So sanwssnoflake asked
What is your favorite t.v show?
Well I like watching food shows cause I like food 😂🍕🍤🍟🍝🍜🌮🍲🍱🍚🍦🍈🍉🍏 and it's fun to watch (for me) and I like nick, teen nick, and Disney channel shows on there. 💥
Here Yasmin is your image!
Yasmin p.o.v
I just wook up to see balloons in my room?
I get up and see balloons are all over the room and and there is this one big ballon in the middle with a note. I go over to see what it says
'Go downstairs ~H'
H? Who is h? Waittt Harvey. Aww what did my crazy boyfriend do this time😂
I go down stairs and hear
WHATTT????? Oh yea it's my 14 birthday
I see my family and Harvey's family. Awww!!!
"Awww thank you everyone! I actually forgot it was my birthday 😅"
Every one laughed and then Harvey came out and came towards me and gave me a small red box
"Happy birthday Yasmin!" And I looked at him suspiciously. And I slowly opened the box and I gasped
It was a promise ring!
I looked up at Harvey and said
"THANK YOU SO MUCH HARVEY!" And gave him a big hug
"And that is to show that we will be together forever"
"You are the best boyfriend ever!❤️"
Hope that was good😅✌️🔥👊❤️
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