Cast Behind the Scenes/Gags #1
Day one of Behind the Scenes
"That's a wrap everyone! Well done! Take a break before we set up the next scene!"
Everyone sighs with relief and leaves the set. They each start walking back to their trailers, well mostly. Ink is busy talking a mile-a-minute annoying Error until a crew member pulls him away. Error sighs with relief, then enters his trailer and collapses on his bean bag seat. Moments later, his door opens and Geno glances in.
"Ink again?"He asks
A muffled glitch groan into the beanbag is his response.
"Yeah, I'm glad that they separated the trailers now. Heard someone call it Simp Avenue since everyone in that row is trailers has some...obvious roles to explain the name."
Error lifts his head and smiles.
"AnD wHaT'S oUrS?"
"Glitch Lane."Geno says
Error chuckles.
"And we're two lanes away from Star Sans Street."
"UggHh, tHaNk tHe aUs. I caNnOt t0leRaTe iNK f0r an0tHeR sEcOnD tOdAy!"
"What's wrong with Ink now?"
"He kEePs fOrGeTtInG hIs liNeS! We hAd t0 d0 s0 maNy rEtAkEs t0dAy f0r oNe sCeNe! It wAs mEaNt t0 bE a c0nf3sSiON sCeNe aNd hE jUsT hAd t0 saY tHrEe wOrDs bUt iNSTEAd hE sTaRtEd sAyInG tHaT i'M gr0unDeD aNd cAlLiNg ME pAlEtTe! He mixEd uP oUr sCrIpT wiTh thE sCriPt f0r y0ur kiD's sCeNes wiTh pAlEtTe! ThAt pOtH sToRy? YeP! I wOuLdN'T bE sUrPrIsEd iF hE iS sCrEwInG uP tHeIr sCeNeS t0o!"
"I see..."
Then a bell rings and they roll their eyes, leaving the trailer to go to the green room where their chairs are set up in front of mirrors to be prepped. They take their seats and Fallacy soon joins them with Farmer of all people. They each start chatting and crew members start preparing them so they don't look pale on camera(or too dark depending on the scene lighting). Fallacy and Error need work on their blue marks so that they pop and don't blend with their black bones.
"Wait, how are you here? I read your latest script. You definitely fit in with Reaper's lane."
"He's a French version of Error so I guess he's considered a glitch."Farmer says
"And he's here since his boyfriend Horror is so supportive that it's borderline simping according to some rumors."Fallacy says
"Don't you mean co-star?"Geno asks
"No, we actually date outside of scenes. He's the sweetest."Farmer says
"Do you enjoy doing scenes together?"Fallacy asks
"Oh yes! It's so nice and good at improvising! He can be forgetful or need breaks with his hunger but we're patient with him. I reward him between breaks for getting through scenes, especially with the parts that bring up his past with Undyne. It's wonderful. Don't you enjoy it?"
"Ooh yes. Encre is a wonderful co-star and so are Suave, Jasper, and Felicia. Our scripts keep improving for each story so it gets better working with him each time."Fallacy says
"I feel okay with my co-star Reaper. He's pretty nice and the kids do well with their scenes."
"I fEeL liKe i aM gEtTiNg tYpEcAsT. WhIcH iDiOt aM i gEtTiNg pAirEd wiTh tOdAy aNd wHeN? EvErY sCriPt i hAvE hAs mE c0-stArRINg wiTh An iDiOt f0r s0m3 sHiP! InK, ReApEr, NiGhTmArE, wh0 neXt? KiLlEr? I hAd s0m3 h0p3 wiTh NiGhTmar3 buT h1s sCr1pt mad3 h1m an0tH3r f0ol."
"I hear that there are plans to wrap up the Errormare and Destructivedeath stories so maybe that takes some off of your plate."Geno says
"So we'll be getting more scripts to memorize and you'll get more breaks."Farmer says
"I even hear that Dust and Blue will be finding work again as their scripts are being remade."Geno comments
"That's great."Fallacy says while Error grumbles about being stuck with Ink more.
Meanwhile, in another room, Reaper is busy...simping about his co-stars. He is happy that he's going from the scenes with Error for Destructivedeath to continuing scenes with Geno and the kids for a Poth story. Horror is reading his script as he eats and holds Killer in his seat to keep him from bothering Nightmare. Nightmare groans at the fact that if it weren't for that Errormare story he wouldn't be stuck with these simps or idiots.
All the kids are playing while Dust has his private space to eat and read his script beside Cross' prep room. Dream and Ink get a soothing room full of calming music that's divided from Ink's room where many crew members have to remind him and try to convince him to listen to their directions. A whole team is dedicated to helping him memorize the scripts.
Just another day before getting more scenes done. Chaotic on and off camera.
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