Deceit Murders A Bunch Of People
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There was no need for an army, Deceit had said.
Despite the other King's' claims, Roman felt very exposed as they stood outside the shimmering portal. Five people stared into the swirling mess of whatever the portal was and Logan sighed. "Let's do this..."
"But brutally, right?" Remus checked, sadistically grinning as he tossed his mace around in one hand.
"No-!" Patton began.
"Of course, babe," Promised Deceit, pecking his husband on the cheek. "We shall screw all morals and give in to insanity!"
Patton gasped as if offended, and Roman clapped his hands, getting their attention. "Alright, everyone, let's just go in and rescue Virgil and beat the crap out of Thomas or Anonymous or both!"
Remus beamed. "I like that plan. But, could we maybe change it to beat the crap out of everyone?"
"Shush!" Snapped Logan, clicking his fingers.
A grey armoured man stepped out of the portal. He hadn't noticed the men, instead staring into the portal as if he were waiting for someone. Then he burnt alive in yellow flames. Deceit grinned. "This will be fun!"
When they had entered the portal, they were instantly swarmed and it was no wonder that Virgil had become overwhelmed enough to be kidnapped. Roman dragged Patton after him, while Logan pulled him along. Remus happily ran ahead, smacking his mace into skulls while singing some form of nursery rhyme.
Deceit had turned into a giant snake. An actual, venomous giant snake that tore through line after line of grey men. He could open his jaws and swallow up legions, tilt his head and crush a building, spit poison and at least a hundred men would burn in acid.
Patton had tied his cardigan around his eyes.
A large catapult fired an even larger stone and it smacked into snake-Deceit's' head. It bounced off, but the snake recoiled, hissing. He turned his terrifying, yellow slits on the catapults and let out an unearthly screech. Slithering across the ground like a lightning bolt, Deceit tore buildings in half, leaving cracks on the ground as he rushed to the catapult. Slapping it with his tail, it sagged and collapsed to the stony ground in slow motion.
Roman gawked at the destruction. Deceit was right, there had been no need for an army. The slaughter was on such a grand scale, there might as well have been billions of gods creating this havoc. It was, in a twisted way, amusing.
Logan yelped, and Roman spun to see a grey armoured man cowering in the corner. Roman pulled out his sword, ready to take the man's' life, then he heard what he was whispering.
"It's just like the spider, it's just like the spider..." He whimpered to himself again and again.
"What spider?" Roman gained the boys' attention, for that was all he really was.
The soldier stared at him with terrified eyes. "The spider. It was in a cage. And it killed forty-two of us. I-I was there... It's just like the spider, it's just like the spider, it's just like the spider, it's-"
"What did the spider look like?" Interrupted Roman.
"It- It wasn't always a spider..." Mumbled the boy, watching snake-Deceit. "Once it was a boy... Tall, tall boy and then he killed them all... It's just like the spider..."
Roman left the boy to whatever traumatic flashbacks he was having, rushing up to the Dark Realm royalty. "Remus!"
The Duke spun around, mace first and then froze just before it collided with Roman's' head. "Oh, hey, Roman! I've killed twenty-six people already! Brutally!"
"Virgil's here, Remus, and it sounds like he's already killed more than you. We need to get Deceit to take us to him!" Roman said, Patton and Logan catching up. Logan was looking disturbingly pale and green and Patton just tried to make sense of whatever was happening beyond his makeshift eye patch.
"Ooh, where?"
Logan cleared his throat. "We don't know, but someone around here must! We just need to find a being with another mental stability to trade that information with."
"Maybe they'll know where the children are!" Piped up Patton, talking to a wall. Logan took his husbands' shoulders and turned him slowly around.
"We should storm that castle then!" Remus suggested pointing vaguely to stone torrents. "Brutally!"
Deceit was suddenly there. He was no longer a snake but his usual human form again. If his usual human form was coated in warm dripping blood and had jagged black fangs protruding from his mouth. His smile was alien and monstrous. "I hate that idea. I think we should demolish the castle brutally, kill more people brutally and then burn whatever remains."
"That," Claimed Remus, pointing to his husband while keeping his eyes trained on Roman, "Is a great plan! Let's go!" And the Duke skipped along the path, swinging his mace into heads left and right.
Logan turned around and vomited and Patton patted his elbow in sympathy. Roman, after waiting for Logan to recover, carefully escorted his best friends after the Duke. Deceits' shadow warped and now the giant snake was slithering past them.
Logan had taken five people. At least, that's what he prefered to say instead of 'killed'. His rapier was heavy in blood and he guided Patton softly along the halls of this unfamiliar palace.
Deceit led the way, taking turns that just seemed right with his gut, while Remus and Roman cleared the way. They managed to reach large, polished wooden doors and they all paused. There were voices on the other side, voices unaware of the carnage that stood outside.
Deceit crossed his arms behind his back and turned to Remus. The Dark King had managed to douse his fangs in blood and the red liquid dripped from his sleeves. He had left bloody footprints behind him. "How do I look?"
"Brutal, babe, brutal." Promised Remus with a sadistic leer. Deceit smirked back and turned to the door.
Patton untied his makeshift blind fold and looked at the doors. "Do we knock or kick them down?"
The doors shined with a golden haze and then crashed to the ground. "Hi, bitch!" Smiled Deceit.
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