Imagine Luka Couffaine as a Weresnake
Request: Got an ML request in the form of an 'imagine'. Imagine if Luka Couffaine was a weresnake?
09/12/2022 - 10/06/2022
Pairing: Luka Couffaine x Reader
Word Count: 1,861
Warnings: Getting bit by a weresnake? And mentions of trauma dealing with it. Also, I kinda spooked myself trying to think of a backstory for Luka's weresnake-ness.
Gender: Gender neutral as it was not specified in the request.
Notes: Okay, so-
I have never heard of a "weresnake" in my life, so I had to do a fair bit of research for this one.
Another thing is, I'm unsure if you wanted Luka as a weresnake, or Viperion as a weresnake, and to top it all off, I have literally no knowledge of weresnakes.
So, I ended up writing an imagine where Luka (I struggled so much to think of this-).
I'm really sorry if that's not what you wanted, but if it isn't, you're more than welcome to request again with whatever particular details you like!
Aside from my persistent lack of weresnake knowledge, I'm kinda excited for this, seeing as it is my first ever Miraculous Ladybug fanfic! Woo!
In which Luka Couffaine is a weresnake.
Luka Couffaine had a secret. Much like most of the others his age-
But this secret was unlike the others. Very few people knew of the existence of it. And much less the story behind it.
It was a few years ago when it first occurred, and it was because of a rather gruesome incident. Luka had been a little younger at the time, and had been walking home from school, when he decided to roam the city he called home for just a bit before returning home like originally planned.
But his jolly roam was cut short when he was suddenly snatched (quite literally) and through the flurry of it all, somehow found himself on the rooftop of some building. Obviously, he was terrified, because no one would appreciate being snatched up by someone in broad daylight.
But Luka's fear only worsened after he laid his eyes on his captor.
An odd thing.
She had the body of both human and serpent and she looked rather young. Almost his age. And she seemed like an artist's drawing that they posted to Deviant Art. If anyone were to see her torso up, they wouldn't make much of it, seeing as she looked like any other human.
But from the waist down...
She was something else entirely.
And she was advancing towards him rather rapidly.
Luka tried looking around for escape options, but to his misfortune, there were none.
The strange being's tail caught him and before he could register a single event, he felt a sudden searing pain in the left side of his neck. Screaming, he tried thrashing around, but the serpentine being was much too strong for him.
After what seemed like ages, Luka barely recognized the being taking him down the building and leaving him to sit on the ground, propped up against the wall of the building.
Some time passed, when Luka finally got ahold of his bearings, realizing that it was night and people were giving him weird glances as they walked by. One lady was kind enough to stop and kneel down to ask if he was alright.
Nodding, and telling the woman that he was fine, he stood up shakily and made his way home.
During the long arduous walk home, Luka pondered whether he should tell his family about the weird incident that had taken place some time ago.
And after much fretting from his mother and sister and an intense fever, he decided that yes indeed he should tell his family.
Anarka and Juleka were very worried for Luka and wholly believed him (because why wouldn't they) and debated whether to take Luka to a hospital or not. After all, explaining that he was highly feverish and this was due to some snake-human thing biting him wasn't the most plausible story in this day and age.
So, after Luka was laid down to rest, Anarka and Juleka tried researching about the mysterious being Luka had encountered. Eventually finding out that he met a weresnake, and that bites from them lead to the victim's transformation into a weresnake (through a rather shady website), Anarka and Juleka's worries increased tenfold.
Anarka almost thought about contacting a certain someone, but pride dodged that bullet. For now anyways.
Within a few days, Luka actually became better by himself, though found himself constantly fretted over by his mother and sister.
And for a while, things seemed like they'd gotten back to normal. At least until a month later when Luka woke up without any legs and a tail instead.
For obvious reasons, everyone on the boat freaked out.
And after some more research on weresnakes, they were able to come to the conclusion that this occurrence was going to happen every full moon.
In the beginning, Luka felt totally out of control and a little depressed by the sudden and drastic change in his life. But never once did he blame the weresnake who bit him.
And through the power of time, he slowly began to accept this new facet of him, even looking forward to the transformations every month.
In the time span of a few years, many things had changed.
Paris now had a supervillain as well as superheroes. Loads of them.
Oh and there were akumatized villains. Villains who didn't want to be villains (at least for the most part Lila).
Luka slowly met many of Juleka's friends at her school and even became very good friends with some of them. He ended up falling for one of Juleka's friends, and for a little while, she was into him too. But her heart still yearned for another, so with a heavy heart of his own, he let her go.
Luka figured that it'd take him a while to get over his lost love, but life his interesting ways of working and led him closer to another friend of Juleka's. They had a certain magnetic pull about them that Luka couldn't help but succumb to.
And over time, he developed feelings for them.
It was inevitable.
Y/N was just too good to be true.
And sometimes Luka wondered if he was enough to even be their friend, and every time, Y/N would assure him gently that he deserved every friendship he had.
Luka had eventually planned to confess to Y/N by writing a song for them.
But the confession would have to wait because his transformation was coming up soon.
The weather was starting to become more chilly, but it was still enjoyable.
Anarka and Juleka went into town for a nice girl's day out, leaving Luka home at the boat.
And it was at this time that Y/N decided that it'd be a great idea to go visit the twins at the boat.
They tried knocking on the door at first, but there was no response. Seeing as the Couffaine family never minded them coming into the boat randomly before, Y/N settled their nerves about possibly breaking into a friend's house and made their way inside.
Y/N tried calling for Juleka and Luka, but still there was no response.
So, as any person should, Y/N decided to leave the boat, because the family clearly wasn't there.
But then they heard a clatter coming from inside the house.
And as any person probably shouldn't, Y/N made their way further into the boat, towards the noise.
They soon realized that the sound came from Luka's room, and knocked on the door, asking if he was there.
Instead of hearing an answer in the form of words, Y/N heard more clattering.
Letting whoever was inside, Y/N loudly proclaimed that they were coming inside when I shrill "no" resounded from inside the room.
Stepping back in confusion, Y/N recognized the voice as Luka's and asked him what the matter was. They patiently waited for a response, and when they didn't get any, they sat down against the door and told Luka that he didn't have to tell them anything if he didn't want to.
Inside the room, Luka was somewhat of a mess. His crush whom he was planning on confessing two days later had come to this home two days earlier-
And to make matters worse, he was in no form to meet with anyone.
After much deliberation, he spoke up, letting Y/N, who was still sitting against his door know that he just wasn't ready to talk to them for now. Before Y/N could have a chance to fall down a rabbit hole of panic of having done something wrong, Luka quickly assured them that they hadn't done anything wrong and that he would explain everything to them soon and that at the moment, he just needed some alone time.
Y/N, trying their utmost best to not overthink Luka's strange request, agreed and told Luka to text them when he wanted to meet and thus left the boat.
A couple hours later, Anarka and Juleka arrived home and checked up on Luka. Seeing as he was fine, Anarka went to the kitchen to get started on dinner.
Juleka on the other hand (through the power of twintuition), knew that something was bothering Luka. And after asking him about it, he confessed that Y/N had visited earlier and he told them to give him some space for now and when he was ready, he'd meet up with them and explain his weirdness.
But the problem was, he wasn't quite sure how he was going to explain to Y/N that he was in fact a weresnake and that every month, he'd turn into half a snake.
Juleka understood her brother's dilemma and assured him that if he did want to confide in Y/N about this secret of his, it'd be fine, but he should never feel pressured to tell them about it, and if he did in fact feel pressured about it, he could simply tell Y/N that he wasn't comfortable talking about it and they'd understand and leave it at that.
After a nice hug shared between the twins, they made their way to the kitchen to help their mother with cooking.
That night, Luka made the decision that his confession to Y/N would not only involve him confessing his feelings for them, but also his serpentine secret.
A couple days later, Y/N received a text from Luka about meeting up at Andre's ice cream stand.
And that's where they met with Luka. Getting their respective choices in ice cream, the two walked around in comfortable silence. Said silence was finally broken when Luka told Y/N that he had something to say.
Taking a deep breath, he said "Y/N, you're an amazing person. You have such a magnetic pull about you and I couldn't help but be attracted towards you." Y/N smiled, knowing deep inside where this was going. "I had this whole thing planned out a lot smoother actually. I even had a song prepared and everything, you know?"
Taking in Y/N's reactions to his words, Luka continued, "I was going to confess my love for you today here at the park. But then you showed up two days earlier and I sort of panicked." Y/N frowned at that, about to tell Luka that he had no reason to panic. "The reason for my panic is another confession in and of itself actually."
Taking Y/N's hand in his, Luka said, "I love you Y/N. You're a memorable person. Whenever I look at you, this beautiful mellow tune rings through my head. I want to protect you and cherish you to the utmost of my ability, only if you allow me."
Y/N was giddily trying to hold in their excitement and ended up exclaiming to Luka "Of course I'll allow you! Luka, I'm in love with you too. Have been for ages now. And I'm so glad that you feel the same way!"
Y/N hugged Luka tenderly, only to suddenly pull away. Stunned, Luka asked them what was wrong.
"Didn't you say you had another confession for me?"
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