha- you- what do you- you don't- what the fuck.. what the fuck?"
"Who are you again?" He stared at you cluelessly.
You gave him a tight smile, not like he would notice. "It's Y/N L/N! I have to go now Tokito, have a good day okay!"
You took his hand in both of yours, nodded at him before taking off down the hallway.
He stared at your retreating figure as you reached the master's door.
He kept the hand you had held in the air, staring at it with a pink dusting his cheeks and ears.
He swiftly put his hand down and turned the opposite way of you, walking down the hallway to the entrance of the estate.
He tried to ignore the butterflies in his stomach, they quickly disappeared by the time he got to the door though.
He had forgotten what just happened, but slightly reminisced the feeling he got in his stomach. He ever so slightly missed it in the back of his mind
You ran down the hallway, leaving Muichiro behind. You quickly knocked on the door, hoping you didn't make the master to mad at your late arrival.
"Come in." You heard a calm voice call out. You gently opened the door to the master's room, your eyebrows creased in anxiety.
The master sat at a table with a tea kettle, two cups filled with green tea. There was still steam flying off the liquid.
You sat down at the wooden table, one cup of tea in front of you and one in front of him.
You sat on the right end of the table, and to your right was another engawa. The door was opened which allowed you to see the beautiful scenery of the outdoors.
A small pond with a miniature waterfall, and green grass and shrubs. A tree with lush leaves and strong branches, rose bushes surrounding the area. There were lily pads resting on the pond as koi fish swam around under them.
Squirrels and chipmunks rested on the sturdy branches, the sky was turning an orangy and purple mix with creamy clouds littering the sky.
There was a slight warm breeze being led into the room, it was overall an extremely calming sight to see.
"Good evening, Y/N. I'm glad you could make it." Ubiyashiki took a sip of his tea, placing it back in front of him.
"Thank you for inviting me, I apologize for my late arrival." You bowed your head slightly at him, despite knowing he couldn't see.
As if sensing your anxiousness, he spoke. "Please, do not stress. You were not late whatsoever. So please, don't panic over something so trivial."
You rose your head, smiling at the blind man. "Thank you, Ubiyashiki."
"Kagaya is just fine, I would like to consider us friends Y/N."
"Of course. If you do not mind me asking, why have you brought me here?" You tilted your head the right in slight confusion.
"Ah, yes. My apologies, but we must continue with the agreed upon terms of allowing the two kizuki to live."
You tensed up, sweat dripping from your brow. "Yes I do remember now. Will you allow me to inject lowermoon five first with what Lady Tamayo gave me? It's just to.. uh, bring him out of Kibutsuji's control."
Kagaya's blind eyes widened for a fraction of a second. "You.. have injections from Tamayo?"
"W-well yes! I already used one on uppermoon one, which is why he doesn't have the kanji in his eyes anymore.. did I not tell you..?" You smiled nervously.
There was a slight pause, before Kagaya started laughing quietly. He covered his mouth with his hand, clearing his throat before speaking. "It's alright. We know now right? Moving on, Sanemi Shinazugawa has volunteered for the test of the two kizuki. It will be similar to what Nezuko went through."
You nodded your head, but you remembered he couldn't see so you responded. "Mhm."
"But unlike Nezuko's, there will be numerous parts of the test. I apologize but I must refrain from telling you."
"That's alright Kagaya." You saw his smile ever so slightly widen when you called him by his first name.
"It will take place tomorrow night. It will be taken in the same place we had yours and Tanjiro Kamado's trial."
"Alright, am I responsible for bringing the demons? Or will a Kakushi bring them?"
"A Kakushi will. Now Y/N there is something else I would like to talk to you about."
"What is it?"
"If in the trial all goes well, which I assume it will, how would you feel about becoming a demon slayer?" Kagaya's calm voice seemed to echo throughout the room as you immediately were launched into thought.
'A demon slayer? Bro I literally collect demons for a living.. it would give me more main character vibes though- no shut up you attention whore.. ughh I don't fucking know!!'
Despite your inner turmoil you responded with one word, "Sure."
Kagaya smiled, clapping his hands together once. "Great. Final selection takes place one week from now. I already believe in your natural ability, but I still believe it best to train. So you will train with all available hashira after the trial. Of course if all goes well."
You slightly sweatdropped, you think he already knew what you were going to say.
"Okay! Thank you." You tried to reply enthusiastically, but it was kind of hard because all of what he said sounded like a lot of work.
You hate work.
"Amazing. You are now excused, thank you for the talk."
You perked up, "O-of course! Thank you for inviting me!"
Kagaya spoke, "The water pillar, Giyuu Tomioka will escort you back to the butterfly estate."
"Cool! Thanks!" You stood up, opening the door before giving him a goodbye. "Thank you, Kagaya! I do hope we get to have more talks like this!" You then closed the door softly, leaving Kagaya with slightly wide eyes.
His surprised expression quickly melted to a smile, content. He was happy he could still have talks like that, knowing soon he would be to diseased to even sit up.
★ Later, Muichiro remembered somebody with E/C eyes.. they were very pretty.
★ Rengoku thought you were very pleasant to talk to and look at. He later went home to tell Senjuro about you.
★ Muzan has already ordered all uppermoons to search for you, and has killed all lowermoons, assuming Rui is dead. (bitch u dumb asf..)
sorry this took so long to come out my pookie wookie shnookums honey bear rainbow fishy with whipped creams and extra cherry on tops 😘😘
this chapter kinda feels like a filler ngl but it was nessacary
ended up using voice to type.
at least we got to talk 2 a bunch of cutie pies 😻😻
stay safe y'all bcuz my mom wouldn't let me get that pink sparkly taser (pls mom pretty pls)
love u guys have a great day/nighttttt!!
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