Ch 1 - The Introduction
So, you're planning on writing a fanfiction huh? You've got some great character ideas, an amazing plot in mind and a huge grin on your face as you sit in front of the computer to type the magic out. You're rosy cheeked, starry eyed -
No. Stop right there. I'm about to burst that happy little bubble, before anyone else can and no doubt I'm going to be a heck of a lot nicer about it.
So, who am I you ask? What could I possibly know about anything? Why the heck is this internet stranger trying to ruin your happiness?
Alright, for those of you who don't read my stories and have no idea who I am, looks like it's introduction time.
My name is Blue Ninetails, often affectionately referred to by the internet fam as Blue or, for some reason, Senpai. Author-chan sometimes pops up too. But just Blue is fine though. Preferable even.
I first began reading Naruto fanfiction is 2011, right here on Wattpad. Before I accidentally stumbled upon it, I didn't even know fanfiction was a thing. I had never heard of it, but it intrigued me.
I began to read more and more of them, enjoying them as the Naruto loving teenager that I was.
I'd discovered the anime Naruto about a year or two beforehand, once again, by accident. That's sometimes what happens when you channel surf. I'd been an anime fan all my life (thanks Pokemon series 1) and soon began watching Naruto when it came on every night at 8pm. It was weird, but fascinating and, filler aside, it was really enjoyable.
Back on the fanfic side of things, I had written one or two original stories here on Wattpad (they're still not done – lazy Blue) but I began feeling the itch of wanting to try my hand at fanfiction writing.
Through the encouragement of a fanfiction author that I enjoyed, I began my own story. You may have heard about it, you may not have, it's fine either way. Over the years, for whatever reason, my fanfic The Wolf Inside gained popularity here on Wattpad. Currently (2017) the story is so popular, it's almost become a sport to hate on the story, so yay for me?
I've been lucky enough to gain a relatively large following thanks to this fanfic and its sequel, and they have become an incredibly loyal and fun internet/ Wattpad family. They encourage me when I feel down or uninspired, they are understanding and every time, they stand up for me when people feel the need to rudely come after me because they don't like an aspect of my story.
So, I feel that I may have some small portion of knowledge about what to expect when you're writing a fanfiction. You may never experience some of the things that I mention, you may experience some of them or, like me, you may experience all of them.
I have only ever written Naruto fanfiction, but you can apply these words to any fandom that you choose to write about.
So, I think that's enough said for now. If I have convinced you that I have even the smallest inkling of what I'm talking about, let's get into the Good, the Bad and the Ugly of fanfiction writing.
If not, byyyyeeeeee!
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