To start out, your character will need several starting skills. I've listed some options here, and if you think of others pm me and I will add them.
1. Swordsmanship - Having this skill means you are somewhat comfortable with most typical swords (long, broad, short, etc.) and know a bit about them.
2. Woodsmanship - Having this skill means you are comfortable in wooded areas and among trees. You are good at blending in among them. This skill is usually best for Elves and half-elves.
3. Archery - Obviously, this skill allows you to fire a bow (long, recurve, cross) with decent accuracy.
4. Stealth - Having this skill allows you to move unseen on certain occasions, though it does not make you invisible. It comes in handy for thieves, smugglers, and bounty hunters, though it would be wasted on a soldier, farmer, etc.
5. Diplomacy - This skill makes you persuasive.
6. Language - This skill allows you to read and speak different languages. However, to start you can only pick two additional languages (besides the Common). Here are some options:
- Dwarfish
- Elvish
- Orc/Goblin
- Dragon
- Sorcerer (this merely means that you can read the language, not actually use the magic)
7. Unarmed combat - This skill gives you a fair chance of winning a fight even without any weapons.
8. Perception - This skill allows you to find clues and hints (usually best for the mystery-type adventure)
9. Sorcery - (Exclusively Zimtar) This allows you to use magic. Please remember that this is a starting level skill, and you can only do very simple spells (i.e. healing a minor cut, getting a small fire going, etc.) in the beginning. Using it more makes you better at it.
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