"I am now what I am" -- {{PART 1 OF 4}}
ELLIOT COULDN'T SLEEP, as she laid in her bed. It had been a few hour What she had saw... she was... disturbed.
Zinnia? Zinnia Nagisa killed Kohaku...?
She was supposed to hate Zinnia for what happened, and yes, she kinda did.
But, she... still couldn't stop herself from feeling sorry for the dead botanist.
"This isn't funny!" Elliot remembers what the botanist final words were, as she choked them out.
Elliot sat up. Think about something positive... Hell, maybe do something positive music maybe...?
Now, Elliot had nothing to play music on -- so she assumed singing would be the best. She was far from the best singer (reminder: her talent was luck based, like her father), but thankfully her room was soundproof.
"Help the flagrance of the flowers too," She sang, laying back down. "Ash-gray eyes that accelerate in the city, falsify that you can't sleep." She continued.
"Glass eyes that peer into the lie, fasten your eyeline tight, secrecy in tear drops. Enjoy today's program today, close your eyes so you don't split into seeds." She continued, her voice hoarse.
Of course, when she was able play this -- and not with her own voice, her parents wondered what the singer was smoking.
Ah... she wanted to be with her parents right now.
To be with people she genuinely knew. To not see people die. Play videogames, read manga or light novels, and have normalcy back.
(Heck, she would gladly listen to them talk about they're weird highschool life.)
Elliot laid her hand on her forehead.
"Elliot!" Her fathers would say in unison, hugging her. "We were worried SICK about you!"
"Why yes dads," She stated aloud, "I did survive a killing game by my mere wits!"
For some reason, Elliot felt tired. Of course, it was quite late.
Elliot yawned. "Christ, I need to sleep."
When Elliot woke up, she felt like shit. Her bones and muscles were sore, probably because she didn't sleep that much.
She sat up, her skirt ruffling along with her. "Shit..." She mumbled, and got up.
She looked around her room, which was as dull as ever. Stretching, she wondered what the others were doing.
Nichibotsu? Probably honing his skills, along with Yosuke.
Yoshiki? Maybe mourning...? She didn't want to bother the artist.
Yui or Hijime...? No, that'd get awkward fast.
Aha...! Kaoru!
Despite her embarrassment towards him (as she was a fan of his work), she couldn't ignore the opportunity.
She went over to her door, and opened it.
... And standing right in front of her was Kosabachi.
"Hello, Kaiba." Elliot stated towards the redhead. "Hate to ask -- why are you at my door?"
Kosabachi scoffed. "As the groups leader, I mandatorily look after you all. Plus, everyone is waiting for you in the mess hall."
"Huh." Elliot mumbled, looking at the other girl. "Well, take me there Kaiba."
"Ha!" Kosabachi laughed. "Since I'm your leader now, I would like to be called 'Senpai', ma'am, or Leader-sama."
"Leader-sama? Bit redundant, if I do say, Leader-sama."
Kosabachi blushed. "Whatever, it was Albert's idea anyway." Kosabachi states, grabbing Elliot's hand and nearly dragging her.
Kosabachi hand was smooth, and had a nearly doll like feel to it. Her finger were long and thin, which was similar to her father.
(Her other father called them 'piano finger', so Elliot wondered is Kosabachi would fare well playing the piano.)
"Have you ever thought about playing piano, Leader-sama?" Elliot blurted.
"Is that an insult?"
"No, it's actually a complement."
"Pfft, no. I'd rather play beautiful traditional Japanese than ugly Western ones." Kosabachi states. "Not calling you ugly, since you're obviously American, you're actually kinda cute."
"No harm done." I guess.
Kosabachi looked at her. "We did you say that?"
"You have piano fingers, duh."
Elliot sighed, "Y'know, long and thin fingers. My dad says that they're great for playing the piano."
"Well... thanks. I still won't play because it's western."
There was an awkward silence between the two.
"Man, still can't believe all the shit that happened yesterday." Kosabachi states, starting to strike up a conversation.
That's right. Elliot thought. Kohaku and Zinnia... "I can't believe they're dead."
Kosabachi looked away. "I don't want that happening ever again. As the leader of the group... I refuse to let anymore innocent lives to be lost!" Kosabachi bellowed, stopping in her tracks near a door.
"Oh, and, we're at the mess hall."
"Oh, cool." Elliot states. "Thank you for escorting me, Leader-sama."
"Shut it." Kosabachi stated, opening the door with the handle.
Everyone was there - sans... well, Zinnia, Kohaku, and Yige - sitting at a long, cream colored table.
"Hey, it's Leader-sama and Elliot!" Albert states.
"Finally, I'm starving." Eda states, looking at his hand. "You took forever, you pebble!"
Yosuke, her lacking her distinctive hair tie. "Good morning, thines lateness is forgiven."
"Thanks," Elliot responds walking.
Hilariously, the free seat was next to Hijime. "G-good morning, Elliot." Hijime greets, as the blonde protagonist sits next to him.
"Morning, Namaeda."
Kosabachi stood at the head of the table. "Okay! As your leader, I call for a meeting."
Elliot looked up at the classical singer.
"Listen, with the events that transpired yesterday," Kosabachi states, and paused. "I believe we must try ignore Monokuma, so no one else hast to die! I'm a very greedy person, and someone stealing my precious classmates is despicable."
"Wait... so... we're your possessions?" Yui asks, looking at the redhead.
"I said 'precious classmates' not 'precious possessions', that's a huge difference!" Kosabachi answers, insulted. "My possessions are money, jewels, popularity, knowledge and memes."
Yui rolled his eyes.
Leon raised a hand. "Do you have any other ideas? Like, preventing more deaths."
Kosabachi placed a hand on her chin. "That's true! Anyone have suggestions?"
"We could have a buddy system." Ayameko blankly states.
"A buddy systems...? In real life co-op, hell yes!" Kaoru yells happily. "Wait, how'll that work?"
Ayameko glares at him. "Very similar to co-op, there could be a group that'll keep tabs on each other. However, I do this that could've prevented Kohaku's, but..."
"But what?" Kosabachi asked.
"'I wanted to kill'," Ayameko says, quoting Zinnia. "I'm mangling what she stated, but I believe Zinnia would've killed someone regardless of they were Kohaku or not." She paused, "Or maybe that was something she used to feel better about herself, we will never know, being she is dead."
"Hmm..." Kosabachi placed a hand under her chin. "That's true."
"Hey, how about groups of four! Albiet, we'll have to figure that out." Yoshiki suggests, looking up from his brooding.
"That could work." Elliot adds. "We're aloud to sleep in other people's rooms, right?"
Hijime looked at Elliot. "T-the ru-rules sa-say so-so-something along the lines of 'don't sleep outside of the dorms'."
"Ohohoho...! That's a great idea!" Kosabachi agreed. "Okay, meeting done. I guess."
"Hell yes, food!"
Elliot was a pretty western breakfast - fried eggs and extremely dull tasting toast - along with Hijime.
"Hm," Elliot looked at Hijime, "anything on your mind?"
"M-my family."
"Oh, you've never really mentioned your family." Elliot responded towards the silver haired boy.
Hijime sighed. "They hate me." The fanboy whispered.
Hijime slumped. "Th-they think my tal-talent is a dis-disgrace t-to th-the fa-family na-name."
"Being a fanboy? They hate that?" Elliot says, befuddled. "My parents we're kinda disspointed with my talent."
Hijime looked at her. "Really?"
"Yeah, but my one dad has no room to be disappointed. He's a former Lucky Student, like me."
Hijime's eyes lighted up. "Th-that's s-so c-cool!" Hijime says. "My parents d-d-don't have ta-talents at all."
Elliot poked at her food. "Yeah, I guess. But he was always making me try stuff I didn't care for." She sighed, "Piano, violin, fencing, cosplaying, it was stuff I was bad at."
"My parents did the same." Hijime mumbled. "Become part of th-the family business... I just wanted to play video games and read...!"
Elliot laughed. "Christ, it's truly luckily I meet someone who dealt with hover parents."
Hijime gave a soft laughed. "Ell-Elliot, I... y-you're the first per-person who knows me other than 'Mis-mister stu-stutters a lot'." He sighed. "Other than PS2 c-c-characters..."
"Oh, really? Cool." Elliot states. "I was homeschooled as a kid, so going to a public primary school was a rough transition. And considering my parents..."
Hijime looked at her. "I-if y-you're sca-scared eve-everyone will judge yo-you for you-your par-parents..."
"I don't." Elliot states. "It's ridiculous for me to think that- we're in a killing game. I doubt they'll get mad about that. Don't take that as me shooting you down, I am scared."
Hijime nodded.
"Anyway," Elliot states, "what do think Monokuma will do now for a motive? He's done money, what next?"
"Er, may-maybe he do something sick, li-like, um, starv- no thats dumb... er, using are family ties...?" Hijime stuttered. "Like, 'Upupupup, ya bastards! Imma kill ya family if ya don't kill someone...!'." Hijime states, "Wait, no, er, tha-that's dumb."
"I hope it's not that. Despite all of the stuff they've done, I love my parents." Elliot grimaces, "They just annoy me sometimes, like all families do."
"I-I wish I cou-could say the same, Elliot." Hijime mumbles. "I'm, er, sorry. I made this awkward."
"No, that's okay." Elliot tells him, "My other dad likes to say 'Family isn't defined by blood,' so like, maybe close friends can be considered family...?"
"Oh...! Do-does that co-count digital ones...?"
Elliot shrugged.
"Then Takano-san is m-my family...! Wait does that mean I-I'm sad... o-or...?
Elliot wondered who she should hang out with.
Leon...? Maybe.
Yui? Probably, but he was with Yosuke most likely.
Ayameko, sure. Despite Ayameko... frosty exterior, she seemed quite nice. And with how she worded things, she was obviously extremely intelligent.
She was still in the mess hall, which only some of her class mates were in. She looked at Albert, who was talking with Kosabachi.
"Tatabana, I hate to interrupt, but do you know where Ayameko is?"
"Hrmm... I know she went to talk to Kaoru in the Gymnasium."
"Thank you. Um, where is that again...?"
Albert snorted, "It's actually quite close by." He looked at Kosabachi, who was sitting across him, "Right, Leader-sama?"
Kosabachi gave a glare. "It's practically right next door, but," Kosabachi looked at Elliot, "I reckon you don't bother them. They're talking about the whole 'buddy system', or whatever."
"Reckon? What are you, a forty?"
Kosabachi gave her a deadly glare.
Elliot looked away, the redhead's glare was too intense. Still, she had to do something social.
That's when she noticed Yui sitting at table - surprisingly without Yosuke.
She barely knew the blunette - other his obvious shyness and handicap. Oh, and his relationship with the swordswoman Yosuke.
She walked over to him, maybe she could learn more about the boy.
"Hello, Tsui." She greeted him, which caught his attention, "Can we talk...?"
Yui looked up at her. "I... I guess..."
Elliot pulled over a chair, and sat down. "Where's Yosuke?"
"...I don't know..." Yui mumbled. "Why... why should I...?"
"Aren't you guys friends?"
"I... I guess we're friends." Yui answered, looking at Elliot.
Oh, then is Yosuke like... an assistant or something? "Anyways," Elliot pause, thinking, "what kind of stuff do you do?"
Yui tilted his head. "Stuff? Oh, you mean being a dj..." Yui straightened his upper body, "I do... online stuff. Like... on Twitch or whatever." He sighs, "Someone pays me like... ¥200 to remix something... and I do."
Elliot smiled. "What's your name on that site?" She asks. "I would like to listen to your stuff sometime."
"...You do...?" Yui blushes, "It's not that good..."
"You're the Ultimate DJ - of course it is!" Elliot states. "Why are so down on yourself?"
Yui looks at her - uncomfortable. "I've always been like this." He states boldly, "...Even before... I became like this."
"What do you mean by that?"
"...I'd rather not say..."
"I became like this." What did he mean by that? "Anyway," Elliot looked at the wheelchair bound boy, "what music do you specialize in?"
"...Electro Swing..."
Elliot tilted her head. "Er, what's that, I may ask...?"
"You know swing music... right?" Yui mumbled, "Well... electro swing is remixing it to have a modern, techno, pop feel to it."
"Cool," Elliot responds, a faint smile on her face. "I mostly listen to j-pop, stuff like Vocaloid*."
Yui hmmm, thinking. "I've used those before,"
"R-really?" Elliot gasped. "I've liked them for a while, cause cute anime girl that go 'Just be friends, all we gotta do is just be friends...'," Elliot states, "Have a cool charm, y'know."
Yui stared at the blonde. "Yeah... I see that..." The blunette mumbled, smiling.
"Sorry," Elliot chirped, "that was dorky of me."
Yui looks at her, his soft blue looking a tad bit intense. "It's... okay. I mean... you're nowhere as embarrassing as me."
Elliot slumped in her bed. Today was... quite interesting.
She was slowly figuring out Yui - who was a dumpster fire of emotional baggage from something that happened in his youth.
She bonded with Hijime - which was cool.
And finally, someone stepped up as group leader (albeit, that was Kosabachi). Oh and, they started making plans for surviving this mess that bear calls a game.
She wondered... what was the motive going to be this time? Last motive was really that useful to the case, as Zinnia killed Kohaku for bloodlust and slight jealousy.
She knew that the motive will get under someone's skin - that's why there was a motive in the first place. To urge someone to kill.
She just hoped Kohaku would be the first and last victim.
"Ding dong, wake up you brats!" Monokuma's voice rang, waking Elliot up.
Of course, she didn't want to make another fiasco (like yesterday), so she quickly got up and walked over.
The halls were unusually not as wet, and it seemed Monokuma had the decency to add more lights to the dark and dank hallway.
Of course, it only took Elliot a second to meet up with someone - that someone being Hijime.
His disheveled appearance seemed tidier, but his glasses were slightly crooked. "G-good mo-morning Elliot."
"Hey Namaeda."
Hijime shaked his head. "M-M-Monokuma said there is going to be a special presentation t-t-t-tonight...."
"Where'd you hear this?" Elliot asks, walking with the short boy.
Hijime gulped, and looked at Elliot. "I heard him this morning..." He paused, "Oh those fuckers are gonna have a surprise tonight!" He continues, imitating the monochrome bear.
Elliot place a hand under her chin. "You need to tell the others - or, just Leader-sama." The blonde tells him. "We're trying to prevent murders so... wait, do you know what it'll be on?"
"I-I'm as-assuming a murder motive."
He's going to want another killing... Elliot shook her head - she desperately didn't want to believe it. He got what he wanted: three dead people. And now he wants more...! That sicko! Elliot thought as she walked next to Hijime.
"I hope it's not - but knowing that bear..."
Hijime nodded. "I-It has to be. I-I narrowed it down t-to that..." The fanboy stutters, "despite my persona, I-I admit, I'm q-q-quite the de-detective. However, I-I'm nowhere near be-being like Kirigiri-san or Shirogane-san..."
Kirigiri-san...? I've heard that name before... "You showed that during the trial," Elliot states, and then pauses, "you pieced together how Zinnia did it."
"You and the ot-others did most the work..." Hijime mumbles, "though I suspected her fr-from the be-beginning, she w-was oddly chipper the entire time."
Huh. "Anyways," She says, trying to change the topic, All we have to talk about are these uncomfortable things now... "we are here at the mess hall." She continues, stopping.
Hijime stopped as well, and grabbed the door handle. "I won-wonder if she's here yet..." He murders quietly, holding the door for Elliot.
Of course, Kosabachi was inside, with Ayameko, Albert, and Yui.
Elliot gave a quick bow, "Hello Leader-sama," the blond girl says politely, "Hijime has some info for you."
"Gah!" Hijime squeaked, "Er, yes I do have info for you."
The redhead tilted her head, her face plastered with confusion. "What?"
"W-w-well," He stuttered, "M-M-Monokuma is going to give us a motive tonight."
"How do you know that?"
"I ove-over heard him speaking to himself." He breathed, "I quote 'Oh those fuckers are gonna have a surprise tonight!'." He recalls, crossing his arms.
Kosabachi placed her arms on her hips. "Hmm... well good thing me, Ayameko, and Albert had been finalizing the idea!"
"She's referring to the buddy system - which I had actually talked over with Kaoru." Ayameko explained calmly. "Instead of two people, it is five."
"Huh," Albert placed a hand under his chin, "and there are twelve of us currently - how'll that work? Unless there is a single group of two..."
"Don't think on that Albert," Kosabachi states and looks at Ayameko, "you already got the groups set, right?"
"Oh, that? Of course." Ayameko answers, "Group one is; Elliot, Hijime, Yoshiki, Yosuke, and Nichibotsu. Group two is Eda, Kosabachi, Kaoru, Albert, and I."
Ayameko breathed and looked at Yui, who looked half asleep. "Yui, you'll be Leon."
"...Leon?" Yui breathed, "O-okay," He mumbles, fumbling with his jacket.
Kosabachi gave a determined look, "Now we just wait for the others!" She states happily, "Haha, my precious classmates..."
"Hmm," Elliot hummed, "what if the surprise Monokuma is going to show us tonight is a motive?"
"It has to be." Ayameko refuted, "This fits the way he gave us the first motive - at night." She continues. "Of course, a doubt he'll execute another like he did Yige." She adds, with slight furrow of her brow.
Yige Pianzi... Elliot thought. The first person here who died... god, when will this madness end already! Elliot, trying to not think of that, looked away from the group.
Of course, she noticed Nichibotsu and Yosuke in the doorway.
"-Yosuke, please teach Nichibotsu how to use a sword!" The tall boy states excitedly.
The blunette hummed. "Thou shall teach thy when we all escape." She responds. "Good morning, everybody."
Kosabachi looked at Yosuke. "Good morning, you medieval dork." Kosabachi greeted sarcastically. "Ayameko tell them their groups."
"Yosuke and Nichibotsu, you are both in group one - wait, I'll explain." Ayameko reported, "To stop the killings in our class, we're splitting up in two groups of five - and one group of two."
"Alright," Yosuke responds.
Ayameko blinked, "You and Nichibotsu are in group one - which also has of Elliot, Hijime, and Yoshiki in it."
"W-wait - which group is Lord Yui in...?" Yosuke blurts.
Ayameko tilts her head in confusion. "He is in the third group - which is only him and Leon."
"...I'm okay..." Yui whispers to Yosuke, looking at her. "...Leon is a good person..."
"No, thou must be with thy lord..." She mumbles, and mouths something to the boy that Elliot couldn't figure out.
Nichibotsu wrapped a muscly arm around Yosuke's shoulders. "Don't pout, Yosuke!" He says excitedly, "You'll still be friends with Yui, and you'll still be friends with Nichibotsu!"
Yosuke gives an unsure smile. "Thank you, L-" She responds, before being cut off by Kaoru, who was arriving.
"Good morning!" He shouts. "Oh, and here's Yoshiki, Leon and Eda."
Yoshiki squeezed himself in, an awkward smile on his face. "Hello."
Eda pushed Kaoru to the side with his right arm. "Don't speak for me, clod."
Leon, who was behind Eda, gave a smile. "Eheh, I think you mean good morning."
Ayameko looked at the boys. "Yoshiki, group one. Eda and Kaoru, group two. Leon, group three."
"What you talking about, pebble?"
Ayameko sighed, "To try pervent the killings, we're splitting up into three groups - so will constantly know what we're all doing. And if someone wants to kill, we can stop them by this method."
"Oh!" Leon blurts, "You mentioned that yesterday!"
"That I did." She responds. "Anyway, Yoshiki, group one is Elliot, Hijime, Yosuke, Yoshiki and Nichibotsu."
She glanced at Eda and Kaoru, "Eda and Kaoru, group two is Eda, Kaoru Kosabachi, Albert and I."
She finally looked at Leon, "Leon, group three is just you and Yui."
Elliot looked at Leon's face, which was a bit confused. I've seen him with Yui before - does he not like Yui...?
"Alright," Ayameko looked at Kosabachi, "shall we talk about what Hijime said?"
Kosabachi, trying to probably imitate a teacher of sorts, held her hand up. "Everyone, sit down or whatever." She says, which everyone begrudgingly followed.
"Hijime told me that Monokuma has a special presentation tonight," She says aloud, "He, Elliot, Ayameko and I believe this is a murder motive - just like the two grand."
Awkward silence. "Now, whatever the motive maybe, we are going to talk about tomorrow morning!" She says aloud, "I refuse to let another murder happen to one of my precious classmates! I'm a very greedy person, that includes the people I kinda care about - okay?"
Elliot was trying to converse with her group, which was slowly becoming more and more of a cluster fuck.
Yosuke was barely paying attention, as she kept her focus on Yui and Leon, who were sitting in an awkward silence.
Yoshiki tried talk about something relatable to the others - art from fandoms or sports or what have you, he however skimmed over weird fetish art.
Nichibotsu kept excitedly asking what sports they played - which Elliot responded with 'I watch E-sports... does that count...?'.
That's of course when Hijime broke the ice.
"What p-p-pets do you guys have...?"
Hijime mumbled, "I have a bird - Elliot knows ab-about that..."
Yoshiki smiled. "Oh, pets? I have a cat currently - Sorata. She's such a cutie pie...!" He squeaked family, "I've also want a raccoon or a crow, I've heard they are quite intelligent."
"Nichibotsu does not own any pets - but Nichibotsu's uncle owns a pig!!" The basketball players states.
Yosuke looked at Hijime, "Thou father does not allow animals in the apartment, he says they are a waste of time." She paused, a weird expression on her face. "Although, he begrudgingly allows Thou and Lord Yui too..."
Nichibotsu looks at the swordswoman. "Nichibotsu wants to know... what is Yosuke's deal with Yui??"
Elliot leaned in, "Are... are you too dating...?" She awkwardly asks.
Yosuke look of awkwardness changed to that of disgust. "O Heavens, no, Lady Elliot!" She blurts. "... Lord Yui is quite the opposite in fact. He's my younger brother."
Elliot made a mental note of slapping herself for saying. "Oh..."
Nichibotsu glanced at Yosuke. "Yosuke's younger brother? That makes sense," He responds, "Yosuke talks about him when Yosuke and Nichibotsu work out. Plus, Yosuke got really aggravated when Yosuke wasn't with Yui..."
"I'm his knight in shining armor, I promised my whole life to protect him..." She murmurs, breaking her thou, thy, and thine verbal tick.
That's how she became the Ultimate Knight! Oh, and she also probably follows chivalry and use a long sword...
Yosuke sighs. "If Lord Yui got injured, thy could never forgive thyself." Yosuke lifted her head, and a faint blush of embarrassment was on her face. "Anyway-! Pets. Back to the topic of pets."
Elliot smiled. "Oh, you must be referring to me." She smiled, and then realized what she must confess, "I own a cat and used to own a hedgehog, and my dads own a dog." She looked at them, expecting a reaction.
Which she didn't get.
Hijime looked at her, a tinge of worry in his soft eyes.
"Er- I don't, think I ever mentioned my parents." Elliot awkwardly stated, trying desperately not to fumble her words.
Nichibotsu gave an awkward glance at the girl, "Nichibotsu thinks that none of us has,"
Yoshiki gave a awkward look. "I'd rather not talk about my home life."
"Thy father is not on speaking terms with Thy or Yui."
Hijime looked a bit more tense. "M-my pa-parents do-don't li-like m-me one bit..." Hijime looked at the others, "Ell-Elliot's parents adopted h-her... Oh, er! I'm sorry Elliot..."
Elliot blushed, "That's true, I don't see anything wrong with telling them that."
"Oh!" Yoshiki chirped, "I get it, you're parents couldn't have kids?"
"Furamenko, I have two guys for parents." Elliot states, and that's when she automatically wanted to change the subject. "Anyways, er, wha... what kind of music do you like."
Hijime placed a hand on his thin chest. "A-anything by Lotus Juice. That ma-man is a god among men, I s-say!"
"I kinda like American, or J-pop... K-pop perhaps?" He gave soft laugh, "I guess I have no particular favorite genre or band."
Yosuke gave a awkward grin, "Being that thy Lord Yui makes music... Thy assume it's his."
"Nichibotsu likes death metal!!" The pink haired boy squeaks, "Or maybe Nichibotsu likes regular old metal music... especially the ones with adorable boys!"
Metal? Oh golly... Elliot thought, and glanced over Yui and Leon.
Leon had a faint red mark on his cheek (like he had been slapped), and Yui looked... embarrassed? (Weirdly, Yosuke had stopped watching the two boys like a hawk).
She barely hear what the two were saying too each other.
"It was a joke, Yui!" Leon said, obviously trying not to alert Yosuke. "I won't do that again,"
"Thank you." Yui whispered back, "Please never say... 'Oh Yui, are you really actually a girl?'."
"Oh, er, I like J-Pop." Elliot states awkwardly, "Think like Luka Megurine."
Hijime looked at Elliot with a bit of awe. "R-really!?" He stutters.
Hijime blushed. "My pers-personal favorite s-song of her is her Romeo and Cinder- I'm sorry, I w-was acting sill-silly..."
Elliot laid in her bed, thinking.
'Oh God, Monokuma may call for us to reveal the motive at any moment!'
'Oh God, I overheard Yui and Leon arguing!'
Oh, did she forget that she had to have Hijime sleep in her room?
Because Hijime was sitting down in a chair - which he has taken from the dinning room.
Because apparently, Kosabachi wanted to use precaution, so sleepovers.
"So," Elliot says aloud, "Kishi and Ikari are in Furamenko's room?"
"N-no, I-I think they're sleeping in Nichibotsu's roo-room." He answers, "Yoshiki insisted they sleep in his room, since... Nichi-Nichibotsu's room has chair's apparently."
Elliot sighed. "Did you see Luden and Tsui earlier?"
"Er, who is Tsui...?"
"Did you see Leon and Yui earlier?" Elliot restated, using the two boys first names instead.
Hijime tilted his head, "W-W-What hap-hap-happened?"
"Tsui- I mean, Yui- slapped Luden, because of said something along the lines of 'Are you secretly a girl, Yui?', or something."
"O-oh." Hijime mumbled, "And Yui slapped him?"
"He looked like he did - at least I think he did." Elliot responded back. "God, I bet they have to share a room..."
"O-oh... I'm a tad bit worried."
"Bing, bong, bink bink!" Monokuma yelled over the intercom. "Hey assholes, come to the gym for a special announcement!"
Elliot sighed. "Here's the moment of truth, Namaeda."
The gym was like it usual, however Monokuma standing near his podium.
Elliot looked at Hijime. "I guess it is a motive," She states awkwardly, "Monokuma's big boy podium is there." Elliot worriedly glanced at Leon and Yui, who thankfully weren't bruised or harmed.
Although Leon's hair was a tad bit more messy and Yui was without his jacket (which showed he had thin arms).
"ALRIGHT - IT'S MOTIVE TIME KIDS!" Monokuma yells, and then held up 12 envelopes. "Boy golly, I'm taking a page out of the ol' motive book and taking a spin on it!"
"Okay, so these envelopes contain secrets." Monokuma states, "I'll reveal them in 24 hours if no one is killed. HOWEVER," Monokuma paused to give a laugh, "... I'll randomly give them out to people. So I guess the whole 'reveal them in 24 hours bit' doesn't matter at all." Monokuma continued.
"Anyways, here ya go!" He said tossing them into the air, which magically landed in their hands - because of course they would.
Elliot looked at the envelope in her hands, and looked on the other side.
Hijime Namaeda.
Oh... well, what could Hijime maybe hiding? He's not an axe weilding psychopath, or a hitman. Elliot thought as she delicately opened it up.
I am not the Ultimate Fanboy, but the Ultimate Tarot Card Reader.
S U R V I V O R S -- 12 (Elliot K., Hijime N., Eda S., Ayameko Y., Albert T., Yui E., Kosabachi K., Kaoru T., Yoshiki F., Nichibotsu I., Yosuke K., Leon L.))
V I C T I M S -- 02 ((Yige P., Kohaku H.))
B L A C K E N E D -- 01 ((Zinnia N.))
OVERALL -- 03 ((Yige P., Kohaku H., Zinnia N.))
Vocaloid - A Vocal synthesizer made by Crypton.
'Just be friends, All we gotta do is just be friends...' - A line from a popular Vocaloid song 'Just Be Friends'.
Romeo and Cinderella - A Vocaloid song sung by Miku Hatsune, about girl wishing to be Cinderella when her love life is mimicking that of Juliet.
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