Kyoya Ootori x Reader
It was a beautiful day. Though it was summer, there was no sweltering heat. In fact, there were cool winds flowing here and there, making the day quite pleasant. Sitting inside of a complicated maze, a teenage girl could be seen, reading a book to herself.
The young maiden flipped yet another page in her book, so immersed that she didn't even notice a shadow of y'all stature looming over her. It wasn't until a gentle voice called out her name for the fifth time that she snapped back into the world of reality and turned around to see who it was that called her.
A teenage boy with dark hair, glasses, and a black notebook smirked at her, noticing the hazy, dreamy look upon the girl's face. She smiled sweetly at the boy. "What brings you here Kyoya?"
"Everyone is looking for you Y/N. Your brother seemed to have known that you would be here, but sent me here in fear of his becoming lost in the maze." Replied the black haired teenager.
Y/N giggled. "Renè never had been able to find his way through this maze. Though, that must be why I love it so." Kyoya chuckled at her response. Typical of her. Though seemingly introverted, quiet, and sweet, he was aware of her venomous tongue and her sometimes cynical tendencies. He was even more aware that only a select few were allowed to witness that side of her. Her true side.
"Your brother has planned another one of his grand ideas. This time, he wanted to take Haruhi to London. Though, the twins were quick to inform him of Haruhi's lack of an passport. So, instead he settled for a vacation to Okinawa on one of our private beaches. Though, he didn't come to that compromise until he had five minutes of throwing his tantrums." Said Kyoya.
"Hm. Only five minutes?" Mused Y/N " I would have expected it to be more." Kyoya only lightly shook his head in amusement. Truly, these siblings were one of a kind. "Well, I was supposed to model for the twins' mother's new fashion line this weekend, but I suppose we could just move it to the beach. It'll be a more natural setting and the surroundings will enhance the beauty of the ensembles." Mumbled Y/N. "Well then! Shall we go and see what sort of shenanigans the group will be up to this time?"
"We shall."
The pair walked out of the maze in comfortable silence. They soon reached the front of the school where a limousine was already waiting for them and a group of students called out to them. One in particular, a blond, was quite boisterous and ran over to the two to hug Y/N. Y/N only lightly patted him on his back and reprimanded him for being so silly. Everyone soon filed into the limousine.
Y/N sat next to her brother, Tamaki, with Haruhi on her other side. This others sat in the opposite side of the vehicle. Within minutes, Y/N leaned on her brother's arm and dozed off. Tamaki noticed and positioned himself in a way which would allow his sister to sleep comfortably on him. Him being him, he slipped on glasses on both himself and his sister, and took a selfie. He would be sure to cherish this moment.
The rest of the group talked amongst themselves, though watching their voices as to not wake the sleeping devil. Kyoya snuck glances at her discreetly, admiring her calm features. As annoying as Tamaki could be, the entire club, Kyoya included, enjoyed watching the Suoh twins up to their shenanigans. They complimented eachother. They would constantly bicker, but they still loved eachother immensely. When one was threatened, the other wasn't far behind to support and protect them. It was admirable. After around an hour, the limousine reached the Nekozawa family's beach estate. Tamaki gently awakened his sister, and she glared at him, though not much could be seen what with how dark her glasses were. Honey told her that they had arrived. Y/N calmed down and gracefully exited the vehicle after her brother with the others behind her.
She looked up to the entrance of the estate, and nodded to herself. Good, the estate looked to be in decent condition. The butler of the estate was already at the entrance, waiting for the group to arrive. He greeted them and ushered them inside to the sitting room. The butler informed the guests that his Young Master Nekozawa should arrive soon. Tamaki felt shivers run down his spine and whined to no one in particular about how he so wishes he did not have to meet that cursed person. Y/N shut him right up with a light slap to his head.
Quickly enough, Umehito Nekozawa enters the room, black cape, Beelzenef, and all and greets his guests. Kyoya and Y/N formally thank him and his family for allowing the group to stay at their estate while Honey, Haruhi, and the twins give informal words of "thanks." Mori nods his head as a show of his appreciation while Tamaki avoids all eye-contact with Nekozawa. Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey, Mori, Kyoya, and Haruhi decide to retire to their rooms, whilst Nekozawa and Y/N sit down over a cup of tea and discuss ancient black magic, and some runes Umehito found in a book in his family's library. Y/N was very immersed in this conversation and Tamaki cowered behind Kyoya wondering where on Earth he went wrong with his beloved sister.
It was the next day, and Hikaru and Kaoru were actually the first ones up and awake. They decide to wake the others as well, so that they could head to the beach. They dressed themselves and then sprinted to Honey and Mori's rooms to wake them. Once they were ready, the twins decided to scare poor Tamaki awake. Tamaki swore he almost had a heart attack whilst sleeping because of the idiot twins. Honey patted Tamaki's head in hopes of calming him down. Luckily, it worked. No one wanted to wake Kyoya or Y/N up, but Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru were pondering on and on about how to wake up Haruhi. They were so caught up in their thinking that they didn't even notice Haruhi, all freshend up, standing next to Honey and Mori, just a bit fazed by their extravagant plans to wake her. Soon enough, Y/N walked in as well, looking as radiant as ever. Everyone knew that it was getting late, and so the twins pushed Y/N back out the room and gave her instructions to wake up the one and only devil Kyoya Ootori from his slumber. Y/N rolled her eyes at their dramatics but decided to go along with it anyways.
Y/N knocked on Kyoya's door and said out loud to no one in particular that she would be entering, since she already knew that Kyoya must still be sleeping. She opened the door, walked in, and shut it behind her. She strode over to where Kyoya was sleeping, and gently sat down on the bed's edge. She gently brushed aside his hair from his face, and admired his beauty. He was always such a cool-headed person, but she knew of exactly what he had to face and deall with everyday. She knew exactly how hard he works for not only him, but his friends (whether he likes to admit it or not) as well. Y/N knew. It was pleasant seeing him in such a tender state, no worries of the world weighing down on his shoulders, just him in his dream world. She wondered if he ever dreamt of her. She knows she did. She slowly leant down to his face and pressed a chaste kiss upon his forhead. Kyoya very lightly stirred, and Y/N couldn't help but think that he was cute in a way. She whispered to him "Kyoya, it's time to wake up. The others are waiting for you so that we can all eat our breakfast and then head to the beach."
Kyoya stirred even more until he could feel sunlight penetrating his eyelids and was forced to open them. He blinked groggily and was met with what at the moment he could have sworn was an angel. Y/N smiled at him, but did not say anything else. There was nothing to be said. Though the two were young, they were in love, and everything about that moment just seemed perfect. Y/N ran her fingers through Kyoya's hair, and he could not help but lean into her touch. The grin adorning her face only grew wider. The two basked in each others' presence for a few minutes before Y/N told Kyoya to get ready. He obliged, but only after kissing her cheek. Once he entered his bathroom, Y/N turned to the mirror on the wall, and saw a look of happiness embellished on her visage. Well, that's what love does to you, and she knew she had found exactly that with the black haired boy.
Only a few others were aware of their relationship. Haruhi Fujioka was her best friend and confidante, and so it was guaranteed that she knew. Kyoya's sister Fuyumi Ootori was also aware, only because she had seen the two of them in public as they were on a date. Since then, if Y/N had any questions about relationships, she would go to Fuyumi. Yuzuha Hitachiin who was her self-proclaimed gof-mother, also knew. She was the mother figure that Y/N lacked, but she somewhat filled in the void rather well. The last person who knew of the romantic relationship between Kyoya and Y/N is in fact none other than Takashi Morinozuka. Y/N trains at one of the Haninozuka family's dojos whenever she can, and Mori is a rather good friend of hers. One day, whilst sparring with Mori, he commented about how she seemed happier than usual. Seeing no harm in it, Y/N told him that she and Kyoya were dating. Mori seemed unsurprised, but congratulated her nonetheless.
After a few minutes of lying down on the bed, Y/N lifted herself up and walked out the door. She would have loved to wait for Kyoya and then head out together, but their relationship would be revealed if they did, and as of right now, the two of them wanted as much privacy as possible. She elegantly glided down the staircase down to the dining hall only to find the host club already eating. A spot was open next to Tamaki, and so she sat herself there. Hikaru and Kaoru were loud as usual, and kept poking fun at their club leader. Y/N asked them about a few details regarding her photo shoot and they gladly obliged while still making a few perverted comments about her. Y/N simply shut them up with one of her signature glares. Honey offered Haruhi and Y/N some lemon raspberry cake and the two ate their shares delightedly. A few minutes later, Kyoya entered the room, and sat opposite to Tamaki. He sent a discreet glance to Y/N, which she noticed and smiled to herself.
The group continued to talk about their plans for the day, and about some other trivial matters. Soon enough, they were all finished and drove to the beach. Hikaru and Kaoru kept asking perverted questions to Y/N, and Tamaki kept yelling at them to stop doing such things. Kyoya eventually gave a side glare to the twins, and they immediately shut their mouths. Haruhi, Y/N, Mori, and Honey were spending their time discussing about things from martial arts to desserts. Y/N and Honey argued over which of two different types of desserts were better. Y/N argued that (favorite dessert) was much better whilst Honey argued that Strawberry Shortcake though simple, was heavenly. Haruhi and Mori stayed relatively quiet during the heated discussion. At one point, she piped in saying that candy apples were quite nice. In response to this, Y/N and Honey looked offended, and promised Haruhi that they would show her many other delectable desserts. So many that she would forget that candy apples existed in the first place.
The vehicle pulled up in the parking lot for the beach, and the teenagers filed out one by one. Y/N informed the others that she had to prepare for her photo shoot, so she must go. The others headed to the beach for their planned day of fun. Y/N saw Yuzuha Hitachiin already speaking with the staff, so she made her way there. Y/N greeted the twins' mother, and she did the same. Yuzuha hugged Y/N and complimented her for looking ever so radiant. Y/N was then sent to a dressing room where artists painted her face with makeup and intricately weaved her hair. She was then fitted into a classic white sundress with a large hat to perch on top of her head.
She walked out and saw the photographers at the ready. Yuzuha smiled after seeing her self-proclaimed god daughter walking out, looking ethereal. She thought to herself that she honestly wouldn't mind if Y/N ended up her actual daughter. Though, she sort of already is, as she is her god-daughter. She lamented about her unfilial sons to Y/N saying that her sons barely payed her any mind and more or less ignored her. Y/N promised her that she would give them a piece of her mind.
The photographer explained to Y/N that all she had to do was just roam the beach and act normal whilst doing random things such as looking onto the horizon, or walking alongside the beach. Y/N did exactly that. She looked onto the horizon with her hand shielding her face from the bright sun. She admired how serene the place looked. Though, it would be much more nice if it were just her alone there with no one else. Perhaps Kyoya would be there with her. Heaven only knows that she and him needed peaceful and quiet moments.
Kyoya and Tamaki looked at Y/N as she was posing for the cameras. Haruhi walked and stood beside Tamaki. She said "Wow. Y/N-Senpai really is pretty. It's almost as if she doesn't even try." Tamaki couldn't help but agree. He also couldn't help but think about just how much his sister had grown. When they were younger, Y/N was much more carefree. She had changed, rather drastically, yet she was still the same sister he was born with. How very contradicting.
Kyoya seemed entranced by the beauty that Y/N radiated whilst she walked on the shallow part of the water. The way the sunlight hit her made it seem like time didn't exist and that she was a goddess. Yuzuha looked behind her to observe the teenagers, and her eyes caught Kyoya staring at her god-daughter. She knew exactly what that gaze meant. After all, she herself to this day makes that face. "Arara? Young love truly is such a sweet thing to witness."
After a few more hours of posing, changing clothes, makeup and hair, and more posing, the photo shoot was deemed over by Yuzuha. Y/N changed into the sundress she wore prior to the photo shoot and made her way to Yuzuha. Yuzuha smoothed out Y/N's hair and complimented her on her work. The two decided to walk alongside the beach shore for a little while before Y/N returned to her friends. Yuzuha asked "So, how are things with Kyoya?"
"It is rather amazing Auntie. Kyoya really is a gentleman and he treats me like a queen."
"That's good. Do you feel ready to tell the others about your relationship? I know your family might have err, rather interesting reactions, but I'm sure that they won't be terrible." replied Yuzuha.
Y/N giggled. "I can envision exactly what their reactions would be like! Dramatic, over the top, extraordinary, and did I mention dramatic?" She sighs. "I do want our friends and family to know, but the complications that arrive with it are much too tedious. Besides, I'm not sure if Kyoya wants to open up about this whole matter this soon."
Yuzuha gave Y/N a side hug. "Well whatever the two of you choose to do, I'm here for you. After all, what kind of god-mother would I be if I wasn't, hmm?" The pair giggled. "Besides, Kyoya loves you so much. I wonder if you caught him staring at you the way he did?"
Y/N looked rather surprised. "He did? You noticed that? I am afraid I was lost in the beauty of the beach and trying to do well for the photo shoot that I didn't notice!" Y/N exclaimed.
"Well, now you know. Oh the two of you are so cute! You remind me of Hayato and I when we were younger." Yuzuha said.
"Well, Uncle and you are to this day one of the most loving couples I have ever met. I hope Kyoya and I have a lovely and long relationship just like you two." Y/N replied. The two ladies talked amicably for a little while before Yuzuha gave Y/N one last hug before departing for her company, where her work awaited her. Y/N after sending Yuzuha off, made her way to her friends. She noticed Tamaki, Mori, Honey, Hikaru, and Kaoru having a water gun fight. Haruhi noticed Y/N and walked over to where she stood.
"How was the photoshoot? You looked very beautiful, almost glowing. Kyoya thought so too." Haruhi snickered. Y/N simply elbowed her with a slight blush on her face. Even Haruhi was telling her the same thing as her god-mother. How on Earth did she not notice? She looked at Kyoya and saw him making her way to her. She turned around, only to find that Haruhi had knowingly walked away from the two and began searching for shellfish. Y/N smiled to herself, appreciating Haruhi's tact.
Kyoya finally stood before her with a cup of water in his hand. He offered it to her, and she took it gratefully. He asked her about how her photoshoot went, and she told him that it went splendidly. He sat in a sun chair beside her, his black notebook still with him. Y/N smiled at him and took one last sip of water before setting it down in the nearby table. While Kyoya and Y/N were spending their time conversing, a rather harsh conversation was happening elsewhere.
"What do you mean my sister is in love with Kyoya?" exclaimed Tamaki.
"We meant exactly what we said. Isn't it obvious? Or are you too oblivious to realize it?" asked Hikaru and Kaoru in perfect synchronization. Tamaki sure could be stupid at times, no most of the time, however he should be able to recognize this much at the very least, right? Tamaki then went into catatonic shock, slowly realizing that what the twins said might after all be true. He's noticed the lingering touches between the two of them, the abnormally light-heartedness Kyoya has with Y/N, and most important of all, how his sister radiated with happiness in the recent times. Was he truly that oblivious? He's noticed how Kyoya has changed as of recently, but brushed it off as God's grace, or something wonderful happening in his family's group.
Wait! Kyoya must not have confessed to Y/N yet! If so, then he would be the one to bring the two of them together! With that, Tamaki's brain began concocting one of his, let's say grandiose ideas.
"You know that I am ready to be open about our relationship, but are you?" Asked Kyoya. Y/N coolly tilted her head at him. This was a question she had been expecting him to bring up sooner or later. Besides, it wasn't like she could avoid such an event from occurring. She sipped her drink quietly before speaking.
"Believe it or not, I actually am. I am ready to let everyone know about us. I merely put off this conversation because I was under the impression that you were not interested in making this known to everyone at the moment. Tell me Kyo, do you want to open up about this? If you do, we can. If you don't, that's fine too. I have no qualms about it. What matters is that both of us are understanding of each other and that we are happy. So, what is your decision?"
Kyoya smiled wistfully at Y/N. "This is one of the many reasons why I fell in love with you. You know just what to say and you are always so understanding. Regarding my decision, I have a confession to make. I have been thinking about this for a long while, and I want to make it known that the two of us are greatly in love with each other. One reason being that I want to be able to do things with my girlfriend without sneaking about. Also, it is getting tiring to witness exactly how oblivious Tamaki is. In the end, what do we have to hide? If you're ready, so am I." Y/N's smile only grew wider and she knew that this was one of the best choices she ever made and will ever make in her life.
In the meanwhile, Tamaki had an entire plan formulated and was running everything through with everyone else. Takashi and Haruhi didn't bother stopping him. Firstly, he was bound to find out about Kyoya and Y/N's relationship sooner or later. Even the couple in question has said this before. Secondly, there is no such thing as stopping Tamaki from his shenanigans.
In the distance, Kyoya and Y/N were walking towards the rest of the group relatively close to each other. The sun was setting, hues of of oranges, pinks, and many other colors painted the sky. Hikaru and Kaoru noticed first and had smirks on their faces. This was going to be good. Tamaki finally noticed Kyoya and Y/N and found himself stuttering a bit. His plan should go by without a flaw, no? Y/N made the first move. She said "René, everyone, I have something to say. However, before I do that, René, why don't you sit down? In fact, why don't we all sit down?" So, everyone did just that. Tamaki thought that his plan could go into motion right after his sister had finished saying whatever it is that she wanted to say. Cheeks burning, Y/N confessed "Now, this most probably won't come as a surprise to most of you, but to put it simply, Kyoya and I...well..."
"We're dating." finished Kyoya for Y/N.
"Yes, erm, that. Dating. Kyoya and I. We have been for a little while now." a flustered Y/N chokes out. For a long second, everything was absolutely quiet. Then, cheers erupted from the group.
"Ha! I knew it! Kaoru yelled" Hikaru let out a wolf whistle. Honey had yelled only compliments for the couple while Takashi and Haruhi only smiled, knowingly. Y/n laughed and laid her head on Kyoya's shoulder, extremely happy with how things went. On the other hand, Tamaki had gone into catatonic shock once more.
Haruhi questioned "should we help Tamaki-senpai? He seems like he requires medical attention." Y/N agreed with her and gently shook Tamaki in hopes of bringing him back to the realm of the living. Tamaki arose rather suddenly, startling almost everyone including Y/n.
"Are you upset René?" asked Y/N. Tamaki only shook his head "no."
After finding his words, Tamaki replied "No, I could never be upset at your happiness Y/N. It is all just a grand surprise for me." Y/N raised an eyebrow at that. "Just today I found out that you might hold romantic feelings for Kyoya, so I put together a master plan to bring the two of you together. In the end, it turns out that I wasn't needed, because not too long after, the two of you confess that you have been dating. How could you not tell me?" asked a teary-eyed Tamaki.
"Oh silly René! You can never be replaced by anyone. Not even Kyoya. You are my brother, and I have quite literally known you since birth. So, don't you ever dare think that you are not needed. Kyoya and I only confided in very few people since we wanted to keep our relationship a secret for some time. Imagine Father's reaction to this. It was not something either of us wanted to deal with for as long as possible. Besides, it was nice being in our own little world without having to worry about our reputations, reporters, families, etc. I promise you that we were never planning on not telling you. We just wanted the right moment to do so." assured Y/N.
At this point, Tamaki was bawling. The Suoh twins hugged each other, and the others smiled at the two. Y/N pulled back and rested her head on Kyoya's shoulder once again. His arm wrapped loosely around her waist, pulling her closer than she already was. The group kept talking well into the night, not one of them noticing how time flew by.
From a narrator's point of view, suffice it to say that everything was right in the world.
Published on 06/08/2021 4,197 words
A/N: I hope that whoever read this enjoyed reading it. I have been working on this oneshot for literal weeks. I believe even a month has passed by since I first started working on this. I have written fanfics before, however they were much more amateur works and they were fanfics that would drag on for many chapters. I've posted a couple here in Wattpad, but the rest of them will never see the light of day. This is actually my first time writing a oneshot. I have requested oneshots plenty of times before from others, but that was it. A very good friend of mine here in Wattpad was the one who encouraged me to actually write a oneshot because they thought that my request ideas were really good. Another very good friend of mine gave me much needed motivation in the beginning of writing this oneshot.
I am very well aware that this oneshot has many irregularities in character personalities, and drags details on for much too long, so hopefully the next oneshot comes out better. Until then, goodbye.
With all that said, thank you CastrarWolf and Radian16 .
Random Question: What would you rather throw away: Money or Love?
I personally would rather throw away love, as heartless as that seems.
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