Lesson 2: Having a Plan
Hotaru stood on her soapbox, ready for her next class meeting. The people filed into the classroom. When they got in, the purple haired girl spoke up. "I would like to say I have no plan on where to go for this class meeting, but fact is… I do. That is the whole point of this class… knowing where one is going with their fanfic work. What are some fanfics that the author tends to not have a plan on where they are going."
"How about the cookie cutter romances," a boy with skunk colored hair spoke up. He wore a black shirt, a red vest and camo pants. "Do you know how many romantic plots fanfic authors have stuck me into with both cannon characters and OC's? Too many for me to count."
"You mean that the author of this fanfic can count," Hotaru commented. "But thank you for the impute Chaud. I am quite sure that a good deal of people think that cookie cutter romances need more then just... the idea of romance."
"Well why wouldn't we?" a girl with bushy hair spoke up. "I mean… the times I get stuck with Draco Malfoy in those romances are the worst… I can never tell why I am in a relationship with him. I mean, the whole idea seems to stick me, Hermione Granger together with him because we seem to be their favorite characters… there is no rhyme or reason for how we got there."
"Here here," Chaud commented. "That's that way with the ones that pair me with Maylu… the non-cookie cutter ones figure out actually how to break up the canon pairing with Lan so that she can be with me… though personally… he is one of my good friends… so please if you do the pairing, treat him with respect."
"We'll get to character bashing later," Hotaru commented.
"The thing I also don't like about cookie cutter romances is the fact that almost every single one is the same old story… one has to just change the names of places and people and then… magic… you've got a different fanfic that can very likely be for a different fandom… they could at least add in enough detail to make it seem that we are in the place." Hermione commented. "And… make sure that the pairing makes sense."
"What about the ones that make it so that you're paired up later with no build up," asked a random student?
"It's the author's nameless OC!" Chaud commented. "Wonderful… she couldn't think of a character to ask the question."
"Well… it worked in quite fine… typically those are fine… they are written with the idea of what if they had gotten together, not the idea of they should be together… I mean, the idea that we should be together… I mean… me and Draco… not in a thousand years, unless it is well written circumstances." Hermione commented.
"Smeargle wants to talk about the having characters fall into the authors world fanfics!" said a wrinkled, old… thing… in a loin cloth.
"Yes… most of those that end up being about characters falling into the author's world end up having no plot what so ever to them. They are just completely random and can go on for chapters upon chapters," said a man with blond hair.
"Are you Cho the Sword Hunter from Ruroni Kenshin?" Chaud asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No… I'm Vash the Stampede from Trigun," the man said.
"Anyways… Smeagle wonders why nobody put Smeagle into their world and always puts Elf boy into it…" the thing muttered.
"Uhh… that would be because you have no rabid fans," Vash commented. "Be glad that you don't actually have them."
"How about the times that there are supposed to be no plot… like in my fandom," Haruhi piped up.
"Oh… your back…" the nameless OC commented.
"Well, I am useful in this chapter too…" the girl laughed, her yellow ribbon bouncing, then she laughed evilly. "You one the other hand are in every chapter, but are only going to be mentioned in the few that you're needed.
"Bummer… and the author couldn't think to give me a name," the nameless said.
"That's because if she gives you a name, then she'll need to use you in another fanfic… your not that important, except as some nameless character," Chaud commented.
"Anyways… my fandom is random… yet there is an overall plot or idea… but there are some that are completely random,"
"Like me and my friends talking about the best ways to eat food. We do that a lot in Lucky Star that is completely random…" a girl said.
"Remind me to come talk food with you Izumi," Hotaru commented.
"I will… though the author isn't fond of my Fandom… it is to random for her… but perhaps someone else would like it… there are tons of mixed reviews there."
"I don't like the fanfics that involve me and my friends and there seems to be no ending… just an idea," said a boy with a very odd hair cut. He stuck out his thumbs. "My name is Sokka by the way… I'm from the Avatar: The Last Airbender Fandom!"
"Do you know what makes fans really upset…" Vash commented. "It is seeing a really good fanfic go to waste after two to three years of no update… and it seems the author has completely abandoned the site. Not updating is one thing, but not knowing where one is going or quitting is completely another… and hopefully it isn't for some really bad reason or another."
"Speaking of fandoms… ever get those crossovers Smeargle that everyone does the same thing… like turning me or Harry into Elves… and it is just like all the others… it is best not to ask about that. But really… it is bad enough turning people from the author's world into elves without rhyme or reason… it is worse with canon characters from other fandoms."
"Smeagle doesn't understand…" the little guy commented.
"Well… the plot is going no where now," Hotaru commented. "Which is the whole point of this fanfic… making sure that one's plot actually goes somewhere… even if it is as random as the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya."
Author's note: Character list…
Chaud Blaze/Enzan Ijuin – – It was with him that I found some of the first cookie cutter romance fics…
Hermione Granger – Harry Potter – I also found a bunch of cookie cutter romance fics for her and Draco Malfoy…
Haruhi Suzumiya – Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya – For the evil laugh and the randomness… but it actually fit in this time…
Smeagle – Lord of the Rings – First, the Lord of the Rings fandom was where I first found the fall into our world fanfics. Second… they are typically done by Legolas fangirls… thus I picked Smeagle… to give poor Legolas a break.
Vash the Stampede – Trigun – For the randomness that ended up fitting.
Izumi – Lucky Star – Not one of my favorite Animes… couldn't get into it, but her Anime is an example of how random some fanfics can get… and have no plot… but for good reason… that is the whole point of them…
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