Chapter 11
Rebecca caught herself smiling like a kid at Christmas, she couldn't believe when she'd just done, and immediately began focusing again to try and control it. Loki knew that it would keep her busy for a while, so resumed his cup tossing, until there was an unearthly rumble from inside the prison, and the cell lights flickered. Rebecca let the ball which she'd had hovering in mid air fall with a clang to the cell floor, before looking at Loki a little confused. "That wasn't me, was it?", she asked. Loki knew exactly what the noise and disturbance was; the marauders had grown tired, and decided that now, they wanted to get out. The prison break had begun.
A small smirk crept across his lips as Loki lay there, listening to the sound of the commotion outside the prison cell increase, knowing that soon it wouldn't be long before the guards came down to inspect he was still there. But something didn't feel right. The prisoners themselves were screaming, as if in fear, but above all of that he could clearly make out the terrified shouts of the guards. Perhaps this was a bit more serious than Loki first thought. Placing the cup down, Loki sat up to try and look out in the direction of the commotion. "Loki, what is it?", Rebecca asked a little fearful, following his gaze as she wrapped her arms around her to try and give her some comfort.
Echoing down the corridor came a deafening roar which made Rebecca jump in alarm, suddenly very terrified. Despite his calm, even unaffected posture, Loki suppressed the little bit of fear that began to grow inside him. He knew one of the marauders was not all he seemed when he'd been brought past his cell with the other inmates. Now it seemed, his true identity had been revealed, and what a monstrous creature he sounded like. Perhaps his chances of escape were all the more promising. "Loki I-I'm scared", Rebecca stuttered, terrified as she looked at him, her eyes wide. "Nothing can harm us. I won't allow it", he said reassuringly as he began to rise up from off the bed, his eyes fixed in the direction the noise had come from outside the cell.
"Quickly! Before they breach the outer doors", the sharp voice of a guard shouted as several of them ran past the cell in the direction of the commotion, their swords drawn. As they all passed by, none of them looked in his direction, except one, who slowed down to stop directly in front of the cell. The young guard watched Loki draw closer to the barrier, neither one of them breaking eye contact. "Your tricks won't save you Loki. Once this scum have been dealt with, we'll continue where we left off, shall we?", the young guard sneered at him, and Rebecca gasped in shock. It was the same guard who had tortured him, and tried to kill Loki before. His eyes were ablaze with anger and frustration, obviously torn between his duty and his desire to murder him. "I highly doubt it", Loki chuckled lightly, his eyes flickering down to the guards sword before meeting his again, a cruel smile on his lips. "Mark my words, your death will come soon", the guard spat back at him through the light barrier of the cell window, before sharply turning on his heels, running towards the growing chaos.
"Loki", Rebecca whispered shaking, too terrified to move from where she sat, frozen in shock on the bed. He turned to look at her, and felt his heart drop. She was a pale as a sheet. "Don't be afraid darling, nothing can harm us in here", Loki said soothingly, stepping towards her, tightly grasping her hands in his. He had to conceal the sudden pain he began to feel as her grip tightened on him. Her skin was red hot, almost blistering. "Stay calm, okay? I'm right here. Nothing will harm you. I won't allow it", he reassured her, cupping her cheek. The pain in his other hand began to subside as he stroked his thumb across her cheek, his eyes staring intently into hers. "It's not them that I'm afraid of ...", Rebecca muttered, her eyes flickering with guilt as she pulled her hand away from his.
"Die Asgardian filth!". The shout followed by the tremendous thud startled both Rebecca and Loki in sync, both their heads snapping around to see a marauder hurtling a guard against the cell window. The guard slummed down onto the floor dead, and the marauders eyes locked onto theirs. "Ohhh, aren't you a pretty flower", he chuckled, wiping the blood from his lips as he swaggered over to the cell window to get a closer look. His scarred skin and thick brown armour made him stand taller as he drew his face right up to the light barrier of the cell, his eyes hungrily looking directly at Rebecca. Instinctively, Loki stood up, shielding her behind him, his eyes glaring angrily at him.
"Ha! Is the fallen prince jealous? Now this I've got to see", they chuckled sarcastically, licking their lips as Loki growled at him. Each step Loki took towards the marauder seemed to enrage his anger further, his breathing becoming sharper, his footsteps louder, his jaw tighter. Rebecca was pretty sure there was steam coming out of Loki's ears from his anger towards this creature. "Don't. You. Dare. Speak. To. Me. Like. That", Loki spat at him, the veins in his neck jumping out. The marauder merely chuckled, gesturing with open arms. "I'll speak however I damn well want to. Jotun scum". That was it. Rebecca heard the crack of Loki's knuckles tighten, his jaw clench as he snarled in disgust, baring his teeth like a wild animal, as if about the strike.
"No", Rebecca said sternly, her voice as cold as ice as she stood up defiantly. Loki's head immediately snapped back to look at her, half enraged, half confused at her sudden outburst towards him. As her dress flowed out behind her as she advanced towards him, she brushed the stray piece of hair behind her ear, letting her green eyes flutter towards the rebel scum. She knew exactly what to do to sort out this situation, not wanting another fight to break out. "That is not how we talk to our fellow man, is it, Loki?", Rebecca cooed softly as she came to stand beside him, letting her hand rest on his shoulder, squeezing it gently. In that second it was too late for Loki to do anything, as the green seeped from her eyes and she invaded his mind.
Leave him. He is not worth your breathe. Allow me
Her velvety voice echoed inside his head as he stared into her eyes, transfixed. The blackness of her powers seemed into them, rooting him firmly on the spot, making sure he didn't move. A sly smile crept across her lips as she then turned to face the marauder, fluttering her eyelashes at him. "You know, there is only so much love a god can give a girl. But I'm sure you could more than satisfy me", Rebecca said seductively, walking up closer to the barrier, resting her hand against it. The marauder seemed taken aback slightly by her suggestiveness, but came closer, resting himself against the barrier in the same way. "Oh yeah?", he croaked, licking his lips. The very sight of this man disgusted her to the core, but she didn't let it stop her. Now she stood with both her hands pressed against the barrier, her forehead resting against it, with the marauder copying her on the other side. "Yes, I love a man who seeks after trouble and danger, and who isn't afraid to fight". He hung onto her every word, his face getting closer and closer to the barrier. Just a little more. "Now kiss me", Rebecca whispered so softly and quietly that she made sure only he could hear it. She knew her powers could not control him from outside the cell, but the mere power of suggestion, persuasion and manipulation were all she needed. Besides, she'd learnt from the best.
Using her powers, she extended her fingers, pressing them hard against the light barrier of the cell window and concentrated hard whilst keeping up her seductive tone. The magic coursed through her fingers, and before her very eyes, she began to make the barrier disappear. Of course, it was all an illusion, but the marauder didn't know that. Second by second, the barrier disappeared until the a large hole appeared, following the outline of her body. She smiled at the marauder, letting her dark eyes stare deeply into his, pressing herself further forward. "Claim me", Rebecca whispered, leaning closer. The glint of hunger in his eyes grew, and in one foolish second of his own stupidity, he closed his eyes, pursed his lips together, and leant forward to claim his prize.
In a split second Rebecca withdrew her hands from the barrier, dropping the illusion of the hole being there. She smiled wickedly as his lips hit barrier, and not her own, before she slammed her hands against the barrier. A shock of pure energy blasted through his body, and he was flung backwards, hitting against the solid wall on the other side of the corridor like a rag doll, before slumping down unconscious, his lips still stuck in a pursed out position. Her knees felt weak at having to use her powers like that, but before they could buckle and send her tumbling to the floor, a strong arm wrapped around her waist, catching her.
"I ... well, erm ... that worked", she panted, catching her breath as she leaned into Loki's protective arms, holding her against his chest. She weakly smiled up to him, but was surprised at his expression. Rebecca honestly thought he would be furious with her, not only because she used her powers on him again, but because she had spoken out of term. She was, however, very much mistaken. His eyes looked hungrily at her, his grip tightening, pulling her closer to him, his nose merely centimetres away from hers. "So you love dangerous men, huh? Perhaps I should claim you instead", he whispered darkly, his lips curled into a mischievous smile. "You already have", Rebecca whispered back, before leaning up, pressing her lips firmly against his.
Loki growled as he deepened the kiss, pulling her close to his chest as her arms snaked up and around his neck, standing up on her toes. "We shouldn't", she whispered quickly, kissing along his jaw as his hands slid down her back, his cold fingers running over the exposed flesh. "Why not? I'm a god who isn't satisfied. How can I not love a woman like you who does this to me", he whispered into her ear, before running his kissing down her neck. Rebecca moaned quietly as his kisses set her skin on fire, making her grasp the back of his green shirt tightly, pulling his down closer to her. "Does what?", she whispered back as Loki wrapped his arms around her waist as he continued his lips further down, over her collar bone, brushing aside her hair, letting each kiss linger longer. "This".
His touch was a gentle as if he were touching glass, his voice vibrating against her chest as he kissed there one final time, sinking down to his knees, his lustful green eyes staring up at her. "No every woman can reduce a man to their knees, but then none of them are like you, Rebecca". His hands remained wrapped around her waist as his face rested against her stomach, looking up at her with such a passion in his eyes that Rebecca thought she was dreaming. Her hands stroked across his sharp cheek bones, before finally resting under his chin, lifting it up for her to see his eyes more clearly, his neck stretched. "There will be time for that later, Loki", she said to him, before leaning down and slowly pressing her lips to his, her tongue teasing against his, denying him the full pleasure of the kiss, before Rebecca slowly pulled away, her breath still trapped in her throat. "Oh Rebecca. You have witchcraft in your lips", Loki moaned as she pulled away, feeling him tense as he held her, wanting to not let her go or let her release her lips from his. "And you, have mischief in yours", she teased back at him, leaning down and kissing his forehead before slipping herself out of his grasp.
Catching her breath, she smiled gently at him, but couldn't help but feel intoxicated by his eyes. They were hungry for more, just longing for her to let go as she had done before. She knew that he would not harm her again, or hurt her feelings, but right now, at this exact moment, she was the one in control. She had him on his knees, right in front of her, practically begging for her. Now she knew what it felt like, to have this growing bubble swelling in your chest. The sense of power, of control, to dominate and rule over another. That was the power Loki craved, that he needed, that he wanted. Oh look how the tables have turned. She kept that thought to herself as she smiled at him though.
"Well, I think maybe we should look less conspicuous in case more of your friends decide to come along", Rebecca said finally, changing the subject as she broke her eyes away, flattening down the front of her dress awkwardly. "Oh, of course", Loki stammered, shaking his head as he leapt up to his feet quickly as if the floor were made of hot ash. Rebecca could feel her cheeks burning up as she tried to avoid his gaze as he walked away from her, sleeking his hair back to act casual. "You'd better put this back on then, to be safe", Loki said from the other side of the cell, turning back around to face her, holding out something in his hand. The ring. "I-I thought it was a bad idea for me to wear that. Didn't I nearly kill you last time", Rebecca interjected as she pulled one of the sleeves off her dress back onto her shoulder as it had slipped down. I wonder who did that, she pondered as she watched Loki come back towards her.
He chuckled lightly, put placed the ring in her hand all the same, letting her fingers close around hers. "That was when you couldn't control your powers. But you have proved me wrong. I trust you. Besides, I would rather meet my end by your hand rather than fall defeated by anyone else", Loki said quietly, reaching out his hand, brushing it against her cheek, before he pulled away, turning his back to her, pacing over to the other side of the cell. Rebecca looked down at the ring in her hand knowing what might happen if she wore it. Yes, it would keep her invisible to everyone else except Loki, but then she didn't want the darkness inside her to take control again. She didn't want to hurt him, or worse, kill him. Biting her lip, she picking up the ring and slipped it onto her finger, instantly feeling her body change, like a cold liquid had began seeping through her veins, creeping up her arm, until it spread all through her.
"There", she muttered, shrugging. Loki turned back around, smiling at her. "For my eyes only", he chuckled, giving her a wink, making Rebecca blush again. Curse him and his husky voice. He knew exactly what affect it had on her. At least this would keep her safe, she thought as she watched the waves of Asgardian soldiers run past the outside of the cell in the direction of the carnage and chaos, all giving a weary look towards Loki as they passed. Obviously they must be thinking that he is the culprit, or one of the leaders perhaps of this outbreak in the dungeons. How wrong they were. Even Loki wasn't too sure as to who was strong enough to break out, let alone start a mini war so deep in the heart of Asgard. But what Rebecca did know that Loki didn't, was that this being, this creature, was pure evil. Cursed to this existence of chaos and carnage, killing everything in its path to achieve its mission. She could feel its power growing, coming closer and closer to their cell. As Loki continued to pace up and down inside the cell, patiently waiting, Rebecca stared out in the direction of the fighting. Danger was coming closer with every heartbeat. Rebecca just hoped that Loki would know what to do when it finally arrived.
[ A / N : Sorry it's taken so long for the update. Lot's going on. Seen Ultron, and it was amazing. Going to see it again soon. Have split this section up into two chapters as there is a lot going on. Hope you all enjoy reading it. So Rebecca and Loki are inseperable now it seems. How lovely. Someone better cool down the situation don't you think? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Don't forget to vote and share this story. Also, do check out my other fanfictions, and follow me on Twitter / IG / Facebook. Links in my bio. Bye for now x ]
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