chapter one.
Ricky are you coming or not?
Yeah I'll be there and stop calling
me Ricky
We've been over this, it's either that
or Rod
Or my full name
Shut up and come already, Jaxon keeps
trying show us TikTok's
Okay I'm trying to find a babysitter
Isn't your sister like 16???
No she's 15. There's a difference
Plus she's gonna see her boyfriend if
I leave and there's no way I trust him
Ugh okay just hurry!!!
Roderick shut his phone off before opening his sisters door. Her foot was propped up onto her knee. She acknowledged his presence by rolling her eyes. She was wearing a ripped Nirvana t-shirt.
"Is that my t-shirt?" He asked even thought he knew it was, she looked up at him. "And if it is?" She asked. She's been in this mood, the mood that he usually is in, ever since she got a boyfriend.
It was exaggerating. He thought about not being able to make it to his band and let out a sigh, "why can't you just not see your dickhead boyfriend for tonight?" He breathed looking at her with pressure.
"Because I want to." She responded as he rested his arm onto the side of her bed. "It's just that mom and dad are not usually out and I don't get to see him." She pleaded but he wasn't taking the bait.
He would've if her boyfriend was normal. He was an asshole that made "your mom" jokes and tried to spray paint Roderick's van. He also made her come home smelling like smoke. He's smoked before in his life, he didn't need his sister to.
"He's such a douche. What do you see in him?" Roderick asked honestly knowing that he was running out of rehearsal time.
"I don't know. Get a girlfriend and you'll find out." She shot at him but the slightest blushed reached his face. He was thinking about Izzy. He wanted to ask her out tonight about band practice. But... his sister. He wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to her.
Roderick was about to speak but there was a sudden knock at the door. His heart dropped when surprise met his sisters face. If it wasn't her boyfriend at the door it had to be their parents. He couldn't go to rehearsal.
He tended before looking Jane in the eye, squinting and then heading for the door. He had heavy eyeliner on and was basically dressed. He could explain that but he'd get caught in a lie. He walked down the steps slowly before he held onto the door knob.
He opened it expecting a car or something but nothing. Then a voice spoke and ripped him from his paranoia. The voice belonged to a raven haired girl with ivory skin and a bright smile. Her eyes looked like they were glowing even in the pale light from his houses porch. She was beautiful.
He didn't realize he was staring until she spoke again, "Um is this Roderick's house?" She asked as his brows knitted together. A hot girl at his door at 9PM asking for him? Did Jane do something illegal? Yeah probably.
"Yeah it is but if Jane did anything you like punch you or curse you out it's not your fault, she's just like that." Roderick rambled on about the impulsive violence of her sister as the girl looked confused. He stopped and let her continue.
She gave a short laugh to expose her perfect teeth, flexed her perfect jaw and inched closer, exposing her neck from the top of her shirt. "No I'm Jennifer check. I heard something about a girl that needed to be babysat.. I don't know is this the wrong house?" She asked as Roderick shook his head roughly.
He looked in her eyes and accepted that Jennifer might not be able to handle Jane. "Um yeah I was looking for a babysitter." He spoke.
"Was?" She asked, she looked painfully shocked as if she was dependent on babysitting his younger sister. Maybe she could handle it? He really had no choice but to say yes if he wanted to make it to Izzy.
"No I mean... I'm paying ten an hour and I'll be about.. four hours. Is that good enough?" He asked as the girl just nodded, lending another smile.
"Oh yeah that'll be fine." She said as he nodded his hair and waited for her to step inside. She just stood at the door like she was expecting something.
"Um you can come in Jennifer." He said breaking the silence as she immediately perked up and walked inside, "thanks" she mumbled as if she needed direct permission. Strange girl. He thought before heading into his car.
Nothing could go wrong tonight.
an: :)
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