Chapter Twenty-Nine
“There’s no reason to be scared,” murmurs Emery, taking my hand in his. “I’ll be careful.”
I give him a look. “You and careful aren’t exactly good friends.” Emery laughs and I roll my eyes.
“Come on, River. It’s not that bad.”
I don’t have much of a choice as he pulls me towards his motorcycle and makes me climb on the back. He places a black helmet on my head and I narrow my eyes. I must look absolutely ridiculous.
“You look cute,” Emery says, placing a quick kiss on my cheek. He puts on his own helmet and kicks the kickstand out of the rough driveway. My parents watch with smiles from the front porch, happy to see us getting back to normal. It’s been over a month since everything happened and all loose ends have been tied.
“You’re a liar,” I smirk, as Emery climbs on the front of the motorcycle. It rumbles to life and I wrap my arms gently around Emery’s stomach, ready to hold on for dear life. His ribs are still sore and so is his stab wound; however he doesn’t mind pushing his luck like he is now. I guess I am too with my broken ankle but it’s not like I’m walking.
“Ready?” Emery asks, turning his head sideways to see me. I glance towards my parents. My mom grins and my dad gives us a thumbs up.
“I guess so,” I sigh, however before I can finish my sentence, we’re already speeding out of the driveway. By the time we get to the road I’m already gripping Emery so tightly he has to pry my hands loose.
“Drive with both hands!” I yell nervously, only making me grip him harder.
If I could see Emery right now, I’d bet he’s rolling his eyes. I try to do my best to be brave as we speed down the road. My hair flies behind me in the wind while I press my right cheek into the top of Emery’s back. I watch the snowless fields zoom past us, no longer winter but now spring.
By the time we reach Mary’s, I’m screaming. It’s not scared screaming though, even though I’m completely terrified. I’m yelling because somehow I’m actually having fun. Emery pulls us into her driveway to turn around when she runs out with her parents. Now that you mention it, the motorcycle is pretty loud. Loud enough that they could probably hear it when it started at my house.
“You’re crazy!” Laughs Mary, grinning. Her mother gives a small smile and a wave along with her father. It’s not exactly the same as it was before, but it’s an improvement to things going back to normal with them.
“Come over!” I shout back. Mary looks to her father excitedly and he shrugs, digging his truck keys out of his pocket. They head towards his truck while Emery pulls us back onto the road. Soon we’re speeding down the road already leaving the truck in our dust. By the time we’re back in my driveway, the truck still hasn’t caught up.
“How was that?” Smiles my dad, walking towards us as Emery and I take off our helmets. He cuts the engine and climbs off the motorcycle.
“Great,” he grins, as Mary’s truck pulls in our driveway. My dad looks genuinely surprised to see Mr. Smith climb out of the truck, sporting a shy smile. I am too, as he hasn’t been to our house since before the incident in the barn.
“It’s been too long,” Mr. Smith sighs, slightly awkward. He walks towards my dad with his hand held out for a handshake.
Suddenly I’m losing my balance as Mary yanks my arm. I climb off the motorcycle before I can fall and Mary hands me my crutches. Before I can even get a good grip, she's dragging me towards the barn. Emery laughs, not following as he pushes the motorcycle towards the shed.
“How is he?” Mary asks, as we step into the barn, our arms linked together. I don’t have time to respond as she runs towards Patch’s stall and heads in, wrapping her arms around his neck. He neighs happily as I rest my arms on the stall door and rest my chin on my hands.
Patch looks extremely well for his condition. Mary had called the vet as soon as she ran into the barn and he showed up immediately. If he hadn’t, we wouldn’t have Patch standing in front of us. On his stomach is a bandage wrapped all the way around to protect the healing wound from getting infected.
I could never stand losing Patch. He’s the only part of my sister that I have left and without him, I don’t know what I would do. I know he has to leave at some point, however it can’t be now. My dad’s happy he’s alive, however the vet bills are ridiculous and I don’t know how much longer we can pay for them. I push the worrying thought away and gently stroke Patch’s nose.
“We should go for a ride after dinner,” I suggest to Mary, who refuses to let go of Patch. “You can ride Dawn or Dusk, even Silver if you want to.”
Mary looks upset for a minute and then her lips turn into a smile. “Sure, I’ll ride Dawn.”
“Dinner’s ready.” Mary and I turn to Emery who strolls into the barn, his hands in his pockets. Despite everything that has happened, he still fails not to look absolutely gorgeous. It doesn’t matter if it’s early in the morning or late at night; he always looks perfect to me.
Mary kisses Patch’s nose before exiting the barn. She links her left arm through mine and I grab Emery’s. The three of us head towards the house when I turn to look at Emery.
“Up for a ride after dinner?” Really we both shouldn’t be doing anything in our injured state however if we only walk it shouldn’t be that bad.
“Sure,” he smiles back. “Can I have Midnight?” I tell him sure and grin. Ever since they first met, Midnight has liked Emery more than any other person, including me.
In the house, my parents are already sitting at the table, surprisingly with Mr. Smith. He gives me a small smile as we take our seats at the table. It's slightly crowded, however we fill our plates nevertheless. By the time we're eating, the whole table is filled with people talking.
“So River,” Mr. Smith says, turning my attention to him. “Are you planning on going to University next year?”
His question catches me off guard. I haven’t even thought about it. Homeschooling hasn’t been very frequent with everything that’s been going on, so I haven’t even thought about it. I assume Mary’s going but she hasn’t said anything to me.
I open my mouth to answer and when nothing comes out, my father answers for me. “I hope so, however we might have to delay it half a year or so with everything that’s happened.” Mr. Smith nods, chewing his dinner thoughtfully. Next he turns to Emery with a small smile on his face.
“What about you, Emery? Any plans?”
Now Emery is caught off guard. He freezes, speechless, his fork halfway between his mouth and plate. I know Mr. Smith is trying his hardest to make amends, however no one has the answer to his questions.
“I think University isn’t exactly an option,” Emery explains, regaining his composure and setting his fork on his plate. “I don’t have the money for it right now.” He doesn’t mention the schooling either, however I know my dad could get him through what he missed in a matter of months.
“Nonsense,” my mother scolds, smiling at Emery. “You’re part of the family and you don’t have to worry about money.” My dad smiles at my mom and so do I. It’s the most she’s said to Emery to include him in our lives. Even though she’s been keeping mostly to herself, I know she has a soft spot in her heart in thinking of Emery like a son.
We continue eating while I think about the future. Emery going off to school would be strange, just like if I was. Deep down, I really haven’t thought about what I want to do with my life. Right now I really don’t want to go to school if I don’t have plans for the future. Before, I wanted to go off to College or University to escape my boring farm life, but now I don’t want to leave. More importantly, I don’t want Emery to leave either.
The thoughts are still troubling me while I slowly ride Silver. Emery sits comfortably on Midnight on my left while Mary and Dawn are on my right. The sun is starting to set, casting a glow across the grassy fields.
“Things are so different now,” Mary says, staring up at the sky. “If you told me that this is where I would be right now a year ago, I wouldn’t believe you.”
“I know what you mean,” I sigh, thinking about how one person can change your entire life. “But I think it’s for the better.” I turn to Emery and smile at him. He reaches in the space between us and holds his hand open. I intertwine my fingers with his and he grins.
“Me too.” He moves Midnight closer to Silver and leans over. He gently presses his lips to mine and the world melts away. Well, maybe it only starts to melt before we’re brought back into reality.
“Rimery!” Mary shouts, causing Emery and I to part, but only slightly. “You’re both adorable and all, but I’m seriously feeling like a third wheel.”
Emery and I laugh, as Mary rolls her eyes. He gently kisses me again, then pulls back and kisses the tip of my nose.
“Get a room, Rimery!” Mary calls, galloping away on Dawn. She’s halfway across the field when Emery gives me a look.
Our faces are only inches apart as laugh. “It’s our names combined into a pet name,” I sigh, letting Mary have this after all she’s done for us.
“I like it,” Emery smiles, and I give him a strange look. “I think it’s cute. But not as cute as you!” He kisses the tip of my nose again and I blush.
“That doesn’t sound like something Emery Hastings would say.”
“Well I’m a different Emery Hastings,” he smirks, his eyes meeting mine. They look bright, happy and almost sparkle as he speaks.
“How so?” I ask, with raised eyebrows.
“Because I’m in love.” His lips gently brush mine and I can’t help but smile.
“Emery Hastings,” I murmur, pulling back slightly and pressing my forehead against his. “I love you more than you can ever imagine.”
“Well,” Emery murmurs back with a smirk. “I think I have somewhat of an idea.”
“What makes you think that?” I ask curiously.
“Because you’re the only person in my life who has changed me for the better. With you, I’m a better person and I love who I am with you.” He kisses my smiling lips before pulling back only slightly. The whole world feels like it floats away. The sound of the birds, the horses and even Mary calling to us in the distance all fades into quiet. As Emery speaks, I realize that he’s the only one I’m ever meant to be with.
“River Snow,” he whispers, his lips gently brushing mine. “I am completely, hopelessly in love with you.” He lowers his voice to a sound almost inaudible as he breathes his words. “You are nothing short of my everything.”
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