This Seems like some Mediocre Anime {{Part 2 of 3}}
IT'S BEEN AN HOUR SINCE ELLIOT WOKE UP. And now she felt like Hijime was getting her somewhere in the weird maze... thing they were in.
Of course, she wanted to strike up a conversation.
"So, what do you mean by your 'OTP'? Like, I know what it means but, who...?" Elliot asked, being led by her... would Hijime be her friend? Ugh...
Hijime jumped a little. "Oh... errr... please don't laugh at it."
"Why would I?"
"B-b-because it's a... celebrity ship. Kinda? They're more public figures than anything..." He stumbles over his words.
"Nevermind. A-Anyways," Hijime stops. "I... t-the gates sh-should be here." Stopping her.
It front of Elliot and the fanboy was a caramel colored door, which contrasted with the dank, dark, grey underground thing the two were in.
"So everyone's in there?"
"I-I g-geuss..."
Elliot, who had walked in front of good ol' Hijime to open the caramel door. "Well, let us see. I guess."
And so, obviously, Elliot pressed the door.
ELLIOT GLANCED AT HER CLASSMATES. They all didn't look like criminals, just teenagers. They also were in a weird... assembly room. It was run down and wet, and dank.
"Hey. I'm here now, yippee."
A redheaded girl in a messy green and white kimono scoffed, "Wow! I didn't notice!"
"I guess... counting you two... that makes Fifteen of us!" Piped a tall blond boy in Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon shirt.
"Yeah, er-- I'm Hijime Namaeda and she's --" Hijime stuttered, embarrassed beyond all belief. God, he's pathetic...
"I'm Elliot K... Keith." She finished. "And... I guess you can call me 'Ellie', if you want to."
A girl with ebony hair jotted something on a clipboard. "Elliot Keith? Hijime Namaeda? Done and recorded!" She chirped.
"So... er... sh-should we introduce each other or...?" Hijime mumbled again.
Elliot tried talking to the redhead (who was across the room).
"Ufufufufu... I'm Kosabachi Kaiba-san! I'm really greedy! I want money, I want power, I want men, I WANT EVERYTHING!" Kaiba bellowed.
Kosabachi Kaiba, Super High School Level Traditional Singer.
"Ah. You sing ye olde songs, correct?"
"They! Are! Not! 'YE OLDE SONGS! They are extremely important culture icons! Do not diss the past, you plebeian!" She boomed, her segmented green kimono squishing like water.
Green water...?
"Well, uh, nice meeting you."
She's pleasant...
Elliot went to the girl near the redhead. Whom was a blue hair girl in a traditional sailor fuku, except her skirt went down to her knees. She had a peculiar workout bag with her.
"Uh, hello."
"Greetings, challenger! Thee is Yosuke Kishi, the super high school level knight!" She said, bowing to Elliot. "Thee can not wait for are duels in the feature."
Yosuke Kishi, Super High School Level Knight.
"Ah. So... you're a knight...?" Elliot asked, in disbelief.
"Of course. This is thee's blade, to prove." She said, pulling the bag over her shoulder. She pulled the zipper down, revealing a thin, blue blade. "This is my holy sabre, Jegudial. With it... Thee is the knight of hope!"
"Ah. Well, please tell me your past duels, Kishi."
"Um," Yosuke blushed, "Thee will do, Lady Elliot."
Elliot went to boy nearest to the girls -- the blond in the Pink Floyd t-shirt. "Hello, nice shirt. My dad listens to that band."
"Heya! I'm Leon Luden! The Super High School Level Public Speaker. I hope we'll be the greatest buds. Also -- cool! We can talk about that latter."
Leon Luden, Super High School Level Public Speaker.
"Ah, cool. So... what's it like being a public speaker?"
"It's fun, but a bit stressful. But, if I get anxious, I gotta stay positive!" He said, bubbly. This is when Elliot noticed the piercings on his collar bone. He's 16, and he has Angel Bites?
"Cool, you should tell me about some of you're speakings and stuff."
Leon did a duel finger guns.
Elliot glanced at the small boy listening to music, sitting in a wheel chair. He had messy aqua hair, light blue eyes. He was wearing a navy blue jacket, with a black DeadMau5 shirt underneath. He was wearing black leggings (almost like pajama pants), and red sneakers.
"Um, hi."
Quiet. "...Hello?"
Elliot saw a wave of despair go over the boy's soft face, and pulled his earbud out.
"...I'm sorry..." He whispered. "...Just to get it over with... I'm... uh, Yui Enoshima. I'm only good at DJ-ing so... you can assume what my talent is..."
Yui Enoshima, Super High School Level Disk Jockey (DJ).
"Enoshima...?" Elliot asked.
Yui almost melted in his chair. "I... have no relation with that woman."
Yui silently placed his earbud back in his ear. "I'm sorry." He mumbled.
Elliot, feeling awkward, went to the girl near the middle part of the group. Well...
"Hi. So uh,"
The girl had pink blond hair and purple eyes, and a regular blue sailor fuku. "Hiiiii! I'm Kohaku Hoshi! The Super High School Level Anime Girl. But don't let that title fool you... because I'm a boy."
It's a trap...?
Kohaku Hoshi, Super High School Level Anime Girl (!?)
"Wait... so you're a boy?"
"You have ears don't cha? I said it clear as day -- Kohaku Hoshi is a boy." He said, puff his cheeks.
Elliot blanked. "Then why are you 'Anime Girl' and not 'Anime Boy'?"
Kohaku smirked. "A title knows no gender. I'm just the epitome of your average anime girl, but I'm also a boy."
That does not make sense! Like at all!
"Well, okay. See you soon... I guess."
"You too~!"
Elliot glanced at the raven haired girl with the clip board, maybe she's a bit sane...
"Hello." She states blankly, looking at the girl.
"Hello, I'm Yige Pianzi. I'm believe in anti-censorship and truth in journalism, yo!" The girl booms, her black uniform... well, fitting her form.
Yige Pianzi, Super High School Level Journalist.
"Ah, you're that journalist from China -- right?"
"Yes! Finally, someone who knows who I am..." She says, sighing in relief.
Elliot smirked. "My dad tells me that stuff all the time. Saying," Elliot made her voice go into a falsetto of her father, "'Fills the darkest places of the world with hope!'. Anyways, you're pretty cool."
Yige bowed. "Thank you."
Elliot saw someone who she immediately recognized.
"You're Kaoru." She said blankly, looking at the orange haired dark skinned boy in a blue π shirt, and white jeans. His hair was an undercut.
He snapped his fingers. "Yeah, it's me. Kaoru Taichi, Super High School Level Let's Player. Why that's a talent, I'll never know."
Kaoru Taichi, Super High School Level Let's Player.
"60,000,000 subscrazzles on Theytube, right?"
"Hell yeah, but that's not just a number. They're my fam. The posse, yeah catch?"
Elliot blushed. I'm part of his posse! "I, uh, like your stuff. It's good.
Kaoru smiled, and was ready to share a high five with Elliot. Which, they did. Elliot lightly blushed profusely.
After meeting someone Elliot may or may not have a crush on, Elliot continued her meeting people adventure. Thusly, she decided to meet the smol, green haired girl. She had a strawberry dress, green thigh high sock-shoes, and a pink flower hair pin.
"Hey little bud." She said, leaning down.
"Hi! Hello! I'm Zinnia Nagisa! I wuv wuv WUV flowers, so I guess that makes me the Super High School Level Botanist?" She chirped happily, giving a happy cat-esque smile.
Zinnia Nagisa, Super High School Level Botanist.
"You're pretty tiny for someone with a serious job like that."
"I know! But that makes me even cuter when I grow my Drosera Capensis'*!" She said with quirk, talking about a plant Elliot didn't know about.
"Aha, I bet it is."
"Did you the Pitcher Plant's acidic stomach is so strong it melts bugs in minuets? Neither did I! Teehee!"
"Aha... I didn't either, Zinnia."
Someone else, because, well, Zinnia's cuteness was to obnoxiously, sickly sweet.
Elliot decided it was the boy nearest to Zinnia -- a medium height boy with spiky white and caramel skin, in a strange leotard with weird boots. His leotard had a strange, diamond looking star as the pattern.
"Whattaya want, pebble! Oh wait... I'm Eda Sakura."
Eda Sakura, Super High School Level Geologist.
"So... rocks."
Eda puffed. "Gems, is the correct term. And if you were wondering what my favorite gem was, it's a tie between Dragon Fire Opal and Galaxy Opal. God, they're dead sexy..."
He's talking about rocks like they're sexy women...
"I mean, Opal is just a beautiful cacophony of silicon and hydrated silicon. Making beautiful image that look like fire... I need a moment."
Elliot was flabbergasted. So, she decided to meet someone less psycho. Like the pink haired male with tanned skinned in a basketball jersey and shorts, and holding what she assume was a basketball.
"Hey, 'ball is lyfe', I assume..."
"Ball is lyfe? The ball is the life of Nichibotsu Ikari!"
Nichibotsu Ikari, Super High School Level Basketball Allstar.
The boy does the peace finger thingie, looking cute with his basketball. "Anyways, Nichibotsu thanks you for your funny meme."
"Heh! My dad told me that."
Nichibotsu gave a cat smile. "Nichibotsu respects Ellie's father. He's a very knowledgeable man."
Sure... "Anyways, I catch you on the flip. I guess."
"Nichibotsu will catch you on the flip too!" He said, smiling.
Well, there was only three people left.
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