Bringer of Despair, Sagark
ENG Name: Bringer of Despair, Sagark
JPN Phonetic : Zetsubō no hakobite Sagāku
Grade: 0
Unit: Normal Unit
Skill: Boost
Power: 4000
Sheild: 10000
Critical: 1
Race: Human
Clan: Shadow Paladin
Rarity: R
Flavor: Now feel the pitch black darkness of despair!!!
Card Effect(s):
[AUTO]: Forerunner
[AUTO](RC):[Put this unit into your soul] When this unit boosted a unit with "Phantom" in its card name, if the number of cards in your hand is three or less and if you have four or more damage, you may pay the cost. If you do, until the end of that battle your opponent cannot call grade 1 or greater units from hand to (GC).
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