Chapter 4
Chapter 4
The nightmare again, Rebecca thought as she stared up at the burning sky. Why, she kept thinking to herself, why do I keep having this same nightmare? Again she felt herself falling towards the blackened ground, the ring she wore rolling away from her. That's when she heard her name being called, a sharp voice screaming her name. She tried to turn to look in the direction of the voice, but something grabbed the back of her dress, pulling her up. She screamed in terror as the white, skull-like face loomed in front of her, brandishing a knife. She didn't feel it stab her, but her body sagged, and she collapsed to the floor, her vision blurring. She took in one final ragged breath, seeing a bright flash of green, a shadow running towards her, before blackness.
Moaning, she opened her groggy eyes, trying to make sense of everything. Again, she remembered where she was, the stark whiteness of the cell walls and the faint yellow glow of the light barrier reminded her she was in Asgards prison. She tried to move but realized she couldn't move at all. Confused, she glanced at her wrists and soon saw why. The bracelets she wore where locked, chained, to the foot of the bed where she was forced to sit up against, forced apart. She tried tugging at them but they didn't give, remaining tight, leaving her trapped.
Rebecca looked over and saw Loki sitting in one of the chairs in the cell, feeling herself fill with hatred. He'd somehow knocked her out for trying to escape, and now yet again she was his prisoner. She tried to shout at him, but only a muffled grunt came out. Half confused, she tried to speak, but realised she couldn't, as only a muffled mumble came out. Rebecca found herself panicking now, as she couldn't open her mouth at all, something she couldn't see was stopping her. Loki had heard her pleads of help and chuckled, throwing aside the book he'd been reading, getting up slowly and walking over to her.
"My dear Rebecca, did you honestly think I would let you get away after pulling a stunt like that?", he chuckled darkly as he knelt down in front of her. She glared daggers at him, and moved her head aside when he tried to cup her cheek. His nostrils flared with annoyance, and he sharply grabbed hold of her chin, causing her to gasp in pain. "You should be flogged for trying to escape so foolishly. I told you what you had to do to escape, but you failed!", he snarled, holding her tight as he stared into her scared eyes. She squirmed, trying to pull herself out of his grasp, her hands tugging frantically at her chains but Loki kept his grip firm. Eventually, he finally let go of her chin, grasping hold of the muzzle covering her mouth, before pulling it off her. She gasped, gulping in air, her eyes firmly fixed on Loki's, looking worried. He bit his lip, sighing before getting up and walking over to the barrier, placing his hands behind him, the muzzle still in his hand.
"I'm sorry", Rebecca muttered weakly after a few minutes of deadly silence between them, her eyes unwavering off Loki's turned head. "You could have been killed", he spat coldly, his voice barely above a whisper, looking out of his cell. "Well what choice did I have? I tried to do what you said but I still ended up trapped in here, and it wasn't as if you were going to come up with any other smart idea!", she spat at him, feeling the hatred bubble inside her. He turned sharply to look at her, his eyes blazing. "And who's fault is that? You had plenty of time to escape through the gap, but instead you were too satisfied watching me suffer!", he snarled angrily, his chest heaving. "I never said that I wanted to see that!", she snapped back at him horrified. Loki clenched his jaw, his eyes firmly fixed on hers. "Then tell me, Rebecca, why you stood there for a good minute just watching me being beaten by those ungodly guards instead of walking straight out of the open barrier to your freedom?", he challenged, stalking back over to her slowly.
She gulped, her mind racing to come up with some kind of answer. "Because I didn't want you to get killed", she said nervously, her voice wavering. "Then why didn't you stop them?", he questioned, his eyes growing in anger the closer her came. "I-I couldn't have stopped-", she stuttered before Loki swiftly cut her off. "Then why did you stay?", he roared, causing her to flinch. She sat there trembling as he knelt down in front of her, feeling the anger radiating off him. She swallowed, looking deep into his powerful green eyes, fighting her emotions inside her. "I stayed because I love you, Loki", Rebecca muttered, finally giving into the truth that her heart ached to tell him. Loki's face softened slightly as he looked at her, frowning. "You love me?", he asked confused. She nodded, feeling herself tense as he moved himself closer to her, pulling her legs up closer to her, suddenly feeling vulnerable. "And why would a mortal like you, be in love with a God like me?", he chuckled, as he reached his hand up and stroked her cheek, her trembling for the first time in a while under his cold touch. "Back on earth, when you kidnapped me, I hated you. But you were hurt, under some kind of spell, you didn't mean to do all those horrible things. You're a good person Loki. You infected my mind, you stole my heart. I've never felt like this about anyone before". Loki chuckled, his hand trailing down her neck, making Rebecca tremble, toying with the necklace just above her low dress chest line. "So you have fallen in love with me, a monster, and what? You expect me to love you in return?", he asked, a hint of menace in his voice.
It was the first time since Rebecca had come to Asgard that she felt genuinely afraid now, and of Loki, the man who owned her heart. He let his hand stroke down her arm to her cuffed hand, her body tensing under his touch. His slender fingers traced across her fingers, and she twitched them away from him, causing him to frown further. His dark green eyes flickered to hers, and she gulped, afraid of the beast hidden behind them. He leant forward closer to her, causing Rebecca to push herself further back against the foot of the bed. A sly grin crept across his lips, as he leant forward, his breath blowing down her neck as he whispered into her ear. "I will never love a mortal", he whispered, his voice sending shivers down her spine as she felt her heart break.
"What? But, no! W-what about the kiss you gave me back on earth, or when you said you'd protect me?", Rebecca said startled, unable to take in what she was hearing. Loki sighed, grasping her wrist making her gasp, taking her by surprise. "You mortals are so weak and easy to manipulate. I knew that once I had infected your mind, all I would need to do would be to whisper sweet words into your ear and you would do anything I said, no questions asked", he snarled, squeezing her wrist. "Please, Loki stop!", Rebecca cried, shaking, trying to pull away from him, her hands trapped in the chains. Loki grinned, then slammed his lips forcefully onto Rebecca's, causing her to scream into his throat, taken by surprise. She tried to pull her head away but Loki growled and wrapped his fingers around her throat, choking her, pulling her closer to him, forcing to keep her lips against his no matter how hard she tried to pull away. Rebecca tried to kick her legs out at Loki in frustration and fear, to make him stop, but he climbed on top of her, trapping her legs underneath him as he straddled on top of her. She refused to open her lips to him, no matter how forcefully his silver tongue pressed against her. He snarled, biting her lip, weaving his hand into her hair, yanking it sharply, causing her to yelp in pain. He seized the moment and pushed his tongue inside, her squealing and squirming in his grasp. Rebecca tried with all her might to pull away, but Loki kept his grip firm, devouring her. She couldn't control the small moan that escaped her lips, and Loki chuckled forcing his tongue in deeper. Her insides wriggled in protest, forcing herself not to enjoy this lustful anger that was boiling inside her. Rebecca bit down hard, straight onto Loki's lip, and he recoiled in pain, sharply bringing his hand striking down across her face. Tears escaped her eyes, her eyes wide in fear as she sat trembling, her cheek stinging from Loki's slap. He sat there, his eyes blazing at her, his hand pressed against his bloody lip.
"You are pathetic. I should have killed you when I had the chance", he snarled, his chest heaving in anger, his dark hair ragged and a mess. He grabbed hold of the muzzle and against Rebecca's pleads and cries for help, forced it onto her, gagging her. She glared at him angrily as he picked himself up off her, slicking his hair back, sighing in frustration. No matter how much Rebecca pleaded to him, pulling against her restraints to get his attention, he didn't turn around, just stood there, his shoulders rising up and down, his back turned to her. The tears streamed down Rebecca's cheeks, her chest heaving as she pulled with all her might against her bound chains, but still they didn't give. Her breathing became ragged when she finally realised the truth, and broke down into uncontrollable tears; she was trapped with a monster. Trapped, and at his mercy, unable to escape. She didn't want to be here anymore; he'd used her and manipulated her feeling and emotions just so he could get what he wanted.
A loud creaking from outside the cell caught Loki's attention and he stepped up towards the light barrier, looking out. That's when Rebecca had to hold in the scream that threatened to escape her, as now she wasn't alone. Appearing out of thin air standing near her was the blue dressed woman, Frigga, Loki's mother. Loki was too busy occupying himself with what seemed to be happening outside to even notice her arrival. She stood there, watching her son, her eyes sad for a while before seeing Rebecca on the floor caught her attention. She smiled weakly, before bending down and gently removing the muzzle off her, pressing her finger to Rebecca's lips for her to remain silent. She nodded, before then watching Frigga flick her wrist, and the gag disappeared.
"Odin continues to bring me new friends. How thoughtful", Loki smugly commented as he watched a patrol of guards escorting some prisoners pass by the cell outside, his hands behind his back. Frigga smiled, obviously missing the sound of his voice as it broke the awkward silence. "The books I sent. Do they not interest you?", She asked calmly as she glanced her eyes around the cell, noticing them scattered around. Loki turned back around, and immediately his eyes softened upon seeing her, but he still kept his strong posture the same to hide it. "Is that how I'm to while away eternity? Reading?", he asked smugly, his eyes glaring at Rebecca as he strolled over to Frigga, emphasizing on how long she is trapped here which made her gulp. Frigga sighed, obviously used to Loki's cockiness and way with words. "I've done everything in my power to make you comfortable Loki", she said gently, but firmly, her eyes offering some reassurance to him, but her voice stern.
"Have you? Does Odin share your concern? Does Thor?", he challenged, leaning over a chair at her, almost spitting their names out. "It must be so inconvenient them asking after me day and night", he mocked trailing off looking into the distance, almost as if the idea amused him. Frigga tutted, raising an eyebrow at him, saying sternly, "You know full well it was your actions that brought you here". Loki snapped out of his little day dream, looking hurt. "My actions?", he chuckled lightly, gesturing to himself. "I was merely given truth to the lie I had been fed my entire life. That I was born to be a king", he replied, his jaw set in annoyance as his eyes scanned the scum of prisoners passing by, not looking at his mother. "A king?", Frigga said a little surprised. "A true king admits his faults. What of the lives you took on earth?", She challenged him, giving him a typical mothers scold in her tone. "A mere handful compared to the number that Odin has taken himself", Loki immediately replied without hesitation, his tone annoyed as he looked at her sternly, his jaw clenching. "Your father-", Frigga began, as if beginning a regular lecture, but was cut short by Loki. "HE'S NOT MY FATHER!", he roared, his eyes flashing in anger, causing both Frigga and Rebecca to flinch.
In the silence that followed, Frigga's eyes broke, all the love that was once there, hurt. "Then am I not your mother?", She asked calmly, her voice so gently that even Rebecca could feel the hurt in it. Loki stood there, his chest heaving in rage, before his eyes softened, realizing what he'd said. His mind struggled for words, seeing his world tumble down in front of him. "You're not", he stuttered, his eyes a flicker of fear and hurt as the twisted grin that was on his face vanished. She chuckled, as if trying to hide the hurt, walking closer to Loki who stood frozen on the spot, his face pale. "You're always so perceptive, about everyone but yourself", Frigga said to Loki, as if trying to teach him something he should already know. She held out her hands to him, a small smile of comfort and affection on her lips. His bottom lip quivered, and he shook his head sadly, knowing he could never take back what he'd just said. With his eyes breaking, he looked into her beautiful eyes, before placed his hand through hers, causing her illusion to vanish. With one last look, Loki's eyes welled in tears as he watched Frigga vanish, her hurt eyes being the last lingering image to disappear from him.
Loki stood there, his shoulders shaking, his eyes fixed on the spot where Frigga's had disappeared. His eyes glazed over, and a small single tear rolled down his cheek. In that moment, just for a brief second, Rebecca didn't see the powerful God of Mischief, but a small hurt child, his heart broken. He closed his eyes and flicked his wrist, a flash of green emerging from it. One of his many illusions stood walking up and down alongside the barrier, glaring at the guards who passed, none of them looking at the broken Loki but his illusion threateningly instead.
Rebecca knew not to say anything, she didn't dare want to feel Loki's rage again. She watched him, as he sank down to sit cross-legged on the floor, holding his head in his hands, his shoulders shaking. She thought she could hear him weeping, but thought better about it. She bit her lip, in thought, her mind wanting to say something, anything. "She loves you", Rebecca whispered quietly, trying to reassure Loki. She didn't know why she was doing it though, considering he had attacked her not long before, but something was different about him now; Loki was broken.
"How would you know? Why would you even care?", he snapped at her, not even lifting his head. She gulped, shifting herself awkwardly. "She does Loki. Look, I don't know what's happened between you, or even anything about you, but I know a mother's love when I see it", she said gently, carefully choosing her words. He sniffed, and glanced up at Rebecca, seeing the care in her eyes. He quickly wiped his eyes before looking away, twisting his hands uncomfortably. Rebecca sighed, before slumping back against the bed, letting the awkward silence fill the cell again.
"I'm not Asgardian", Loki said quietly after a time, his eyes watching his illusion pace up and down. "And that's a bad thing?", Rebecca asked, snapping back to reality, realising he was talking to her. His eyes snapped at her and his jaw tightened, clenching his fists in his lap. She held up her hands quickly, meaning no harm by her comment. He sighed, biting his lip. "Why should I even tell you? You're a mortal, you'll never understand", he muttered, glancing away again, his shoulders sagging. "I think you would be surprised. Not every family is perfect Loki, not even mine", Rebecca said reassuringly. "What, even to discover that your family had lied to you, betrayed you?", Loki asked, his voice hard as if the thoughts were poisonous to him. "Yes, because my family are not real either", she whispered sadly, trying to hide her tears.
Rebecca sighed, looking at Loki who stared back just as curiously as she was. "Tell me", he asked, no force in his voice, but some calmness. "I wasn't suppose to find out, about my family. They never wanted to tell me the truth, in case it hurt me". Loki nodded understandingly, gesturing for her to continue. "I was doing background research on my family tree for a school project, and I'd managed to find my parents birth certificates, marriage certificate, everything. Only when I looked, I couldn't find anything about me, not until I was a year old, which is when my name first began to appear on documents. So I asked them". Loki sat looking curiously at Rebecca before shrugging, "Is that it?". She shook her head, and took a deep breath; it was actually making her want to cry, but she didn't want to do that.
"They said there must have been some mistake, and so rejected me ever asking them again. But I compared their genes with mine, and there was no match at all. I was biologically not their child. That's when I realised I was adopted". Rebecca finished and looked over at Loki, who wasn't sat there smug as she'd thought, but with sadness in his eyes. "I'm so sorry. It must have been horrible for you not knowing who your real family are", Loki said glancing away, shuffling his hands nervously.
"Mine is the same also, as you might have worked out", Loki said careful as Rebecca nodded. "Mine was accidentally, as if it hadn't been for my stupid brother I don't think I would have known". As he said this, Loki looked down at his left hand, his fingers tracing across his pale veins on his wrist. "I'm a Frost Giant, a Jotun. A breed of monsters that my father- ... Odin, wanted dead", he said sadly, turning his nose up in disgust. "My real father was Laufey, king of the Jotuns". "Laufeyson?", Rebecca said, remembering how Loki had reacted at the guard calling him that. He nodded, holding up his left hand for Rebecca to see. She watched, transfixed, as his skin turned an icy blue, dark lines and markings scratched along his skin, matching the lines on his left sleeve of his dark green dressing gown jacket. His eyes tinted a deep blood red, before he blinked, them turning back to their deep green, his skin returning back to its pale tone. "I was no more than another stolen relic", he said sadly, a slight anger in his voice.
"At least you know who your parents were", Rebecca muttered just loud enough for him to hear as she became lost in her thoughts. She missed her family, her fake family, but somewhere out there, someone must know who here real family is. Loki sighed, looking sadly at Rebecca as she was lost in thought; he didn't know what to feel, anger, sadness, loneliness, betrayal, revenge? Somehow, that didn't matter to him, as right there and then, all he could feel was her suffering.
He picked himself up off the floor, and snapped his fingers. Rebecca's chained hands fell limp at her side, taking her by surprise. "W-what are you doing?", She asked rather nervously as Loki came over and offered out his hand. "You must be tired. You can sleep on the bed tonight, there is plenty of room", he said simply, trying to sound gentlemanly. Her eyes instantly grew wide in fear at his suggestion, but he quickly corrected himself. "Oh no, I'm not meaning we sleep together, I mean that you sleep on one side, and I will stay on the other side and not touch you". Again, she looked at him uncertainty as she rubbed her wrists. He sighed, rolling his eyes, before finally looking at her sincerely. "I promise Rebecca, I will not harm you or touch you, and if I do... then you may kill me willingly. I will not fight against you". She bit her lip, her hand wavering as she thought.
Eventually, she decided, and took his hand as he helped her up off the floor. Although it didn't feel like she'd been down there long, her legs felt weak underneath her and she fell into Loki's chest. He gently put his arms around her, sweeping her up off her feet, before laying her down gently on one side of the bed. Although her body was tense from Loki holding her and fearing he would trick her, she instantly felt tired the second her back rested against the soft bed. Loki carefully conjured up a soft black fur throw and placed it beside her, before walking over to the other side of the bed. Rebecca pulled the fur around her and within seconds her eyes dropped, and she fell asleep. Loki sat down on the bed beside her, just watching her sleep, her chest slowly rising, the faint frown on her brow as she slept. He shook his thoughts away and laid back, lying beside her, before snapping his fingers, causing his illusion to fade and the brightness of the cell to dim. "Goodnight, Rebecca", he muttered quietly, before he too closed his eyes and fell asleep, Frigga's final words echoing in his mind.
Authors Note : Hi everyone, thank you so much for reading the next chapter. I really struggled to write this as between being ill and working, it has been hard. I hope you all like it. please comment, vote, share, etc and tell all your friends please.
I will be going into hibernation for a few days now for much needed sleep, but after that I will work on the next part
Thank You
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