They probably didn't just appear out of nowhere right? Generate a number from 1-22. If you get a prime number see results below. Anything else and it's a mix of some other tribes like HiveWings. Remember you can always choose your own thing.
2. An animus spell
3. An experiment
5. A mutation
7. An experiment
11. Result of disease
13. A mutation
17. Result of a disaster happening near some dragons changing them
19. Result of disease
If yours is a mix. Generate a number from 1-10 for how many tribes it's a mix of.
1. 2
2. 2
3. 3
4. 3
5. 4
6. 4
7. 2
8. 3
9. 4
10. 5
Tribes. Generate 1-7 (or 1-10 for Pantala tribes included) or pick your own tribes.
1. Mudwing
2. SeaWing
3. SandWing
4. RainWing
5. Skywing
6. Nightwing
7. Icewing
8. SilkWing
9. HiveWing
10. LeafWing
Sunwings are a mix of SeaWings, SandWings, Skywings and have some Nightwing blood.
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