Episode 11: I dont have a proper title
Schools ending soon and I'm really ready for it to be over
I have PE for fourth period and I literally didn't change out of my PE clothes
I'm still wearing them but the shorts are comfortable so whatever
Luckily I shaved yesterday xD
I started a inside joke and I'm literally so proud of myself 👏👏👏
This video messed me up and now I really want Markiplier TV to be a thing with the game show hosted by Wilford, and a running death joke with Doctor Iplier and I just need this
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
#ImFallingInLoveWithFictionalCharactersButItWouldntBeTheFirstTimeSoWhatever and #DontEvenGetMeStartedOnGoogle
I'm having a Shrek marathon because why the heck not
It's getting majorly hot here and not even a fan on the highest setting is helping I'm literally sweating as I type this
Also some kid in my seminary class (my early morning church class with MORMON KIDS) brought up Rule #34 and explained it to the teacher and I am 55959383838384% done with that class
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